/* Copyright 2011 Massimo Gengarelli <gengarel@cs.unibo.it> * This file is part of Floz Configurator. * Floz Configurator is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Floz Configurator is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Floz Configurator. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. */ package it.unibo.cs.v2.client; public class JS { public static native boolean restoreContainer() /*-{ // Reset containers $wnd.$D('dummycontainer').appendChild($wnd.$D('error_div')); $wnd.$D('dummycontainer').appendChild($wnd.$D('canvasContainer')); $wnd.$D('error_div').style.visibility = 'hidden'; $wnd.rfb.disconnect(); return false; }-*/; public static native boolean showVNC(String host, String port) /*-{ $wnd.rfb.connect(host, port, '', ''); $wnd.$D('empty').appendChild($wnd.$D('error_div')); $wnd.$D('empty').appendChild($wnd.$D('canvasContainer')); $wnd.$D('error_div').style.visibility = 'visible'; var controls; controls = $wnd.$D('controls'); // Add controls var chtml = '<b>VNC Controls</b><br />'; chtml += '<input type="button" onclick="ungrab_keyboard();" value="Release Keyboard" class="gwt-Button"/> '; chtml += '<input type="button" onclick="grab_keyboard();" value="Grab Keyboard" class="gwt-Button"/> '; chtml += '<input type="button" onclick="send_cad();" value="Send C-A-D" class="gwt-Button"/> '; chtml += '<input type="button" onclick="disconnect();" value="Disconnect" class="gwt-Button"/> '; chtml += '<input type="button" onclick="scale_view(0.3);" value="30%" class="gwt-Button"/> '; chtml += '<input type="button" onclick="scale_view(0.6);" value="60%" class="gwt-Button"/> '; chtml += '<input type="button" onclick="scale_view(0.9);" value="90%" class="gwt-Button"/> '; chtml += '<input type="button" onclick="scale_view(1);" value="100%" class="gwt-Button"/> '; controls.innerHTML = chtml; return false; }-*/; }