/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.shindig.gadgets; import com.google.common.collect.Maps; import org.apache.shindig.common.ContainerConfig; import org.apache.shindig.common.uri.Uri; import org.apache.shindig.gadgets.http.HttpRequest; import org.apache.shindig.gadgets.http.HttpResponse; import org.apache.shindig.gadgets.http.HttpResponseBuilder; import static org.easymock.EasyMock.eq; import static org.easymock.EasyMock.expect; import java.io.BufferedWriter; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileWriter; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; public class JsFeatureLoaderTest extends GadgetTestFixture { JsFeatureLoader loader; private static final String FEATURE_NAME = "test"; private static final String ALT_FEATURE_NAME = "test2"; private static final String DEF_JS_CONTENT = "var hello = 'world';"; private static final String ALT_JS_CONTENT = "function test(){while(true);}"; private static final String CONT_A = "test"; private static final String CONT_B = "wuwowowaefdf"; private static final Uri JS_URL = Uri.parse("http://example.org/feature.js"); @Override public void setUp() throws Exception { super.setUp(); loader = new JsFeatureLoader(fetcher); } private JsLibrary getJsLib(GadgetFeature feature) { return feature.getJsLibraries( RenderingContext.GADGET, ContainerConfig.DEFAULT_CONTAINER).get(0); } public void testBasicLoading() throws Exception { String xml = "<feature>" + " <name>" + FEATURE_NAME + "</name>" + " <gadget>" + " <script>" + DEF_JS_CONTENT + "</script>" + " </gadget>" + "</feature>"; GadgetFeature feature = loader.loadFeature(registry, xml); assertEquals(FEATURE_NAME, feature.getName()); JsLibrary lib = getJsLib(feature); assertEquals(JsLibrary.Type.INLINE, lib.getType()); assertEquals(DEF_JS_CONTENT, lib.getContent()); } public void testMultiContainers() throws Exception { String xml = "<feature>" + " <name>" + FEATURE_NAME + "</name>" + " <gadget container=\"" + CONT_A + "\">" + " <script>" + DEF_JS_CONTENT + "</script>" + " </gadget>" + " <gadget container=\"" + CONT_B + "\">" + " <script>" + ALT_JS_CONTENT + "</script>" + " </gadget>" + "</feature>"; GadgetFeature feature = loader.loadFeature(registry, xml); List<JsLibrary> libs; libs = feature.getJsLibraries(RenderingContext.GADGET, CONT_A); assertEquals(DEF_JS_CONTENT, libs.get(0).getContent()); libs = feature.getJsLibraries(RenderingContext.GADGET, CONT_B); assertEquals(ALT_JS_CONTENT, libs.get(0).getContent()); } public void testFileReferences() throws Exception { File temp = File.createTempFile(getName(), ".js-noopt"); temp.deleteOnExit(); BufferedWriter out = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(temp)); out.write(DEF_JS_CONTENT); out.close(); String xml = "<feature>" + " <name>" + FEATURE_NAME + "</name>" + " <gadget>" + " <script src=\"" + temp.getPath() + "\"/>" + " </gadget>" + "</feature>"; GadgetFeature feature = loader.loadFeature(registry, xml); JsLibrary lib = getJsLib(feature); assertEquals(DEF_JS_CONTENT, lib.getContent()); assertEquals(FEATURE_NAME, lib.getFeature()); } public void testUrlReferences() throws Exception { String xml = "<feature>" + " <name>" + FEATURE_NAME + "</name>" + " <gadget>" + " <script src=\"" + JS_URL + "\"/>" + " </gadget>" + "</feature>"; HttpRequest request = new HttpRequest(JS_URL); HttpResponse response = new HttpResponseBuilder().setResponse(ALT_JS_CONTENT.getBytes()).create(); expect(fetcher.fetch(eq(request))).andReturn(response); replay(); GadgetFeature feature = loader.loadFeature(registry, xml); verify(); JsLibrary lib = getJsLib(feature); assertEquals(ALT_JS_CONTENT, lib.getContent()); assertEquals(FEATURE_NAME, lib.getFeature()); } private File makeFeatureFile(String name, String content) throws Exception { String xml = "<feature>" + " <name>" + name + "</name>" + " <gadget>" + " <script>" + content + "</script>" + " </gadget>" + "</feature>"; File file = File.createTempFile(getName(), name + ".xml"); file.deleteOnExit(); BufferedWriter out = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(file)); out.write(xml); out.close(); return file; } public void testMultiplePaths() throws Exception { File file1 = makeFeatureFile(FEATURE_NAME, DEF_JS_CONTENT); File file2 = makeFeatureFile(ALT_FEATURE_NAME, ALT_JS_CONTENT); loader.loadFeatures(file1.getAbsolutePath() + JsFeatureLoader.FILE_SEPARATOR + file2.getAbsolutePath(), registry); Collection<GadgetFeature> features = registry.getAllFeatures(); Map<String, GadgetFeature> map = Maps.newHashMap(); for (GadgetFeature feature : features) { map.put(feature.getName(), feature); } JsLibrary lib1 = getJsLib(map.get(FEATURE_NAME)); assertEquals(DEF_JS_CONTENT, lib1.getContent()); JsLibrary lib2 = getJsLib(map.get(ALT_FEATURE_NAME)); assertEquals(ALT_JS_CONTENT, lib2.getContent()); // Test with comma in the path file1 = makeFeatureFile("test,test", DEF_JS_CONTENT); file2 = makeFeatureFile("test2,test2", ALT_JS_CONTENT); try { loader.loadFeatures(file1.getAbsolutePath() + JsFeatureLoader.FILE_SEPARATOR + file2.getAbsolutePath(), registry); } catch (GadgetException e ) { if (!e.getCode().equals(GadgetException.Code.INVALID_PATH)) { throw e; } assertTrue("Invalid path catched", true); } } }