package nl.tno.sensorstorm.timer; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import nl.tno.sensorstorm.api.annotation.MetaParticleHandlerDeclaration; import nl.tno.sensorstorm.api.particles.DataParticle; import nl.tno.sensorstorm.api.particles.MetaParticle; import nl.tno.sensorstorm.api.particles.Particle; import nl.tno.sensorstorm.api.processing.MetaParticleHandler; import nl.tno.sensorstorm.api.processing.Operation; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * This handler handles TimerTickParticles and uses them to service single and * recurring requests from the related operation to the handler. * * @author waaijbdvd * */ @MetaParticleHandlerDeclaration(metaParticle = TimerTickParticle.class) public class TimerParticleHandler implements MetaParticleHandler, TimerControllerInterface, Serializable { protected Logger logger = LoggerFactory .getLogger(TimerParticleHandler.class); private static final long serialVersionUID = 8622533504407023168L; private RecurringTask recurringTask = null; private SingleTask singleTask = null; /** * Connect the operation to this Timer */ @Override public void init(Operation operation) { if (operation instanceof TimerTaskInterface) { ((TimerTaskInterface) operation).setTimerController(this); } else { logger.error("Operation " + operation.getClass().getName() + " can not be connected to a timer. It does not implements the TimerTaskInterface"); }"TimerParticleHandler initiated for operation " + operation.getClass().getName()); } // public List<Particle> oldhandleMetaParticle(MetaParticle metaParticle) { // List<Particle> result = new ArrayList<Particle>(); // if (metaParticle instanceof TimerTickParticle) { // TimerTickParticle timerParticle = (TimerTickParticle) metaParticle; // long timestamp = timerParticle.getTimestamp(); // // // do first the single task, to give it the possibility to schedule // // a recurring task at the current moment // result.addAll(executeSingleTasks(timestamp)); // result.addAll(executeRecurringTasks(timestamp)); // // // TODO fix that all new registered tasks are all being processed // // within the current moment // } // return result; // } @Override public List<Particle> handleMetaParticle(MetaParticle metaParticle) { List<Particle> result = new ArrayList<Particle>(); if (metaParticle instanceof TimerTickParticle) { TimerTickParticle timerParticle = (TimerTickParticle) metaParticle; long timestamp = timerParticle.getTimestamp(); // Keep processing registered tasks until no new tasks for this // moment are added anymore in the timerTask methods List<Particle> executeSingleTasks; List<Particle> executeRecurringTasks; do { executeSingleTasks = executeSingleTasks(timestamp); executeRecurringTasks = executeRecurringTasks(timestamp); // do first the single task, to give it the possibility to // schedule // a recurring task at the current moment if (executeSingleTasks.size() > 0) { result.addAll(executeSingleTasks); } if (executeRecurringTasks.size() > 0) { result.addAll(executeRecurringTasks); } } while ((executeSingleTasks.size() > 0) && (executeRecurringTasks.size() > 0)); } return result; } /** * Executes all recurring tasks pending before timestamp. * * @param timestamp * @return Returns an empty list or a list with one or more particles to be * outputed. */ protected List<Particle> executeRecurringTasks(long timestamp) { List<Particle> result = new ArrayList<Particle>(); if (recurringTask != null) { if (recurringTask.timerFreq != 0) { if (recurringTask.lastTimestamp == 0) { recurringTask.lastTimestamp = timestamp; } while (timestamp - recurringTask.lastTimestamp >= recurringTask.timerFreq) { recurringTask.lastTimestamp = recurringTask.lastTimestamp + recurringTask.timerFreq; List<DataParticle> outputParticles = recurringTask.recurringTimerTaskHandler .doTimerRecurringTask(recurringTask.lastTimestamp); if (outputParticles != null) { result.addAll(outputParticles); } } } } return result; } /** * Executes all single tasks pending before timestamp. * * @param timestamp * @return Returns an empty list or a list with one or more particles to be * outputed. */ protected List<Particle> executeSingleTasks(long timestamp) { List<Particle> result = new ArrayList<Particle>(); if (singleTask != null) { if (singleTask.wakeupTime != 0) { while ((singleTask.wakeupTime != 0) && (timestamp >= singleTask.wakeupTime)) { long timerTaskTimestamp = singleTask.wakeupTime; singleTask.wakeupTime = 0; List<DataParticle> outputParticles = singleTask.singleTimerTaskHandler .doTimerSingleTask(timerTaskTimestamp); if (outputParticles != null) { result.addAll(outputParticles); } } } } return result; } @Override public void registerOperationForRecurringTimerTask(long timerFreq, TimerTaskInterface timerTask) { recurringTask = new RecurringTask(timerFreq, 0, timerTask); } @Override public void registerOperationForSingleTimerTask(long wakeupTime, TimerTaskInterface timerTask) { singleTask = new SingleTask(wakeupTime, timerTask); } } class RecurringTask { public long timerFreq; public long lastTimestamp; public TimerTaskInterface recurringTimerTaskHandler; public RecurringTask(long recurringTimerFreq, long lastRecurringTimestamp, TimerTaskInterface recurringTimerTaskInterface) { this.timerFreq = recurringTimerFreq; this.lastTimestamp = lastRecurringTimestamp; this.recurringTimerTaskHandler = recurringTimerTaskInterface; } } class SingleTask { public long wakeupTime; public TimerTaskInterface singleTimerTaskHandler; public SingleTask(long sleepTimeSingleWakeup, TimerTaskInterface recurringTimerTaskInterface) { this.wakeupTime = sleepTimeSingleWakeup; this.singleTimerTaskHandler = recurringTimerTaskInterface; } }