package com.nzb; import; import android.os.Handler; import android.os.Message; import android.util.Log; import com.sabdroidex.utils.Preferences; import com.utils.HttpUtil; import org.apache.http.impl.client.BasicCredentialsProvider; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONObject; import; import java.util.ArrayList; public class NewzNab { private static String URL_TEMPLATE = "[SERVER_URL]/api?apikey=[APIKEY]&t=[COMMAND]&q=[SEARCH]&o=json"; private static boolean executingCommand = false; public static enum MESSAGE { SEARCH, UPDATE } /** * * @return a {@link String[][]} containing the result of the research. The inner array contains : 1 Name, 2 Size, 3 Category, 4 Password, 5 Image. */ public static void search(final Handler messageHandler, final Object[] item) { // Already running or settings not ready if (executingCommand || !Preferences.isSet(Preferences.SABNZBD_URL)) return; Thread thread = new Thread() { @Override public void run() { try { Object results[] = new Object[2]; String searchData = makeApiCall(MESSAGE.SEARCH.toString().toLowerCase(), "name=" + URLEncoder.encode(((String)item[0]), "UTF-8"), "lang=en"); ArrayList<Object[]> rows = new ArrayList<Object[]>(); /** * Getting the values from the JSON Object */ JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(searchData); if (!jsonObject.isNull("message") && !"".equals(jsonObject.getString("message"))) { sendUpdateMessageStatus(messageHandler, "NewzNab : " + jsonObject.getString("message")); } else { jsonObject = jsonObject.getJSONObject("data"); results[0] = jsonObject; JSONArray jobs = jsonObject.getJSONArray("results"); rows.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < jobs.length(); i++) { Object[] rowValues = new Object[3]; rowValues[0] = jobs.getJSONObject(i).getString("first_aired"); rowValues[1] = jobs.getJSONObject(i).getString("name"); rowValues[2] = jobs.getJSONObject(i).getString("tvdbid"); rows.add(rowValues); } results[1] = rows; Message message = new Message(); message.setTarget(messageHandler); message.what = MESSAGE.SEARCH.hashCode(); message.obj = results; message.sendToTarget(); } } catch (Throwable e) { Log.w("ERROR", " " + e.getLocalizedMessage()); } finally { sendUpdateMessageStatus(messageHandler, ""); } } }; sendUpdateMessageStatus(messageHandler, MESSAGE.SEARCH.toString()); thread.start(); } /** * This functions handle the API calls to Sabnzbd to define the URL and * parameters * * @param command * The type of command that will be sent to Sabnzbd * @param extraParams * Any parameter that will have to be part of the URL * @return The result of the API call * @throws RuntimeException * Thrown if there is any unexpected problem during the * communication with the server */ public static String makeApiCall(String command, String... extraParams) throws Exception { String url = getFormattedUrl(); /** * Checking if there is an API Key from Sabnzbd to concatenate to the * URL */ String apiKey = Preferences.get(Preferences.SABNZBD_API_KEY); if (!apiKey.trim().equals("")) { url = url + "&apikey=" + apiKey; } url = url.replace("[COMMAND]", command); for (String xTraParam : extraParams) { if (xTraParam != null && !xTraParam.trim().equals("")) { url = url + "&" + xTraParam; } } return new String(HttpUtil.getInstance().getDataAsCharArray(url, new BasicCredentialsProvider())); } /** * This function gets the URL used to connect to the NewzNab server * * @return url A {@link String} containing the URL of the NewzNab server */ private static String getFormattedUrl() { String url = URL_TEMPLATE; /** * Checking if there is a port to concatenate to the URL */ if ("".equals(Preferences.get(Preferences.SABNZBD_PORT))) { url = url.replace("[SERVER_URL]", Preferences.get(Preferences.SABNZBD_URL)); } else { url = url.replace("[SERVER_URL]", Preferences.get(Preferences.SABNZBD_URL) + ":" + Preferences.get(Preferences.SABNZBD_PORT)); } if (!url.toUpperCase().startsWith("HTTP://") && !url.toUpperCase().startsWith("HTTPS://")) { if (Preferences.isEnabled(Preferences.SABNZBD_SSL)) { url = "https://" + url; } else { url = "http://" + url; } } return url; } /** * Sends a message to the calling {@link Activity} to update it's status bar * * @param messageHandler * The message handler to be notified * @param text * The text to write in the message */ private static void sendUpdateMessageStatus(Handler messageHandler, String text) { Message message = new Message(); message.setTarget(messageHandler); message.what = MESSAGE.UPDATE.hashCode(); message.obj = text; message.sendToTarget(); } }