package; import static org.hamcrest.core.StringEndsWith.endsWith; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertThat; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import java.text.ParseException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Date; import java.util.GregorianCalendar; import java.util.HashMap; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class CatalogServiceTest { private static final CatalogServiceClientImpl catalogService = new CatalogServiceClientImpl(new ShopWebServiceTestConfiguration()); private final TCreate_Input Catalog_in = new TCreate_Input(); private final TUpdate_Input Catalog_up = new TUpdate_Input(); private final TUpdate_Input Catalog_move = new TUpdate_Input(); private final TUpdate_Input Catalog_move_back = new TUpdate_Input(); private final TSortProducts_Input Catalog_sort1 = new TSortProducts_Input(); private final TSortProducts_Input Catalog_sort2 = new TSortProducts_Input(); private final TSortProducts_Input Catalog_sort3 = new TSortProducts_Input(); private final String path = "Categories"; private final String alias = "java_test-1"; private final String full = path + "/" + alias; private final String sort3 = path + "/Tents"; private final String sort2 = sort3 + "/FamilyTents"; private final String sort1 = sort3 + "/IndividualTents"; private final SimpleDateFormat sdf_in = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss"); private final SimpleDateFormat sdf_out = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss"); /** * Sets all the required prerequisites for the tests. Will be called before * the test are run. */ @Before public void setUp() { // create test Catalogs that can be used with the create and update // methods Catalog_in.setAlias(alias); Catalog_in.setName(new TLocalizedValue[] { new TLocalizedValue("de", "Test-Katalog"), new TLocalizedValue("en", "test Catalog"), }); Catalog_in.setIsVisible(true); Catalog_in.setParentCatalog(path); String dateStr = new String(sdf_in.format(new GregorianCalendar(2005, 11, 24, 18, 00).getTime())); TAttribute attr1 = new TAttribute(); attr1.setName("Date"); attr1.setType("DateTime"); attr1.setValue(dateStr); Catalog_in.setAttributes(new TAttribute[] { attr1 }); TAttribute layout1 = new TAttribute(); layout1.setName("Content-Order"); layout1.setValue("Base_Products_Pages"); TAttribute layout2 = new TAttribute(); layout2.setName("Content-Pages"); layout2.setValue("Pages_SingleColumn"); Catalog_in.setTemplateTypes(new TAttribute[] { layout1, layout2 }); Catalog_up.setPath(full); Catalog_up.setName(new TLocalizedValue[] { new TLocalizedValue("de", "veränderter Test-Katalog"), new TLocalizedValue("en", "updated test Catalog"), }); dateStr = sdf_in.format(new GregorianCalendar(2005, 11, 25, 18, 00).getTime()); TAttribute attr_update = new TAttribute(); attr_update.setName("Date"); attr_update.setType("DateTime"); attr_update.setValue(dateStr); Catalog_up.setAttributes(new TAttribute[] { attr_update }); TAttribute layout3 = new TAttribute(); layout3.setName("Content-Order"); layout3.setValue("Pages_Products_Base"); TAttribute layout4 = new TAttribute(); layout4.setName("Content-Pages"); layout4.setValue("Pages_TwoColumns"); Catalog_up.setTemplateTypes(new TAttribute[] { layout3, layout4 }); Catalog_move.setPath(full); Catalog_move.setMoveToParentCatalog("Categories/Tents"); Catalog_move_back.setPath("Categories/Tents/" + alias); Catalog_move_back.setMoveToParentCatalog(path); Catalog_sort1.setPath(sort1); Catalog_sort2.setPath(sort2); Catalog_sort2.setSort("byPriceDESC"); Catalog_sort3.setPath(sort3); Catalog_sort3.setSort("byPriceASC"); Catalog_sort3.setAllSub(true); // delete the test catalog if it exists TExists_Return[] Catalogs_exists_out = catalogService.exists(new String[] { full }); if (Catalogs_exists_out[0].getExists()) { catalogService.delete(new String[] { full }); } } /** * Create a Catalog and check if the creation was successful */ public void testCreate() { TCreate_Input[] Catalogs_in = new TCreate_Input[] { Catalog_in }; TCreate_Return[] Catalogs_out = catalogService.create(Catalogs_in); // test if creation was successful assertEquals("create result set", 1, Catalogs_out.length); assertEquals("created?", true, Catalogs_out[0].getCreated()); } /** * Update a Catalog and check if the update was successful */ public void testUpdate() { TUpdate_Input[] Catalogs_up = new TUpdate_Input[] { Catalog_up }; TUpdate_Return[] Catalogs_out = catalogService.update(Catalogs_up); // test if update was successful assertEquals("update result set", 1, Catalogs_out.length); assertTrue("updated?", Catalogs_out[0].getUpdated()); } /** * Update a Parent of a Catalog and check if the update was successful */ public void testMove(TUpdate_Input Catalog) { TUpdate_Input[] Catalogs_up = new TUpdate_Input[] { Catalog }; TUpdate_Return[] Catalogs_out = catalogService.update(Catalogs_up); // test if update was successful assertEquals("update result set", 1, Catalogs_out.length); assertTrue("updated?", Catalogs_out[0].getUpdated()); } /** * Retrieve information about an Catalog. Check if the returned data are * equal to the data of create or update call * * @param isAlreadyUpdated * if true check against update data, else against create data * @throws ParseException */ public void testGetInfo(boolean isAlreadyUpdated) throws ParseException { TGetInfo_Return[] Catalogs_out = catalogService .getInfo(new String[] { full }, new String[] { "Date" }, new String[] { "de", "en" }); // test if getinfo was successful and if all data are equal to input assertEquals("getInfo result set", 1, Catalogs_out.length); assertEquals("catalog alias", alias, Catalogs_out[0].getAlias()); assertEquals("Number of languages", 2, Catalogs_out[0].getName().length); HashMap<String, String> hash = new HashMap<String, String>(); hash.put(Catalogs_out[0].getName()[0].getLanguageCode(), Catalogs_out[0].getName()[0].getValue()); hash.put(Catalogs_out[0].getName()[1].getLanguageCode(), Catalogs_out[0].getName()[1].getValue()); if (isAlreadyUpdated) { Date date_in = sdf_in.parse(Catalog_up.getAttributes()[0].getValue()); Date date_out = sdf_out.parse(Catalogs_out[0].getAttributes()[0].getValue()); assertEquals("Date", date_in, date_out); assertEquals("updated localized Name", Catalog_up.getName()[0].getValue(), hash.get(Catalog_up.getName()[0].getLanguageCode())); assertEquals("updated localized Name", Catalog_up.getName()[1].getValue(), hash.get(Catalog_up.getName()[1].getLanguageCode())); } else { Date date_in = sdf_in.parse(Catalog_in.getAttributes()[0].getValue()); Date date_out = sdf_out.parse(Catalogs_out[0].getAttributes()[0].getValue()); assertEquals("Date", date_in, date_out); assertEquals("initial localized Name", Catalog_in.getName()[0].getValue(), hash.get(Catalog_up.getName()[0].getLanguageCode())); assertEquals("initial localized Name", Catalog_in.getName()[1].getValue(), hash.get(Catalog_up.getName()[1].getLanguageCode())); } assertThat(Catalogs_out[0].getParentCatalog(), endsWith(Catalog_in.getParentCatalog())); assertEquals("IsVisible", Catalog_in.getIsVisible(), Catalogs_out[0].getIsVisible()); } /** * Delete a Catalog and check if no error occured. */ public void testDelete() { TDelete_Return[] Catalogs_out = catalogService.delete(new String[] { full }); // test if update was successful assertEquals("update result set", 1, Catalogs_out.length); assertTrue("deleted?", Catalogs_out[0].getDeleted()); } /** * Test if a Catalog exists or not * * @param expected * if false the Test will be successful if the Catalog does NOT * exist */ public void testExists(boolean expected) { TExists_Return[] Catalogs_out = catalogService.exists(new String[] { full }); // test if update was successful assertEquals("update result set", 1, Catalogs_out.length); assertEquals("exists?", expected, Catalogs_out[0].getExists()); } /** * Test to get all Categories recursively */ public void testGetCategories() { String[] Catalogs_out = catalogService.getCategories(); assertTrue("categories found.", Catalogs_out.length > 12); } /** * Sort products of a Catalog and check if the sorting was successful */ public void testSort(int casenumber) { TSortProducts_Input[] Catalogs_in; if (casenumber == 1) { Catalogs_in = new TSortProducts_Input[] { Catalog_sort1 }; } else if (casenumber == 2) { Catalogs_in = new TSortProducts_Input[] { Catalog_sort2 }; } else { Catalogs_in = new TSortProducts_Input[] { Catalog_sort3 }; } TSortProducts_Return[] Catalogs_out = catalogService.sortProducts(Catalogs_in); // test if update was successful assertEquals("sort result set", 1, Catalogs_out.length); assertTrue("sorted?", Catalogs_out[0].getSorted()); } /** * Runs all tests: * <ol> * <li>create a Catalog</li> * <li>test if this Catalog exists afterwards</li> * <li>retrieve info about this Catalog, and check if the data equals to the * input data of create</li> * <li>updates the Catalog</li> * <li>again retrieve data, and check if the data are equal to the update * input data</li> * <li>delete the Catalog</li> * <li>check if the Catalog still exists</li> * <li>sort products of two differnt categories and sort it back recursively * </li> * </ol> */ @Test public void testAll() throws ParseException { testCreate(); testExists(true); testGetInfo(false); testUpdate(); testGetInfo(true); testMove(Catalog_move); testMove(Catalog_move_back); testDelete(); testExists(false); testSort(1); testSort(2); testSort(3); testGetCategories(); } }