package com.classicharmony.speechzilla; import com.classicharmony.speechzilla.utils.CroutonStyles; import com.nuance.nmdp.speechkit.Recognizer; import com.nuance.nmdp.speechkit.Recognition; import com.nuance.nmdp.speechkit.SpeechError; import com.nuance.nmdp.speechkit.SpeechKit; import; import; import android.content.DialogInterface; import android.content.DialogInterface.OnDismissListener; import android.content.Intent; import; import android.os.Bundle; import android.os.CountDownTimer; import android.os.Handler; import android.util.Log; import android.view.View; import android.widget.Button; import android.widget.EditText; import; public class VoiceActivity extends Activity { private static final int LISTENING_DIALOG = 0; private Handler _handler = null; private final Recognizer.Listener _listener; private Recognizer _currentRecognizer; private ListeningDialog _listeningDialog; private boolean _destroyed; private SpeechKit _speechKit; private boolean halt_action = false; private Button btn_startDictation; private Button button_analyze; private EditText edit_text_results; private class SavedState { String DialogText; String DialogLevel; boolean DialogRecording; Recognizer Recognizer; Handler Handler; } public VoiceActivity() { super(); _listener = createListener(); _currentRecognizer = null; _listeningDialog = null; _destroyed = true; } @Override protected void onPrepareDialog(int id, final Dialog dialog) { switch (id) { case LISTENING_DIALOG: _listeningDialog.prepare(new Button.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { if (_currentRecognizer != null) { _currentRecognizer.stopRecording(); halt_action = true; dialog.dismiss(); } } }); break; } } @Override protected Dialog onCreateDialog(int id) { switch (id) { case LISTENING_DIALOG: return _listeningDialog; } return null; } @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setVolumeControlStream(AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC); // So that the 'Media Volume' applies to this activity setContentView(R.layout.activity_voice); button_analyze = (Button) findViewById(; edit_text_results = (EditText) findViewById(; _speechKit = SpeechKit.initialize(getApplication().getApplicationContext(), AppInfo.SpeechKitAppId, AppInfo.SpeechKitServer, AppInfo.SpeechKitPort, AppInfo.SpeechKitSsl, AppInfo.SpeechKitApplicationKey); _speechKit.connect(); // TODO: Keep an eye out for audio prompts not working on the Droid 2 or other 2.2 devices. _speechKit.setDefaultRecognizerPrompts(null, null, null, null); btn_startDictation = (Button) findViewById(; _destroyed = false; btn_startDictation.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { createListeningDialog(); halt_action = false; SavedState savedState = (SavedState) getLastNonConfigurationInstance(); if (savedState == null) { // Initialize the handler, for access to this application's message queue _handler = new Handler(); } else { // There was a recognition in progress when the OS destroyed/ // recreated this activity, so restore the existing recognition _currentRecognizer = savedState.Recognizer; _listeningDialog.setText(savedState.DialogText); _listeningDialog.setLevel(savedState.DialogLevel); _listeningDialog.setRecording(savedState.DialogRecording); _handler = savedState.Handler; if (savedState.DialogRecording) { // Simulate onRecordingBegin() to start animation _listener.onRecordingBegin(_currentRecognizer); } _currentRecognizer.setListener(_listener); } _listeningDialog.setText("Initializing..."); showDialog(LISTENING_DIALOG); _listeningDialog.setStoppable(false); setResult(""); } }); button_analyze.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { Crouton.makeText(VoiceActivity.this,"Preparing to analyze text", CroutonStyles.GREEN).show(); Intent i_analyze = new Intent(VoiceActivity.this, AnalyzeActivity.class); i_analyze.putExtra("text_to_analyze", edit_text_results.getText().toString()); startActivity(i_analyze); edit_text_results.setText(""); } }); } @Override protected void onDestroy() { super.onDestroy(); _destroyed = true; if (_currentRecognizer != null) { _currentRecognizer.cancel(); _currentRecognizer = null; } } @Override public Object onRetainNonConfigurationInstance() { if (_listeningDialog.isShowing() && _currentRecognizer != null) { // If a recognition is in progress, save it, because the activity // is about to be destroyed and recreated SavedState savedState = new SavedState(); savedState.Recognizer = _currentRecognizer; savedState.DialogText = _listeningDialog.getText(); savedState.DialogLevel = _listeningDialog.getLevel(); savedState.DialogRecording = _listeningDialog.isRecording(); savedState.Handler = _handler; _currentRecognizer = null; // Prevent onDestroy() from canceling return savedState; } return null; } private Recognizer.Listener createListener() { return new Recognizer.Listener() { @Override public void onRecordingBegin(Recognizer recognizer) { _listeningDialog.setText("Recording..."); _listeningDialog.setStoppable(true); _listeningDialog.setRecording(true); // Create a repeating task to update the audio level Runnable r = new Runnable() { public void run() { if (_listeningDialog != null && _listeningDialog.isRecording() && _currentRecognizer != null) { _listeningDialog.setLevel(Float.toString(_currentRecognizer.getAudioLevel())); _handler.postDelayed(this, 300); } } };; } @Override public void onRecordingDone(Recognizer recognizer) { _listeningDialog.setText("Processing..."); _listeningDialog.setLevel(""); _listeningDialog.setRecording(false); _listeningDialog.setStoppable(false); } @Override public void onError(Recognizer recognizer, SpeechError error) { if (recognizer != _currentRecognizer) return; //if (_listeningDialog.isShowing()) dismissDialog(LISTENING_DIALOG); _currentRecognizer = null; _listeningDialog.setRecording(false); // Display the error + suggestion in the edit box String detail = error.getErrorDetail(); String suggestion = error.getSuggestion(); if (suggestion == null) suggestion = ""; setResult(detail + "\n" + suggestion); // for debugging purpose: printing out the speechkit session id android.util.Log.d("Nuance SampleVoiceApp", "Recognizer.Listener.onError: session id [" + _speechKit.getSessionId() + "]"); } @Override public void onResults(Recognizer recognizer, Recognition results) { //if (_listeningDialog.isShowing()) dismissDialog(LISTENING_DIALOG); _currentRecognizer = null; _listeningDialog.setRecording(false); int count = results.getResultCount(); Recognition.Result[] rs = new Recognition.Result[count]; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { rs[i] = results.getResult(i); } setResults(rs); // for debugging purpose: printing out the speechkit session id android.util.Log.d("Nuance SampleVoiceApp", "Recognizer.Listener.onResults: session id [" + _speechKit.getSessionId() + "]"); } }; } private void setResult(String result) { if (result.contains("Sorry, speech not recognized")) { result = " * "; } if (edit_text_results != null) { String old_text = edit_text_results.getText().toString(); edit_text_results.setText(old_text + result + "\n"); } if (!halt_action) { try { _currentRecognizer = _speechKit.createRecognizer(Recognizer.RecognizerType.Dictation, Recognizer.EndOfSpeechDetection.Long, "en_US", _listener, _handler); _currentRecognizer.start(); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.e("can'edit_text_results start recognizer", "!!!!!!!!!!!! <<<<<<<>>>>>>>> !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"); } } } private void setResults(Recognition.Result[] results) { if (results.length > 0) { setResult(results[0].getText()); } else { setResult(""); } } private void createListeningDialog() { _listeningDialog = new ListeningDialog(this); _listeningDialog.setOnDismissListener(new OnDismissListener() { @Override public void onDismiss(DialogInterface dialog) { if (_currentRecognizer != null) // Cancel the current recognizer { _currentRecognizer.cancel(); _currentRecognizer = null; } if (!_destroyed) { VoiceActivity.this.removeDialog(LISTENING_DIALOG); createListeningDialog(); } } }); } }