package cl.monsoon.s1next.widget; import android.content.res.Resources; import android.util.LruCache; import com.bumptech.glide.Priority; import com.bumptech.glide.disklrucache.DiskLruCache; import com.bumptech.glide.load.Key; import; import com.bumptech.glide.load.model.GlideUrl; import com.bumptech.glide.util.ContentLengthInputStream; import com.bumptech.glide.util.Util; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import cl.monsoon.s1next.App; import cl.monsoon.s1next.BuildConfig; import cl.monsoon.s1next.R; import; import; import okhttp3.Call; import okhttp3.OkHttpClient; import okhttp3.Request; import okhttp3.Response; import okhttp3.ResponseBody; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static okhttp3.internal.http.StatusLine.HTTP_PERM_REDIRECT; import static okhttp3.internal.http.StatusLine.HTTP_TEMP_REDIRECT; /** * Fetches an {@link} using the OkHttp library. * <p> * Forked from */ final class OkHttpStreamFetcher implements DataFetcher<InputStream> { private final Resources mResources; private final DownloadPreferencesManager mDownloadPreferencesManager; private final OkHttpClient mOkHttpClient; private final GlideUrl mGlideUrl; private volatile Call mCall; private ResponseBody mResponseBody; private InputStream mInputStream; public OkHttpStreamFetcher(OkHttpClient okHttpClient, GlideUrl glideUrl) { this.mOkHttpClient = okHttpClient; this.mGlideUrl = glideUrl; mResources = App.get().getResources(); mDownloadPreferencesManager = App.getAppComponent(App.get()).getDownloadPreferencesManager(); } @Override public InputStream loadData(Priority priority) throws IOException { Key key = null; String url = mGlideUrl.toStringUrl(); if (Api.isAvatarUrl(url)) { key = new OriginalKey(url, mDownloadPreferencesManager.getAvatarCacheInvalidationIntervalSignature()); if (AvatarUrlsCache.has(key)) { // already have cached this avatar url mInputStream = mResources.openRawResource(+R.drawable.ic_avatar_placeholder); return mInputStream; } } Request request = new Request.Builder() .url(url) .build(); mCall = mOkHttpClient.newCall(request); Response response = mCall.execute(); mResponseBody = response.body(); if (!response.isSuccessful()) { // if (this this a avatar URL) && (this URL is cacheable) if (key != null && isCacheable(response)) { AvatarUrlsCache.put(key); mInputStream = mResources.openRawResource(+R.drawable.ic_avatar_placeholder); return mInputStream; } throw new IOException("Response (status code " + response.code() + ") is unsuccessful."); } long contentLength = mResponseBody.contentLength(); mInputStream = ContentLengthInputStream.obtain(mResponseBody.byteStream(), contentLength); return mInputStream; } @Override public void cleanup() { Closeables.closeQuietly(mInputStream); try { Closeables.close(mResponseBody, true); } catch (IOException ignored) { } } @Override public String getId() { return mGlideUrl.getCacheKey(); } @Override public void cancel() { if (mCall != null) { mCall.cancel(); mCall = null; } } /** * Forked form {@link okhttp3.internal.http.CacheStrategy#isCacheable(Response, Request)}. */ private static boolean isCacheable(Response response) { // Always go to network for uncacheable response codes (RFC 7231 section 6.1), // This implementation doesn't support caching partial content. switch (response.code()) { case HTTP_OK: case HTTP_NOT_AUTHORITATIVE: case HTTP_NO_CONTENT: case HTTP_MULT_CHOICE: case HTTP_MOVED_PERM: case HTTP_NOT_FOUND: case HTTP_BAD_METHOD: case HTTP_GONE: case HTTP_REQ_TOO_LONG: case HTTP_NOT_IMPLEMENTED: case HTTP_PERM_REDIRECT: // These codes can be cached unless headers forbid it. break; case HTTP_MOVED_TEMP: case HTTP_TEMP_REDIRECT: // These codes can only be cached with the right response headers. // // s-maxage is not checked because OkHttp is a private cache that should ignore s-maxage. if (response.header("Expires") != null || response.cacheControl().maxAgeSeconds() != -1 || response.cacheControl().isPublic() || response.cacheControl().isPrivate()) { break; } // Fall-through. default: // All other codes cannot be cached. return false; } return true; } /** * We would get 404 status code if user hasn't set up their * avatar (in this case, we use the default avatar for this user). * So we can use this mechanism to cache these user avatars * (because they just use the default avatar). * <p> * According to RFC (, * we could cache some responses with specific status codes (like 301, 404 and 405). * Glide only cache the images whose response is successful. * But we also cache those user avatar URLs whose status code * is cacheable in order to tell Glide we use the default * avatar (error placeholder in implementation). * <p> * If this cache contains an avatar URL that Glide requests, * just throw an exception to tell Glide to use the error * placeholder for this image. * * @see cl.monsoon.s1next.widget.OkHttpStreamFetcher#loadData(com.bumptech.glide.Priority) */ private enum AvatarUrlsCache { INSTANCE; private static final int MEMORY_CACHE_MAX_NUMBER = 1000; private static final String DISK_CACHE_DIRECTORY = "avatar_urls_disk_cache"; private static final long DISK_CACHE_MAX_SIZE = 1000 * 1000; // 1MB /** * We only cache the avatar URLs as keys. * So we use this to represent the * null value because {@link android.util.LruCache} * doesn't accept null as a value. */ private static final Object NULL_VALUE = new Object(); private static final Object DISK_CACHE_LOCK = new Object(); /** * We use both disk cache and memory cache. */ private final DiskLruCache diskLruCache; private final LruCache<String, Object> lruCache; private final KeyGenerator keyGenerator; AvatarUrlsCache() { lruCache = new LruCache<>(MEMORY_CACHE_MAX_NUMBER); File file = new File(App.get().getCacheDir().getPath() + File.separator + DISK_CACHE_DIRECTORY); try { diskLruCache =, BuildConfig.VERSION_CODE, 1, DISK_CACHE_MAX_SIZE); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Failed to open the cache in " + file + ".", e); } keyGenerator = new KeyGenerator(); } private static boolean has(Key key) { String encodedKey = INSTANCE.keyGenerator.getKey(key); if (encodedKey == null) { return false; } if (INSTANCE.lruCache.get(encodedKey) != null) { return true; } try { synchronized (DISK_CACHE_LOCK) { return INSTANCE.diskLruCache.get(encodedKey) != null; } } catch (IOException ignore) { return false; } } private static void put(Key key) { String encodedKey = INSTANCE.keyGenerator.getKey(key); if (encodedKey == null) { return; } INSTANCE.lruCache.put(encodedKey, NULL_VALUE); try { synchronized (DISK_CACHE_LOCK) { DiskLruCache.Editor editor = INSTANCE.diskLruCache.edit(encodedKey); if (editor.getFile(0).createNewFile()) { editor.commit(); } else { editor.abort(); } } } catch (IOException ignore) { } } /** * Forked from {@link com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.cache.SafeKeyGenerator}. */ private static final class KeyGenerator { private static final int AVATAR_URL_KEYS_MEMORY_CACHE_MAX_NUMBER = 1000; private final LruCache<Key, String> lruCache = new LruCache<>(AVATAR_URL_KEYS_MEMORY_CACHE_MAX_NUMBER); public String getKey(Key key) { String value = lruCache.get(key); if (value == null) { try { // TODO: when Glide 4 was released MessageDigest messageDigest = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-256"); key.updateDiskCacheKey(messageDigest); value = Util.sha256BytesToHex(messageDigest.digest()); lruCache.put(key, value); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException | UnsupportedEncodingException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } return value; } } } /** * Forked from {@link com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.OriginalKey}. */ private static final class OriginalKey implements Key { private final String id; private final Key signature; public OriginalKey(String id, Key signature) { = id; this.signature = signature; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) { return true; } if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) { return false; } OriginalKey that = (OriginalKey) o; return id.equals( && signature.equals(that.signature); } @Override public int hashCode() { int result = id.hashCode(); result = 31 * result + signature.hashCode(); return result; } @Override public void updateDiskCacheKey(MessageDigest messageDigest) throws UnsupportedEncodingException { messageDigest.update(id.getBytes(STRING_CHARSET_NAME)); signature.updateDiskCacheKey(messageDigest); } } }