package com.tevinjeffrey.rutgersct.ui.sectioninfo; import com.tevinjeffrey.rmp.common.Professor; import com.tevinjeffrey.rutgersct.ui.base.BaseToolbarView; import com.tevinjeffrey.rutgersct.ui.base.View; @SuppressWarnings("BooleanParameter") public interface SectionInfoView extends View, BaseToolbarView { //Shows the fab and parameter determines if it should be animated or not. void showFab(boolean animate); //Toggle state of the FAB based on if the section is added to the database. There's is a another //parameter to determine if the state change should be animated. void showSectionTracked(boolean sectionIsAdded, boolean animateView); //It's default behavior is to be hidden when created. void showRatingsLayout(); //It's default behavior is to be shown when created. void hideRatingsLoading(); void addErrorProfessor(String name); void addRMPProfessor(Professor professor); void initViews(); }