package cn.dreampie.orm; import cn.dreampie.common.entity.Entity; import cn.dreampie.orm.annotation.Table; import cn.dreampie.orm.dialect.Dialect; import cn.dreampie.orm.generate.Generator; import cn.dreampie.orm.generate.GeneratorFactory; import; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.SortedMap; import static cn.dreampie.common.util.Checker.checkNotNull; public class TableMeta implements Serializable { private final String dsmName, tableName; private final String generatedKey; private final String[] primaryKey; private final Generator generator; private final boolean cached; private final int expired; private final String sequence; private final Class<? extends Entity> modelClass; private SortedMap<String, ColumnMeta> columnMetadata; private TableSetting tableSetting; protected TableMeta(String dsmName) { this.dsmName = dsmName; this.tableName = null; this.generatedKey = ""; this.primaryKey = new String[]{}; this.generator = null; this.cached = false; this.expired = -1; this.sequence = null; this.modelClass = null; this.tableSetting = null; } protected TableMeta(TableSetting tableSetting) { this(Metadata.getDefaultDsmName(), tableSetting); } protected TableMeta(String dsmName, TableSetting tableSetting) { this.dsmName = dsmName; this.tableName = tableSetting.getTableName(); this.generatedKey = tableSetting.getGeneratedKey(); this.primaryKey = tableSetting.getPrimaryKey(); this.generator = tableSetting.getGenerator(); this.cached = tableSetting.isCached(); this.expired = tableSetting.getExpired(); this.sequence = tableSetting.getSequence(); this.modelClass = null; this.tableSetting = tableSetting; } protected TableMeta(String dsmName, Class<? extends Model> modelClass) { Table tableAnnotation = modelClass.getAnnotation(Table.class); checkNotNull(tableAnnotation, "Could not found @Table Annotation."); this.dsmName = dsmName; this.tableName =; this.generatedKey = tableAnnotation.generatedKey(); this.primaryKey = tableAnnotation.primaryKey(); this.generator = GeneratorFactory.get(tableAnnotation.generatedType()); this.cached = tableAnnotation.cached(); this.expired = tableAnnotation.expired(); this.sequence = tableAnnotation.sequence(); this.modelClass = modelClass; this.tableSetting = new TableSetting(tableName, generatedKey, primaryKey, generator, cached, expired, sequence); } public String getDsmName() { return dsmName; } public boolean isCached() { return cached; } public Generator getGenerator() { return generator; } public Class<? extends Entity> getModelClass() { return modelClass; } public String getTableName() { return tableName; } public int getExpired() { return expired; } protected boolean tableExists() { return columnMetadata != null && columnMetadata.isEmpty(); } public String getGeneratedKey() { return generatedKey; } public String[] getPrimaryKey() { return primaryKey; } public String getDbType() { return Metadata.getDataSourceMeta(dsmName).getDialect().getDbType(); } public Dialect getDialect() { return Metadata.getDataSourceMeta(dsmName).getDialect(); } public String getSequence() { return sequence; } public TableSetting getTableSetting() { return tableSetting; } /** * Provides column metadata map, keyed by attribute name. * Table columns correspond to ActiveJDBC model attributes. * * @return Provides column metadata map, keyed by attribute name. */ public SortedMap<String, ColumnMeta> getColumnMetadata() { checkNotNull(columnMetadata, "Failed to found table: " + getTableName()); return Collections.unmodifiableSortedMap(columnMetadata); } void setColumnMetadata(SortedMap<String, ColumnMeta> columnMetadata) { this.columnMetadata = columnMetadata; } public String getColumnTypeName(String columnName) { SortedMap<String, ColumnMeta> columnMetaSortedMap = getColumnMetadata(); return columnMetaSortedMap.get(columnName).getTypeName(); } /** * returns true if this attribute is present in this meta model. This method i case insensitive. * * @param column attribute name, case insensitive. * @return true if this attribute is present in this meta model, false of not. */ public boolean hasColumn(String column) { return columnMetadata != null && columnMetadata.containsKey(column); } /** * 返回列的类型 * * @param column * @return */ public Integer getDataType(String column) { if (hasColumn(column)) { return columnMetadata.get(column).getDataType(); } return null; } public String toString() { final StringBuilder t = new StringBuilder(); t.append("TableMeta: ").append(tableName).append(", ").append(modelClass == null ? "Record" : modelClass).append("\n"); if (columnMetadata != null) { for (String key : columnMetadata.keySet()) { t.append(columnMetadata.get(key)).append(", "); } } return t.toString(); } }