// // DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE, IT HAS BEEN GENERATED USING AndroidAnnotations 3.0.1. // package com.tiger.quicknews.view; import android.content.Context; import android.widget.ImageView; import android.widget.TextView; import com.tiger.quicknews.R.id; import com.tiger.quicknews.R.layout; import com.tiger.quicknews.wedget.ProgressButton; import org.androidannotations.api.view.HasViews; import org.androidannotations.api.view.OnViewChangedListener; import org.androidannotations.api.view.OnViewChangedNotifier; /** * We use @SuppressWarning here because our java code * generator doesn't know that there is no need * to import OnXXXListeners from View as we already * are in a View. * */ @SuppressWarnings("unused") public final class PhotoDetailView_ extends PhotoDetailView implements HasViews, OnViewChangedListener { private boolean alreadyInflated_ = false; private final OnViewChangedNotifier onViewChangedNotifier_ = new OnViewChangedNotifier(); public PhotoDetailView_(Context context) { super(context); init_(); } public static PhotoDetailView build(Context context) { PhotoDetailView_ instance = new PhotoDetailView_(context); instance.onFinishInflate(); return instance; } /** * The mAlreadyInflated_ hack is needed because of an Android bug * which leads to infinite calls of onFinishInflate() * when inflating a layout with a parent and using * the <merge /> tag. * */ @Override public void onFinishInflate() { if (!alreadyInflated_) { alreadyInflated_ = true; inflate(getContext(), layout.item_detail_photo, this); onViewChangedNotifier_.notifyViewChanged(this); } super.onFinishInflate(); } private void init_() { OnViewChangedNotifier previousNotifier = OnViewChangedNotifier.replaceNotifier(onViewChangedNotifier_); OnViewChangedNotifier.registerOnViewChangedListener(this); OnViewChangedNotifier.replaceNotifier(previousNotifier); } @Override public void onViewChanged(HasViews hasViews) { photoTitle = ((TextView) hasViews.findViewById(id.photo_title)); photoContent = ((TextView) hasViews.findViewById(id.photo_content)); photoCount = ((TextView) hasViews.findViewById(id.photo_count)); progressButton = ((ProgressButton) hasViews.findViewById(id.progressButton)); currentImage = ((ImageView) hasViews.findViewById(id.current_image)); initView(); } }