package com.quemb.qmbform.view; import com.quemb.qmbform.descriptor.CellDescriptor; import com.quemb.qmbform.descriptor.FormItemDescriptor; import android.content.Context; import android.content.res.Resources; import android.os.Build; import; import android.util.TypedValue; import android.view.Gravity; import android.view.View; import android.view.ViewGroup; import android.widget.LinearLayout; import android.widget.TextView; import java.util.HashMap; /** * Created by tonimoeckel on 14.07.14. */ public abstract class Cell extends LinearLayout { private FormItemDescriptor mFormItemDescriptor; private View mDividerView; public Cell(Context context, FormItemDescriptor formItemDescriptor) { super(context); setFormItemDescriptor(formItemDescriptor); init(); update(); afterInit(); } protected void afterInit() { } protected void init() { setOrientation(LinearLayout.VERTICAL); setGravity(Gravity.CENTER); int resource = getResource(); if (resource > 0) { inflate(getContext(), getResource(), getSuperViewForLayoutInflation()); } if (shouldAddDivider()) { addView(getDividerView()); } } protected ViewGroup getSuperViewForLayoutInflation() { return this; } protected abstract int getResource(); protected abstract void update(); public FormItemDescriptor getFormItemDescriptor() { return mFormItemDescriptor; } public void setFormItemDescriptor(FormItemDescriptor formItemDescriptor) { mFormItemDescriptor = formItemDescriptor; mFormItemDescriptor.setCell(this); } public void onCellSelected() { } protected View getDividerView() { if (mDividerView == null) { mDividerView = new View(getContext()); configDivider(mDividerView); } return mDividerView; } private void configDivider(View dividerView) { dividerView.setLayoutParams(new LayoutParams( LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, 1 )); dividerView.setBackgroundColor(getThemeValue(android.R.attr.listDivider)); } protected int getThemeValue(int resource) { TypedValue typedValue = new TypedValue(); Resources.Theme theme = getContext().getTheme(); theme.resolveAttribute(resource, typedValue, true); return; } public boolean shouldAddDivider() { return true; } public void lastInSection() { } protected void setDividerView(View dividerView) { mDividerView = dividerView; } // ===== Colors =========== /** * Set the style ID for the specified 'styleConfig' parameter if defined in CellDescriptor, * or apply the default Style Id and the default android:textColor. */ protected boolean setStyleId(final TextView textView, final String styleConfig, final String colorConfig) //, final @StyleRes int defaultStyleId { boolean styleFound = false; // Get textAppearance from the cellConfig (APPEARANCE_XXX) in FormItemDescriptor HashMap<String,Object> cellConfig = null; FormItemDescriptor itemDescriptor = getFormItemDescriptor(); if (itemDescriptor != null) { cellConfig = itemDescriptor.getCellConfig(); if (cellConfig != null && cellConfig.containsKey(styleConfig)) { Object configId = cellConfig.get(styleConfig); if (configId instanceof Integer) { // Apply style if exists @StyleRes int styleId = ((Integer) configId).intValue(); setTextAppearance(textView, styleId); styleFound = true; } } } // If defined, default color is set from cellConfig 'COLOR_XXX' parameter. // Otherwise, save the default android color (before applying style). int defaultColor; if (cellConfig != null && colorConfig != null && cellConfig.containsKey(colorConfig)) { Object configId = cellConfig.get(colorConfig); if (configId instanceof Integer) defaultColor = ((Integer) configId).intValue(); else defaultColor = getDefaultColor(colorConfig); } else defaultColor = getDefaultColor(colorConfig); textView.setTextColor(defaultColor); return styleFound; } @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") private void setTextAppearance(final TextView textView, final int styleId) { if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.M) textView.setTextAppearance(styleId); else textView.setTextAppearance(textView.getContext(), styleId); } /** * Get the default color for TextView (android:textColor in theme). * Note that default EditText color is android:editTextColor in theme. * Force to default TextView color for CheckBox and Switch views. */ private int getDefaultColor(final String colorConfig) { if (colorConfig != null && colorConfig.equals(CellDescriptor.COLOR_VALUE)) { return getThemeValue(android.R.attr.editTextColor); } return getThemeValue(android.R.attr.textColor); } /** * Set the TextView color from the cellConfig using 'colorConfig' parameter, if defined in CellDescriptor. * Only used for COLOR_XXX_DISABLED colors. */ protected void setTextColor(final TextView textView, final String colorConfig) { // Get color from the cellConfig in FormItemDescriptor FormItemDescriptor itemDescriptor = getFormItemDescriptor(); if (itemDescriptor != null) { HashMap<String,Object> config = itemDescriptor.getCellConfig(); if (config != null && config.containsKey(colorConfig)) { Object configColor = config.get(colorConfig); if (configColor instanceof Integer) { textView.setTextColor(((Integer) configColor).intValue()); } } } } }