/** * Copyright (c) 20015 by Brainwy Software Ltda. All Rights Reserved. * Licensed under the terms of the Eclipse Public License (EPL). * Please see the license.txt included with this distribution for details. * Any modifications to this file must keep this entire header intact. */ package org.python.pydev.shared_ui.search; import org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.IDialogSettings; public class SearchIndexData { private static final String STORE_SCOPE_DATA = "scopeData"; private static final String STORE_SCOPE = "scope"; private static final String STORE_IS_CASE_SENSITIVE = "isCaseSensitive"; private static final String STORE_IS_WHOLE_WORD = "isWholeWord"; private static final String STORE_TEXT_PATTERN = "textPattern"; private static final String STORE_FILENAME_PATTERN = "filenamePattern"; public final String textPattern; public final String filenamePattern; public final boolean isCaseSensitive; public final boolean isWholeWord; public static final int SCOPE_MODULES = 0; public static final int SCOPE_PROJECTS = 1; public static final int SCOPE_WORKSPACE = 2; public static final int SCOPE_OPEN_EDITORS = 3; public static final int SCOPE_EXTERNAL_FOLDERS = 4; public static final int MAX_SCOPE = SCOPE_EXTERNAL_FOLDERS; public final int scope; /** * Comma-separated list with the data related to the scope (i.e.: project names, module names or external folders). */ public final String scopeData; public SearchIndexData(String textPattern, boolean isCaseSensitive, boolean isWholeWord, int scope, String scopeData, String filenamePattern) { if (textPattern == null) { textPattern = ""; } this.textPattern = textPattern; this.filenamePattern = filenamePattern; this.isCaseSensitive = isCaseSensitive; this.isWholeWord = isWholeWord; this.scope = scope; if (scope < 0 || scope > MAX_SCOPE) { scope = 0; } if (scopeData == null) { scopeData = ""; } this.scopeData = scopeData; } public void store(IDialogSettings settings) { settings.put(STORE_TEXT_PATTERN, textPattern); settings.put(STORE_IS_CASE_SENSITIVE, isCaseSensitive); settings.put(STORE_IS_WHOLE_WORD, isWholeWord); settings.put(STORE_SCOPE, scope); settings.put(STORE_SCOPE_DATA, scopeData); settings.put(STORE_FILENAME_PATTERN, filenamePattern); } public static SearchIndexData create(IDialogSettings settings) { String textPattern = settings.get(STORE_TEXT_PATTERN); try { boolean hasStoredIsWholeWord = settings.get(STORE_IS_WHOLE_WORD) != null; boolean isWholeWord = true; // default is true if (hasStoredIsWholeWord) { isWholeWord = settings.getBoolean(STORE_IS_WHOLE_WORD); } boolean isCaseSensitive = settings.getBoolean(STORE_IS_CASE_SENSITIVE); int scope = settings.getInt(STORE_SCOPE); String scopeData = settings.get(STORE_SCOPE_DATA); String filenamePattern = settings.get(STORE_FILENAME_PATTERN); return new SearchIndexData(textPattern, isCaseSensitive, isWholeWord, scope, scopeData, filenamePattern); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { return null; } } @Override public int hashCode() { final int prime = 31; int result = 1; result = prime * result + (isCaseSensitive ? 1231 : 1237); result = prime * result + (isWholeWord ? 29 : 37); result = prime * result + scope; result = prime * result + ((scopeData == null) ? 0 : scopeData.hashCode()); result = prime * result + ((textPattern == null) ? 0 : textPattern.hashCode()); result = prime * result + ((filenamePattern == null) ? 0 : filenamePattern.hashCode()); return result; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) { return true; } if (obj == null) { return false; } if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) { return false; } SearchIndexData other = (SearchIndexData) obj; if (isCaseSensitive != other.isCaseSensitive) { return false; } if (isWholeWord != other.isWholeWord) { return false; } if (scope != other.scope) { return false; } if (scopeData == null) { if (other.scopeData != null) { return false; } } else if (!scopeData.equals(other.scopeData)) { return false; } if (textPattern == null) { if (other.textPattern != null) { return false; } } else if (!textPattern.equals(other.textPattern)) { return false; } if (filenamePattern == null) { if (other.filenamePattern != null) { return false; } } else if (!filenamePattern.equals(other.filenamePattern)) { return false; } return true; } }