/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.jackrabbit.test.api; import org.apache.jackrabbit.test.AbstractJCRTest; import javax.jcr.Property; import javax.jcr.Value; import javax.jcr.Node; import javax.jcr.RepositoryException; import javax.jcr.ValueFormatException; import javax.jcr.PathNotFoundException; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.ArrayList; /** * Tests the various {@link Property#setValue(Value)} methods. * <p/> * Configuration requirements:<br/> * The node at {@link #testRoot} must allow a child node of type * {@link #testNodeType} with name {@link #nodeName1}. The node type * {@link #testNodeType} must define a single value string property with * name {@link #propertyName1} and a multi value string property with name * {@link #propertyName2}. * * @test * @sources SetValueStringTest.java * @executeClass org.apache.jackrabbit.test.api.SetValueStringTest * @keywords level2 */ public class SetValueStringTest extends AbstractJCRTest { private static final String PROP_VALUE_1 = "JCR"; private static final String PROP_VALUE_2 = "JSR-170"; private Property property1 = null; private Property property2 = null; private Node node = null; private Value sv1, sv2 = null; private Value[] mv1, mv2 = null; protected void setUp() throws Exception { super.setUp(); // initialize some multi-value properties sv1 = superuser.getValueFactory().createValue(PROP_VALUE_1); sv2 = superuser.getValueFactory().createValue(PROP_VALUE_2); mv1 = new Value[]{sv1}; mv2 = new Value[]{sv1, sv2}; // create a new node under the testRootNode node = testRootNode.addNode(nodeName1, testNodeType); superuser.save(); // create a new single-value property and save it property1 = node.setProperty(propertyName1, PROP_VALUE_1); superuser.save(); // create a new multi-value property and save it property2 = node.setProperty(propertyName2, mv1); superuser.save(); } protected void tearDown() throws Exception { property1 = null; property2 = null; node = null; sv1 = null; sv2 = null; mv1 = null; mv2 = null; super.tearDown(); } // Value tests /** * Test the persistence of a property modified with a Value parameter and * saved from the Session Requires a single-value Value (sv2) */ public void testValueSession() throws RepositoryException { property1.setValue(sv2); superuser.save(); assertEquals("Value node property not saved", sv2, property1.getValue()); } /** * Test the persistence of a property modified with a Value parameter, and * saved from the parent Node Requires a single-value Value (sv2) */ public void testValueParent() throws RepositoryException { property1.setValue(sv2); testRootNode.save(); assertEquals("Value node property not saved", sv2, property1.getValue()); } /** * Test the modification of a single-value property updated with a * multi-value parameter Requires a multi-value Value (mv) */ public void testMultiValue() throws RepositoryException { Value[] mv = new Value[]{sv1, sv2}; // multi-value try { property1.setValue(mv); fail("Assigning multiple Value values to a single-valued property should throw a ValueFormatException"); } catch (ValueFormatException e) { //success : ValueFormatException as required by the specification } } /** * Test the deletion of a property by assigning it a null value, saved from * the Session */ public void testRemoveValueSession() throws RepositoryException { Value sv = null; property1.setValue(sv); superuser.save(); try { node.getProperty(propertyName1); fail("The property should not exist anymore, as a null Value has been assigned"); } catch (PathNotFoundException e) { //success : the property has been deleted by assigning it a null value } } /** * Test the deletion of a property by assigning it a null value, saved from * the parent Node */ public void testRemoveValueParent() throws RepositoryException { Value sv = null; property1.setValue(sv); node.save(); try { node.getProperty(propertyName1); fail("The property should not exist anymore, as a null Value has been assigned"); } catch (PathNotFoundException e) { //success : the property has been deleted by assigning it a null value } } // String tests /** * Test the persistence of a property modified with a String parameter and * saved from the Session Requires a single-value String (PROP_VALUE_2) */ public void testStringSession() throws RepositoryException { property1.setValue(PROP_VALUE_2); superuser.save(); assertEquals("String node property not saved", PROP_VALUE_2, property1.getString()); } /** * Test the persistence of a property modified with a String parameter and * saved from the parent Node Requires a single-value String (PROP_VALUE_2) */ public void testStringParent() throws RepositoryException { property1.setValue(PROP_VALUE_2); node.save(); assertEquals("String node property not saved", PROP_VALUE_2, property1.getString()); } /** * Test the modification of a single-value property updated with a * multi-value parameter Requires a multi-value String (mv) */ public void testMultiString() throws RepositoryException { String[] mv = new String[]{PROP_VALUE_1, PROP_VALUE_2}; // multi-value try { property1.setValue(mv); fail("Assigning multiple String values to a single-valued property should throw a ValueFormatException"); } catch (ValueFormatException e) { //success : ValueFormatException as required by the specification } } /** * Test the deletion of a property by assigning it a null value, saved from * the Session */ public void testRemoveStringSession() throws RepositoryException { String sv = null; property1.setValue(sv); superuser.save(); try { node.getProperty(propertyName1); fail("The property should not exist anymore, as a null String has been assigned"); } catch (PathNotFoundException e) { //success : the property has been deleted by assigning it a null value } } /** * Test the deletion of a property by assigning it a null value, saved from * the parent Node */ public void testRemoveStringParent() throws RepositoryException { String sv = null; property1.setValue(sv); node.save(); try { node.getProperty(propertyName1); fail("The property should not exist anymore, as a null String has been assigned"); } catch (PathNotFoundException e) { //success : the property has been deleted by assigning it a null value } } // Multi-value Value tests /** * Test the persistence of a property modified with an multi-value Value * parameter and saved from the Session Requires a multi-value Value (mv2) */ public void testMultiValueSession() throws RepositoryException { property2.setValue(mv2); superuser.save(); assertEquals("Node property not saved", Arrays.asList(mv2), Arrays.asList(property2.getValues())); } /** * Test the persistence of a property modified with an multi-value Value * parameter and saved from the parent Node Requires a multi-value Value * (mv2) */ public void testMultiValueParent() throws RepositoryException { property2.setValue(mv2); node.save(); assertEquals("Node property not saved", Arrays.asList(mv2), Arrays.asList(property2.getValues())); } /** * Test the assignment of a single-value to a multi-value property Requires * a single-value Value (sv1) */ public void testMultiValueSingle() throws RepositoryException { try { property2.setValue(sv1); fail("Assigning a single Value value to a multi-valued property should throw a ValueFormatException"); } catch (ValueFormatException e) { //success : ValueFormatException as required by the specification } } /** * Test the deletion of a property by assigning it a null value, saved from * the Session */ public void testRemoveMultiValueSession() throws RepositoryException { property2.setValue((Value[]) null); superuser.save(); try { node.getProperty(propertyName2); fail("The property should not exist anymore, as a null Value has been assigned"); } catch (PathNotFoundException e) { //success : the property has been deleted by assigning it a null value } } /** * Test the deletion of a property by assigning it a null value, saved from * the parent Node */ public void testRemoveMultiValueParent() throws RepositoryException { property2.setValue((Value[]) null); node.save(); try { node.getProperty(propertyName2); fail("The property should not exist anymore, as a null Value has been assigned"); } catch (PathNotFoundException e) { //success : the property has been deleted by assigning it a null value } } // Assignment of a null Value in a multi-value array /** * Test the deletion of a value in a multi-value property */ public void testNullMultiValue() throws RepositoryException { property2.setValue(new Value[]{null, sv2}); superuser.save(); assertEquals("Null value not removed", Arrays.asList(property2.getValues()), Arrays.asList(new Value[]{sv2})); } // Multi-value String tests /** * Test the persistence of a property modified with an multi-value String * parameter and saved from the Session Requires a multi-value String (mv) */ public void testMultiStringSession() throws RepositoryException { String[] mv = new String[]{PROP_VALUE_1, PROP_VALUE_2}; property2.setValue(mv); superuser.save(); Value[] values = property2.getValues(); List strValues = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { strValues.add(values[i].getString()); } assertEquals("Node property not saved", Arrays.asList(mv), strValues); } /** * Test the persistence of a property modified with an multi-value String * parameter and saved from the parent Node Requires a multi-value String * (mv) */ public void testMultiStringParent() throws RepositoryException { String[] mv = new String[]{PROP_VALUE_1, PROP_VALUE_2}; property2.setValue(mv); node.save(); Value[] values = property2.getValues(); List strValues = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { strValues.add(values[i].getString()); } assertEquals("Node property not saved", Arrays.asList(mv), strValues); } /** * Test the assignment of a single-value to a multi-value property Requires * a single-value String (PROP_VALUE_1) */ public void testMultiStringSingle() throws RepositoryException { try { property2.setValue(PROP_VALUE_1); fail("Assigning a single String value to a multi-valued property should throw a ValueFormatException"); } catch (ValueFormatException e) { //success : ValueFormatException as required by the specification } } /** * Test the deletion of a property by assigning it a null value, saved from * the Session */ public void testRemoveMultiStringSession() throws RepositoryException { property2.setValue((String[]) null); superuser.save(); try { node.getProperty(propertyName2); fail("The property should not exist anymore, as a null Value has been assigned"); } catch (PathNotFoundException e) { //success : the property has been deleted by assigning it a null value } } /** * Test the deletion of a property by assigning it a null value, saved from * the parent Node */ public void testRemoveMultiStringParent() throws RepositoryException { property2.setValue((String[]) null); node.save(); try { node.getProperty(propertyName2); fail("The property should not exist anymore, as a null Value has been assigned"); } catch (PathNotFoundException e) { //success : the property has been deleted by assigning it a null value } } /** * Test the assignment of an empty property by assigning it a null array, * saved from the parent Node */ public void testEmptyMultiStringParent() throws RepositoryException { String[] emptyStringArray = new String[]{null}; property2.setValue(emptyStringArray); node.save(); assertEquals("Property.setValue(emptyStringArray) did not set the property to an empty array", 0, property2.getValues().length); } /** * Test the assignment of an empty property by assigning it a null array, * saved from the Session */ public void testEmptyMultiStringSession() throws RepositoryException { String[] emptyStringArray = new String[]{null}; property2.setValue(emptyStringArray); superuser.save(); assertEquals("Property.setValue(emptyStringArray) did not set the property to an empty array", 0, property2.getValues().length); } }