package jav.gui.token.display; import jav.correctionBackend.Candidate; import jav.correctionBackend.Token; import; import; import; import jav.gui.main.AbstractTokenVisualization; import jav.gui.main.MainController; import jav.gui.token.behaviour.TokenVisualizationMode; import jav.gui.token.edit.ComboBoxEntry; import jav.gui.token.edit.ComboBoxEntryType; import jav.gui.token.edit.MyEditCustomComboBox; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Dimension; import java.awt.Font; import java.awt.Point; import java.awt.event.*; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import javax.swing.JButton; import javax.swing.JComboBox; import javax.swing.JPanel; import javax.swing.JTextField; /** *Copyright (c) 2012, IMPACT working group at the Centrum für Informations- und Sprachverarbeitung, University of Munich. *All rights reserved. *Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without *modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: *Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright *notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. *Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright *notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the *documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. *THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS *IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED *TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A *PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT *HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, *SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT *LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, *DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY *THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT *(INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE *OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * This file is part of the ocr-postcorrection tool developed * by the IMPACT working group at the Centrum für Informations- und Sprachverarbeitung, University of Munich. * For further information and contacts visit * * @author thorsten ( * * abstract class for building visual representations of tokens * all methods that are independent from implementation are here, all abstract methods * have to be implemented * */ public abstract class TokenVisualization extends AbstractTokenVisualization { int tokenID; Token temptoken = null; boolean isEditing = false; TokenTextLabel tokenTextLabel; MyEditCustomComboBox box; TokenVisualizationMode tvm = null; boolean hasImage; TokenVisualization instance = this; boolean isSelected; boolean isMultiSelected; KeyListenerImpl keyListener = new KeyListenerImpl(); String delete = java.util.ResourceBundle.getBundle("jav/gui/token/display/Bundle").getString("delete"); String setcorrect = java.util.ResourceBundle.getBundle("jav/gui/token/display/Bundle").getString("setcorr"); String merger = java.util.ResourceBundle.getBundle("jav/gui/token/display/Bundle").getString("mergeR"); String focusInMain = java.util.ResourceBundle.getBundle("jav/gui/token/display/Bundle").getString("jumpto"); FocusListener fl; public void setFontSize(int fontSize) { Font f = tokenTextLabel.getFont(); float nS = (float) fontSize; Font deriveFont = f.deriveFont(nS); tokenTextLabel.setFont(deriveFont); } public Point getCentroid() { if (this.isSpace()) { return new Point(this.getX(), this.getY()); } else { return new Point((this.getX() + (this.getWidth() / 2)), (this.getY() + (this.getHeight() / 2))); } } public abstract void calculateSizeNormMode(); public abstract void calculateSizeEditMode(); public boolean isNewline() { if (tokenTextLabel.getText().equals("¶")) { return true; } else { return false; } } public boolean isSpace() { if (tokenTextLabel.getText().equals(" ")) { return true; } else { return false; } } public boolean hasImage() { return hasImage; } public void setTokenID( int i ) { this.tokenID = i; } public int getTokenID() { return this.tokenID; } public void zoomFont(int newSize) { if (!tokenTextLabel.isSpace()) { Font f = tokenTextLabel.getFont(); float nS = (float) newSize; Font deriveFont = f.deriveFont(nS); tokenTextLabel.setFont(deriveFont); tokenTextLabel.revalidate(); if (this.hasImage) { this.calculateSizeNormMode(); this.revalidate(); } } } public void setMode(TokenVisualizationMode n) { this.tvm = n; this.tokenTextLabel.setForeground(tvm.getUnselectedColor()); this.addMouseListener(tvm.getMouseListener()); this.addKeyListener(tvm.getKeyListener()); tvm.setTokenVisualizationStyle(this); this.calculateSizeNormMode(); this.revalidate(); } public void setMode(TokenVisualizationMode n, Token t) { this.tvm = n; this.tokenTextLabel.setForeground(tvm.getUnselectedColor()); this.addMouseListener(tvm.getMouseListener()); this.addKeyListener(tvm.getKeyListener()); tvm.setTokenVisualizationStyle(this, t); this.calculateSizeNormMode(); this.revalidate(); } public void deactivate() { if (tvm != null) { this.removeMouseListener(tvm.getMouseListener()); this.removeKeyListener(keyListener); this.setBackground(Color.lightGray); } } public void activate() { if (tvm != null) { this.addMouseListener(tvm.getMouseListener()); this.addKeyListener(keyListener); this.setBackground(Color.white); } } public void setSelected(boolean b) { this.isSelected = b; this.grabFocus(); tvm.setTokenVisualizationStyle(this); } public void setMultiSelected(boolean b) { this.isMultiSelected = b; if (!this.isSpace()) { tvm.setTokenVisualizationStyle(this); } } public boolean isSelected() { return this.isSelected; } public boolean isMultiSelected() { return this.isMultiSelected; } public TokenTextLabel getTokenTextLabel() { return this.tokenTextLabel; } public String getTokenTextLabelText() { return tokenTextLabel.getText(); } public void update( String newtext ) { tokenTextLabel.setText( newtext ); tvm.setTokenVisualizationStyle(instance); this.calculateSizeNormMode(); this.revalidate(); } public void update( String newtext, boolean corrected ) { tokenTextLabel.setText( newtext ); this.setCorrected(corrected); this.calculateSizeNormMode(); this.revalidate(); } public void setCorrected( boolean b ) { tvm.setCorrected(instance, b); } public void startTokenEditing() { this.isEditing = true; LinkedHashSet<ComboBoxEntry> cands = new LinkedHashSet<>(); temptoken = MainController.findInstance().getDocument().getTokenByID( tokenID ); cands.add(new ComboBoxEntry(this.getTokenTextLabelText(), ComboBoxEntryType.NORMAL)); Iterator<Candidate> iterator = MainController.findInstance().getDocument().candidateIterator( tokenID ); int maxcands = 5; while (iterator.hasNext() && maxcands > 1) { maxcands--; cands.add(new ComboBoxEntry(, ComboBoxEntryType.NORMAL)); } cands.add(new ComboBoxEntry(setcorrect, ComboBoxEntryType.SETCORRECTED)); cands.add(new ComboBoxEntry(delete, ComboBoxEntryType.DELETE)); cands.add(new ComboBoxEntry(merger, ComboBoxEntryType.MERGE)); if(tvm.getClass().getSimpleName().equals("TokenVisualizationConcordanceMode")) { cands.add(new ComboBoxEntry(focusInMain, ComboBoxEntryType.FOCUS_IN_MAIN)); } JButton submitButton = new JButton("↵"); submitButton.setFocusable(false); submitButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) { endTokenEditing(box.getEditor().getItem().toString()); } }); box = new MyEditCustomComboBox(cands, tokenTextLabel.getFont(), new Dimension(tokenTextLabel.getPreferredSize().width,tokenTextLabel.getPreferredSize().height), temptoken.getNumberOfCandidates(), submitButton); box.setWide(true); ((JPanel) box.getEditor().getEditorComponent()).getComponent(0).addKeyListener(keyListener); // box.getEditor().getEditorComponent().addKeyListener(keyListener); fl = new FocusListener() { @Override public void focusGained(FocusEvent e) { if (e.getComponent().getParent().getParent().getClass().getName().equals("jav.gui.token.edit.MyEditCustomComboBox")) { JComboBox b = (JComboBox) e.getComponent().getParent().getParent(); if( !b.isPopupVisible()) { b.showPopup(); b.setPopupVisible(true); b.getEditor().selectAll(); } } } @Override public void focusLost(FocusEvent e) { abortTokenEditing(); } }; ((JPanel) box.getEditor().getEditorComponent()).getComponent(0).addFocusListener(fl); // box.getEditor().getEditorComponent().addFocusListener(fl); // BoundsPopupMenuListener lis = new BoundsPopupMenuListener( false , true ) { // @Override // public void popupMenuCanceled(PopupMenuEvent e) { // abortTokenEditing(); // } // }; // box.addPopupMenuListener( lis ); // box.addPopupMenuListener(new PopupMenuListener() { // // @Override // public void popupMenuWillBecomeVisible(PopupMenuEvent pme) { // JComboBox comboBox = (JComboBox) pme.getSource(); // if (comboBox.getItemCount() == 0) return; // Object child = comboBox.getAccessibleContext().getAccessibleChild(0); // } // // @Override // public void popupMenuWillBecomeInvisible(PopupMenuEvent pme) { // } // // @Override // public void popupMenuCanceled(PopupMenuEvent pme) { //// abortTokenEditing(); // } // }); this.remove(tokenTextLabel); this.add(box); this.calculateSizeEditMode(); this.repaint(); this.revalidate(); ((JTextField)((JPanel) box.getEditor().getEditorComponent()).getComponent(0)).grabFocus(); } /* * correct Token with String in editor Textfield */ public void endTokenEditing(String editString) { // TODO check implementation // boolean b = Pattern.matches("([^ ]+ [^ ]+)*", editString); // if (b) { if( editString.contains(" ")) { MainController.findInstance().splitToken( this.tokenID, editString); // MainController.findInstance().addToLog(MainController.findInstance().getLastFocusedTCName() + " # split # " + temptoken.getWOCR() + " # " + retval); } else { //if (!editString.equals(tokenTextLabel.getText())) { MainController.findInstance().correctTokenByString( this.tokenID, editString); // MainController.findInstance().addToLog(MainController.findInstance().getLastFocusedTCName() + " # correct # " + temptoken.getWOCR() + " # " + editString); // } else { // abortTokenEditing(); // } } // if (editString.contains(" ") && !editString.startsWith(" ") && !editString.endsWith(" ")) { //// if (editString.matches("\\p{Alnum}.*\\W+.*\\p{Alnum}*")) { // int retval = this.token.handleSplit(editString); // MainController.findInstance().addToLog(MainController.findInstance().getLastFocusedTCName()+" # split # "+this.token.getWOCR()+" # "+retval); // MessageCenter.getInstance().fireTokenStatusEvent(new TokenStatusEvent(this.token, TokenStatusType.SPLIT, retval)); // } else if (editString.contains(" ") && (editString.startsWith(" ") || editString.endsWith(" "))) { // abortTokenEditing(); // } else { // MainController.findInstance().correctTokenByString(token, editorf.getText()); // MainController.findInstance().addToLog(MainController.findInstance().getLastFocusedTCName()+ " # correct # "+token.getWOCR()+" # "+editorf.getText()); // } // this.remove(editorf); box.getEditor().getEditorComponent().removeFocusListener(fl); this.remove(box); this.add(tokenTextLabel); this.calculateSizeNormMode(); this.repaint(); this.revalidate(); this.grabFocus(); this.isEditing = false; } /* * abort editing, keep original string */ public void abortTokenEditing() { box.getEditor().getEditorComponent().removeFocusListener(fl); this.remove(box); this.add(tokenTextLabel); this.calculateSizeNormMode(); this.repaint(); this.revalidate(); this.grabFocus(); this.isEditing = false; } public void processEdit(ComboBoxEntry cbe) { if (cbe.getType() == ComboBoxEntryType.NORMAL) { endTokenEditing(box.getEditor().getItem().toString()); } else if (cbe.getType() == ComboBoxEntryType.MERGE) { abortTokenEditing(); MainController.findInstance().mergeRightward( tokenID ); MainController.findInstance().addToLog(MainController.findInstance().getLastFocusedTCName() + " # merge # " + " # " + temptoken.getWOCR() + " # " + temptoken.getWOCR()); } else if (cbe.getType() == ComboBoxEntryType.SETCORRECTED) { abortTokenEditing(); if( !temptoken.isCorrected()) { MainController.findInstance().setCorrected( tokenID, true ); } instance.revalidate(); MainController.findInstance().addToLog(MainController.findInstance().getLastFocusedTCName() + " # set as corrected # " + temptoken.getWOCR()); // if delete, check if prev and next token are spaces, if the case delete one of them to not produce sequent spaces } else if (cbe.getType() == ComboBoxEntryType.DELETE) { abortTokenEditing(); MainController.findInstance().deleteToken( tokenID ); } else if(cbe.getType() == ComboBoxEntryType.FOCUS_IN_MAIN) { abortTokenEditing(); MessageCenter.getInstance().fireTokenNavigationEvent(new TokenNavigationEvent(this, tokenID, TokenNavigationType.FOCUS_IN_MAIN)); } } public boolean isEditing() { return this.isEditing; } private class KeyListenerImpl implements KeyListener { public KeyListenerImpl() { } @Override public void keyTyped(KeyEvent ke) { } @Override public void keyPressed(KeyEvent ke) { if (ke.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_ENTER) { ComboBoxEntry cbe = (ComboBoxEntry) box.getSelectedItem(); processEdit(cbe); } else if (ke.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_ESCAPE) { abortTokenEditing(); } } @Override public void keyReleased(KeyEvent ke) { } } }