package nl.siegmann.epublib.browsersupport; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import nl.siegmann.epublib.domain.Book; import nl.siegmann.epublib.domain.Resource; /** * A history of the user's locations with the epub. * * @author paul.siegmann * */ public class NavigationHistory implements NavigationEventListener { public static final int DEFAULT_MAX_HISTORY_SIZE = 1000; private static final long DEFAULT_HISTORY_WAIT_TIME = 1000; private static class Location { private String href; public Location(String href) { super(); this.href = href; } @SuppressWarnings("unused") public void setHref(String href) { this.href = href; } public String getHref() { return href; } } private long lastUpdateTime = 0; private List<Location> locations = new ArrayList<Location>(); private Navigator navigator; private int currentPos = -1; private int currentSize = 0; private int maxHistorySize = DEFAULT_MAX_HISTORY_SIZE; private long historyWaitTime = DEFAULT_HISTORY_WAIT_TIME; public NavigationHistory(Navigator navigator) { this.navigator = navigator; navigator.addNavigationEventListener(this); initBook(navigator.getBook()); } public int getCurrentPos() { return currentPos; } public int getCurrentSize() { return currentSize; } public void initBook(Book book) { if (book == null) { return; } locations = new ArrayList<Location>(); currentPos = -1; currentSize = 0; if (navigator.getCurrentResource() != null) { addLocation(navigator.getCurrentResource().getHref()); } } /** * If the time between a navigation event is less than the historyWaitTime then the new location is not added to the history. * When a user is rapidly viewing many pages using the slider we do not want all of them to be added to the history. * * @return the time we wait before adding the page to the history */ public long getHistoryWaitTime() { return historyWaitTime; } public void setHistoryWaitTime(long historyWaitTime) { this.historyWaitTime = historyWaitTime; } public void addLocation(Resource resource) { if (resource == null) { return; } addLocation(resource.getHref()); } /** * Adds the location after the current position. * If the currentposition is not the end of the list then the elements between the current element and the end of the list will be discarded. * Does nothing if the new location matches the current location. * <br/> * If this nr of locations becomes larger then the historySize then the first item(s) will be removed. * * @param location */ public void addLocation(Location location) { // do nothing if the new location matches the current location if ( !(locations.isEmpty()) && location.getHref().equals(locations.get(currentPos).getHref())) { return; } currentPos++; if (currentPos != currentSize) { locations.set(currentPos, location); } else { locations.add(location); checkHistorySize(); } currentSize = currentPos + 1; } /** * Removes all elements that are too much for the maxHistorySize out of the history. * */ private void checkHistorySize() { while(locations.size() > maxHistorySize) { locations.remove(0); currentSize--; currentPos--; } } public void addLocation(String href) { addLocation(new Location(href)); } private String getLocationHref(int pos) { if (pos < 0 || pos >= locations.size()) { return null; } return locations.get(currentPos).getHref(); } /** * Moves the current positions delta positions. * * move(-1) to go one position back in history.<br/> * move(1) to go one position forward.<br/> * * @param delta * * @return Whether we actually moved. If the requested value is illegal it will return false, true otherwise. */ public boolean move(int delta) { if (((currentPos + delta) < 0) || ((currentPos + delta) >= currentSize)) { return false; } currentPos += delta; navigator.gotoResource(getLocationHref(currentPos), this); return true; } /** * If this is not the source of the navigationEvent then the addLocation will be called with the href of the currentResource in the navigationEvent. */ @Override public void navigationPerformed(NavigationEvent navigationEvent) { if (this == navigationEvent.getSource()) { return; } if (navigationEvent.getCurrentResource() == null) { return; } if ((System.currentTimeMillis() - this.lastUpdateTime) > historyWaitTime) { // if the user scrolled rapidly through the pages then the last page will not be added to the history. We fix that here: addLocation(navigationEvent.getOldResource()); addLocation(navigationEvent.getCurrentResource().getHref()); } lastUpdateTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); } public String getCurrentHref() { if (currentPos < 0 || currentPos >= locations.size()) { return null; } return locations.get(currentPos).getHref(); } public void setMaxHistorySize(int maxHistorySize) { this.maxHistorySize = maxHistorySize; } public int getMaxHistorySize() { return maxHistorySize; } }