package com.yalantis.ucrop.view; import android.content.Context; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import android.util.AttributeSet; import android.util.Log; import android.widget.ImageView; import com.yalantis.ucrop.callback.BitmapLoadCallback; import com.yalantis.ucrop.model.ExifInfo; import com.yalantis.ucrop.util.BitmapLoadUtils; import com.yalantis.ucrop.util.FastBitmapDrawable; import com.yalantis.ucrop.util.RectUtils; /** * Created by Oleksii Shliama ( * <p/> * This class provides base logic to setup the image, transform it with matrix (move, scale, rotate), * and methods to get current matrix state. */ public class TransformImageView extends ImageView { private static final String TAG = "TransformImageView"; private static final int RECT_CORNER_POINTS_COORDS = 8; private static final int RECT_CENTER_POINT_COORDS = 2; private static final int MATRIX_VALUES_COUNT = 9; protected final float[] mCurrentImageCorners = new float[RECT_CORNER_POINTS_COORDS]; protected final float[] mCurrentImageCenter = new float[RECT_CENTER_POINT_COORDS]; private final float[] mMatrixValues = new float[MATRIX_VALUES_COUNT]; protected Matrix mCurrentImageMatrix = new Matrix(); protected int mThisWidth, mThisHeight; protected TransformImageListener mTransformImageListener; private float[] mInitialImageCorners; private float[] mInitialImageCenter; protected boolean mBitmapDecoded = false; protected boolean mBitmapLaidOut = false; private int mMaxBitmapSize = 0; private String mImageInputPath, mImageOutputPath; private ExifInfo mExifInfo; /** * Interface for rotation and scale change notifying. */ public interface TransformImageListener { void onLoadComplete(); void onLoadFailure(@NonNull Exception e); void onRotate(float currentAngle); void onScale(float currentScale); } public TransformImageView(Context context) { this(context, null); } public TransformImageView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) { this(context, attrs, 0); } public TransformImageView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyle) { super(context, attrs, defStyle); init(); } public void setTransformImageListener(TransformImageListener transformImageListener) { mTransformImageListener = transformImageListener; } @Override public void setScaleType(ScaleType scaleType) { if (scaleType == ScaleType.MATRIX) { super.setScaleType(scaleType); } else { Log.w(TAG, "Invalid ScaleType. Only ScaleType.MATRIX can be used"); } } /** * Setter for {@link #mMaxBitmapSize} value. * Be sure to call it before {@link #setImageURI(Uri)} or other image setters. * * @param maxBitmapSize - max size for both width and height of bitmap that will be used in the view. */ public void setMaxBitmapSize(int maxBitmapSize) { mMaxBitmapSize = maxBitmapSize; } public int getMaxBitmapSize() { if (mMaxBitmapSize <= 0) { mMaxBitmapSize = BitmapLoadUtils.calculateMaxBitmapSize(getContext()); } return mMaxBitmapSize; } @Override public void setImageBitmap(final Bitmap bitmap) { setImageDrawable(new FastBitmapDrawable(bitmap)); } public String getImageInputPath() { return mImageInputPath; } public String getImageOutputPath() { return mImageOutputPath; } public ExifInfo getExifInfo() { return mExifInfo; } /** * This method takes an Uri as a parameter, then calls method to decode it into Bitmap with specified size. * * @param imageUri - image Uri * @throws Exception - can throw exception if having problems with decoding Uri or OOM. */ public void setImageUri(@NonNull Uri imageUri, @Nullable Uri outputUri) throws Exception { int maxBitmapSize = getMaxBitmapSize(); BitmapLoadUtils.decodeBitmapInBackground(getContext(), imageUri, outputUri, maxBitmapSize, maxBitmapSize, new BitmapLoadCallback() { @Override public void onBitmapLoaded(@NonNull Bitmap bitmap, @NonNull ExifInfo exifInfo, @NonNull String imageInputPath, @Nullable String imageOutputPath) { mImageInputPath = imageInputPath; mImageOutputPath = imageOutputPath; mExifInfo = exifInfo; mBitmapDecoded = true; setImageBitmap(bitmap); } @Override public void onFailure(@NonNull Exception bitmapWorkerException) { Log.e(TAG, "onFailure: setImageUri", bitmapWorkerException); if (mTransformImageListener != null) { mTransformImageListener.onLoadFailure(bitmapWorkerException); } } }); } /** * @return - current image scale value. * [1.0f - for original image, 2.0f - for 200% scaled image, etc.] */ public float getCurrentScale() { return getMatrixScale(mCurrentImageMatrix); } /** * This method calculates scale value for given Matrix object. */ public float getMatrixScale(@NonNull Matrix matrix) { return (float) Math.sqrt(Math.pow(getMatrixValue(matrix, Matrix.MSCALE_X), 2) + Math.pow(getMatrixValue(matrix, Matrix.MSKEW_Y), 2)); } /** * @return - current image rotation angle. */ public float getCurrentAngle() { return getMatrixAngle(mCurrentImageMatrix); } /** * This method calculates rotation angle for given Matrix object. */ public float getMatrixAngle(@NonNull Matrix matrix) { return (float) -(Math.atan2(getMatrixValue(matrix, Matrix.MSKEW_X), getMatrixValue(matrix, Matrix.MSCALE_X)) * (180 / Math.PI)); } @Override public void setImageMatrix(Matrix matrix) { super.setImageMatrix(matrix); mCurrentImageMatrix.set(matrix); updateCurrentImagePoints(); } @Nullable public Bitmap getViewBitmap() { if (getDrawable() == null || !(getDrawable() instanceof FastBitmapDrawable)) { return null; } else { return ((FastBitmapDrawable) getDrawable()).getBitmap(); } } /** * This method translates current image. * * @param deltaX - horizontal shift * @param deltaY - vertical shift */ public void postTranslate(float deltaX, float deltaY) { if (deltaX != 0 || deltaY != 0) { mCurrentImageMatrix.postTranslate(deltaX, deltaY); setImageMatrix(mCurrentImageMatrix); } } /** * This method scales current image. * * @param deltaScale - scale value * @param px - scale center X * @param py - scale center Y */ public void postScale(float deltaScale, float px, float py) { if (deltaScale != 0) { mCurrentImageMatrix.postScale(deltaScale, deltaScale, px, py); setImageMatrix(mCurrentImageMatrix); if (mTransformImageListener != null) { mTransformImageListener.onScale(getMatrixScale(mCurrentImageMatrix)); } } } /** * This method rotates current image. * * @param deltaAngle - rotation angle * @param px - rotation center X * @param py - rotation center Y */ public void postRotate(float deltaAngle, float px, float py) { if (deltaAngle != 0) { mCurrentImageMatrix.postRotate(deltaAngle, px, py); setImageMatrix(mCurrentImageMatrix); if (mTransformImageListener != null) { mTransformImageListener.onRotate(getMatrixAngle(mCurrentImageMatrix)); } } } protected void init() { setScaleType(ScaleType.MATRIX); } @Override protected void onLayout(boolean changed, int left, int top, int right, int bottom) { super.onLayout(changed, left, top, right, bottom); if (changed || (mBitmapDecoded && !mBitmapLaidOut)) { left = getPaddingLeft(); top = getPaddingTop(); right = getWidth() - getPaddingRight(); bottom = getHeight() - getPaddingBottom(); mThisWidth = right - left; mThisHeight = bottom - top; onImageLaidOut(); } } /** * When image is laid out {@link #mInitialImageCenter} and {@link #mInitialImageCenter} * must be set. */ protected void onImageLaidOut() { final Drawable drawable = getDrawable(); if (drawable == null) { return; } float w = drawable.getIntrinsicWidth(); float h = drawable.getIntrinsicHeight(); Log.d(TAG, String.format("Image size: [%d:%d]", (int) w, (int) h)); RectF initialImageRect = new RectF(0, 0, w, h); mInitialImageCorners = RectUtils.getCornersFromRect(initialImageRect); mInitialImageCenter = RectUtils.getCenterFromRect(initialImageRect); mBitmapLaidOut = true; if (mTransformImageListener != null) { mTransformImageListener.onLoadComplete(); } } /** * This method returns Matrix value for given index. * * @param matrix - valid Matrix object * @param valueIndex - index of needed value. See {@link Matrix#MSCALE_X} and others. * @return - matrix value for index */ protected float getMatrixValue(@NonNull Matrix matrix, @IntRange(from = 0, to = MATRIX_VALUES_COUNT) int valueIndex) { matrix.getValues(mMatrixValues); return mMatrixValues[valueIndex]; } /** * This method logs given matrix X, Y, scale, and angle values. * Can be used for debug. */ @SuppressWarnings("unused") protected void printMatrix(@NonNull String logPrefix, @NonNull Matrix matrix) { float x = getMatrixValue(matrix, Matrix.MTRANS_X); float y = getMatrixValue(matrix, Matrix.MTRANS_Y); float rScale = getMatrixScale(matrix); float rAngle = getMatrixAngle(matrix); Log.d(TAG, logPrefix + ": matrix: { x: " + x + ", y: " + y + ", scale: " + rScale + ", angle: " + rAngle + " }"); } /** * This method updates current image corners and center points that are stored in * {@link #mCurrentImageCorners} and {@link #mCurrentImageCenter} arrays. * Those are used for several calculations. */ private void updateCurrentImagePoints() { mCurrentImageMatrix.mapPoints(mCurrentImageCorners, mInitialImageCorners); mCurrentImageMatrix.mapPoints(mCurrentImageCenter, mInitialImageCenter); } }