/* * Copyright (C) 2005-2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. Use is * subject to license terms. */ package org.jdesktop.layout; import java.awt.Container; import java.awt.Insets; import javax.swing.AbstractButton; import javax.swing.Icon; import javax.swing.JCheckBox; import javax.swing.JComponent; import javax.swing.JRadioButton; import javax.swing.LookAndFeel; import javax.swing.SwingConstants; import javax.swing.UIManager; import javax.swing.border.Border; import javax.swing.plaf.UIResource; /** * LayoutStyle is used to determine how much space to place between components * during layout. LayoutStyle can be obtained for two components, or for * a component relative to an edge of a parent container. The amount of * space can vary depending upon whether or not the components are * logically grouped together (<code>RELATED</code>). * <p> * This class is primarily useful for JREs prior to 1.6. In 1.6 API for this * was added to Swing. When run on a JRE of 1.6 or greater this will call into * the appropriate methods in Swing. * * @version $Revision: 1.11 $ */ public class LayoutStyle { private static final boolean USE_CORE_LAYOUT_STYLE; /** * Possible argument to getPreferredGap. Used to indicate the two componets * are grouped together. */ public static final int RELATED = 0; /** * Possible argument to getPreferredGap. Used to indicate the two componets * are not grouped together. */ public static final int UNRELATED = 1; /** * Possible argument to getPreferredGap. Used to indicate the distance * to indent a component is being requested. To visually indicate * a set of related components they will often times be horizontally * indented, the <code>INDENT</code> constant for this. * For example, to indent a check box relative to a label use this * constant to <code>getPreferredGap</code>. */ public static final int INDENT = 3; private static LayoutStyle layoutStyle; private static LookAndFeel laf; static { boolean useCoreLayoutStyle = false; try { Class.forName("javax.swing.LayoutStyle"); useCoreLayoutStyle = true; } catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe) { } USE_CORE_LAYOUT_STYLE = useCoreLayoutStyle; } /** * Sets the LayoutStyle instance to use for this look and feel. * You generally don't need to invoke this, instead use the getter which * will return the LayoutStyle appropriate for the current look and feel. * * @param layoutStyle the LayoutStyle to use; a value of null indicates * the default should be used */ public static void setSharedInstance(LayoutStyle layoutStyle) { UIManager.getLookAndFeelDefaults().put("LayoutStyle.instance", layoutStyle); } /** * Factory methods for obtaining the current <code>LayoutStyle</code> * object appropriate for the current look and feel. * * @return the current LayoutStyle instance */ public static LayoutStyle getSharedInstance() { Object layoutImpl = UIManager.get("LayoutStyle.instance"); if (layoutImpl != null && (layoutImpl instanceof LayoutStyle)) { return (LayoutStyle)layoutImpl; } LookAndFeel currentLAF = UIManager.getLookAndFeel(); if (layoutStyle == null || currentLAF != laf) { laf = currentLAF; String lafID= laf.getID(); if (USE_CORE_LAYOUT_STYLE) { if ("Aqua" == lafID) { try { currentLAF.getClass().getDeclaredMethod("getLayoutStyle", new Class[0]); layoutStyle = new SwingLayoutStyle(); } catch (NoSuchMethodException nsfex) { // getLayoutStyle() not overriden => use our own (issue 52) layoutStyle = new AquaLayoutStyle(); } } else { layoutStyle = new SwingLayoutStyle(); } } else if ("Metal" == lafID) { layoutStyle = new MetalLayoutStyle(); } else if ("Windows" == lafID) { layoutStyle = new WindowsLayoutStyle(); } else if ("GTK" == lafID) { layoutStyle = new GnomeLayoutStyle(); } else if ("Aqua" == lafID) { layoutStyle = new AquaLayoutStyle(); } else { layoutStyle = new LayoutStyle(); } } return layoutStyle; } /** * Returns the amount of space to use between two components. * The return value indicates the distance to place * <code>component2</code> relative to <code>component1</code>. * For example, the following returns the amount of space to place * between <code>component2</code> and <code>component1</code> * when <code>component2</code> is placed vertically above * <code>component1</code>: * <pre> * int gap = getPreferredGap(component1, component2, * LayoutStyle.RELATED, * SwingConstants.NORTH, parent); * </pre> * The <code>type</code> parameter indicates the type * of gap being requested. It can be one of the following values: * <table> * <tr><td><code>RELATED</code> * <td>If the two components will be contained in * the same parent and are showing similar logically related * items, use <code>RELATED</code>. * <tr><td><code>UNRELATED</code> * <td>If the two components will be * contained in the same parent but show logically unrelated items * use <code>UNRELATED</code>. * <tr><td><code>INDENT</code> * <td>Used to obtain the preferred distance to indent a component * relative to another. For example, if you want to horizontally * indent a JCheckBox relative to a JLabel use <code>INDENT</code>. * This is only useful for the horizontal axis. * </table> * <p> * It's important to note that some look and feels may not distinguish * between <code>RELATED</code> and <code>UNRELATED</code>. * <p> * The return value is not intended to take into account the * current size and position of <code>component2</code> or * <code>component1</code>. The return value may take into * consideration various properties of the components. For * example, the space may vary based on font size, or the preferred * size of the component. * * @param component1 the <code>JComponent</code> * <code>component2</code> is being placed relative to * @param component2 the <code>JComponent</code> being placed * @param type how the two components are being placed * @param position the position <code>component2</code> is being placed * relative to <code>component1</code>; one of * <code>SwingConstants.NORTH</code>, * <code>SwingConstants.SOUTH</code>, * <code>SwingConstants.EAST</code> or * <code>SwingConstants.WEST</code> * @param parent the parent of <code>component2</code>; this may differ * from the actual parent and may be null * @return the amount of space to place between the two components * @throws IllegalArgumentException if <code>position</code> is not * one of <code>SwingConstants.NORTH</code>, * <code>SwingConstants.SOUTH</code>, * <code>SwingConstants.EAST</code> or * <code>SwingConstants.WEST</code>; <code>type</code> not one * of <code>INDENT</code>, <code>RELATED</code> * or <code>UNRELATED</code>; or <code>component1</code> or * <code>component2</code> is null */ public int getPreferredGap(JComponent component1, JComponent component2, int type, int position, Container parent) { if (position != SwingConstants.NORTH && position != SwingConstants.SOUTH && position != SwingConstants.WEST && position != SwingConstants.EAST) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid position"); } if (component1 == null || component2== null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Components must be non-null"); } if (type == RELATED) { return 6; } else if (type == UNRELATED) { return 12; } else if (type == INDENT) { if (position == SwingConstants.EAST || position == SwingConstants.WEST) { int gap = getButtonChildIndent(component1, position); if (gap != 0) { return gap; } return 6; } return 6; } throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid type"); } /** * Returns the amount of space to position a component inside its * parent. * * @param component the <code>Component</code> being positioned * @param position the position <code>component</code> is being placed * relative to its parent; one of * <code>SwingConstants.NORTH</code>, * <code>SwingConstants.SOUTH</code>, * <code>SwingConstants.EAST</code> or * <code>SwingConstants.WEST</code> * @param parent the parent of <code>component</code>; this may differ * from the actual parent and may be null * @return the amount of space to place between the component and specified * edge * @throws IllegalArgumentException if <code>position</code> is not * one of <code>SwingConstants.NORTH</code>, * <code>SwingConstants.SOUTH</code>, * <code>SwingConstants.EAST</code> or * <code>SwingConstants.WEST</code>; * or <code>component</code> is null */ public int getContainerGap(JComponent component, int position, Container parent) { if (position != SwingConstants.NORTH && position != SwingConstants.SOUTH && position != SwingConstants.WEST && position != SwingConstants.EAST) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid position"); } if (component == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Component must be non-null"); } return 12; } /** * Returns true if <code>component</code> should be treated as a dialog. */ boolean isDialog(JComponent component) { // PENDING: tag the content pane to make this easier to check for String name = component.getName(); return (name != null && name.endsWith(".contentPane")); } /** * For some look and feels check boxs and radio buttons have an empty * border around them. Look and feel guidelines generally don't include * this space. Use this method to subtract this space from the specified * components. * * @param source First component * @param target Second component * @param position Position doing layout along. * @param offset Ideal offset, not including border/margin * @return offset - border/margin around the component. */ int getCBRBPadding(JComponent source, JComponent target, int position, int offset) { offset -= getCBRBPadding(source, position); if (offset > 0) { offset -= getCBRBPadding(target, flipDirection(position)); } if (offset < 0) { return 0; } return offset; } /** * For some look and feels check boxs and radio buttons have an empty * border around them. Look and feel guidelines generally don't include * this space. Use this method to subtract this space from the specified * components. * * @param source Component * @param position Position doing layout along. * @param offset Ideal offset, not including border/margin * @return offset - border/margin around the component. */ int getCBRBPadding(JComponent source, int position, int offset) { offset -= getCBRBPadding(source, position); return Math.max(offset, 0); } int flipDirection(int position) { switch(position) { case SwingConstants.NORTH: return SwingConstants.SOUTH; case SwingConstants.SOUTH: return SwingConstants.NORTH; case SwingConstants.EAST: return SwingConstants.WEST; case SwingConstants.WEST: return SwingConstants.EAST; } assert false; return 0; } private int getCBRBPadding(JComponent c, int position) { if (c.getUIClassID() == "CheckBoxUI" || c.getUIClassID() == "RadioButtonUI") { Border border = c.getBorder(); if (border instanceof UIResource) { return getInset(c, position); } } return 0; } private int getInset(JComponent c, int position) { Insets insets = c.getInsets(); switch(position) { case SwingConstants.NORTH: return insets.top; case SwingConstants.SOUTH: return insets.bottom; case SwingConstants.EAST: return insets.right; case SwingConstants.WEST: return insets.left; } assert false; return 0; } private boolean isLeftAligned(AbstractButton button, int position) { if (position == SwingConstants.WEST) { boolean ltr = button.getComponentOrientation().isLeftToRight(); int hAlign = button.getHorizontalAlignment(); return ((ltr && (hAlign == SwingConstants.LEFT || hAlign == SwingConstants.LEADING)) || (!ltr && (hAlign == SwingConstants.TRAILING))); } return false; } private boolean isRightAligned(AbstractButton button, int position) { if (position == SwingConstants.EAST) { boolean ltr = button.getComponentOrientation().isLeftToRight(); int hAlign = button.getHorizontalAlignment(); return ((ltr && (hAlign == SwingConstants.RIGHT || hAlign == SwingConstants.TRAILING)) || (!ltr && (hAlign == SwingConstants.LEADING))); } return false; } private Icon getIcon(AbstractButton button) { Icon icon = button.getIcon(); if (icon != null) { return icon; } String key = null; if (button instanceof JCheckBox) { key = "CheckBox.icon"; } else if (button instanceof JRadioButton) { key = "RadioButton.icon"; } if (key != null) { Object oIcon = UIManager.get(key); if (oIcon instanceof Icon) { return (Icon)oIcon; } } return null; } /** * Returns the amount to indent the specified component if it's * a JCheckBox or JRadioButton. If the component is not a JCheckBox or * JRadioButton, 0 will be returned. */ int getButtonChildIndent(JComponent c, int position) { if ((c instanceof JRadioButton) || (c instanceof JCheckBox)) { AbstractButton button = (AbstractButton)c; Insets insets = c.getInsets(); Icon icon = getIcon(button); int gap = button.getIconTextGap(); if (isLeftAligned(button, position)) { return insets.left + icon.getIconWidth() + gap; } else if (isRightAligned(button, position)) { return insets.right + icon.getIconWidth() + gap; } } return 0; } }