/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.pdfbox.util; import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.PDPage; import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.font.PDFont; /** * This represents a string and a position on the screen of those characters. * * @author <a href="mailto:ben@benlitchfield.com">Ben Litchfield</a> * @version $Revision: 1.12 $ */ public class TextPosition { /* TextMatrix for the start of the text object. Coordinates * are in display units and have not been adjusted. */ private Matrix textPos; // ending X and Y coordinates in display units private float endX; private float endY; private float maxTextHeight; // maximum height of text, in display units private int rot; // 0, 90, 180, 270 degrees of page rotation private float x = Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; private float y = Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; private float pageHeight; private float pageWidth; private float[] widths; private float widthOfSpace; // width of a space, in display units private String str; private PDFont font; private float fontSize; private int fontSizePt; // TODO remove unused value private float wordSpacing; // word spacing value, in display units /** * Constructor. */ protected TextPosition() { } /** * Constructor. * * @param page Page that the text is located in * @param textPositionSt TextMatrix for start of text (in display units) * @param textPositionEnd TextMatrix for end of text (in display units) * @param maxFontH Maximum height of text (in display units) * @param individualWidths The width of each individual character. (in ? units) * @param spaceWidth The width of the space character. (in display units) * @param string The character to be displayed. * @param currentFont The current for for this text position. * @param fontSizeValue The new font size. * @param fontSizeInPt The font size in pt units. * @param ws The word spacing parameter (in display units) */ public TextPosition( PDPage page, Matrix textPositionSt, Matrix textPositionEnd, float maxFontH, float[] individualWidths, float spaceWidth, String string, PDFont currentFont, float fontSizeValue, int fontSizeInPt, float ws ) { this.textPos = textPositionSt; this.endX = textPositionEnd.getXPosition(); this.endY = textPositionEnd.getYPosition(); this.rot = page.findRotation(); // make sure it is 0 to 270 and no negative numbers if(this.rot < 0) { rot += 360; } this.maxTextHeight = maxFontH; this.pageHeight = page.findMediaBox().getHeight(); this.pageWidth = page.findMediaBox().getWidth(); this.widths = individualWidths; this.widthOfSpace = spaceWidth; this.str = string; this.font = currentFont; this.fontSize = fontSizeValue; this.fontSizePt = fontSizeInPt; this.wordSpacing = ws; } /** * Constructor. * * @param pageRotation rotation of the page that the text is located in * @param pageWidth rotation of the page that the text is located in * @param pageHeight rotation of the page that the text is located in * @param textPositionSt TextMatrix for start of text (in display units) * @param textPositionEnd TextMatrix for end of text (in display units) * @param maxFontH Maximum height of text (in display units) * @param individualWidth The width of the given character/string. (in ? units) * @param spaceWidth The width of the space character. (in display units) * @param string The character to be displayed. * @param currentFont The current for for this text position. * @param fontSizeValue The new font size. * @param fontSizeInPt The font size in pt units. * * @deprecated Use {@link TextPosition(int, float, float, Matrix, float, float, float, float, float, String, PDFont, float, int)} instead. */ public TextPosition( int pageRotation, float pageWidth, float pageHeight, Matrix textPositionSt, Matrix textPositionEnd, float maxFontH, float individualWidth, float spaceWidth, String string, PDFont currentFont, float fontSizeValue, int fontSizeInPt ) { this(pageRotation, pageWidth, pageHeight, textPositionSt, textPositionEnd.getXPosition(), textPositionEnd.getYPosition(), maxFontH, individualWidth, spaceWidth, string, currentFont, fontSizeValue, fontSizeInPt); } /** * Constructor. * * @param pageRotation rotation of the page that the text is located in * @param pageWidth rotation of the page that the text is located in * @param pageHeight rotation of the page that the text is located in * @param textPositionSt TextMatrix for start of text (in display units) * @param endX * @param endY * @param maxFontH Maximum height of text (in display units) * @param individualWidth The width of the given character/string. (in ? units) * @param spaceWidth The width of the space character. (in display units) * @param string The character to be displayed. * @param currentFont The current for for this text position. * @param fontSizeValue The new font size. * @param fontSizeInPt The font size in pt units. */ public TextPosition( int pageRotation, float pageWidth, float pageHeight, Matrix textPositionSt, float endX, float endY, float maxFontH, float individualWidth, float spaceWidth, String string, PDFont currentFont, float fontSizeValue, int fontSizeInPt ) { this.textPos = textPositionSt; this.endX = endX; this.endY = endY; this.rot = pageRotation; // make sure it is 0 to 270 and no negative numbers if(this.rot < 0) { rot += 360; } this.maxTextHeight = maxFontH; this.pageHeight = pageHeight; this.pageWidth = pageWidth; this.widths = new float[]{individualWidth}; this.widthOfSpace = spaceWidth; this.str = string; this.font = currentFont; this.fontSize = fontSizeValue; this.fontSizePt = fontSizeInPt; } /** * Return the string of characters stored in this object. * * @return The string on the screen. */ public String getCharacter() { return str; } /** * Return the Matrix textPos stored in this object. * * @return The Matrix containing all infos of the starting textposition */ public Matrix getTextPos() { return textPos; } /** * Return the direction/orientation of the string in this object * based on its text matrix. * @return The direction of the text (0, 90, 180, or 270) */ public float getDir() { float a = textPos.getValue(0,0); float b = textPos.getValue(0,1); float c = textPos.getValue(1,0); float d = textPos.getValue(1,1); // 12 0 left to right // 0 12 if ((a > 0) && (Math.abs(b) < d) && (Math.abs(c) < a) && (d > 0)) { return 0; } // -12 0 right to left (upside down) // 0 -12 else if ((a < 0) && (Math.abs(b) < Math.abs(d)) && (Math.abs(c) < Math.abs(a)) && (d < 0)) { return 180; } // 0 12 up // -12 0 else if ((Math.abs(a) < Math.abs(c)) && (b > 0) && (c < 0) && (Math.abs(d) < b)) { return 90; } // 0 -12 down // 12 0 else if ((Math.abs(a) < c) && (b < 0) && (c > 0) && (Math.abs(d) < Math.abs(b))) { return 270; } return 0; } /** * Return the X starting coordinate of the text, adjusted by * the given rotation amount. The rotation adjusts where the 0,0 * location is relative to the text. * * @param rotation Rotation to apply (0, 90, 180, or 270). 0 will perform no adjustments. * @return X coordinate */ private float getXRot(float rotation) { if (rotation == 0) { return textPos.getValue(2,0); } else if (rotation == 90) { return textPos.getValue(2,1); } else if (rotation == 180) { return pageWidth - textPos.getValue(2,0); } else if (rotation == 270) { return pageHeight - textPos.getValue(2,1); } return 0; } /** * This will get the page rotation adjusted x position of the character. * This is adjusted based on page rotation so that the upper * left is 0,0. * * @return The x coordinate of the character. */ public float getX() { if(x==Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY){ x = getXRot(rot); } return x; } /** * This will get the text direction adjusted x position of the character. * This is adjusted based on text direction so that the first character * in that direction is in the upper left at 0,0. * * @return The x coordinate of the text. */ public float getXDirAdj() { return getXRot(getDir()); } /** * This will get the y position of the character with 0,0 in lower left. * This will be adjusted by the given rotation. * @param rotation Rotation to apply to text to adjust the 0,0 location (0,90,180,270) * * @return The y coordinate of the text */ private float getYLowerLeftRot(float rotation) { if (rotation == 0) { return textPos.getValue(2,1); } else if (rotation == 90) { return pageWidth - textPos.getValue(2,0); } else if (rotation == 180) { return pageHeight - textPos.getValue(2,1); } else if (rotation == 270) { return textPos.getValue(2,0); } return 0; } /** * This will get the y position of the text, adjusted so that 0,0 is upper left and * it is adjusted based on the page rotation. * * @return The adjusted y coordinate of the character. */ public float getY() { if(y==Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY){ if ((rot == 0) || (rot == 180)) { y = pageHeight - getYLowerLeftRot(rot); } else { y = pageWidth - getYLowerLeftRot(rot); } } return y; } /** * This will get the y position of the text, adjusted so that 0,0 is upper left and * it is adjusted based on the text direction. * * @return The adjusted y coordinate of the character. */ public float getYDirAdj() { float dir = getDir(); // some PDFBox code assumes that the 0,0 point is in upper left, not lower left if ((dir == 0) || (dir == 180)) { return pageHeight - getYLowerLeftRot(dir); } else { return pageWidth - getYLowerLeftRot(dir); } } /** * Get the length or width of the text, based on a given rotation. * * @param rotation Rotation that was used to determine coordinates (0,90,180,270) * @return Width of text in display units */ private float getWidthRot(float rotation) { if ((rotation == 90) || (rotation == 270)) { return Math.abs(endY - textPos.getYPosition()); } else { return Math.abs(endX - textPos.getXPosition()); } } /** * This will get the width of the string when page rotation adjusted coordinates are used. * * @return The width of the text in display units. */ public float getWidth() { return getWidthRot(rot); } /** * This will get the width of the string when text direction adjusted coordinates are used. * * @return The width of the text in display units. */ public float getWidthDirAdj() { return getWidthRot(getDir()); } /** * This will get the maximum height of all characters in this string. * * @return The maximum height of all characters in this string. */ public float getHeight() { return maxTextHeight; } /** * This will get the maximum height of all characters in this string. * * @return The maximum height of all characters in this string. */ public float getHeightDir() { // this is not really a rotation-dependent calculation, but this is defined for symmetry. return maxTextHeight; } /** * This will get the font size that this object is * suppose to be drawn at. * * @return The font size. */ public float getFontSize() { return fontSize; } /** * This will get the font size in pt. * To get this size we have to multiply the pdf-fontsize and the scaling from the textmatrix * * @return The font size in pt. */ public float getFontSizeInPt() { return fontSizePt; } /** * This will get the font for the text being drawn. * * @return The font size. */ public PDFont getFont() { return font; } /** * This will get the current word spacing. * * @return The current word spacing. */ @Deprecated public float getWordSpacing() { return wordSpacing; } /** * This will get the width of a space character. This is useful for some * algorithms such as the text stripper, that need to know the width of a * space character. * * @return The width of a space character. */ public float getWidthOfSpace() { return widthOfSpace; } /** * @return Returns the xScale. */ public float getXScale() { return textPos.getXScale(); } /** * @return Returns the yScale. */ public float getYScale() { return textPos.getYScale(); } /** * Get the widths of each individual character. * * @return An array that is the same length as the length of the string. */ public float[] getIndividualWidths() { return widths; } /** * Show the string data for this text position. * * @return A human readable form of this object. */ public String toString() { return getCharacter(); } /** * Determine if this TextPosition logically contains * another (i.e. they overlap and should be rendered on top * of each other). * @param tp2 The other TestPosition to compare against * * @return True if tp2 is contained in the bounding box of this text. */ public boolean contains( TextPosition tp2) { double thisXstart = getXDirAdj(); double thisXend = getXDirAdj() + getWidthDirAdj(); double tp2Xstart = tp2.getXDirAdj(); double tp2Xend = tp2.getXDirAdj() + tp2.getWidthDirAdj(); /* * No X overlap at all so return as soon as possible. */ if(tp2Xend <= thisXstart || tp2Xstart >= thisXend) { return false; } /* * No Y overlap at all so return as soon as possible. * Note: 0.0 is in the upper left and y-coordinate is * top of TextPosition */ if((tp2.getYDirAdj() + tp2.getHeightDir() < getYDirAdj()) || (tp2.getYDirAdj() > getYDirAdj() + getHeightDir())) { return false; } /* We're going to calculate the percentage of overlap. If its less * than a 15% x-coordinate overlap then we'll return false because its negligible. * .15 was determined by trial and error in the regression test files. */ else if((tp2Xstart > thisXstart) && (tp2Xend > thisXend)) { double overlap = thisXend - tp2Xstart; double overlapPercent = overlap/getWidthDirAdj(); return (overlapPercent > .15); } else if((tp2Xstart < thisXstart) && (tp2Xend < thisXend)) { double overlap = tp2Xend - thisXstart; double overlapPercent = overlap/getWidthDirAdj(); return (overlapPercent > .15); } return true; } /** * Merge a single character TextPosition into the current object. * This is to be used only for cases where we have a diacritic that * overlaps an existing TextPosition. In a graphical display, we could * overlay them, but for text extraction we need to merge them. Use the * contains() method to test if two objects overlap. * * @param diacritic TextPosition to merge into the current TextPosition. * @param normalize Instance of TextNormalize class to be used to normalize diacritic */ public void mergeDiacritic(TextPosition diacritic, TextNormalize normalize) { if (diacritic.getCharacter().length() > 1) { return; } float diacXStart = diacritic.getXDirAdj(); float diacXEnd = diacXStart + diacritic.widths[0]; float currCharXStart = getXDirAdj(); int strLen = str.length(); boolean wasAdded = false; for (int i = 0; i < strLen && !wasAdded; i++) { float currCharXEnd = currCharXStart + widths[i]; /* * This is the case where there is an overlap of the diacritic character with * the current character and the previous character. If no previous character, * just append the diacritic after the current one. */ if(diacXStart < currCharXStart && diacXEnd <= currCharXEnd) { if(i == 0) { insertDiacritic(i, diacritic, normalize); } else { float distanceOverlapping1 = diacXEnd - currCharXStart; float percentage1 = distanceOverlapping1/widths[i]; float distanceOverlapping2 = currCharXStart - diacXStart; float percentage2 = distanceOverlapping2/widths[i-1]; if(percentage1 >= percentage2) { insertDiacritic(i, diacritic, normalize); } else { insertDiacritic(i-1, diacritic, normalize); } } wasAdded = true; } //diacritic completely covers this character and therefore we assume that //this is the character the diacritic belongs to else if(diacXStart < currCharXStart && diacXEnd > currCharXEnd) { insertDiacritic(i, diacritic, normalize); wasAdded = true; } //Otherwise, The diacritic modifies this character because its completely //contained by the character width else if(diacXStart >= currCharXStart && diacXEnd <= currCharXEnd) { insertDiacritic(i, diacritic, normalize); wasAdded = true; } /* * Last character in the TextPosition so we add diacritic to the end */ else if(diacXStart >= currCharXStart && diacXEnd > currCharXEnd && i == (strLen - 1)) { insertDiacritic(i, diacritic, normalize); wasAdded = true; } /* * Couldn't find anything useful so we go to the next character in the * TextPosition */ currCharXStart += widths[i]; } } /** * Inserts the diacritic TextPosition to the str of this TextPosition * and updates the widths array to include the extra character width. * @param i current character * @param diacritic The diacritic TextPosition * @param normalize Instance of TextNormalize class to be used to normalize diacritic */ private void insertDiacritic(int i, TextPosition diacritic, TextNormalize normalize) { /* we add the diacritic to the right or left of the character * depending on the direction of the character. Note that this * is only required because the text is currently stored in * presentation order and not in logical order. */ int dir = Character.getDirectionality(str.charAt(i)); StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); buf.append(str.substring(0,i)); float[] widths2 = new float[widths.length+1]; System.arraycopy(widths, 0, widths2, 0, i); if ((dir == Character.DIRECTIONALITY_RIGHT_TO_LEFT) || (dir == Character.DIRECTIONALITY_RIGHT_TO_LEFT_ARABIC) || (dir == Character.DIRECTIONALITY_RIGHT_TO_LEFT_EMBEDDING) || (dir == Character.DIRECTIONALITY_RIGHT_TO_LEFT_OVERRIDE)) { buf.append(normalize.normalizeDiac(diacritic.getCharacter())); widths2[i] = 0; buf.append(str.charAt(i)); widths2[i+1] = widths[i]; } else { buf.append(str.charAt(i)); widths2[i] = widths[i]; buf.append(normalize.normalizeDiac(diacritic.getCharacter())); widths2[i+1] = 0; } // Get the rest of the string buf.append(str.substring(i+1, str.length())); System.arraycopy(widths, i+1, widths2, i+2, widths.length-i-1); str = buf.toString(); widths = widths2; } /** * * @return True if the current character is a diacritic char. */ public boolean isDiacritic() { String cText = this.getCharacter(); return (cText.length() == 1 && (Character.getType(cText.charAt(0)) == Character.NON_SPACING_MARK || Character.getType(cText.charAt(0)) == Character.MODIFIER_SYMBOL || Character.getType(cText.charAt(0)) == Character.MODIFIER_LETTER)); } }