package org.openhab.habdroid.ui; import android.util.Log; import android.view.MotionEvent; import android.view.View; import org.openhab.habclient.HABApplication; /** * Created by Tony Alpskog in 2014. */ public class SecondaryTouchListener implements View.OnTouchListener { private View mDownView; private boolean mSecondaryDown; /** * @param initialInterval The interval after first click event * @param normalInterval The interval after second and subsequent click events * @param secondaryClickListener The OnSecondaryClickListener, that will be called at Down and then Up. */ public SecondaryTouchListener(OnSecondaryClickListener secondaryClickListener) { if (secondaryClickListener == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("null runnable"); mOnSecondaryClickListener = secondaryClickListener; } public boolean onTouch(View view, MotionEvent motionEvent) { boolean result = true; switch (motionEvent.getAction() & MotionEvent.ACTION_MASK) { case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN: mSecondaryDown = false; Log.d(HABApplication.getLogTag(), "[SecondaryTouch] ACTION_DOWN (Primary)"); mDownView = view; break; case MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_DOWN: mSecondaryDown = true; Log.d(HABApplication.getLogTag(), "[SecondaryTouch] ACTION_POINTER_DOWN (Secondary)"); fireSecondaryEvent(mDownView, SecondaryClickEvent.Down); break; case MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL: case MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_UP: case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP: Log.d(HABApplication.getLogTag(), String.format("[SecondaryTouch] %s (Touch ended)" , motionEvent.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL ? "ACTION_CANCEL" : motionEvent.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_UP ? "ACTION_POINTER_UP" : "ACTION_UP")); fireSecondaryEvent(mDownView, mSecondaryDown ? SecondaryClickEvent.Up : SecondaryClickEvent.Cancel); result = !mSecondaryDown; mDownView = null; mSecondaryDown = false; break; } return result; } public enum SecondaryClickEvent { Down, Up, Cancel, } public interface OnSecondaryClickListener { /** * Called when a OnRepeatClick occur. * Will fire a SecondaryClickEvent.Down at secondary touch. * Immediately when the touch cease a SecondaryClickEvent.Up will be fired * * @param v The view the touch event has been dispatched to. * @param event The type of event that occurred. * @return True if the listener has consumed the event, false otherwise. */ boolean onSecondary(View v, SecondaryClickEvent event); } private OnSecondaryClickListener mOnSecondaryClickListener; public void setOnRepeatClickListener(OnSecondaryClickListener eventListener) { mOnSecondaryClickListener = eventListener; } private boolean fireSecondaryEvent(View view, SecondaryClickEvent event) { Log.d(HABApplication.getLogTag(), "[SecondaryTouch] Fire new SecondaryClickEvent: " +; Log.v(HABApplication.getLogTag(), String.format("SecondaryClickEvent event = %s",; if(mOnSecondaryClickListener != null) { mOnSecondaryClickListener.onSecondary(view, event); return true; } else Log.w(HABApplication.getLogTag(), "Cannot post event. OnSecondaryClickListener is NULL"); return false; } }