package; /** Copyright 2005 Bytecode Pty Ltd. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ import org.junit.Test; import*; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import static org.junit.Assert.*; public class CSVWriterTest { /** * Test routine for converting output to a string. * * @param args * the elements of a line of the cvs file * @return a String version * @throws IOException * if there are problems writing */ private String invokeWriter(String[] args) throws IOException { StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); CSVWriter csvw = new CSVWriter(sw,',','\'', Constants.BACKSLASH_CHARACTER); csvw.writeNext(args); csvw.close(); return sw.toString(); } private String invokeNoEscapeWriter(String[] args) throws IOException { StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); CSVWriter csvw = new CSVWriter(sw,Constants.DEFAULT_SEPARATOR,'\'', Constants.NO_ESCAPE_CHARACTER); csvw.writeNext(args); csvw.close(); return sw.toString(); } @Test public void correctlyParseNullString(){ StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); CSVWriter csvw = new CSVWriter(sw,',','\''); csvw.writeNext(null); assertEquals(0, sw.toString().length()); } /** * Tests parsing individual lines. * * @throws IOException * if the reader fails. */ @Test public void testParseLine() throws IOException { // test normal case String[] normal = { "a", "b", "c" }; String output = invokeWriter(normal); assertEquals("'a','b','c'\n", output); // test quoted commas String[] quoted = { "a", "b,b,b", "c" }; output = invokeWriter(quoted); assertEquals("'a','b,b,b','c'\n", output); // test an escape character that suppose to be a content String[] escaped = { "a", "b,b,b", "c" }; output = invokeWriter(escaped); assertEquals("'a','b,b,b','c'\n", output); // test empty elements String[] empty = { , }; output = invokeWriter(empty); assertEquals("\n", output); // test multiline quoted String[] multiline = { "This is a \n multiline entry", "so is \n this" }; output = invokeWriter(multiline); assertEquals("'This is a \n multiline entry','so is \n this'\n", output); // test quoted line String[] quoteLine = { "This is a ' multiline entry", "so is \n this" }; output = invokeWriter(quoteLine); System.out.println(output); assertEquals("'This is a '' multiline entry','so is \n this'\n", output); } @Test public void parseLineWithBothEscapeCharAndQuoteChar() throws IOException { // test quoted line String[] quoteLine = { "This is a \\ \" 'multiline' entry", "so is \n this" }; String output = invokeWriter(quoteLine); assertEquals("'This is a \\\\ \" ''multiline'' entry','so is \n this'\n", output); } /** * Tests parsing individual lines. * * @throws IOException * if the reader fails. */ @Test public void testParseLineWithNoEscapeChar() throws IOException { // test normal case String[] normal = { "a", "b", "c" }; String output = invokeNoEscapeWriter(normal); assertEquals("'a','b','c'\n", output); // test quoted commas String[] quoted = { "a", "b,b,b", "c" }; output = invokeNoEscapeWriter(quoted); assertEquals("'a','b,b,b','c'\n", output); // test empty elements String[] empty = { , }; output = invokeNoEscapeWriter(empty); assertEquals("\n", output); // test multiline quoted String[] multiline = { "This is a \n multiline entry", "so is \n this" }; output = invokeNoEscapeWriter(multiline); assertEquals("'This is a \n multiline entry','so is \n this'\n", output); } @Test public void parseLineWithNoEscapeCharAndQuotes() throws IOException { String[] quoteLine = { "This is a \" 'multiline' entry", "so is \n this" }; String output = invokeNoEscapeWriter(quoteLine); assertEquals("'This is a \" ''multiline'' entry','so is \n this'\n", output); } /** * Test parsing from to a list. * * @throws IOException * if the reader fails. */ @Test public void testParseAll() throws IOException { List<String[]> allElements = new ArrayList<String[]>(); String[] line1 = "Name#Phone#Email".split("#"); String[] line2 = "".split("#"); String[] line3 = "".split("#"); allElements.add(line1); allElements.add(line2); allElements.add(line3); StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); CSVWriter csvw = new CSVWriter(sw); csvw.writeAll(allElements); csvw.close(); String result = sw.toString(); String[] lines = result.split("\n"); assertEquals(3, lines.length); } /** * Tests the option of having omitting quotes in the output stream. * * @throws IOException if bad things happen */ @Test public void testNoQuoteChars() throws IOException { String[] line = {"Foo","Bar","Baz"}; StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); CSVWriter csvw = new CSVWriter(sw, Constants.DEFAULT_SEPARATOR, Constants.NO_QUOTE_CHARACTER); csvw.writeNext(line); csvw.close(); String result = sw.toString(); assertEquals("Foo,Bar,Baz\n",result); } /** * Tests the option of having omitting quotes in the output stream. * * @throws IOException if bad things happen */ @Test public void testNoQuoteCharsAndNoEscapeChars() throws IOException { String[] line = {"Foo","Bar","Baz"}; StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); CSVWriter csvw = new CSVWriter(sw, Constants.DEFAULT_SEPARATOR, Constants.NO_QUOTE_CHARACTER, Constants.NO_ESCAPE_CHARACTER); csvw.writeNext(line); csvw.close(); String result = sw.toString(); assertEquals("Foo,Bar,Baz\n",result); } /** * Test null values. * * @throws IOException if bad things happen */ @Test public void testNullValues() throws IOException { String[] line = {"Foo",null,"Bar","baz"}; StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); CSVWriter csvw = new CSVWriter(sw); csvw.writeNext(line); csvw.close(); String result = sw.toString(); assertEquals("\"Foo\",,\"Bar\",\"baz\"\n",result); } @Test public void testStreamFlushing() throws IOException { String WRITE_FILE = "myfile.csv"; String[] nextLine = new String[]{"aaaa", "bbbb","cccc","dddd"}; FileWriter fileWriter = new FileWriter(WRITE_FILE); CSVWriter writer = new CSVWriter(fileWriter); writer.writeNext(nextLine); // If this line is not executed, it is not written in the file. writer.close(); } @Test public void testAlternateEscapeChar() { String[] line = {"Foo","bar's"}; StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); CSVWriter csvw = new CSVWriter(sw,Constants.DEFAULT_SEPARATOR,Constants.DEFAULT_QUOTE_CHARACTER,'\''); csvw.writeNext(line); assertEquals("\"Foo\",\"bar''s\"\n",sw.toString()); } @Test public void testNoQuotingNoEscaping() { String[] line = {"\"Foo\",\"Bar\""}; StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); CSVWriter csvw = new CSVWriter(sw,Constants.DEFAULT_SEPARATOR,Constants.NO_QUOTE_CHARACTER,Constants.NO_ESCAPE_CHARACTER); csvw.writeNext(line); assertEquals("\"Foo\",\"Bar\"\n",sw.toString()); } @Test public void testNestedQuotes(){ String[] data = new String[]{"\"\"", "test"}; String oracle = new String("\"\"\"\"\"\",\"test\"\n"); CSVWriter writer=null; File tempFile=null; FileWriter fwriter=null; try{ tempFile = File.createTempFile("csvWriterTest", ".csv"); tempFile.deleteOnExit(); fwriter = new FileWriter(tempFile); writer = new CSVWriter(fwriter); }catch(IOException e){ fail(); } // write the test data: writer.writeNext(data); try{ writer.close(); }catch(IOException e){ fail(); } try{ // assert that the writer was also closed. fwriter.flush(); fail(); }catch(IOException e){ // we should go through here.. } // read the data and compare. FileReader in=null; try{ in = new FileReader(tempFile); }catch(FileNotFoundException e){ fail(); } StringBuilder fileContents = new StringBuilder(CSVWriter.INITIAL_STRING_SIZE); try{ int ch; while((ch = != -1){ fileContents.append((char)ch); } in.close(); }catch(IOException e){ fail(); } assertTrue(oracle.equals(fileContents.toString())); } @Test public void testAlternateLineFeeds() { String[] line = {"Foo","Bar","baz"}; StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); CSVWriter csvw = new CSVWriter(sw, Constants.DEFAULT_SEPARATOR, Constants.DEFAULT_QUOTE_CHARACTER, "\r"); csvw.writeNext(line); String result = sw.toString(); assertTrue(result.endsWith("\r")); } @Test public void testResultSetWithHeaders() throws SQLException, IOException { String[] header = {"Foo","Bar","baz"}; String[] value = {"v1", "v2", "v3"}; MockResultSetHelper mockHelperService = new MockResultSetHelper(header, value); StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); CSVWriter csvw = new CSVWriter(sw); csvw.setResultService(mockHelperService); MockResultSet rs = new MockResultSet(); rs.setNumberOfResults(1); csvw.writeAll(rs, true); // don't need a result set since I am mocking the result. assertFalse(csvw.checkError()); String result = sw.toString(); assertNotNull(result); assertEquals("\"Foo\",\"Bar\",\"baz\"\n\"v1\",\"v2\",\"v3\"\n", result); csvw.close(); } @Test public void testMultiLineResultSetWithHeaders() throws SQLException, IOException { String[] header = {"Foo","Bar","baz"}; String[] value = {"v1", "v2", "v3"}; MockResultSetHelper mockHelperService = new MockResultSetHelper(header, value); StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); CSVWriter csvw = new CSVWriter(sw); csvw.setResultService(mockHelperService); MockResultSet rs = new MockResultSet(); rs.setNumberOfResults(3); csvw.writeAll(rs, true); // don't need a result set since I am mocking the result. assertFalse(csvw.checkError()); String result = sw.toString(); csvw.close(); assertNotNull(result); assertEquals("\"Foo\",\"Bar\",\"baz\"\n\"v1\",\"v2\",\"v3\"\n\"v1\",\"v2\",\"v3\"\n\"v1\",\"v2\",\"v3\"\n", result); } @Test public void testResultSetWithoutHeaders() throws SQLException, IOException { String[] header = {"Foo","Bar","baz"}; String[] value = {"v1", "v2", "v3"}; MockResultSetHelper mockHelperService = new MockResultSetHelper(header, value); StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); CSVWriter csvw = new CSVWriter(sw); csvw.setResultService(mockHelperService); MockResultSet rs = new MockResultSet(); rs.setNumberOfResults(1); csvw.writeAll(rs, false); // don't need a result set since I am mocking the result. assertFalse(csvw.checkError()); String result = sw.toString(); csvw.close(); assertNotNull(result); assertEquals("\"v1\",\"v2\",\"v3\"\n", result); } @Test public void testMultiLineResultSetWithoutHeaders() throws SQLException, IOException { String[] header = {"Foo","Bar","baz"}; String[] value = {"v1", "v2", "v3"}; MockResultSetHelper mockHelperService = new MockResultSetHelper(header, value); StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); CSVWriter csvw = new CSVWriter(sw); csvw.setResultService(mockHelperService); MockResultSet rs = new MockResultSet(); rs.setNumberOfResults(3); csvw.writeAll(rs, false); // don't need a result set since I am mocking the result. assertFalse(csvw.checkError()); String result = sw.toString(); csvw.close(); assertNotNull(result); assertEquals("\"v1\",\"v2\",\"v3\"\n\"v1\",\"v2\",\"v3\"\n\"v1\",\"v2\",\"v3\"\n", result); } }