package org.ObjectLayout.examples;/* * Written by Gil Tene, Martin Thompson and Michael Barker, and released * to the public domain, as explained at: * */ import java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.NoSuchElementException; import org.ObjectLayout.ReferenceArray; import org.ObjectLayout.StructuredArray; @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") public class BPlusTree<K, V> implements Iterable<Map.Entry<K, V>> { private static final MethodHandles.Lookup lookup = MethodHandles.lookup(); private final int nodeSize; private final Comparator comparator; private final Leaf firstNode; private Node root; private int size; private static final Object[] EMPTY_ARGS = {}; public BPlusTree(int nodeSize) { this(nodeSize, null); } public BPlusTree(int nodeSize, Comparator<K> comparator) { this.nodeSize = nodeSize; this.comparator = comparator; firstNode = Leaf.newInstance(nodeSize); this.root = firstNode; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public V put(K key, V val) { if (key == null || val == null) { throw new NullPointerException("Keys and values may not be null"); } Object o = root.put(comparator, key, val); if (isSplit(o)) { Node next =; root = Branch.newInstance(root, next, nodeSize); o = null; } if (null == o) { size++; } return (V) o; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public V get(Object key) { return (V) root.get(comparator, key); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public V remove(Object key) { Object o = root.remove(comparator, key); if (null != o) { size--; if (root.hasOnlyChild()) { root = (Node) root.firstValue(); } } return (V) o; } public int size() { return size; } static class Entry implements Map.Entry { private Object key; private Object val; public Entry() { } @Override public Object getKey() { return key; } @Override public Object getValue() { return val; } @Override public Object setValue(Object value) { Object oldValue = this.val; this.val = value; return oldValue; } @Override public String toString() { return "[" + key + "->" + val + "]"; } public void set(Object key, Object val) { this.key = key; this.val = val; } public void clear() { key = null; val = null; } } private static int binarySearch(StructuredArray<Entry> entries, int fromIndex, int toIndex, Object key, Comparator c) { int low = fromIndex; int high = toIndex - 1; while (low <= high) { int mid = (low + high) >>> 1; Object midVal = entries.get(mid).getKey(); int cmp = compare(c, midVal, key); if (cmp < 0) low = mid + 1; else if (cmp > 0) high = mid - 1; else return mid; // key found } return -(low + 1); // key not found. } static class Leaf extends StructuredArray<Entry> implements Node { private int size = 0; private final int capacity; private Leaf next; public Leaf() { capacity = (int) this.getLength(); } public Object put(Comparator comparator, Object key, Object val) { Object oldVal; int search = binarySearch(this, 0, size, key, comparator); if (search > -1) { Entry entry = get(search); oldVal = entry.getValue(); entry.setValue(val); } else if (size < capacity) { oldVal = null; search = -(search + 1); insert(search, key, val); } else { Leaf next = Leaf.newInstance(capacity); int halfSize = size / 2; shallowCopy(this, halfSize, next, 0, halfSize); clear(halfSize, size); size = halfSize; next.size = halfSize; if (compare(comparator, key, next.firstKey()) < 0) { put(comparator, key, val); } else { next.put(comparator, key, val); } =; = next; oldVal = Node.Sentinal.SPLIT; } return oldVal; } private void clear(int offset, int count) { for (int i = offset; i < count; i++) { get(i).clear(); } } public Object get(Comparator comparator, Object key) { int search = binarySearch(this, 0, size, key, comparator); if (search < 0) { return null; } return get(search).getValue(); } @Override public Object remove(Comparator comparator, Object key) { int search = binarySearch(this, 0, size, key, comparator); if (search < 0) { return null; } return remove(search); } public BPlusTree.Leaf next() { return next; } @Override public boolean requiresCompacting() { return size < capacity / 2; } @Override public Object firstKey() { return get(0).getKey(); } @Override public Object firstValue() { return get(0).getValue(); } @Override public Object lastKey() { return get(size - 1).getKey(); } @Override public Object lastValue() { return get(size - 1).getValue(); } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("["); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { Entry entry = get(i); sb.append(entry.getKey()).append("->").append(entry.getValue()); sb.append(","); } sb.setLength(sb.length() - 1); sb.append("]"); return sb.toString(); } @Override public int size() { return size; } @Override public boolean hasOnlyChild() { return false; } public void mergeFrom(Node right) { assert (right.size() == capacity / 2) || (size == capacity / 2) : "Should have exactly half capacity nodes"; Leaf leaf = (Leaf) right; shallowCopy(leaf, 0, this, size, leaf.size()); next =; size += leaf.size(); } public boolean stealFromRight(Leaf right) { if (right.size() > capacity / 2) { append(right.firstKey(), right.firstValue()); right.removeFirst(); return true; } return false; } public boolean stealFromLeft(Leaf left) { if (left.size() > capacity / 2) { push(left.lastKey(), left.lastValue()); left.clearLast(); return true; } return false; } private void removeFirst() { remove(0); } private Object remove(int search) { Object o = this.get(search).getValue(); if (search != size - 1) { shallowCopy(this, search + 1, this, search, size - (search + 1)); } this.get(size - 1).clear(); size--; return o; } private void insert(int search, Object key, Object val) { if (search != size) { shallowCopy(this, search, this, search + 1, size - search); } this.get(search).set(key, val); size++; } private void push(Object key, Object val) { insert(0, key, val); } private void append(Object key, Object val) { get(size).set(key, val); size++; } private void clearLast() { get(size - 1).clear(); size--; } public static Leaf newInstance(int nodeSize) { return newInstance(lookup, Leaf.class, Entry.class, nodeSize); } } static class Branch extends ReferenceArray<Object> implements Node { private final int capacity; private int size = 0; public Branch() { capacity = ((int) getLength() - 1) / 2; } private void setChild(int i, Object o) { set(i, o); } private Object getChild(int i) { return get(i); } @Override public Object put(Comparator comparator, Object key, Object val) { Node node = findNode(comparator, key); Object oldVal = node.put(comparator, key, val); if (isSplit(oldVal)) { Node nextNode =; Object keyForNextNode = nextNode.firstKey(); if (size == capacity) { splitBranch(comparator, keyForNextNode, nextNode); } else { insertNode(comparator, keyForNextNode, nextNode); oldVal = null; } } return oldVal; } private void splitBranch(Comparator comparator, Object keyForNextNode, Node nextNode) { int halfSize = size / 2; int comparison = compareWithMidValues(comparator, keyForNextNode, halfSize); if (comparison == 0) { Branch nextBranch = create(capacity); // Copy half of the nodes from the original int copyFrom = keyOffset(halfSize); int length = arraySize() - copyFrom; shallowCopy(this, copyFrom, nextBranch, 1, length); nextBranch.size = halfSize; // Key from new node moved up. nextBranch.firstKey(keyForNextNode); nextBranch.setChild(0, nextNode); // clear out latter half... clearArrayFrom(keyOffset(halfSize)); size = halfSize; // temporarily store the nextBranch for the parent. next(nextBranch); } else if (comparison < 0) { Branch nextBranch = create(capacity); // Copy half of the nodes from the original int copyFrom = keyOffset(halfSize); int length = arraySize() - copyFrom; shallowCopy(this, copyFrom, nextBranch, 1, length); nextBranch.size = halfSize; // Last key from first half moved up. nextBranch.firstKey(storedKey(halfSize - 1)); nextBranch.setChild(0, getChild(halfSize * 2)); // clear out latter half... clearArrayFrom(keyOffset(halfSize - 1)); size = halfSize - 1; // Insert the new node insertNode(comparator, keyForNextNode, nextNode); // temporarily store the nextBranch for the parent. next(nextBranch); } else { Branch nextBranch = create(capacity); // Copy just under half of the nodes from the original int copyFrom = keyOffset(halfSize + 1); int length = arraySize() - copyFrom; shallowCopy(this, copyFrom, nextBranch, 1, length); nextBranch.size = halfSize - 1; // First key from second half moved up. nextBranch.firstKey(storedKey(halfSize)); nextBranch.setChild(0, getChild((halfSize + 1) * 2)); // clear out latter half... clearArrayFrom(keyOffset(halfSize)); size = halfSize; // Insert the new node nextBranch.insertNode(comparator, keyForNextNode, nextNode); // temporarily store the nextBranch for the parent. next(nextBranch); } } private void clearArrayFrom(int offset) { for (int i = offset; i < getLength(); i++) { setChild(i, null); } } private void clear(int index) { setChild(index, null); } @Override public Object get(Comparator comparator, Object key) { return findNode(comparator, key).get(comparator, key); } @Override public Object remove(Comparator comparator, Object key) { int index = findKeyIndex(comparator, key); int nodeOffset = index * 2; Node node = (Node) getChild(nodeOffset); Object oldVal = node.remove(comparator, key); if (node.requiresCompacting()) { if (node instanceof Leaf) { compactLeaves((Leaf) node, index, nodeOffset); } else { compactBranches((Branch) node, index, nodeOffset); } } return oldVal; } private void compactLeaves(Leaf node, int index, int nodeOffset) { if (index + 1 <= size) { Leaf left = node; Leaf right = (Leaf) getChild(nodeOffset + 2); if (left.stealFromRight(right)) { setChild(nodeOffset + 1, right.firstKey()); } else { left.mergeFrom(right); removeMergedNode(nodeOffset); } } else { Leaf left = (Leaf) getChild(nodeOffset - 2); Leaf right = node; if (right.stealFromLeft(left)) { setChild(nodeOffset - 1, right.firstKey()); } else { left.mergeFrom(right); removeMergedNode(nodeOffset); } } } private void compactBranches(Branch node, int index, int nodeOffset) { if (index + 1 <= size) { Branch right = (Branch) getChild(nodeOffset + 2); Object rightKey = getChild(nodeOffset + 1); if (right.size() > capacity / 2) { node.append(rightKey, right.firstValue()); Object poppedKey = right.popKey(); setChild(nodeOffset + 1, poppedKey); } else { node.mergeFrom(rightKey, right); removeMergedNode(nodeOffset); } } else { Branch left = (Branch) getChild(nodeOffset - 2); Object nodeKey = getChild(nodeOffset - 1); if (left.size() > capacity / 2) { node.push(left.lastValue(), nodeKey); setChild(nodeOffset - 1, left.lastKey()); left.clearLast(); } else { left.mergeFrom(nodeKey, node); removeMergedNode(nodeOffset); } } } private void removeMergedNode(int nodeOffset) { int length = arraySize() - (nodeOffset + 3); if (length > 0) { shallowCopy(this, nodeOffset + 3, this, nodeOffset + 1, length); } size--; clear(arraySize()); clear(arraySize() + 1); } public void mergeFrom(Object rightKey, Node right) { Branch branch = (Branch) right; setChild(arraySize(), rightKey); shallowCopy(branch, 0, this, arraySize() + 1, branch.arraySize()); size += branch.size() + 1; } private int compareWithMidValues(Comparator comparator, Object key, int halfSize) { Object keyA = storedKey(halfSize - 1); Object keyB = storedKey(halfSize); int compareA = compare(comparator, key, keyA); int compareB = compare(comparator, key, keyB); assert compareA != 0 : "Should not get a key match on split"; assert compareB != 0 : "Should not get a key match on split"; return Integer.signum(compareA) + Integer.signum(compareB); } private void insertNode(Comparator comparator, Object key, Node child) { int keyIndex = findKeyIndex(comparator, key); int offset = keyIndex * 2 + 1; int length = arraySize() - offset; if (length > 0) { shallowCopy(this, offset, this, offset + 2, length); } setChild(offset, key); setChild(offset + 1, child); size++; } private void next(Branch nextBranch) { assert size < capacity : "Can only store next node if node is not full"; setChild((int) getLength() - 1, nextBranch); } private void firstKey(Object storedKey) { assert size < capacity : "Can only store first key if node is not full"; setChild((int) getLength() - 1, storedKey); } @Override public Node next() { int offset = (int) getLength() - 1; Object nextNode = getChild(offset); assert nextNode != null : "Can only fetch next once"; setChild(offset, null); return (Node) nextNode; } @Override public Object firstKey() { int offset = (int) getLength() - 1; Object firstKey = getChild(offset); assert firstKey != null : "Can only fetch firstKey once"; setChild(offset, null); return firstKey; } public Object popKey() { Object key = getChild(1); int length = arraySize() - 2; shallowCopy(this, 2, this, 0, length); size--; clear(arraySize()); clear(arraySize() + 1); return key; } @Override public Node firstValue() { return (Node) getChild(0); } @Override public Object lastKey() { assert size > 0 : "Should not be modifying branch with only child"; return getChild(arraySize() - 2); } @Override public Node lastValue() { assert size > 0 : "Should not be modifying branch with only child"; return (Node) getChild(arraySize() - 1); } private void clearLast() { assert size > 0 : "Should not be modifying branch with only child"; clear(arraySize() - 1); clear(arraySize() - 2); size--; } public void push(Node val, Object key) { shallowCopy(this, 0, this, 2, arraySize()); setChild(0, val); setChild(1, key); size++; } public void append(Object key, Node val) { setChild(arraySize(), key); setChild(arraySize() + 1, val); size++; } @Override public boolean requiresCompacting() { return size < capacity / 2; } private Node findNode(Comparator comparator, Object key) { return storedNode(findKeyIndex(comparator, key)); } private int keyOffset(int index) { return index * 2 + 1; } private Node storedNode(int search) { return (Node) getChild(search * 2); } private Object storedKey(int index) { return getChild(keyOffset(index)); } private int findKeyIndex(Comparator comparator, Object key) { int lo = 0; int hi = size - 1; while (lo <= hi) { final int mid = (lo + hi) >>> 1; Object stored = storedKey(mid); int comparison = compare(comparator, key, stored); if (comparison == 0) { return mid + 1; } else if (comparison < 0) { hi = mid - 1; } else { lo = mid + 1; } } return lo; } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("B:["); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { sb.append(getChild(i)).append(","); } sb.setLength(sb.length() - 1); sb.append("]"); return sb.toString(); } @Override public int size() { return size; } @Override public boolean hasOnlyChild() { return size == 0; } private int arraySize() { return size * 2 + 1; } private static Branch newInstance(Node left, Node right, int nodeSize) { Branch branch = create(nodeSize); branch.setChild(0, left); branch.setChild(1, right.firstKey()); branch.setChild(2, right); branch.size = 1; return branch; } private static Branch create(int nodeSize) { int length = (nodeSize * 2) + 1; return ReferenceArray.newInstance(lookup, Branch.class, length); } } interface Node { enum Sentinal { SPLIT }; Object get(Comparator comparator, Object key); Object put(Comparator comparator, Object key, Object val); Object remove(Comparator comparator, Object key); Object lastValue(); Object lastKey(); Object firstValue(); int size(); boolean requiresCompacting(); Object firstKey(); Node next(); boolean hasOnlyChild(); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private static int compare(Comparator comparator, Object a, Object b) { if (null == comparator) { return ((Comparable) a).compareTo(b); } else { return, b); } } private static boolean isSplit(Object o) { return Node.Sentinal.SPLIT == o; } @Override public String toString() { return "org.ObjectLayout.examples.BPlusTree [nodeSize=" + nodeSize + ", comparator=" + comparator + ", root=" + root + "]"; } public Iterator<Map.Entry<K, V>> iterator() { return new BPlusTreeIterator(firstNode); } public class BPlusTreeIterator implements Iterator<Map.Entry<K, V>> { private Leaf leaf; private int index = -1; public BPlusTreeIterator(Leaf leaf) { this.leaf = leaf; } @Override public boolean hasNext() { return (index + 1) < leaf.size() || != null; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public Map.Entry<K, V> next() { if ((index + 1) < leaf.size()) { index++; Entry entry = leaf.get(index); return entry; } else if ( != null) { leaf =; index = 0; Entry entry = leaf.get(index); return entry; } throw new NoSuchElementException(); } @Override public void remove() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } } public static <T> void shallowCopy( final ReferenceArray<T> src, final long srcOffset, final ReferenceArray<T> dst, final long dstOffset, final long count) { if (srcOffset + count > Integer.MAX_VALUE || dstOffset + count > Integer.MAX_VALUE) { throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(); } int length = (int) count; int srcOff = (int) srcOffset; int dstOff = (int) dstOffset; System.arraycopy(src.asArray(), srcOff, dst.asArray(), dstOff, length); } }