package; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DriverManager; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; import java.sql.Timestamp; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * A database class for storing OTC trades * * @author Wai-Wai Ng */ public class Database { private static Database db; private static Connection connection; private static final int TableAlreadyExistsError = -21; // as defined by HSQLDB Driver private static final int ObjectNameAlreadyExists = -5504; // as thrown by trying to create table twice private static final int RowWithUniqueFieldAlreadyExistsError = -104; /** * Returns a string representing the filepath to where the database should be stored * @return the file path to the database */ private static String getDatabasePath() { // originally stored in the appropriate directory for OSes, but it // transpired that permissions issues were rather more likely than // expected, so this was replaced with a local filepath return "database.db"; } /** * Returns the singleton database object * @return the database */ public static Database getDB() { if (db==null) { try { db = new Database(); } catch (SQLException ex) { System.err.println("There was a fatal database error."); System.err.println(ex.getMessage()); System.exit(1); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { System.err.println("Error: Could not locate database driver"); System.exit(2); } } return db; } /** * Creates the database * @throws SQLException * @throws ClassNotFoundException */ private Database() throws SQLException, ClassNotFoundException { Class.forName("org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver"); connection = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:hsqldb:file:"+getDatabasePath()); connection.setAutoCommit(false); connection.createStatement().execute("SET WRITE_DELAY FALSE"); // always update data on disk createDataTable(); createInfoTable(); createSavedSearchTable(); Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new Thread() { @Override public void run() { try { connection.createStatement().execute("SHUTDOWN"); } catch (SQLException ex) { System.err.println("Database shutdown failed"); } } }); } /** * Creates the table for trade data * @throws SQLException */ private void createDataTable() throws SQLException { StringBuilder dataTableCreator = new StringBuilder("CREATE TABLE data ("); HashMap<String, SQLField> DBNameDBType = TradeFieldMapping.getMapping(new Trade()); Iterator<Entry<String, SQLField>> i = DBNameDBType.entrySet().iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { Entry<String, SQLField> mapEntry =; if(mapEntry != null && mapEntry.getValue() != null){ dataTableCreator.append(mapEntry.getKey()).append(" ").append(mapEntry.getValue().getType()).append(", "); } else { if(mapEntry == null){ // TODO System.out.println("a"); } else { System.out.println("b"); } // } } dataTableCreator.append(" UNIQUE (id));"); try { connection.createStatement().execute(dataTableCreator.toString()); connection.createStatement().executeQuery("CREATE INDEX ua1 ON data (underlyingAsset1)"); connection.createStatement().executeQuery("CREATE INDEX eTcurr ON data (executionTime, notionalCurrency1)"); connection.createStatement().executeQuery("CREATE INDEX rna1 ON data (roundedNotionalAmount1)"); } catch (SQLException e) { if(e.getErrorCode() != TableAlreadyExistsError && e.getErrorCode() != ObjectNameAlreadyExists){ System.err.println(e.getErrorCode()); throw e; } } } /** * Creates the table that stores internal metadata * @throws SQLException */ private void createInfoTable() throws SQLException { String infoTableCreator = "CREATE TABLE info ( key VARCHAR(255), vvalue VARCHAR(255) )"; try { connection.createStatement().execute(infoTableCreator); connection.createStatement().execute("INSERT INTO info (key, vvalue) VALUES ('last_update', '0')"); commit(); } catch (SQLException e) { if(e.getErrorCode() != TableAlreadyExistsError && e.getErrorCode() != ObjectNameAlreadyExists){ throw e; } } } /** * Creates the table that stores saved searches * @throws SQLException */ private void createSavedSearchTable() throws SQLException { String savedSearchTableCreator = "CREATE TABLE savedsearches (" + " id INTEGER GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY PRIMARY KEY," + " searchName VARCHAR(255)," + " tradeType SMALLINT, " + " assetClass SMALLINT, " + " asset VARCHAR(255), " + " minPrice BIGINT, " + " maxPrice BIGINT, " + " currency VARCHAR(20), " + " startTime TIMESTAMP, " + " endTime TIMESTAMP, " + " upi VARCHAR(255)," + " UNIQUE (searchName))"; try{ connection.createStatement().execute(savedSearchTableCreator); } catch (SQLException e){ if(e.getErrorCode() != TableAlreadyExistsError && e.getErrorCode() != ObjectNameAlreadyExists){ throw e; } } } /** * Attempts to commit the current transaction to the database * @return true if the current transaction was successfully committed */ private boolean commit() { try { connection.createStatement().execute("COMMIT;"); return true; } catch (SQLException ex) { System.err.println(ex.getMessage()); return false; } } /** * Adds trades to the database * * @param trades a list of trades to be added to the database * @return true if the database was successfully updated */ public boolean addTrade(List<Trade> trades) { boolean success = true; Collections.sort(trades); for (Trade trade : trades) { HashMap<String, SQLField> DBNameValue = TradeFieldMapping.getMapping(trade); Iterator<Entry<String, SQLField>> iterator = DBNameValue.entrySet().iterator(); String executeString; if (trade.getAction().equals(Action.CANCEL)) { boolean v = deleteTrade(trade.getDisseminationID()); success &= v; // do not combine this with the above as Java will short-circuit boolean evaluation break; } else if (trade.getAction().equals(Action.CORRECT)) { executeString = buildUpdateString(iterator, trade.getDisseminationID()); } else { // equals(Action.NEW) executeString = buildInsertString(iterator); } try { PreparedStatement p = connection.prepareStatement(executeString); iterator = DBNameValue.entrySet().iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) {; } p.execute(); } catch (SQLException e) { if(e.getErrorCode() == RowWithUniqueFieldAlreadyExistsError){ // ignore, we've just tried to duplicate a row } else { System.err.println(e.getMessage()); System.err.println("Failed to insert/update a row"); success = false; } } updateLastUpdateTime(trade); } boolean v = commit(); return success && v; } /** * * @param iterator An iterator over a DB mapping * @return An SQL INSERT string */ private String buildInsertString(Iterator<Entry<String, SQLField>> iterator) { StringBuilder a = new StringBuilder("INSERT INTO data ("); StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(") VALUES ("); int index = 1; while (iterator.hasNext()) { Entry<String, SQLField> mapEntry =; a.append(mapEntry.getKey()).append(", "); b.append("?, "); mapEntry.getValue().index = index; index++; } a.setLength(a.length()-2); b.setLength(b.length()-2); a.append(b).append(")"); return a.toString(); } /** * * @param iterator An iterator over a DB mapping * @param origId The id of the trade to update * @return An SQL UPDATE string */ private String buildUpdateString(Iterator<Entry<String, SQLField>> iterator, long origId) { StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder("UPDATE data SET "); int index = 1; while (iterator.hasNext()) { Entry<String, SQLField> mapEntry =; s.append(mapEntry.getKey()).append(" = ?, "); mapEntry.getValue().index = index; index++; } s.setLength(s.length()-2); s.append(" WHERE id = ").append(origId); return s.toString(); } /** * * @param id The id of the trade to delete * @return Whether the deletion was successful */ private boolean deleteTrade(long id) { String deletionString = "DELETE FROM data WHERE id = "+id; try { connection.createStatement().execute(deletionString); } catch (SQLException ex) { System.err.println("Error deleting a trade"); return false; } return true; } /** * Updates the metadata field that stores the most recent date for which the database has data * @param trade the trade to use to calculate the last update time */ private boolean updateLastUpdateTime(Trade trade) { java.util.Date thisUpdateTime = trade.getExecutionTimestamp(); java.util.Date lastUpdateTime = getLastUpdateTime(); if (thisUpdateTime==null) { return true; } if (thisUpdateTime.after(lastUpdateTime)) { try { PreparedStatement ps = connection.prepareCall("UPDATE info SET vvalue = ? WHERE key = 'last_update'"); ps.setString(1, Long.toString(thisUpdateTime.getTime())); ps.execute(); } catch (SQLException e) { System.err.println(e.getMessage()); System.err.println("Failed to update last update time"); } } return true;// commit(); } /** * Returns the most recent date for which the database has data * @return The date of the last database update */ public java.util.Date getLastUpdateTime() { try { Statement s = connection.createStatement(); s.execute("SELECT vvalue FROM info WHERE key = 'last_update'"); String timeString; ResultSet rs = s.getResultSet(); if ( { timeString = rs.getString(1); if (Long.parseLong(timeString)==0L) { Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance(); // First available data is from 28th February 2013 c.set(2013, 1, 27); return c.getTime(); } return new Date(Long.parseLong(timeString)); } else { throw new RuntimeException("no data"); } } catch (SQLException ex) { System.err.println(ex.getMessage()); System.err.println("Could not get the last update time"); return new java.util.Date(0); } } /** * Searches the database * @param s the search parameters * @return all data matching the search */ public SearchResult search(Search s) { try { String query = "SELECT * FROM data WHERE " +"tradeType = ? AND " +"assetClass = ? AND "; if (!(s.getAsset() == null||s.getAsset().equals(""))) { query += " (underlyingAsset1 LIKE ? OR underlyingAsset2 LIKE ?) AND "; } if (!(s.getMinPrice() == s.getMaxPrice())){ query += " roundedNotionalAmount1 >= ? AND " +" roundedNotionalAmount1 <= ? AND "; } if (!(s.getCurrency() == null || s.getCurrency().equals(""))) { query += " (notionalCurrency1 LIKE ? OR notionalCurrency2 LIKE ? ) AND "; } if (!(s.getUPI() == null || s.getUPI().equals(""))){ query += " taxonomy LIKE ? AND "; } query += " executionTime >= ? AND " +" executionTime <= ?"; PreparedStatement ps = connection.prepareStatement(query); int i = 1; ps.setShort(i, s.getTradeType().getValue()); i++; ps.setShort(i, s.getAssetClass().getValue()); i++; if (!(s.getAsset() == null||s.getAsset().equals(""))) { ps.setString(i, "%"+s.getAsset()+"%"); i++; ps.setString(i, "%"+s.getAsset()+"%"); i++; } if(!(s.getMinPrice() == s.getMaxPrice())){ ps.setFloat(i, s.getMinPrice()); i++; ps.setFloat(i, s.getMaxPrice()); i++; } if (!(s.getCurrency() == null || s.getCurrency().equals(""))) { ps.setString(i, "%"+s.getCurrency()+"%"); i++; ps.setString(i, "%"+s.getCurrency()+"%"); i++; } if (!(s.getUPI() == null || s.getUPI().equals(""))){ ps.setString(i, "%" + s.getUPI() + "%"); i++; } ps.setTimestamp(i, new Timestamp(s.getStartTime().getTime())); i++; ps.setTimestamp(i, new Timestamp(s.getEndTime().getTime())); i++; ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery(); List<Trade> trades = new LinkedList<>(); while ( { trades.add(TradeFieldMapping.makeObjectFromRecord(rs)); } System.out.println(trades.size()); return new SearchResult(trades, 0); } catch (SQLException ex) { System.out.println(ex.getMessage()); System.err.println("Search failed"); return new SearchResult(new LinkedList<Trade>(), 0.0); } } /** * Saves a search * @param s the search to save * @param searchName the name of this search * @return true if the search was successfully saved; false otherwise */ public boolean saveSearch(Search s, String searchName) { try{ String searchAlreadyExistsQuery = "SELECT COUNT(1) FROM savedSearches WHERE searchName = ?"; PreparedStatement sae = connection.prepareStatement(searchAlreadyExistsQuery); sae.setString(1, searchName); ResultSet saer = sae.executeQuery(); String saveQuery; if({ if(saer.getInt(1) == 0){ saveQuery = "INSERT INTO savedSearches (searchName, tradeType, assetClass, " + "asset, minPrice, maxPrice, currency, startTime, endTime, upi) VALUES " + "(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"; } else { saveQuery = "UPDATE savedSearches SET searchName = ?, tradeType = ?, " + "assetClass = ?, asset = ?, minPrice = ?, maxPrice = ?, " + "currency = ?, startTime = ?, endTime = ?, upi = ? " + "WHERE searchName = ?"; } } else { return false; } /* String saveQuery = "MERGE INTO savedSearches USING (VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)) " + "AS I(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j) ON savedSearches.searchName = I.a " + "WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET savedSearches.tradeType = I.b, " + "savedSearches.assetClass = I.c, savedSearches.asset = I.d, " + "savedSearches.minPrice = I.e, savedSearches.maxPrice = I.f, " + "savedSearches.currency = I.g, savedSearches.startTime = I.h, " + "savedSearches.endTime = I.i, savedSearches.upi = I.j " + "WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN INSERT (searchName, tradeType, assetClass, " + "asset, minPrice, maxPrice, currency, startTime, endTime, upi) " + "VALUES (I.a, I.b, I.c, I.d, I.e, I.f, I.g, I.h, I.i, I.j)"; // So it turns out HSQLDB doesn't support parameterized MERGE statements */ PreparedStatement ps = connection.prepareStatement(saveQuery); ps.setString(1, searchName); ps.setShort(2, s.getTradeType().getValue()); ps.setShort(3, s.getAssetClass().getValue()); ps.setString(4, s.getAsset()); ps.setLong(5, s.getMinPrice()); ps.setLong(6, s.getMaxPrice()); ps.setString(7, s.getCurrency()); ps.setTimestamp(8, new Timestamp(s.getStartTime().getTime())); ps.setTimestamp(9, new Timestamp(s.getEndTime().getTime())); ps.setString(10, s.getUPI()); if(saer.getInt(1) == 1){ // yes this is silly ps.setString(11, searchName); } ps.execute(); return true; } catch (SQLException e){ System.err.println(e.getMessage()); return false; } } /** * Returns a saved search by string for the search name * @param name the name of the search to lookup; * @return the Search that matches the requested string, or null if no search exists/a db failure occurred */ public static Search getSavedSearch(String name) { String query = "SELECT * FROM savedSearches WHERE searchName = ?"; try{ if(connection == null){ getDB(); } PreparedStatement ps = connection.prepareStatement(query); ps.setString(1, name); ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery(); if({ Search s = new Search(); s.setTradeType(TradeType.lookup(rs.getShort("tradeType"))); s.setAssetClass(AssetClass.lookup(rs.getShort("assetClass"))); s.setAsset(rs.getString("asset")); s.setMinPrice(rs.getInt("minPrice")); s.setMaxPrice(rs.getInt("maxPrice")); s.setCurrency(rs.getString("currency")); s.setStartTime(new Timestamp(rs.getTimestamp("startTime").getTime())); s.setEndTime(new Timestamp(rs.getTimestamp("endTime").getTime())); s.setUPI(rs.getString("upi")); return s; } } catch (SQLException e){ System.err.println(e.getMessage()); return null; } return null; } /** * Returns the five searches most recently saved * @return The 5 most recently saved previously saved searches */ public static Map<String, Search> getSavedSearches() { Map<String, Search> savedSearches = new LinkedHashMap<>(); if(connection == null){ getDB(); } String query = "SELECT * FROM savedSearches ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 5"; try { ResultSet rs = connection.createStatement().executeQuery(query); while({ Search s = new Search(); s.setTradeType(TradeType.lookup(rs.getShort("tradeType"))); s.setAssetClass(AssetClass.lookup(rs.getShort("assetClass"))); s.setAsset(rs.getString("asset")); s.setMinPrice(rs.getInt("minPrice")); s.setMaxPrice(rs.getInt("maxPrice")); s.setCurrency(rs.getString("currency")); s.setStartTime(new Timestamp(rs.getTimestamp("startTime").getTime())); s.setEndTime(new Timestamp(rs.getTimestamp("endTime").getTime())); s.setUPI(rs.getString("upi")); savedSearches.put(rs.getString("searchName"), s); } } catch (SQLException ex) { Logger.getLogger(Database.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } return savedSearches; } /** * Provides a DB Connection to allow raw SQL where needed * * This method is provided for cases where direct exposure to the DB API is * necessary. Its use breaks the information hiding principle and its use is * therefore discouraged. * * @return The database Connection */ public Connection getConnection() { return connection; } }