package ngmf.util.cosu; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Random; import java.util.Vector; import oms3.util.Statistics; /** * * @author Christian Fischer, based on the original MatLab sources * from SAHRA Tuscon Arizona */ public class SCE { public String parameterIDs; public String boundaries; public String effMethodName; public double[] prediction; public double[] observation; public int MaximizeEff; public int NumberOfComplexes; public int maxn; public int kstop; public double pcento; public double peps; public boolean enable; public String sceFileName; double[] parameters; String[] parameterNames; double[] lowBound; double[] upBound; int currentCount; Random generator = new Random(); PrintWriter writer; static class SCE_Comparator implements Comparator<double[]> { int col = 0; int order = 1; SCE_Comparator(int col, boolean decreasing_order) { this.col = col; if (decreasing_order) { order = -1; } else { order = 1; } } @Override public int compare(double[] b1, double[] b2) { if (b1[col] < b2[col]) { return -1 * order; } else if (b1[col] == b2[col]) { return 0 * order; } else { return 1 * order; } } } int N; //parameter dimension int p; //number of complexes int s; //population size int m; //complex size; floor(s/q) int icall = 0; public void init() { // //initialising output file // writer = new GenericDataWriter(getModel().getWorkspaceDirectory().getPath() + "/" + sceFileName.getValue()); // writer.addComment("SCE output"); // for (int p = 0; p < this.parameterNames.length; p++) { // writer.addColumn(this.parameterNames[p]); // } // writer.addColumn(this.effMethodName.getValue()); // writer.addColumn("model runs"); // writer.writeHeader(); // writer.flush(); } public double custom_rand() { return generator.nextDouble(); } private double[] randomSampler() { int paras = parameterNames.length; double[] sample = new double[paras]; for (int i = 0; i < paras; i++) { double d = custom_rand(); sample[i] = (lowBound[i] + d * (upBound[i] - lowBound[i])); } return sample; } private boolean IsSampleValid(double[] sample) { int paras = parameterNames.length; for (int i = 0; i < paras; i++) { if (sample[i] < lowBound[i] || sample[i] > upBound[i]) { return false; } } return true; } public double funct(double x[]) { for (int j = 0; j < parameters.length; j++) { parameters[j] = x[j]; } //model run // singleRun(); currentCount++; //getting rid of pairs which contain missing data values double[] preArr = prediction; double[] obsArr = observation; Vector<Double> obsVector = new Vector<Double>(); Vector<Double> preVector = new Vector<Double>(); for (int i = 0; i < preArr.length; i++) { //consider valid values only if (preArr[i] > -9999 && obsArr[i] > -9999) { obsVector.add(obsArr[i]); preVector.add(preArr[i]); } } int dataCount = obsVector.size(); obsArr = new double[dataCount]; preArr = new double[dataCount]; //converting Vectors to arrays for (int i = 0; i < dataCount; i++) { obsArr[i] = obsVector.get(i).doubleValue(); preArr[i] = preVector.get(i).doubleValue(); } //efficiency calculation if (effMethodName.equals("e2")) { return (-1 * Statistics.nashSutcliffe(preArr, obsArr, 2, -9999)); } else if (effMethodName.equals("e1")) { return (-1 * Statistics.nashSutcliffe(preArr, obsArr, 1, -9999)); } else if (effMethodName.equals("le2")) { return (-1 * Statistics.nashSutcliffeLog(obsArr, preArr, 2)); } else if (effMethodName.equals("pbias")) { return (Math.abs(Statistics.pbias(obsArr, preArr))); } else { return -9999; } } public void sort(double x[][], double xf[]) { if (x.length == 0) { return; } int n = x[0].length; double t[][] = new double[x.length][n + 1]; for (int i = 0; i < x.length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) { t[i][j] = x[i][j]; } t[i][n] = xf[i]; } SCE_Comparator comparator = new SCE_Comparator(n, false); Arrays.sort(t, comparator); for (int i = 0; i < x.length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) { x[i][j] = t[i][j]; } xf[i] = t[i][n]; } } public void sort(int x[]) { Arrays.sort(x); } public double normalizedgeometricRange(double x[][], double bound[]) { if (x.length == 0) { return 0; } int n = x[0].length; double min[] = new double[n]; double max[] = new double[n]; double mean = 0; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { min[i] = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; max[i] = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; for (int j = 0; j < x.length; j++) { if (x[j][i] < min[i]) { min[i] = x[j][i]; } if (x[j][i] > max[i]) { max[i] = x[j][i]; } } mean += Math.log(max[i] - min[i]) / bound[i]; } mean /= n; return Math.exp(mean); } public double[] std(double x[][]) { if (x.length <= 1) { return null; } int n = x[0].length; double mean[] = new double[n]; double var[] = new double[n]; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { mean[i] = 0; for (int j = 0; j < x.length; j++) { mean[i] += x[j][i]; } mean[i] /= n; } for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { var[i] = 0; for (int j = 0; j < x.length; j++) { var[i] += (mean[i] - x[j][i]) * (mean[i] - x[j][i]); } var[i] = Math.sqrt(var[i]) / (n - 1); } return var; } public int find(int lcs[], int startindex, int endindex, int value) { for (int i = startindex; i < endindex; i++) { if (lcs[i] == value) { return i; } } return -1; } //s forms the simplex //sf function values of simplex //bl lower bound, // bu upper bound public double[] cceua(double s[][], double sf[], double bl[], double bu[]) { int nps = s.length; int nopt = s[0].length; int n = nps; int m = nopt; double alpha = 1.0; double beta = 0.5; // Assign the best and worst points: double sb[] = new double[nopt]; double sw[] = new double[nopt]; double fb = sf[0]; double fw = sf[n - 1]; for (int i = 0; i < nopt; i++) { sb[i] = s[0][i]; sw[i] = s[n - 1][i]; } // Compute the centroid of the simplex excluding the worst point: double ce[] = new double[nopt]; for (int i = 0; i < nopt; i++) { ce[i] = 0; for (int j = 0; j < n - 1; j++) { ce[i] += s[j][i]; } ce[i] /= (n - 1); } // Attempt a reflection point double snew[] = new double[nopt]; for (int i = 0; i < nopt; i++) { snew[i] = ce[i] + alpha * (ce[i] - sw[i]); } // Check if is outside the bounds: int ibound = 0; for (int i = 0; i < nopt; i++) { if ((snew[i] - bl[i]) < 0) { ibound = 1; } if ((bu[i] - snew[i]) < 0) { ibound = 2; } } if (ibound >= 1) { snew = randomSampler(); } double fnew = funct(snew); // Reflection failed; now attempt a contraction point: if (fnew > fw) { for (int i = 0; i < nopt; i++) { snew[i] = sw[i] + beta * (ce[i] - sw[i]); } fnew = funct(snew); } // Both reflection and contraction have failed, attempt a random point; if (fnew > fw) { snew = randomSampler(); fnew = funct(snew); } double result[] = new double[nopt + 1]; for (int i = 0; i < nopt; i++) { result[i] = snew[i]; } result[nopt] = fnew; return result; } public double[] sceua(double[] x0, double[] bl, double[] bu, int maxn, int kstop, double pcento, double peps, int ngs, int iseed, int iniflg) { int nopt = x0.length; int npg = 2 * nopt + 1; int nps = nopt + 1; int nspl = npg; int mings = ngs; int npt = npg * ngs; double bound[] = new double[nopt]; for (int i = 0; i < nopt; i++) { bound[i] = bu[i] - bl[i]; } // Create an initial population to fill array x(npt,nopt): //this.generator.setSeed(iseed); double x[][] = new double[npt][nopt]; for (int i = 0; i < npt; i++) { x[i] = randomSampler(); } if (iniflg == 1) { x[0] = x0; } int nloop = 0; double xf[] = new double[npt]; for (int i = 0; i < npt; i++) { xf[i] = funct(x[i]); } double f0 = xf[0]; // Sort the population in order of increasing function values; sort(x, xf); // Record the best and worst points; double bestx[] = new double[nopt]; double worstx[] = new double[nopt]; double bestf, worstf; for (int i = 0; i < nopt; i++) { bestx[i] = x[0][i]; worstx[i] = x[npt - 1][i]; } bestf = xf[0]; worstf = xf[npt - 1]; // Compute the standard deviation for each parameter double xnstd[] = std(x); // Computes the normalized geometric range of the parameters double gnrng = normalizedgeometricRange(x, bound); //exp(mean(log((max(x)-min(x))./bound))); System.out.println("The Inital Loop: 0"); System.out.println("BestF: " + bestf); System.out.print("BestX"); //writer.writeLine("The Inital Loop: 0"); //writer.writeLine("BestF: " + bestf); //writer.writeLine("BestX"); for (int i = 0; i < nopt; i++) { System.out.print("\t\t" + bestx[i]); } for (int i = 0; i < nopt; i++) { // writer.addData(bestx[i]); } // writer.addData(bestf); // writer.addData(this.currentCount); // writer.writeData(); // writer.flush(); System.out.println(""); System.out.println("WorstF: " + worstf); System.out.print("WorstX"); //writer.writeLine(""); //writer.writeLine("WorstF: " + worstf); //writer.writeLine("WorstX"); for (int i = 0; i < nopt; i++) { System.out.print("\t\t" + worstx[i]); // writer.write("\t\t" + worstx[i]); } System.out.println(""); //writer.writeLine(""); //writer.flush(); //Check for convergency; if (icall >= maxn) { System.out.println("*** OPTIMIZATION SEARCH TERMINATED BECAUSE THE LIMIT"); System.out.println("ON THE MAXIMUM NUMBER OF TRIALS" + maxn); System.out.println("HAS BEEN EXCEEDED. SEARCH WAS STOPPED AT TRIAL NUMBER:" + icall); System.out.println("OF THE INITIAL LOOP!"); writer.println("*** OPTIMIZATION SEARCH TERMINATED BECAUSE THE LIMIT"); writer.println("ON THE MAXIMUM NUMBER OF TRIALS" + maxn); writer.println("HAS BEEN EXCEEDED. SEARCH WAS STOPPED AT TRIAL NUMBER:" + icall); writer.println("OF THE INITIAL LOOP!"); writer.flush(); } if (gnrng < peps) { writer.println("THE POPULATION HAS CONVERGED TO A PRESPECIFIED SMALL PARAMETER SPACE"); System.out.println("THE POPULATION HAS CONVERGED TO A PRESPECIFIED SMALL PARAMETER SPACE"); writer.flush(); } // Begin evolution loops: nloop = 0; double criter[] = new double[kstop]; double criter_change = 100000; while (icall < maxn && gnrng > peps && criter_change > pcento) { nloop++; // Loop on complexes (sub-populations); for (int igs = 0; igs < ngs; igs++) { // Partition the population into complexes (sub-populations); int k1[] = new int[npg]; int k2[] = new int[npg]; for (int i = 0; i < npg; i++) { k1[i] = i; k2[i] = k1[i] * ngs + igs; } double cx[][] = new double[npg][nopt]; double cf[] = new double[npg]; for (int i = 0; i < npg; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < nopt; j++) { cx[k1[i]][j] = x[k2[i]][j]; } cf[k1[i]] = xf[k2[i]]; } //Evolve sub-population igs for nspl steps: for (int loop = 0; loop < nspl; loop++) { // Select simplex by sampling the complex according to a linear // probability distribution int lcs[] = new int[nps]; lcs[0] = 0; for (int k3 = 1; k3 < nps; k3++) { int lpos = 0; for (int iter = 0; iter < 1000; iter++) { lpos = (int) Math.floor(npg + 0.5 - Math.sqrt((npg + 0.5) * (npg + 0.5) - npg * (npg + 1) * custom_rand())); //wirklich noetig?? int idx = find(lcs, 0, k3, lpos); if (idx == -1) { break; } } lcs[k3] = lpos; } sort(lcs); // Construct the simplex: double s[][] = new double[nps][nopt]; double sf[] = new double[nps]; for (int i = 0; i < nps; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < nopt; j++) { s[i][j] = cx[lcs[i]][j]; } sf[i] = cf[lcs[i]]; } double snew[] = new double[nopt]; double fnew; double xnew[] = cceua(s, sf, bl, bu); //icall aktualisieren!!! icall++; // ???? for (int i = 0; i < nopt; i++) { snew[i] = xnew[i]; } fnew = xnew[nopt]; // Replace the worst point in Simplex with the new point: s[nps - 1] = snew; sf[nps - 1] = fnew; //Replace the simplex into the complex; for (int i = 0; i < nps; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < nopt; j++) { cx[lcs[i]][j] = s[i][j]; } cf[lcs[i]] = sf[i]; } // Sort the complex; sort(cx, cf); } // End of Inner Loop for Competitive Evolution of Simplexes // Replace the complex back into the population; for (int i = 0; i < npg; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < nopt; j++) { x[k2[i]][j] = cx[k1[i]][j]; } xf[k2[i]] = cf[k1[i]]; } } // End of Loop on Complex Evolution; // Shuffled the complexes; sort(x, xf); // Record the best and worst points; for (int i = 0; i < nopt; i++) { bestx[i] = x[0][i]; worstx[i] = x[nopt - 1][i]; } bestf = xf[0]; worstf = xf[npt - 1]; //Compute the standard deviation for each parameter xnstd = std(x); gnrng = normalizedgeometricRange(x, bound); System.out.println("Evolution Loop:" + nloop + " - Trial - " + icall); System.out.println("BESTF:" + bestf); System.out.print("BESTX:"); //writer.writeLine("Evolution Loop:" + nloop + " - Trial - " + icall); //writer.writeLine("BESTF:" + bestf); //writer.writeLine("BESTX:"); for (int i = 0; i < nopt; i++) { System.out.print("\t" + bestx[i]); // writer.write("\t" + bestx[i]); } for (int i = 0; i < nopt; i++) { //System.out.print("\t\t" + bestx[i]); // writer.addData(bestx[i]); } // writer.addData(bestf); // writer.addData(this.currentCount); // writer.writeData(); // writer.flush(); System.out.println("\nWORSTF:" + worstf); System.out.print("WORSTX:"); //writer.writeLine("\nWORSTF:" + worstf); //writer.writeLine("WORSTX:"); for (int i = 0; i < nopt; i++) { System.out.print("\t" + worstx[i]); //writer.write("\t" + worstx[i]); } System.out.println(""); //writer.flush(); // Check for convergency; if (icall >= maxn) { System.out.println("*** OPTIMIZATION SEARCH TERMINATED BECAUSE THE LIMIT"); System.out.println("ON THE MAXIMUM NUMBER OF TRIALS " + maxn + " HAS BEEN EXCEEDED!"); writer.println("*** OPTIMIZATION SEARCH TERMINATED BECAUSE THE LIMIT"); writer.println("ON THE MAXIMUM NUMBER OF TRIALS " + maxn + " HAS BEEN EXCEEDED!"); writer.flush(); } if (gnrng < peps) { System.out.println("THE POPULATION HAS CONVERGED TO A PRESPECIFIED SMALL PARAMETER SPACE"); writer.println("THE POPULATION HAS CONVERGED TO A PRESPECIFIED SMALL PARAMETER SPACE"); writer.flush(); } for (int i = 0; i < kstop - 1; i++) { criter[i] = criter[i + 1]; } criter[kstop - 1] = bestf; if (nloop >= kstop) { criter_change = Math.abs(criter[0] - criter[kstop - 1]) * 100.0; double criter_mean = 0; for (int i = 0; i < kstop; i++) { criter_mean += Math.abs(criter[i]); } criter_mean /= kstop; criter_change /= criter_mean; if (criter_change < pcento) { System.out.println("THE BEST POINT HAS IMPROVED IN LAST " + kstop + " LOOPS BY"); System.out.println("LESS THAN THE THRESHOLD " + pcento + "%"); System.out.println("CONVERGENCY HAS ACHIEVED BASED ON OBJECTIVE FUNCTION CRITERIA!!!"); writer.println("THE BEST POINT HAS IMPROVED IN LAST " + kstop + " LOOPS BY"); writer.println("LESS THAN THE THRESHOLD " + pcento + "%"); writer.println("CONVERGENCY HAS ACHIEVED BASED ON OBJECTIVE FUNCTION CRITERIA!!!"); writer.flush(); } } } System.out.println("SEARCH WAS STOPPED AT TRIAL NUMBER: " + icall); System.out.println("NORMALIZED GEOMETRIC RANGE = " + gnrng); System.out.println("THE BEST POINT HAS IMPROVED IN LAST " + kstop + " LOOPS BY " + criter_change + "%"); writer.println("SEARCH WAS STOPPED AT TRIAL NUMBER: " + icall); writer.println("NORMALIZED GEOMETRIC RANGE = " + gnrng); writer.println("THE BEST POINT HAS IMPROVED IN LAST " + kstop + " LOOPS BY " + criter_change + "%"); writer.flush(); double[] retVal = new double[nopt + 1]; for (int i = 0; i < nopt; i++) { retVal[i] = bestx[i]; } retVal[nopt] = bestf; return retVal; } public void run() { maxn = 10000; kstop = 10; pcento = 0.01; peps = 0.00001; int iseed = 10; int iniflg = 0; System.out.println("Pcento: " + pcento); double bestpoint[], bestx[], bestf; double x0[] = randomSampler(); //double x0[] = {-1.295,2.659,1.1,0.1649}; bestpoint = sceua(x0, lowBound, upBound, maxn, kstop, pcento, peps, NumberOfComplexes, iseed, iniflg); bestx = new double[parameters.length]; for (int i = 0; i < parameters.length; i++) { bestx[i] = bestpoint[i]; } bestf = bestpoint[parameters.length]; } }