package com.oa.dao.impl; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.Set; import javax.annotation.Resource; import javax.persistence.Inheritance; import org.apache.struts2.ServletActionContext; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; import com.oa.dao.ModuleDao; import com.oa.dao.SuperDaoInte; import com.oa.model.Acl; import com.oa.model.Module; import com.oa.model.Role; import com.oa.model.UserPrivilege; import com.oa.model.Users; import com.oa.model.UsersRoles; import; @Component("moduleDao") public class ModuleDaoImp implements ModuleDao { private SuperDaoInte superDao; static final LinkedHashMap<Module, LinkedHashMap<Module, List>> category = new LinkedHashMap<Module, LinkedHashMap<Module, List>>(); private LinkedHashMap<Module, LinkedHashMap<Module, List>> userPrivileges = new LinkedHashMap<Module, LinkedHashMap<Module, List>>(); /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see * com.oa.dao.impl.ModuleDao#addModule( * .Module) */ public Serializable addModule(Module module) { return superDao.add(module); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see * com.oa.dao.impl.ModuleDao#deleteModule( * .Module) */ public void deleteModule(Module module) { superDao.delete(module); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see * com.oa.dao.impl.ModuleDao#updateModule( * .Module) */ public void updateModule(Module module) { superDao.update(module); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see com.oa.dao.impl.ModuleDao#getModule( */ public Module getModule(Serializable id) { return (Module), id); } public SuperDaoInte getSuperDao() { return superDao; } @Resource public void setSuperDao(SuperDaoInte superDao) { this.superDao = superDao; } public List<Module> getAllModules(Class clazz, String hql) { return objectToList(superDao.getAllObjects(clazz, hql)); } public List<Module> getPageModules(int index, Class clazz, String hql) { return objectToList(superDao.getPage(index, clazz, hql)); } public LinkedHashMap<Module, LinkedHashMap<Module, List>> getUserPrivileges() { System.out.println("userPrivileges size is "+userPrivileges.size()); return userPrivileges; } public void setUserPrivileges(LinkedHashMap<Module, LinkedHashMap<Module, List>> userPrivileges) { this.userPrivileges = userPrivileges; } private List<Module> objectToList(List<Object> list) { List<Module> modules = new ArrayList<Module>(); for (Object o : list) { modules.add((Module) o); } return modules; } public void deleteModules(Class clazz, String[] ids, String hql) { superDao.deleteList(clazz, ids, hql); } public List<UsersRoles> convertoListUsersRoles(List<Object> objects) { List<UsersRoles> list = new ArrayList<UsersRoles>(); for (int i = 0; i < objects.size(); i++) { list.add((UsersRoles) objects.get(i)); } return list; } public List<Module> convertToListModule(List<Object> objects) { List<Module> list = new ArrayList<Module>(); for (int i = 0; i < objects.size(); i++) { list.add((Module) objects.get(i)); } return list; } private List getAclState(int id, int inheritanceId) { List listInt = new ArrayList(); listInt.add(id & 1); listInt.add(id & 2); listInt.add(id & 4); listInt.add(id & 8); listInt.add(inheritanceId); System.out.println(id + "&1 " + String.valueOf(id & 1)); System.out.println(id + "&2 " + String.valueOf(id & 2)); System.out.println(id + "&4 " + String.valueOf(id & 4)); System.out.println(id + "&8 " + String.valueOf(id & 8)); return listInt; } private List getAclState(int id) { List listInt = new ArrayList(); listInt.add(id & 1); listInt.add(id & 2); listInt.add(id & 4); listInt.add(id & 8); System.out.println(id + "&1 " + String.valueOf(id & 1)); System.out.println(id + "&2 " + String.valueOf(id & 2)); System.out.println(id + "&4 " + String.valueOf(id & 4)); System.out.println(id + "&8 " + String.valueOf(id & 8)); return listInt; } /*流程图片在com.oa.action目录下 */ public void getCategory(Users user) { if (category.size() == 0) { List<Acl> listAcls = convertToListAcl(superDao.find("from Acl a where a.aclState ="+"0")); for(int i=0; i<listAcls.size(); i++) { superDao.delete(listAcls.get(i)); } List<UserPrivilege> listUP = convertToUserPrivilege(superDao.find("from UserPrivilege up where up.userValue ="+"0")); for(int i=0; i<listUP.size(); i++) { superDao.delete(listUP.get(i)); } String sql = "from UsersRoles ur where = " + user.getId(); System.out.println("sql is " + sql); List<UsersRoles> usersRoles = convertoListUsersRoles(superDao .find(sql)); System.out.println("usersRoles size is " + usersRoles.size()); //判断UserPrivilege中user的继承状态 List<UserPrivilege> listUserPrige = convertToListUserPrige(superDao.find("from UserPrivilege up where up.userId = "+user.getId())); int inheritance = 2; if(listUserPrige.size()>0) { for(int n=0; n<listUserPrige.size(); n++) { inheritance = listUserPrige.get(n).getInheritance(); if(inheritance == -1) { break; } } System.out.println("inheritance value is "+inheritance); if(inheritance == -1) { UserNotDistributeRole(user); System.out.println("-----------------"); System.out.println("inheritance == -1"); System.out.println("-----------------"); } else { System.out.println("-----------------"); System.out.println("inheritance != -1"); System.out.println("-----------------"); if (usersRoles.size() > 0) { // 用户有角色 String strRole = ""; for(int k=0; k<usersRoles.size(); k++) { strRole += usersRoles.get(k).getRoleId().getId()+","; } strRole = strRole.substring(0,strRole.lastIndexOf(",")); List<Acl> acls = convertToListAcl(superDao.find( "from Acl a where a.principalId in ("+ strRole+")")); System.out.println("acl size issssssssssssss 郭富城返回 "+acls.size()); String str = ""; if(acls.size()>0) { for (int i = 0; i < acls.size(); i++) { Acl acl = acls.get(i); //不继承(按照角色进行查找) List<Module> RoleModuleChildsList = convertToListModule(superDao.getDistinctAllObject(Module.class, " and = " + acl.getModuleId().getId())); for(int p=0; p<RoleModuleChildsList.size(); p++) { str += RoleModuleChildsList.get(p).getId() + ","; } } System.out.println("okkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk"); str = str.substring(0,str.lastIndexOf(",")); System.out.println("str is "+str); //select distinct( String sql6 = "select distinct( from Module m where in (" + str +")"; List<Module> parentModules = convertToListModule(superDao.getAllObjects(sql6)); System.out.println("parentModule size is "+parentModules.size()); for(int y=0; y<parentModules.size(); y++) { System.out.println("父模块:"+parentModules.get(y).getName()); } String sql7 = "select distinct(m) from Module m where in (" + str +")"; //part child List<Module> childrenModules = convertToListModule(superDao.getAllObjects(sql7)); for(int y=0; y<childrenModules.size(); y++) { System.out.println("childrenModuls is "+childrenModules.get(y).getName()); } for(int y=0; y<parentModules.size(); y++) { LinkedHashMap<Module, List> childModuleLinkedHashMap = new LinkedHashMap<Module, List>(); Module parent = parentModules.get(y); //all List<Module> childModules = convertToListModule(superDao.getAllObjects(Module.class, "and =" + parent.getId())); List list = null; for(int i=0; i<childModules.size(); i++) { Module child = childModules.get(i); List<Acl> acls2 = convertToListAcl(superDao.find( "select distinct(a) from Acl a where a.principalId in ("+ strRole+") and a.moduleId = "+child.getId())); System.out.println("acl size issssssssssssss "+acls2.size()); System.out.println("str Is "+"select distinct(a) from Acl a where a.principalId in ("+ strRole+") and a.moduleId = "+child.getId()); int temp = 0; List aclValueList = new ArrayList(); if(acls2.size()>0) { for(int k=0; k<acls2.size(); k++) { System.out.println("acl 模块名字:"+acls2.get(k).getModuleId().getName()); System.out.println("acl 角色名字:"+acls2.get(k).getPrincipalId().getName()); System.out.println("acl aclState is "+acls2.get(k).getAclState()); ///////////////////////// int aclValue = acls2.get(k).getAclState(); if(aclValueList != null) { if(!aclValueList.contains(1)) { System.out.println("not include 1"); if((aclValue&1)==1) { temp+=1; aclValueList.add(1); } } } if(aclValueList != null) { if(!aclValueList.contains(2)) { System.out.println("not include 2"); if((aclValue&2)==2) { temp+=2; aclValueList.add(2); } } } if(aclValueList != null) { if(!aclValueList.contains(4)) { System.out.println("not include 4"); if((aclValue&4)==4) { temp+=4; aclValueList.add(4); } } } if(aclValueList != null) { if(!aclValueList.contains(8)) { System.out.println("not include 8"); if((aclValue&8)==8) { temp+=8; aclValueList.add(8); } } } } System.out.println("temp is "+temp); list = getAclState(temp); } childModuleLinkedHashMap.put(childModules.get(i),list); } category.put(parent,childModuleLinkedHashMap); } } else { //Acl中没有数据,到Userprivilege中查找 UserNotDistributeRole(user); } } else { // 用户没有被分配角色 UserNotDistributeRole(user); } } } else { System.out.println("-----------------"); System.out.println("listuserP日veze ==0"); System.out.println("-----------------"); // 判断登陆用户是否有角色 if (usersRoles.size() > 0) { // 用户有角色 String strRole = ""; for(int k=0; k<usersRoles.size(); k++) { strRole += usersRoles.get(k).getRoleId().getId()+","; } strRole = strRole.substring(0,strRole.lastIndexOf(",")); List<Acl> acls = convertToListAcl(superDao.find( "from Acl a where a.principalId in ("+ strRole+")")); System.out.println("acl size issssssssssssss "+acls.size()); String str = ""; if(acls.size()>0) { for (int i = 0; i < acls.size(); i++) { Acl acl = acls.get(i); //不继承(按照角色进行查找) List<Module> RoleModuleChildsList = convertToListModule(superDao.getDistinctAllObject(Module.class, " and = " + acl.getModuleId().getId())); for(int p=0; p<RoleModuleChildsList.size(); p++) { str += RoleModuleChildsList.get(p).getId() + ","; } } System.out.println("okkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk"); str = str.substring(0,str.lastIndexOf(",")); System.out.println("str is "+str); //select distinct( String sql6 = "select distinct( from Module m where in (" + str +")"; List<Module> parentModules = convertToListModule(superDao.getAllObjects(sql6)); System.out.println("parentModule size is "+parentModules.size()); for(int y=0; y<parentModules.size(); y++) { System.out.println("parentModuls is "+parentModules.get(y).getName()); } String sql7 = "select distinct(m) from Module m where in (" + str +")"; //part child List<Module> childrenModules = convertToListModule(superDao.getAllObjects(sql7)); for(int y=0; y<childrenModules.size(); y++) { System.out.println("childrenModuls is "+childrenModules.get(y).getName()); } for(int y=0; y<parentModules.size(); y++) { LinkedHashMap<Module, List> childModuleLinkedHashMap = new LinkedHashMap<Module, List>(); Module parent = parentModules.get(y); //all List<Module> childModules = convertToListModule(superDao.getAllObjects(Module.class, "and =" + parent.getId())); List list = null; for(int i=0; i<childModules.size(); i++) { Module child = childModules.get(i); List<Acl> acls2 = convertToListAcl(superDao.find( "select distinct(a) from Acl a where a.principalId in ("+ strRole+") and a.moduleId = "+child.getId())); System.out.println("acl size issssssssssssss "+acls2.size()); System.out.println("str Is "+"select distinct(a) from Acl a where a.principalId in ("+ strRole+") and a.moduleId = "+child.getId()); int temp = 0; List aclValueList = new ArrayList(); if(acls2.size()>0) { for(int k=0; k<acls2.size(); k++) { System.out.println("acl module name is "+acls2.get(k).getModuleId().getName()); System.out.println("acl role name is "+acls2.get(k).getPrincipalId().getName()); System.out.println("acl aclState is "+acls2.get(k).getAclState()); ///////////////////////// int aclValue = acls2.get(k).getAclState(); if(aclValueList != null) { if(!aclValueList.contains(1)) { System.out.println("not include 1"); if((aclValue&1)==1) { temp+=1; aclValueList.add(1); } } } if(aclValueList != null) { if(!aclValueList.contains(2)) { System.out.println("not include 2"); if((aclValue&2)==2) { temp+=2; aclValueList.add(2); } } } if(aclValueList != null) { if(!aclValueList.contains(4)) { System.out.println("not include 4"); if((aclValue&4)==4) { temp+=4; aclValueList.add(4); } } } if(aclValueList != null) { if(!aclValueList.contains(8)) { System.out.println("not include 8"); if((aclValue&8)==8) { temp+=8; aclValueList.add(8); } } } } System.out.println("temp is "+temp); list = getAclState(temp); } childModuleLinkedHashMap.put(childModules.get(i),list); } category.put(parent,childModuleLinkedHashMap); } } else { //Acl中没有数据,到Userprivilege中查找 UserNotDistributeRole(user); } } else { // 用户没有被分配角色 UserNotDistributeRole(user); } } } else { Iterator iterator = category.keySet().iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { Module key = (Module); iterator.remove(); // 添加该行代码 category.remove(key); } System.out.println("mapppppp size is " + category.size()); getCategory(user); } } private List<UserPrivilege> convertToUserPrivilege(List<Object> objects) { List<UserPrivilege> up = new ArrayList<UserPrivilege>(); for(int i=0; i<objects.size(); i++) { up.add((UserPrivilege)objects.get(i)); } return up; } public List<UserPrivilege> convertToListUserPrige(List<Object> listUsers) { List<UserPrivilege> listUP = new ArrayList<UserPrivilege>(); for(int i=0; i<listUsers.size(); i++) { listUP.add((UserPrivilege)listUsers.get(i)); } return listUP; } public List<Acl> convertToListAcl(List<Object> objects) { List<Acl> listAcls = new ArrayList<Acl>(); for (int i = 0; i < objects.size(); i++) { listAcls.add((Acl) objects.get(i)); } return listAcls; } public static LinkedHashMap<Module, LinkedHashMap<Module, List>> getCategory() { return category; } public LinkedHashMap<Module,LinkedHashMap<Module, List>> getMenus() { return category; } public List<Role> convertToListUsersRoles(List<Object> objects) { List<Role> roles = new ArrayList<Role>(); for (int i = 0; i < objects.size(); i++) { roles.add((Role)objects.get(i)); } return roles; } public void UserNotDistributeRole(Users user) { List<UserPrivilege> listUserPrige = convertToListUserPrige(superDao.find("from UserPrivilege up where up.userId = "+user.getId())); String str = ""; if(listUserPrige.size() > 0) { for(int i=0; i<listUserPrige.size(); i++) { str+=listUserPrige.get(i).getModuleId().getId()+","; } str = str.substring(0,str.lastIndexOf(",")); System.out.println("str is "+str); String sql3 = "select distinct( from Module m where in (" + str + ")"; List<Module> listParentModule = convertToListModule(superDao.find(sql3)); List<Module> listChildModule = convertToListModule(superDao.getDistinctAllObject(Module.class, " and in("+str+")")); Set<Module> allModules = new HashSet<Module>(); for(int i=0; i<listParentModule.size(); i++) { LinkedHashMap<Module, List> categoryChildLinkedHashMap = new LinkedHashMap<Module, List>(); Set<Module> childModules = listParentModule.get(i).getModules(); if(category.containsKey(listParentModule.get(i))) { continue; } if(childModules.size()>0) { for (Iterator iterator2 = childModules.iterator(); iterator2 .hasNext();) { Module module = (Module); for (int j = 0; j < listChildModule.size(); j++) { if(listChildModule.get(j).getId() == module.getId()) { allModules.add(listChildModule.get(j)); String sql4 = "from UserPrivilege ur where ur.inheritance = -1 and ur.moduleId = ?"; UserPrivilege ur = (UserPrivilege)superDao.check(sql4, new Object[]{listChildModule.get(j)}); if(ur != null) { List list = getAclState(ur.getUserValue()); categoryChildLinkedHashMap.put(listChildModule.get(j), list); category.put(listParentModule.get(i), categoryChildLinkedHashMap); System.out.println("category is not null"); } else { System.out.println("else, category is null"); category.put(null,null); } } } } } else { System.out.println("else2, category is null"); category.put(listParentModule.get(i), null); } } } else { category.put(null, null); } } public void getUserPrivilege(Users user) { System.out.println("user id "+user.getId()); if (userPrivileges.size() == 0) { List<UserPrivilege> listUserPrige = convertToListUserPrige(superDao.find("from UserPrivilege up where up.userId = "+user.getId())); System.out.println("user name is "+user.getId()); if(listUserPrige.size() > 0) { //用户权限表中有数据 System.out.println("用户权限表中有数据"); List<Module> parentModule = getAllModules(Module.class, " and is null"); List<UserPrivilege> listUserPrivileges = convertToListUserPrige(superDao.getAllObjects(UserPrivilege.class,"and s.userId = "+user.getId())); System.out.println("list size is "+listUserPrivileges.size()); for (int i = 0; i < parentModule.size(); i++) { LinkedHashMap<Module, List> maps = new LinkedHashMap<Module, List>(); System.err.println("parent module "+parentModule.get(i).toString()); Set<Module> temp = parentModule.get(i).getModules(); if (temp.size() == 0) { userPrivileges.put(parentModule.get(i), null); } else { for (Iterator iterator = temp.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { List<Integer> listInt = null; Module module = (Module); System.out.println("children module " + module.toString()); listInt = new ArrayList<Integer>(); for(int j=0; j<listUserPrivileges.size(); j++) { System.out.println("module id is "+module.getId()); System.out.println("listUserPrivielge id is "+listUserPrivileges.get(j).getModuleId().getId()); if(module.getId() == listUserPrivileges.get(j).getModuleId().getId()) { System.out.println("====="); System.out.println("listUserPrivileges.get(j).getInheritance() is "+listUserPrivileges.get(j).getInheritance()); listInt = getAclState(listUserPrivileges.get(j).getUserValue(),listUserPrivileges.get(j).getInheritance()); } else { for(int k=0; k<4; k++) { listInt.add(0); } listInt.add(2); } maps.put(module, listInt); } } } userPrivileges.put(parentModule.get(i), maps); } } else { //用户权限表中没有数据 System.out.println("用户权限表中没有数据"); List<Module> parentModule = getAllModules(Module.class, " and is null"); for (int i = 0; i < parentModule.size(); i++) { LinkedHashMap<Module, List> maps = new LinkedHashMap<Module, List>(); System.err.println("parent module "+parentModule.get(i).toString()); Set<Module> temp = parentModule.get(i).getModules(); if (temp.size() == 0) { userPrivileges.put(parentModule.get(i), null); } else { for (Iterator iterator = temp.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { List<Integer> listInt = null; Module module = (Module); System.out.println("children module " + module.toString()); listInt = new ArrayList<Integer>(); for(int j=0; j<4; j++) { listInt.add(0); } maps.put(module, listInt); } } userPrivileges.put(parentModule.get(i), maps); } } } else { Iterator iterator = userPrivileges.keySet().iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { Module key = (Module); iterator.remove(); // 添加该行代码 userPrivileges.remove(key); } System.out.println("mapppppp size is " + userPrivileges.size()); getUserPrivilege(user); } } }