package com.cse10.crawler.crawlControler; import com.cse10.crawler.DateHandler; import edu.uci.ics.crawler4j.crawler.CrawlController; import edu.uci.ics.crawler4j.crawler.WebCrawler; import edu.uci.ics.crawler4j.fetcher.PageFetcher; import edu.uci.ics.crawler4j.robotstxt.RobotstxtConfig; import edu.uci.ics.crawler4j.robotstxt.RobotstxtServer; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; /** * Created by TharinduWijewardane on 2015-02-07. */ public class NewYorkTimesCrawlController extends BasicCrawlController { public static String currentYearMonth; public <T extends WebCrawler> void crawl(final Class<T> _c) throws Exception { if (startDate == null || endDate == null) {"Error: You should set start and end dates"); return; } SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); Date startingDate = sdf.parse(startDate); startingDate = DateHandler.getFromDateToResume(startingDate, "article_new_york_times"); // Start date Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance(); c.setTime(startingDate); while (c.getTime().compareTo(sdf.parse(endDate)) <= 0) { int year = c.get(Calendar.YEAR); int month = c.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1; //java defines january as 0 int date = c.get(Calendar.DATE); for (int partNumber = 0; partNumber < 6; partNumber++) { // there are multiple pages for a date. assuming max <= 5 /* * Instantiate the controller for this crawl. */ PageFetcher pageFetcher = new PageFetcher(getConfig()); RobotstxtConfig robotstxtConfig = new RobotstxtConfig(); // robotstxtConfig.setEnabled(false); RobotstxtServer robotstxtServer = new RobotstxtServer(robotstxtConfig, pageFetcher); controller = new CrawlController(getConfig(), pageFetcher, robotstxtServer); String url = "" + year + "/articles_" + year + "_"+ (month < 10 ? ("0" + month) : (month)) + "_0000"; // make the month always 2 digits url += partNumber + ".html"; currentYearMonth = year + "/" + (month < 10 ? ("0" + month) : (month)); /* * For each crawl, you need to add some seed urls. These are the first * URLs that are fetched and then the crawler starts following links * which are found in these pages */ controller.addSeed(url);"crawling " + url); /* * Start the crawl. This is a blocking operation, meaning that your code * will reach the line after this only when crawling is finished. */ controller.start(_c, 1); if (crawlingStopped) { //if stopped from calling class return; } } setChanged(); notifyObservers(sdf.format(c.getTime())); c.add(Calendar.MONTH, 1); } } }