package nl.topicus.konijn.xmpp.util; import static org.apache.vysper.xmpp.state.resourcebinding.ResourceState.AVAILABLE; import static org.apache.vysper.xmpp.state.resourcebinding.ResourceState.AVAILABLE_INTERESTED; import static org.apache.vysper.xmpp.state.resourcebinding.ResourceState.CONNECTED; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.vysper.xmpp.addressing.Entity; import org.apache.vysper.xmpp.server.SessionContext; import org.apache.vysper.xmpp.state.resourcebinding.ResourceRegistry; import org.apache.vysper.xmpp.state.resourcebinding.ResourceState; import org.apache.vysper.xmpp.uuid.JVMBuiltinUUIDGenerator; import org.apache.vysper.xmpp.uuid.UUIDGenerator; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * Custom resourceregistry, derived from the original resourceregistry. * * @author Joost Limburg * */ public class CustomResourceRegistry implements ResourceRegistry { final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ResourceRegistry.class); private static class SessionData { private final SessionContext context; private ResourceState state; private Integer priority; SessionData(SessionContext context, ResourceState status, Integer priority) { this.context = context; this.state = status; this.priority = priority == null ? 0 : priority; } } private UUIDGenerator resourceIdGenerator = new JVMBuiltinUUIDGenerator(); /** * maps resource id to session. note: two resources may point to the same * session, but often this is a 1:1 relationship */ protected final Map<String, SessionData> boundResources = new HashMap<String, SessionData>(); /** * an entity's list of resources maps bare JID to all its bound resources. * the list of resource ids might not be emtpy, and if there is more than * one id, the list usually spans more than 1 session */ protected final Map<Entity, List<String>> entityResources = new HashMap<Entity, List<String>>(); /** * a session's list of resources maps a session to all the resource ids * bound to it. */ protected final Map<SessionContext, List<String>> sessionResources = new HashMap<SessionContext, List<String>>(); /** * allocates new resource ID for the given session and binds it to the * session * * @param sessionContext * @return newly allocated resource id */ public String bindSession(SessionContext sessionContext) { if (sessionContext == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("session context cannot be NULL"); } if (sessionContext.getInitiatingEntity() == null) { throw new IllegalStateException( "session context must have a initiating entity set"); } String resourceId = resourceIdGenerator.create(); bindSession(resourceId, sessionContext); return resourceId; } public void bindSession(String resourceId, SessionContext sessionContext) { synchronized (boundResources) { synchronized (entityResources) { synchronized (sessionResources) { // record session for the resource id boundResources.put(resourceId, new SessionData( sessionContext, CONNECTED, 0)); Entity initiatingEntity = sessionContext .getInitiatingEntity(); List<String> resourceForEntityList = getResourceList(initiatingEntity); if (resourceForEntityList == null) { resourceForEntityList = new ArrayList<String>(1); entityResources.put(getBareEntity(initiatingEntity), resourceForEntityList); } resourceForEntityList.add(resourceId); "added resource no. " + resourceForEntityList.size() + " to entity {} <- {}", initiatingEntity.getFullQualifiedName(), resourceId); List<String> resourcesForSessionList = sessionResources .get(sessionContext); if (resourcesForSessionList == null) { resourcesForSessionList = new ArrayList<String>(1); sessionResources.put(sessionContext, resourcesForSessionList); } resourcesForSessionList.add(resourceId); "added resource no. " + resourcesForSessionList.size() + " to session {} <- {}", sessionContext.getSessionId(), resourceId); } } } } /** * not as commonly used as #unbindSession, this method unbinds only one of * multiple resource ids for the _same_ session. In XMPP, this is done by * sending a stanza like <iq id='unbind_1' type='set'><unbind * xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-bind'> <resource>resourceId</resource> * </unbind></iq> * * @param resourceId */ public boolean unbindResource(String resourceId) { boolean noResourceRemainsForSession = false; synchronized (boundResources) { synchronized (entityResources) { synchronized (sessionResources) { SessionContext sessionContext = getSessionContext(resourceId); BunniePresenceCache cache = (BunniePresenceCache)sessionContext.getServerRuntimeContext().getPresenceCache(); cache.removeAll(sessionContext.getInitiatingEntity()); // remove from entity's list of resources List<String> resourceListForEntity = getResourceList(sessionContext .getInitiatingEntity()); resourceListForEntity.remove(resourceId); if (resourceListForEntity.isEmpty()) entityResources.remove(sessionContext .getInitiatingEntity()); // remove from session's list of resources List<String> resourceListForSession = sessionResources .get(sessionContext); resourceListForSession.remove(resourceId); noResourceRemainsForSession = resourceListForSession .isEmpty(); if (noResourceRemainsForSession) sessionResources.remove(sessionContext); // remove from overall list of bound resource boundResources.remove(resourceId); } } } return noResourceRemainsForSession; } /** * unbinds a complete session, together with all its bound resources. this * is typically done when a XMPP session end because the client sends a * </stream:stream> or the connection is cut. * * @param unbindingSessionContext * sessionContext to be unbound */ public void unbindSession(SessionContext unbindingSessionContext) { if (unbindingSessionContext == null) return; synchronized (boundResources) { synchronized (entityResources) { synchronized (sessionResources) { // collect all remove candidates List<String> removeResourceIds = getPrivResourcesForSessionInternal(unbindingSessionContext); // actually remove from bound resources for (String removeResourceId : removeResourceIds) { boundResources.remove(removeResourceId); } // actually remove from entity map List<String> resourceList = getResourceList(unbindingSessionContext .getInitiatingEntity()); if (resourceList != null) { resourceList.removeAll(removeResourceIds); } // actually remove from session map sessionResources.remove(unbindingSessionContext); } } } } /** * retrieves the one and only bound resource for a given session. * * @param sessionContext * @return null, if a unique resource cannot be determined (there is more or * less than 1), the resource id otherwise */ public String getUniqueResourceForSession(SessionContext sessionContext) { List<String> list = getPrivResourcesForSessionInternal(sessionContext); if (list != null && list.size() == 1) return list.get(0); return null; } public List<String> getResourcesForSession(SessionContext sessionContext) { return Collections .unmodifiableList(getPrivResourcesForSessionInternal(sessionContext)); } /* package */private List<String> getPrivResourcesForSessionInternal( SessionContext sessionContext) { if (sessionContext == null) return null; List<String> resourceList = sessionResources.get(sessionContext); if (resourceList == null) resourceList = Collections.emptyList(); return resourceList; } public SessionContext getSessionContext(String resourceId) { SessionData data = boundResources.get(resourceId); if (data == null) return null; return data.context; } private Entity getBareEntity(Entity entity) { return entity == null ? null : entity.getBareJID(); } /** * @param entity * @return all resources bound to this entity modulo the entity's resource * (if given) */ private List<String> getResourceList(Entity entity) { return entityResources.get(getBareEntity(entity)); } /** * retrieve IDs of all bound resources for this entity */ public List<String> getBoundResources(Entity entity) { return getBoundResources(entity, true); } /** * retrieve IDs of all bound resources for this entity */ public List<String> getBoundResources(Entity entity, boolean considerBareID) { // all resources for the entity List<String> resourceList = getResourceList(entity); if (resourceList == null) return Collections.emptyList(); // if resource should not be considered, return all resources if (considerBareID || entity.getResource() == null) return Collections.unmodifiableList(resourceList); // resource not contained, result is empty if (!resourceList.contains(entity.getResource())) { return Collections.emptyList(); } // do we have a bound entity and want only their resource returned? return Collections.singletonList(entity.getResource()); } /** * retrieves all sessions handling this entity. note: if given entity is not * a bare JID, it will return only the session for the JID's resource part. * if it's a bare JID, it will return all session for the JID. * * @param entity */ public List<SessionContext> getSessions(Entity entity) { List<SessionContext> sessionContexts = new ArrayList<SessionContext>(); List<String> boundResources = getBoundResources(entity, false); for (String resourceId : boundResources) { sessionContexts.add(getSessionContext(resourceId)); } return sessionContexts; } /** * retrieves sessions with same or above threshold * * @param entity * all session for the bare jid will be considered. * @param prioThreshold * only resources will be returned having same or higher * priority. a common value for the threshold is 0 (zero), which * is also the default when param is NULL. * @return returns the sessions matching the given JID (bare) with same or * higher priority */ public List<SessionContext> getSessions(Entity entity, Integer prioThreshold) { if (prioThreshold == null) prioThreshold = 0; List<SessionContext> results = new ArrayList<SessionContext>(); List<String> boundResourceIds = getBoundResources(entity, true); for (String resourceId : boundResourceIds) { SessionData sessionData = boundResources.get(resourceId); if (sessionData == null) continue; if (sessionData.priority >= prioThreshold) { results.add(sessionData.context); } } return results; } /** * number of active bare ids (# of users, regardless whether they have one * or more connected sessions) * * @return */ public long getSessionCount() { return entityResources.size(); } /** * retrieves the highest prioritized session(s) for this entity. * * @param entity * if this is not a bare JID, only the session for the JID's * resource part will be returned, without looking at other * sessions for the resource's bare JID. otherwise, in case of a * full JID, it will return the highest prioritized sessions. * @param prioThreshold * if not NULL, only resources will be returned having same or * higher priority. a common value for the threshold is 0 (zero). * @return for a bare JID, it will return the highest prioritized sessions. * for a full JID, it will return the related session. */ public List<SessionContext> getHighestPrioSessions(Entity entity, Integer prioThreshold) { Integer currentPrio = prioThreshold == null ? Integer.MIN_VALUE : prioThreshold; List<SessionContext> results = new ArrayList<SessionContext>(); boolean isResourceSet = entity.isResourceSet(); List<String> boundResourceIds = getBoundResources(entity, false); for (String resourceId : boundResourceIds) { SessionData sessionData = boundResources.get(resourceId); if (sessionData == null) continue; if (isResourceSet) { // if resource id matches, there can only be one result // this overrides even parameter prio threshold results.clear(); results.add(sessionData.context); return results; } if (sessionData.priority > currentPrio) { results.clear(); // discard all accumulated lower prio sessions currentPrio = sessionData.priority; results.add(sessionData.context); } else if (sessionData.priority.intValue() == currentPrio .intValue()) { results.add(sessionData.context); } } return results; } /** * Sets the {@link ResourceState} for the given resource. * * @param resourceId * the resource identifier * @param state * the {@link ResourceState} to set * @return true iff the state has effectively changed */ public boolean setResourceState(String resourceId, ResourceState state) { SessionData data = boundResources.get(resourceId); if (data == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("resource not registered: " + resourceId); } synchronized (data) { boolean result = data.state != state; data.state = state; return result; } } /** * Gets the {@link ResourceState} of the given resource. * * @param resourceId * the resource identifier * @return the {@link ResourceState} */ public ResourceState getResourceState(String resourceId) { if (resourceId == null) return null; SessionData data = boundResources.get(resourceId); if (data == null) return null; return data.state; } public void setResourcePriority(String resourceId, int priority) { if (resourceId == null) return; SessionData data = boundResources.get(resourceId); if (data == null) return; data.priority = priority; } public List<String> getInterestedResources(Entity entity) { List<String> resources = getResourceList(entity); List<String> result = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String resource : resources) { ResourceState resourceState = getResourceState(resource); if (ResourceState.isInterested(resourceState)) result.add(resource); } return result; } /** * resources which are available or even interested - an higher form of * available. * * @see org.apache.vysper.xmpp.state.resourcebinding.ResourceState */ public List<String> getAvailableResources(Entity entity) { List<String> resources = getResourceList(entity); List<String> result = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String resource : resources) { ResourceState resourceState = getResourceState(resource); if (resourceState == AVAILABLE || resourceState == AVAILABLE_INTERESTED) { result.add(resource); } } return result; } }