package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Date; import; import; public class TypeLibraryUtility extends AbstractServiceGeneratorTestCase{ File prCategoryRoot = null; File prProductRoot = null; private String GOLD_COPY_ROOT = "./src/test/resources/TypeLibraryCodegen"; private String PROJECT_ROOT_CATEGORY = testingdir.getFile("CategoryTypeLibrary").getAbsolutePath(); private String PROJECT_ROOT_PRODUCT = testingdir.getFile("ProductTypeLibrary").getAbsolutePath(); /** * Specify the project root to be deleted. * @param projectRoot * @return */ public boolean deleteTypeLibrary(String projectRoot){ File projectDir = new File(projectRoot); if (projectDir.isDirectory()) { String[] childFiles = projectDir.list(); for(int i=0; i<childFiles.length ; i++){ deleteTypeLibrary(projectRoot+"/"+childFiles[i]); } } boolean flag = projectDir.delete(); return flag; } /** * Additional path is name of the folder under Vanilla copy specific for the testcase. * @param projectRoot * @param libraryName * @param aditionalPath * @return */ public String getTypeInformationXMLPath(String projectRoot, String libraryName, String aditionalPath){ String path = null; if(aditionalPath != null && aditionalPath.trim().length() != 0){ path = projectRoot+File.separator +"gen-meta-src"+File.separator+"META-INF"+File.separator+libraryName+File.separator+aditionalPath+File.separator + "TypeInformation.xml"; }else{ path = projectRoot+File.separator +"gen-meta-src"+File.separator + "META-INF"+File.separator+libraryName+File.separator+"TypeInformation.xml"; } return path; } /** * Updates the TypeInformation.xml from Vanilla copy to Codegen Copy. * @param xmlPath * @return */ public boolean updateSourceFile(String fromFilePath, String toFilePath){ boolean flag = false; File fromFile = new File(fromFilePath); File toFile = new File(toFilePath); try { InputStream in = new FileInputStream(fromFile); OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(toFile); byte[] buf = new byte[1024]; int len; while ((len = > 0) { out.write(buf, 0, len); } in.close(); out.close(); flag = true; } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); }finally { fromFile = null; toFile = null; System.gc(); } return flag; } /** * Specify the complete path for the Codegen copy and Vanila copy. * @param codegenPath * @param goldCopyPath * @return */ public boolean compareFiles(String codegenPath, String goldCopyPath)throws Exception{ boolean compareEqual = false; String codegenCopy = getFileContent(codegenPath); String vanillaCopy = getFileContent(goldCopyPath); boolean javaCheck = codegenCopy.contains("package"); if(javaCheck){ codegenCopy = "package"+codegenCopy.split("package")[1]; vanillaCopy = "package"+vanillaCopy.split("package")[1]; } codegenCopy = removeTimeStamp(codegenCopy); vanillaCopy = removeTimeStamp(vanillaCopy); if(codegenCopy.equals(vanillaCopy)){ compareEqual = true; } if(codegenCopy.trim().length() == 0 || vanillaCopy.trim().length() == 0){ compareEqual = false; } return compareEqual; } private String getFileContent(String filePath) throws Exception{ File actualFile = new File(filePath); BufferedReader input; String fileContent = ""; input = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(actualFile)); String line = null; StringBuilder contents = new StringBuilder(); while ((line = input.readLine()) != null) { contents.append(line); contents.append(System.getProperty("line.separator")); } input = null; actualFile = null; System.gc(); fileContent = new String(contents); return fileContent; } private String removeTimeStamp(String fileContent){ // <xml> <!-- test1 --> // <xml1> // <!-- test2 --> String content = ""; String[] iterOne = fileContent.split("<!--"); for(int i=0; i<iterOne.length; i++){ if(i == 0){ content = content+iterOne[i]; content = content.trim(); }else{ String[] iterTwo = iterOne[i].split("-->"); for(int j=0; j<iterTwo.length; j++){ if(j%2 == 1){ content = content+iterTwo[j]; content = content.trim(); } } } } return content.trim(); } public boolean copyXSDFileToTypesFolder(String libraryName, String xsdName) { File libfolder = new File (getTestDestDir().getAbsolutePath()+ File.separator + libraryName+"\\meta-src\\types\\"+libraryName); libfolder.mkdirs(); String toXsdFilePath = libfolder.toString()+"\\" + xsdName; String fromXsdFilePath = GOLD_COPY_ROOT + "\\" + libraryName + "\\meta-src\\types\\" + xsdName; File toXsdFile = new File(toXsdFilePath); if(!toXsdFile.exists()){ try { toXsdFile.createNewFile(); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } File fromXsdFile = new File(fromXsdFilePath); fromXsdFile.getAbsolutePath(); if(!fromXsdFile.exists()){ try { fromXsdFile.createNewFile(); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } boolean flag = false; try { InputStream in = new FileInputStream(fromXsdFile); OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(toXsdFile); byte[] buf = new byte[1024]; int len; while ((len = > 0) { out.write(buf, 0, len); } in.close(); out.close(); flag = true; } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); }finally{ toXsdFile = null; fromXsdFile = null; System.gc(); } return flag; } //method added for temporary testing by Nitin public boolean copyXSDFileToTypesFolder1(String fromLibraryName, String toLibraryName, String xsdName) { String toXsdFilePath = "AntTests\\" + toLibraryName+"\\meta-src\\types\\" + xsdName; String fromXsdFilePath = GOLD_COPY_ROOT + "\\" + fromLibraryName + "\\meta-src\\types\\" + xsdName; File toXsdFile = new File(toXsdFilePath); if(!toXsdFile.exists()){ try { toXsdFile.createNewFile(); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } File fromXsdFile = new File(fromXsdFilePath); if(!fromXsdFile.exists()){ try { fromXsdFile.createNewFile(); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } boolean flag = false; try { InputStream in = new FileInputStream(fromXsdFile); OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(toXsdFile); byte[] buf = new byte[1024]; int len; while ((len = > 0) { out.write(buf, 0, len); } in.close(); out.close(); flag = true; } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); }finally{ toXsdFile = null; fromXsdFile = null; System.gc(); } return flag; } public String getGeneratedJavaFilePath(String projectRoot, String libraryName, String javaClassName, String aditionalPath){ String path = null; if(aditionalPath != null && aditionalPath.trim().length() != 0){ path = projectRoot+"/gen-src/org/ebayopensource/soaframework/examples/config/"+aditionalPath+"/"+javaClassName; }else{ path = projectRoot+"/gen-src/org/ebayopensource/soaframework/examples/config/"+javaClassName; } return path; } public String getEpisodeFilePath(String projectRoot, String libraryName, String episodeFileName, String extraParam){ String path = null; if(extraParam != null && extraParam.trim().length() != 0){ path = projectRoot+"/gen-meta-src/META-INF/"+libraryName+"/"+extraParam+"/"+episodeFileName; }else{ path = projectRoot+"/gen-meta-src/META-INF/"+libraryName+"/"+episodeFileName; } return path; } public String getXsdFilePath(String projectRoot, String xsdFileName){ String path = projectRoot+"/meta-src/types/"+xsdFileName; return path; } public String getXsdFilePath1(String projectRoot,String libName, String xsdFileName){ String path = projectRoot+"/meta-src/types/"+libName+"/" +xsdFileName; return path; } public long getFileCreationTime(String filePath){ File file = new File(filePath); long time = 0; if(file.exists()){ time = file.lastModified(); } file = null; System.gc(); return time; } public boolean waitForExecution(int time)throws Exception{ System.out.println("In Time "+System.currentTimeMillis()); Thread.currentThread().sleep(time * 1000); System.out.println("Out Time "+System.currentTimeMillis()); return true; } public boolean checkFileExistance(String filePath){ File file = new File(filePath); boolean flag = file.exists(); file = null; System.gc(); return flag; } public boolean setClassPath(String PROJECT_ROOT){ String gen_meta_src_ProductTypeLibrary = PROJECT_ROOT +"/ProductTypeLibrary/gen-meta-src/"; String gen_src_ProductTypeLibrary = PROJECT_ROOT +"/ProductTypeLibrary/gen-src/"; String meta_src_ProductTypeLibrary = PROJECT_ROOT +"/ProductTypeLibrary/meta-src/"; String gen_meta_src_CategoryTypeLibrary = PROJECT_ROOT +"/CategoryTypeLibrary/gen-meta-src/"; String gen_src_CategoryTypeLibrary= PROJECT_ROOT +"/CategoryTypeLibrary/gen-src/"; String meta_src_CategoryTypeLibrary = PROJECT_ROOT +"/CategoryTypeLibrary/meta-src/"; String gen_meta_src_TestLibrary = PROJECT_ROOT +"/Test/gen-meta-src/"; String gen_src_TestLibrary= PROJECT_ROOT +"/Test/gen-src/"; String meta_src_TestLibrary = PROJECT_ROOT +"/Test/meta-src/"; String gen_meta_src_LibraryTest = PROJECT_ROOT +"/LibraryTest/gen-meta-src/"; String gen_src_LibraryTest= PROJECT_ROOT +"/LibraryTest/gen-src/"; String meta_src_LibraryTest = PROJECT_ROOT +"/LibraryTest/meta-src/"; File file_gen_meta_src_ProductTypeLibrary = new File(gen_meta_src_ProductTypeLibrary); File file_gen_src_ProductTypeLibrary = new File(gen_src_ProductTypeLibrary); File file_meta_src_ProductTypeLibrary = new File(meta_src_ProductTypeLibrary); File file_gen_meta_src_CategoryTypeLibrary = new File(gen_meta_src_CategoryTypeLibrary); File file_gen_src_CategoryTypeLibrary = new File(gen_src_CategoryTypeLibrary); File file_meta_src_CategoryTypeLibrary = new File(meta_src_CategoryTypeLibrary); File file_gen_meta_src_TestLibrary = new File(gen_meta_src_TestLibrary); File file_gen_src_TestLibrary = new File(gen_src_TestLibrary); File file_meta_src_TestLibrary = new File(meta_src_TestLibrary); File file_gen_meta_src_LibraryTest = new File(gen_meta_src_LibraryTest); File file_gen_src_LibraryTest = new File(gen_src_LibraryTest); File file_meta_src_LibraryTest = new File(meta_src_LibraryTest); try { URL[] urls = { file_gen_meta_src_ProductTypeLibrary.toURI().toURL(), file_gen_src_ProductTypeLibrary.toURI().toURL(), file_meta_src_ProductTypeLibrary.toURI().toURL(), file_gen_meta_src_CategoryTypeLibrary.toURI().toURL(), file_gen_src_CategoryTypeLibrary.toURI().toURL(), file_meta_src_CategoryTypeLibrary.toURI().toURL(), file_gen_meta_src_TestLibrary.toURI().toURL(), file_gen_src_TestLibrary.toURI().toURL(), file_meta_src_TestLibrary.toURI().toURL(), file_gen_meta_src_LibraryTest.toURI().toURL(), file_gen_src_LibraryTest.toURI().toURL(), file_meta_src_LibraryTest.toURI().toURL() }; URLClassLoader urlClassLoader = new URLClassLoader(urls, Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader()); Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader(urlClassLoader); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return true; } /*public String getGeneratedJavaFilePath1(String projectRoot, String javaClassName, String aditionalPath) { String path = null; if(aditionalPath != null && aditionalPath.trim().length() != 0){ path = projectRoot+"\\gen-src\\com\\ebay\\marketplace\\services\\"+aditionalPath+"\\"+javaClassName; }else{ path = projectRoot+"\\gen-src\\com\\ebay\\marketplace\\services\\"+javaClassName; } return path; }*/ public static void main(String[] args){ TypeLibraryUtility utility = new TypeLibraryUtility(); try{ utility.waitForExecution(20); }catch(Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); } } }