package; import org.apache.commons.lang3.builder.ToStringBuilder; /** * Store the information of pm. * * */ public final class PmInfo { // Is this pm a new one? private boolean newPm; // The sender private String from; // The topic of the pm. private String topic; // The id CC98 assigned to the pm. private int pmId; // Sending time. private String time; // Sender/receiver's avatar URL. // Used in MyCC98 Client for performance. private String avatarUrl; // The content of the pm private String content; //private static final String TAG = "PmInfo"; private PmInfo(boolean newPm, String form, String topic, int pmId, String time, String content, String avatarUrl) { this.newPm = newPm; this.from = form; this.topic = topic; this.pmId = pmId; this.time = time; this.avatarUrl = avatarUrl; this.content = content; } private PmInfo(Builder builder) { newPm = builder.newTopic; from = builder.fromWho; topic = builder.topicTile; pmId = builder.pmId; time = builder.sendTime; avatarUrl = builder.userAvater; } @Override public String toString() { return ToStringBuilder.reflectionToString(this); } /** * PLease use this Builder to obtain a new instance of PmInfo. e.g: PmInfo = * PmInfo.Builder.newTopic(arg).fromWho(arg).....userAvatar(arg).build(); * * @author DJ * */ public static class Builder { private boolean newTopic = false; private String fromWho = ""; private String topicTile = ""; private int pmId = -1; private String sendTime = "2010/10/10"; private String userAvater = null; private String content = ""; public Builder(int arg) { pmId = arg; } public Builder newTopic(boolean arg) { newTopic = arg; return this; } public Builder fromWho(String arg) { fromWho = arg; return this; } public Builder topicTitle(String arg) { topicTile = arg; return this; } public Builder sendTime(String arg) { sendTime = arg; return this; } public Builder userAvatar(String arg) { userAvater = arg; return this; } public Builder content(String arg){ content = arg; return this; } public PmInfo build() { return new PmInfo(this); } } public boolean isNew() { return newPm; } public String getSender() { return from; } public String getTopic() { return topic; } public int getPmId() { return pmId; } public String getSendTime() { return time; } public String getUserAvatar() { return avatarUrl; } public String getContent(){ return content; } }