package net.tuis.ubench; import; import; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.function.Consumer; import java.util.function.Function; import java.util.function.IntFunction; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import; import; import net.tuis.ubench.scale.MathEquation; /** * Factory class and reporting instances that allow functions to be tested for * scalability. * * @author rolf * @author Simon Forsberg * */ public class UScale { private static final Logger LOGGER = UUtils.getLogger(UScale.class); private static final int SCALE_LIMIT = 12_000_000; @FunctionalInterface private interface TaskRunnerBuilder { TaskRunner build(String name, int scale); } private final List<UStats> stats; private final String title; private UScale(String title, List<UStats> stats) { this.title = title; this.stats = stats; } /** * Get the name this UScale report was titled with. * @return the title used when created */ public String getTitle() { return title; } /** * Generate and print (System.out) the scalability report. */ public void report() { try (Writer w = new NonClosingSystemOut()) { report(w); } catch (IOException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("Should never be an exception writing to System.out", e); } } /** * Generate and print (System.out) the scalability report. * @param writer The writer to write the report to * @throws IOException in the event that the writer throws one. */ public void report(Writer writer) throws IOException { String report = .sorted(Comparator.comparingInt(UStats::getIndex)) .map(sr -> String.format( "Scale %4d -> %8d (count %d, threshold %d)", sr.getIndex(), sr.getAverageRawNanos(), sr.getCount(), UUtils.getNanoTick())) .collect(Collectors.joining("\n")); MathEquation bestFit = determineBestFit(); writer.write(title); char[] uls = new char[title.length()]; Arrays.fill(uls, '='); writer.write(uls); writer.write(report); writer.write("Best fit is: " + bestFit + "\n"); writer.flush(); } /** * Retrieve the best-fitting possible standard scaling equation that describes these scaling results. * @return the best fit equation */ public MathEquation determineBestFit() { return ScaleDetect.detect(this); } /** * Retrieve the possible standard scaling equations that describes these scaling results in best-fit first order. * @return the standard scaling equations in best-fit-first order. */ public MathEquation[] fitEquations() { return ScaleDetect.rank(this); } /** * Get the data as JSON data in an array format (<code>[ [scale,nanos], ...]</code> * @return a JSON formatted string containing the raw data. */ public String toJSONString() { String rawdata = .map(sr -> sr.toJSONString()) .collect(Collectors.joining(",\n ", "[\n ", "\n ]")); String fields = Stream.of(UStats.getJSONFields()).collect(Collectors.joining("\", \"", "[\"", "\"]")); String models = Stream.of(ScaleDetect.rank(this)).map(me -> me.toJSONString()).collect(Collectors.joining(",\n ", "[\n ", "\n ]")); return String.format("{ title: \"%s\",\n nano_tick: %d,\n models: %s,\n fields: %s,\n data: %s\n}", title, UUtils.getNanoTick(), models, fields, rawdata); } /** * Create an HTML document (with data and chart) plotting the performance. * @param target the destination to store the HTML document at. * @throws IOException if there is a problem writing to the target path */ public void reportHTML(final Path target) throws IOException { Files.createDirectories(target.toAbsolutePath().getParent()); -> "Preparing HTML Report '" + title + "' to path: " + target); String html = UUtils.readResource("net/tuis/ubench/scale/UScale.html"); Map<String, String> subs = new HashMap<>(); subs.put("DATA", toJSONString()); subs.put("TITLE", title); for (Map.Entry<String, String> me : subs.entrySet()) { html = html.replaceAll(Pattern.quote("${" + me.getKey() + "}"), Matcher.quoteReplacement(me.getValue())); } Files.write(target, html.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)); -> "Completed HTML Report '" + title + "' to path: " + target); } /** * Test the scalability of a consumer that requires T input data. * <p> * This method calls <code>scale(Consumer, IntFunction, boolean)</code> with * the reusedata parameter set to true: * * <pre> * return scale(function, scaler, true); * </pre> * * This means that the data will be generated once for each scale factor, * and reused. * * @param <T> * the type of the input data needed by the Function * @param title * the title to apply to all reports and results * @param function * the Function that computes the T data * @param scaler * a supplier that can supply T data of different sizes * @return A UScale instance containing the results of the testing */ public static <T> UScale function(String title, Function<T, ?> function, IntFunction<T> scaler) { return function(title, function, scaler, true); } /** * Test the scalability of a consumer that requires T input data. * * @param <T> * the type of the input data needed by the Function * @param title * the title to apply to all reports and results * @param function * the computer that processes the T data * @param scaler * a supplier that can supply T data of different sizes * @param reusedata * if true, data of each size will be created just once, and * reused often. * @return A UScale instance containing the results of the testing */ public static <T> UScale function(String title, Function<T, ?> function, IntFunction<T> scaler, final boolean reusedata) { return consumer(title, function::apply, scaler, reusedata); } /** * Test the scalability of a consumer that requires T input data. * <p> * This method calls <code>scale(Consumer, IntFunction, boolean)</code> with * the reusedata parameter set to true: * * <pre> * return scale(function, scaler, true); * </pre> * * This means that the data will be generated once for each scale factor, * and reused. * * @param <T> * the type of the input data needed by the Consumer * @param title * the title to apply to all reports and results * @param consumer * the Consumer that processes the T data * @param scaler * a supplier that can supply T data of different sizes * @return A UScale instance containing the results of the testing */ public static <T> UScale consumer(String title, Consumer<T> consumer, IntFunction<T> scaler) { return consumer(title, consumer, scaler, true); } /** * Test the scalability of a consumer that requires T input data. * * @param <T> * the type of the input data needed by the Consumer * @param title * the title to apply to all reports and results * @param consumer * the Consumer that processes the T data * @param scaler * a supplier that can supply T data of different sizes * @param reusedata * if true, data of each size will be created just once, and * reused often. * @return A UScale instance containing the results of the testing */ public static <T> UScale consumer(String title, Consumer<T> consumer, IntFunction<T> scaler, final boolean reusedata) { final ScaleControl<T> scontrol = new ScaleControl<>(consumer, scaler, reusedata); final TaskRunnerBuilder builder = (name, scale) -> scontrol.buildTask(name, scale); return scaleMapper(title, builder); } private static final UScale scaleMapper(final String title, final TaskRunnerBuilder scaleBuilder) { + ": Starting Scalability testing"); final long start = System.nanoTime(); LOGGER.finer("warming up task"); UStats[] rep = UMode.PARALLEL.getModel().executeTasks("Warmup","warmup", 2)); LOGGER.fine(() -> "Warmed up results:\n" + rep[0].toString()); final List<UStats> results = new ArrayList<>(20); for (int i = 1; i <= SCALE_LIMIT; i *= 2) { results.add(runStats(title, i, scaleBuilder)); if (results.get(results.size() -1).getCount() <= 3) { break; } } if (results.size() > 4) { final int last = results.get(results.size() - 1).getIndex(); int step = last >> 3; for (int j = last - step; j > step; j -= step) { if (j == last >> 1 || j == last >> 2) { continue; } results.add(runStats(title, j, scaleBuilder)); } }"%s: Completed tests in %.3fms", title, (System.nanoTime() - start) / 1000000.0)); return new UScale(title, results); } private static UStats runStats(String title, int i, TaskRunnerBuilder scaleBuilder) { final String runName = title + ": Scale " + i; final long beg = System.nanoTime(); final TaskRunner runner =, i); LOGGER.finer(() -> String.format("Built data for %s in %.3fms", runName, (System.nanoTime() - beg) / 1000000.0)); UStats stats = UMode.SEQUENTIAL.getModel().executeTasks(runName, runner)[0]; if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.INFO)) { final long time = System.nanoTime() - beg; LOGGER.fine(() -> String.format("Completed scale test %s in %.3fms", runName, time / 1000000.0)); } return stats; } /** * Obtain a copy of the statistics produced for this UScale instance. * @return a copy of the underlying statistics. */ public List<UStats> getStats() { return new ArrayList<>(stats); } }