/* * (C) 2007-2012 Alibaba Group Holding Limited. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * Authors: * boyan <killme2008@gmail.com> */ package com.taobao.common.store.journal.impl; import java.io.File; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.RandomAccessFile; import java.nio.MappedByteBuffer; import java.nio.channels.FileChannel; import java.nio.channels.FileChannel.MapMode; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.BitSet; import java.util.Iterator; import com.taobao.common.store.journal.OpItem; import com.taobao.common.store.util.BytesKey; /** * * ���ڿ��ŵ�ַ�����洢��Ӳ���ϵ�HashMap * * @author boyan * * @since 1.0, 2009-10-20 ����11:27:07 */ public class OpItemHashMap { private final OpItemEntry[] table; public static final int DEFAULT_CAPACITY = 256; private final BitSet bitSet; private final File file; private final FileChannel channel; private final MappedByteBuffer mappedByteBuffer; public OpItemHashMap(final int capacity, final String cacheFilePath, final boolean force) throws IOException { if (capacity <= 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("capacity<=0"); } this.file = new File(cacheFilePath); this.file.createNewFile(); this.bitSet = new BitSet(OpItemEntry.SIZE * capacity); this.channel = new RandomAccessFile(file, force ? "rws" : "rw").getChannel(); this.mappedByteBuffer = this.channel.map(MapMode.READ_WRITE, OpItemEntry.SIZE * capacity / 2, OpItemEntry.SIZE * capacity); this.table = new OpItemEntry[capacity]; } private int hash(final int keyHash, final int i) { return this.abs(this.hash1(keyHash) + i * this.hash2(keyHash)) % table.length; // ˫��ɢ�� } private int hash1(final int keyHash) { return keyHash % table.length; } private int hashForKey(final BytesKey k) { final int hash = k.hashCode(); return this.abs(hash); } private int abs(int hash) { if (hash == Integer.MIN_VALUE) { hash = 0; } return Math.abs(hash); } private int hash2(final int keyHash) { return keyHash % (table.length - 2); } public boolean put(final BytesKey key, final OpItem value) throws IOException { if (this.loadFactor() > 0.75f) { return false; } final int keyHash = this.hashForKey(key); int j = this.hash1(keyHash); int offset = this.calcOffset(j); int i = 0; final int m = table.length; // ��λ while (this.table[j] != null && !this.isEntryDeleted(j) && this.bitSet.get(offset) && i < m) { j = this.hash(keyHash, i++); offset = this.calcOffset(j); } if (table[j] == null || table[j].isDeleted()) { table[j] = new OpItemEntry(value, false); final byte[] buffer = table[j].encode(); if (buffer != null) { this.mappedByteBuffer.position(offset); this.mappedByteBuffer.put(buffer, 0, buffer.length); bitSet.set(offset, true); } // ���ڴ��ͷ� table[j].unload(); return true; } else { return false; } } private int calcOffset(final int j) { return j * OpItemEntry.SIZE; } private boolean isEntryDeleted(final int j) throws IOException { if (!this.table[j].isLoaded()) { this.table[j].load(mappedByteBuffer, this.calcOffset(j), false); } this.table[j].unload(); // �ǵ��ͷ� return this.table[j].isDeleted(); } public OpItem get(final BytesKey key) throws IOException { final int keyHash = this.hashForKey(key); int j = this.hash1(keyHash); int i = 0; final int m = table.length; while (this.table[j] != null && i < m) { if (!table[j].isLoaded()) { table[j].load(this.mappedByteBuffer, this.calcOffset(j), true); } if (table[j].getOpItem() != null && Arrays.equals(table[j].getOpItem().getKey(), key.getData())) { if (table[j].isDeleted()) { return null; } else { return table[j].getOpItem(); } } else { table[j].unload();// ��ס��� } j = this.hash(keyHash, i++); } return null; } public OpItem remove(final BytesKey key) throws IOException { final int keyHash = this.hashForKey(key); int j = this.hash1(keyHash); int i = 0; final int m = table.length; while (this.table[j] != null && i < m) { final int offset = this.calcOffset(j); if (!table[j].isLoaded()) { table[j].load(mappedByteBuffer, offset, true); } if (table[j].getOpItem() != null && Arrays.equals(table[j].getOpItem().getKey(), key.getData())) { if (table[j].isDeleted()) { return null; } else { table[j].setDeleted(true); this.bitSet.set(offset, false); // д����� this.mappedByteBuffer.put(offset, DELETED); return table[j].getOpItem(); } } else { table[j].unload();// �м�unload } j = this.hash(keyHash, i++); } return null; } public void close() throws IOException { if (this.channel != null) { this.channel.close(); file.delete(); } } class DiskIterator implements java.util.Iterator<BytesKey> { private int currentIndex = 0; private int lastRet = -1; @Override public boolean hasNext() { int i = this.currentIndex; if (i >= table.length) { return false; } while (!this.isExists(i)) { if (i == table.length - 1) { return false; } i++; } return true; } private boolean isExists(final int i) { return table[i] != null && !table[i].isDeleted(); } @Override public BytesKey next() { try { if (currentIndex >= table.length) { return null; } while (!this.isExists(currentIndex)) { if (currentIndex == table.length - 1) { return null; } currentIndex++; } if (!table[currentIndex].isLoaded()) { table[currentIndex].load(mappedByteBuffer, OpItemHashMap.this.calcOffset(currentIndex), true); } final BytesKey key = new BytesKey(table[currentIndex].getOpItem().getKey()); this.currentIndex++; this.lastRet++; return key; } catch (final IOException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("Load OpItem fail", e); } } @Override public void remove() { if (this.lastRet == -1) { throw new IllegalStateException("The next method is not been called"); } table[currentIndex - 1].setDeleted(true); bitSet.set(OpItemHashMap.this.calcOffset(currentIndex - 1), false); // д����� mappedByteBuffer.put(OpItemHashMap.this.calcOffset(currentIndex - 1), DELETED); lastRet = -1; } } public Iterator<BytesKey> iterator() { return new DiskIterator(); } static final byte DELETED = (byte) 1; public int size() { return this.bitSet.cardinality(); } private float loadFactor() { return (float) this.bitSet.cardinality() / this.table.length; } }