/* * Copyright 2005-2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. Sun designates this * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided * by Sun in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa Clara, * CA 95054 USA or visit www.sun.com if you need additional information or * have any questions. */ package com.sun.xml.internal.rngom.parse.xml; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Stack; import java.util.Vector; import java.util.List; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import com.sun.xml.internal.rngom.ast.builder.Annotations; import com.sun.xml.internal.rngom.ast.builder.CommentList; import com.sun.xml.internal.rngom.ast.builder.DataPatternBuilder; import com.sun.xml.internal.rngom.ast.builder.Div; import com.sun.xml.internal.rngom.ast.builder.ElementAnnotationBuilder; import com.sun.xml.internal.rngom.ast.builder.Grammar; import com.sun.xml.internal.rngom.ast.builder.GrammarSection; import com.sun.xml.internal.rngom.ast.builder.Include; import com.sun.xml.internal.rngom.ast.builder.IncludedGrammar; import com.sun.xml.internal.rngom.ast.builder.NameClassBuilder; import com.sun.xml.internal.rngom.ast.builder.SchemaBuilder; import com.sun.xml.internal.rngom.ast.builder.Scope; import com.sun.xml.internal.rngom.ast.om.Location; import com.sun.xml.internal.rngom.ast.om.ParsedElementAnnotation; import com.sun.xml.internal.rngom.ast.om.ParsedNameClass; import com.sun.xml.internal.rngom.ast.om.ParsedPattern; import com.sun.xml.internal.rngom.parse.Context; import com.sun.xml.internal.rngom.parse.IllegalSchemaException; import com.sun.xml.internal.rngom.parse.Parseable; import com.sun.xml.internal.rngom.util.Localizer; import com.sun.xml.internal.rngom.util.Uri; import com.sun.xml.internal.rngom.xml.sax.AbstractLexicalHandler; import com.sun.xml.internal.rngom.xml.sax.XmlBaseHandler; import com.sun.xml.internal.rngom.xml.util.Naming; import com.sun.xml.internal.rngom.xml.util.WellKnownNamespaces; import org.xml.sax.Attributes; import org.xml.sax.ContentHandler; import org.xml.sax.ErrorHandler; import org.xml.sax.Locator; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; import org.xml.sax.SAXNotRecognizedException; import org.xml.sax.SAXNotSupportedException; import org.xml.sax.SAXParseException; import org.xml.sax.XMLReader; import org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler; class SchemaParser { private static final String relaxngURIPrefix = WellKnownNamespaces.RELAX_NG.substring(0, WellKnownNamespaces.RELAX_NG.lastIndexOf('/') + 1); static final String relaxng10URI = WellKnownNamespaces.RELAX_NG; private static final Localizer localizer = new Localizer(new Localizer(Parseable.class),SchemaParser.class); private String relaxngURI; private final XMLReader xr; private final ErrorHandler eh; private final SchemaBuilder schemaBuilder; /** * The value of the {@link SchemaBuilder#getNameClassBuilder()} * for the {@link #schemaBuilder} object. */ private final NameClassBuilder nameClassBuilder; private ParsedPattern startPattern; private Locator locator; private final XmlBaseHandler xmlBaseHandler = new XmlBaseHandler(); private final ContextImpl context = new ContextImpl(); private boolean hadError = false; private Hashtable patternTable; private Hashtable nameClassTable; static class PrefixMapping { final String prefix; final String uri; final PrefixMapping next; PrefixMapping(String prefix, String uri, PrefixMapping next) { this.prefix = prefix; this.uri = uri; this.next = next; } } static abstract class AbstractContext extends DtdContext implements Context { PrefixMapping prefixMapping; AbstractContext() { prefixMapping = new PrefixMapping("xml", WellKnownNamespaces.XML, null); } AbstractContext(AbstractContext context) { super(context); prefixMapping = context.prefixMapping; } public String resolveNamespacePrefix(String prefix) { for (PrefixMapping p = prefixMapping; p != null; p = p.next) if (p.prefix.equals(prefix)) return p.uri; return null; } public Enumeration prefixes() { Vector v = new Vector(); for (PrefixMapping p = prefixMapping; p != null; p = p.next) { if (!v.contains(p.prefix)) v.addElement(p.prefix); } return v.elements(); } public Context copy() { return new SavedContext(this); } } static class SavedContext extends AbstractContext { private final String baseUri; SavedContext(AbstractContext context) { super(context); this.baseUri = context.getBaseUri(); } public String getBaseUri() { return baseUri; } } class ContextImpl extends AbstractContext { public String getBaseUri() { return xmlBaseHandler.getBaseUri(); } } static interface CommentHandler { void comment(String value); } abstract class Handler implements ContentHandler, CommentHandler { CommentList comments; CommentList getComments() { CommentList tem = comments; comments = null; return tem; } public void comment(String value) { if (comments == null) comments = schemaBuilder.makeCommentList(); comments.addComment(value, makeLocation()); } public void processingInstruction(String target, String date) { } public void skippedEntity(String name) { } public void ignorableWhitespace(char[] ch, int start, int len) { } public void startDocument() { } public void endDocument() { } public void startPrefixMapping(String prefix, String uri) { context.prefixMapping = new PrefixMapping(prefix, uri, context.prefixMapping); } public void endPrefixMapping(String prefix) { context.prefixMapping = context.prefixMapping.next; } public void setDocumentLocator(Locator loc) { locator = loc; xmlBaseHandler.setLocator(loc); } } abstract class State extends Handler { State parent; String nsInherit; String ns; String datatypeLibrary; /** * The current scope, or null if there's none. */ Scope scope; Location startLocation; Annotations annotations; void set() { xr.setContentHandler(this); } abstract State create(); abstract State createChildState(String localName) throws SAXException; void setParent(State parent) { this.parent = parent; this.nsInherit = parent.getNs(); this.datatypeLibrary = parent.datatypeLibrary; this.scope = parent.scope; this.startLocation = makeLocation(); if (parent.comments != null) { annotations = schemaBuilder.makeAnnotations(parent.comments, getContext()); parent.comments = null; } else if (parent instanceof RootState) annotations = schemaBuilder.makeAnnotations(null, getContext()); } String getNs() { return ns == null ? nsInherit : ns; } boolean isRelaxNGElement(String uri) throws SAXException { return uri.equals(relaxngURI); } public void startElement(String namespaceURI, String localName, String qName, Attributes atts) throws SAXException { xmlBaseHandler.startElement(); if (isRelaxNGElement(namespaceURI)) { State state = createChildState(localName); if (state == null) { xr.setContentHandler(new Skipper(this)); return; } state.setParent(this); state.set(); state.attributes(atts); } else { checkForeignElement(); ForeignElementHandler feh = new ForeignElementHandler(this, getComments()); feh.startElement(namespaceURI, localName, qName, atts); xr.setContentHandler(feh); } } public void endElement(String namespaceURI, String localName, String qName) throws SAXException { xmlBaseHandler.endElement(); parent.set(); end(); } void setName(String name) throws SAXException { error("illegal_name_attribute"); } void setOtherAttribute(String name, String value) throws SAXException { error("illegal_attribute_ignored", name); } void endAttributes() throws SAXException { } void checkForeignElement() throws SAXException { } void attributes(Attributes atts) throws SAXException { int len = atts.getLength(); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { String uri = atts.getURI(i); if (uri.length() == 0) { String name = atts.getLocalName(i); if (name.equals("name")) setName(atts.getValue(i).trim()); else if (name.equals("ns")) ns = atts.getValue(i); else if (name.equals("datatypeLibrary")) { datatypeLibrary = atts.getValue(i); checkUri(datatypeLibrary); if (!datatypeLibrary.equals("") && !Uri.isAbsolute(datatypeLibrary)) error("relative_datatype_library"); if (Uri.hasFragmentId(datatypeLibrary)) error("fragment_identifier_datatype_library"); datatypeLibrary = Uri.escapeDisallowedChars(datatypeLibrary); } else setOtherAttribute(name, atts.getValue(i)); } else if (uri.equals(relaxngURI)) error("qualified_attribute", atts.getLocalName(i)); else if (uri.equals(WellKnownNamespaces.XML) && atts.getLocalName(i).equals("base")) xmlBaseHandler.xmlBaseAttribute(atts.getValue(i)); else { if (annotations == null) annotations = schemaBuilder.makeAnnotations(null, getContext()); annotations.addAttribute(uri, atts.getLocalName(i), findPrefix(atts.getQName(i), uri), atts.getValue(i), startLocation); } } endAttributes(); } abstract void end() throws SAXException; void endChild(ParsedPattern pattern) { // XXX cannot happen; throw exception } void endChild(ParsedNameClass nc) { // XXX cannot happen; throw exception } public void startDocument() { } public void endDocument() { if (comments != null && startPattern != null) { startPattern = schemaBuilder.commentAfter(startPattern, comments); comments = null; } } public void characters(char[] ch, int start, int len) throws SAXException { for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { switch(ch[start + i]) { case ' ': case '\r': case '\n': case '\t': break; default: error("illegal_characters_ignored"); break; } } } boolean isPatternNamespaceURI(String s) { return s.equals(relaxngURI); } void endForeignChild(ParsedElementAnnotation ea) { if (annotations == null) annotations = schemaBuilder.makeAnnotations(null, getContext()); annotations.addElement(ea); } void mergeLeadingComments() { if (comments != null) { if (annotations == null) annotations = schemaBuilder.makeAnnotations(comments, getContext()); else annotations.addLeadingComment(comments); comments = null; } } } class ForeignElementHandler extends Handler { final State nextState; ElementAnnotationBuilder builder; final Stack builderStack = new Stack(); StringBuffer textBuf; Location textLoc; ForeignElementHandler(State nextState, CommentList comments) { this.nextState = nextState; this.comments = comments; } public void startElement(String namespaceURI, String localName, String qName, Attributes atts) { flushText(); if (builder != null) builderStack.push(builder); Location loc = makeLocation(); builder = schemaBuilder.makeElementAnnotationBuilder(namespaceURI, localName, findPrefix(qName, namespaceURI), loc, getComments(), getContext()); int len = atts.getLength(); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { String uri = atts.getURI(i); builder.addAttribute(uri, atts.getLocalName(i), findPrefix(atts.getQName(i), uri), atts.getValue(i), loc); } } public void endElement(String namespaceURI, String localName, String qName) { flushText(); if (comments != null) builder.addComment(getComments()); ParsedElementAnnotation ea = builder.makeElementAnnotation(); if (builderStack.empty()) { nextState.endForeignChild(ea); nextState.set(); } else { builder = (ElementAnnotationBuilder)builderStack.pop(); builder.addElement(ea); } } public void characters(char ch[], int start, int length) { if (textBuf == null) textBuf = new StringBuffer(); textBuf.append(ch, start, length); if (textLoc == null) textLoc = makeLocation(); } public void comment(String value) { flushText(); super.comment(value); } void flushText() { if (textBuf != null && textBuf.length() != 0) { builder.addText(textBuf.toString(), textLoc, getComments()); textBuf.setLength(0); } textLoc = null; } } class Skipper extends DefaultHandler implements CommentHandler { int level = 1; final State nextState; Skipper(State nextState) { this.nextState = nextState; } public void startElement(String namespaceURI, String localName, String qName, Attributes atts) throws SAXException { ++level; } public void endElement(String namespaceURI, String localName, String qName) throws SAXException { if (--level == 0) nextState.set(); } public void comment(String value) { } } abstract class EmptyContentState extends State { State createChildState(String localName) throws SAXException { error("expected_empty", localName); return null; } abstract ParsedPattern makePattern() throws SAXException; void end() throws SAXException { if (comments != null) { if (annotations == null) annotations = schemaBuilder.makeAnnotations(null, getContext()); annotations.addComment(comments); comments = null; } parent.endChild(makePattern()); } } static private final int INIT_CHILD_ALLOC = 5; abstract class PatternContainerState extends State { List<ParsedPattern> childPatterns; State createChildState(String localName) throws SAXException { State state = (State)patternTable.get(localName); if (state == null) { error("expected_pattern", localName); return null; } return state.create(); } ParsedPattern buildPattern(List<ParsedPattern> patterns, Location loc, Annotations anno) throws SAXException { if (patterns.size() == 1 && anno == null) return patterns.get(0); return schemaBuilder.makeGroup(patterns, loc, anno); } void endChild(ParsedPattern pattern) { if (childPatterns == null) childPatterns = new ArrayList<ParsedPattern>(INIT_CHILD_ALLOC); childPatterns.add(pattern); } void endForeignChild(ParsedElementAnnotation ea) { if (childPatterns == null) super.endForeignChild(ea); else { int idx = childPatterns.size()-1; childPatterns.set(idx, schemaBuilder.annotateAfter(childPatterns.get(idx), ea)); } } void end() throws SAXException { if (childPatterns == null) { error("missing_children"); endChild(schemaBuilder.makeErrorPattern()); } if (comments != null) { int idx = childPatterns.size()-1; childPatterns.set(idx,schemaBuilder.commentAfter(childPatterns.get(idx), comments)); comments = null; } sendPatternToParent(buildPattern(childPatterns, startLocation, annotations)); } void sendPatternToParent(ParsedPattern p) { parent.endChild(p); } } class GroupState extends PatternContainerState { State create() { return new GroupState(); } } class ZeroOrMoreState extends PatternContainerState { State create() { return new ZeroOrMoreState(); } ParsedPattern buildPattern(List<ParsedPattern> patterns, Location loc, Annotations anno) throws SAXException { return schemaBuilder.makeZeroOrMore(super.buildPattern(patterns, loc, null), loc, anno); } } class OneOrMoreState extends PatternContainerState { State create() { return new OneOrMoreState(); } ParsedPattern buildPattern(List<ParsedPattern> patterns, Location loc, Annotations anno) throws SAXException { return schemaBuilder.makeOneOrMore(super.buildPattern(patterns, loc, null), loc, anno); } } class OptionalState extends PatternContainerState { State create() { return new OptionalState(); } ParsedPattern buildPattern(List<ParsedPattern> patterns, Location loc, Annotations anno) throws SAXException { return schemaBuilder.makeOptional(super.buildPattern(patterns, loc, null), loc, anno); } } class ListState extends PatternContainerState { State create() { return new ListState(); } ParsedPattern buildPattern(List<ParsedPattern> patterns, Location loc, Annotations anno) throws SAXException { return schemaBuilder.makeList(super.buildPattern(patterns, loc, null), loc, anno); } } class ChoiceState extends PatternContainerState { State create() { return new ChoiceState(); } ParsedPattern buildPattern(List<ParsedPattern> patterns, Location loc, Annotations anno) throws SAXException { return schemaBuilder.makeChoice(patterns, loc, anno); } } class InterleaveState extends PatternContainerState { State create() { return new InterleaveState(); } ParsedPattern buildPattern(List<ParsedPattern> patterns, Location loc, Annotations anno) { return schemaBuilder.makeInterleave(patterns, loc, anno); } } class MixedState extends PatternContainerState { State create() { return new MixedState(); } ParsedPattern buildPattern(List<ParsedPattern> patterns, Location loc, Annotations anno) throws SAXException { return schemaBuilder.makeMixed(super.buildPattern(patterns, loc, null), loc, anno); } } static interface NameClassRef { void setNameClass(ParsedNameClass nc); } class ElementState extends PatternContainerState implements NameClassRef { ParsedNameClass nameClass; boolean nameClassWasAttribute; String name; void setName(String name) { this.name = name; } public void setNameClass(ParsedNameClass nc) { nameClass = nc; } void endAttributes() throws SAXException { if (name != null) { nameClass = expandName(name, getNs(), null); nameClassWasAttribute = true; } else new NameClassChildState(this, this).set(); } State create() { return new ElementState(); } ParsedPattern buildPattern(List<ParsedPattern> patterns, Location loc, Annotations anno) throws SAXException { return schemaBuilder.makeElement(nameClass, super.buildPattern(patterns, loc, null), loc, anno); } void endForeignChild(ParsedElementAnnotation ea) { if (nameClassWasAttribute || childPatterns!=null || nameClass == null) super.endForeignChild(ea); else nameClass = nameClassBuilder.annotateAfter(nameClass, ea); } } class RootState extends PatternContainerState { IncludedGrammar grammar; RootState() { } RootState(IncludedGrammar grammar, Scope scope, String ns) { this.grammar = grammar; this.scope = scope; this.nsInherit = ns; this.datatypeLibrary = ""; } State create() { return new RootState(); } State createChildState(String localName) throws SAXException { if (grammar == null) return super.createChildState(localName); if (localName.equals("grammar")) return new MergeGrammarState(grammar); error("expected_grammar", localName); return null; } void checkForeignElement() throws SAXException { error("root_bad_namespace_uri", WellKnownNamespaces.RELAX_NG); } void endChild(ParsedPattern pattern) { startPattern = pattern; } boolean isRelaxNGElement(String uri) throws SAXException { if (!uri.startsWith(relaxngURIPrefix)) return false; if (!uri.equals(WellKnownNamespaces.RELAX_NG)) warning("wrong_uri_version", WellKnownNamespaces.RELAX_NG.substring(relaxngURIPrefix.length()), uri.substring(relaxngURIPrefix.length())); relaxngURI = uri; return true; } } class NotAllowedState extends EmptyContentState { State create() { return new NotAllowedState(); } ParsedPattern makePattern() { return schemaBuilder.makeNotAllowed(startLocation, annotations); } } class EmptyState extends EmptyContentState { State create() { return new EmptyState(); } ParsedPattern makePattern() { return schemaBuilder.makeEmpty(startLocation, annotations); } } class TextState extends EmptyContentState { State create() { return new TextState(); } ParsedPattern makePattern() { return schemaBuilder.makeText(startLocation, annotations); } } class ValueState extends EmptyContentState { final StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); String type; State create() { return new ValueState(); } void setOtherAttribute(String name, String value) throws SAXException { if (name.equals("type")) type = checkNCName(value.trim()); else super.setOtherAttribute(name, value); } public void characters(char[] ch, int start, int len) { buf.append(ch, start, len); } void checkForeignElement() throws SAXException { error("value_contains_foreign_element"); } ParsedPattern makePattern() throws SAXException { if (type == null) return makePattern("", "token"); else return makePattern(datatypeLibrary, type); } void end() throws SAXException { mergeLeadingComments(); super.end(); } ParsedPattern makePattern(String datatypeLibrary, String type) { return schemaBuilder.makeValue(datatypeLibrary, type, buf.toString(), getContext(), getNs(), startLocation, annotations); } } class DataState extends State { String type; ParsedPattern except = null; DataPatternBuilder dpb = null; State create() { return new DataState(); } State createChildState(String localName) throws SAXException { if (localName.equals("param")) { if (except != null) error("param_after_except"); return new ParamState(dpb); } if (localName.equals("except")) { if (except != null) error("multiple_except"); return new ChoiceState(); } error("expected_param_except", localName); return null; } void setOtherAttribute(String name, String value) throws SAXException { if (name.equals("type")) type = checkNCName(value.trim()); else super.setOtherAttribute(name, value); } void endAttributes() throws SAXException { if (type == null) error("missing_type_attribute"); else dpb = schemaBuilder.makeDataPatternBuilder(datatypeLibrary, type, startLocation); } void endForeignChild(ParsedElementAnnotation ea) { dpb.annotation(ea); } void end() throws SAXException { ParsedPattern p; if (dpb != null) { if (except != null) p = dpb.makePattern(except, startLocation, annotations); else p = dpb.makePattern(startLocation, annotations); } else p = schemaBuilder.makeErrorPattern(); // XXX need to capture comments parent.endChild(p); } void endChild(ParsedPattern pattern) { except = pattern; } } class ParamState extends State { private final StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); private final DataPatternBuilder dpb; private String name; ParamState(DataPatternBuilder dpb) { this.dpb = dpb; } State create() { return new ParamState(null); } void setName(String name) throws SAXException { this.name = checkNCName(name); } void endAttributes() throws SAXException { if (name == null) error("missing_name_attribute"); } State createChildState(String localName) throws SAXException { error("expected_empty", localName); return null; } public void characters(char[] ch, int start, int len) { buf.append(ch, start, len); } void checkForeignElement() throws SAXException { error("param_contains_foreign_element"); } void end() throws SAXException { if (name == null) return; if (dpb == null) return; mergeLeadingComments(); dpb.addParam(name, buf.toString(), getContext(), getNs(), startLocation, annotations); } } class AttributeState extends PatternContainerState implements NameClassRef { ParsedNameClass nameClass; boolean nameClassWasAttribute; String name; State create() { return new AttributeState(); } void setName(String name) { this.name = name; } public void setNameClass(ParsedNameClass nc) { nameClass = nc; } void endAttributes() throws SAXException { if (name != null) { String nsUse; if (ns != null) nsUse = ns; else nsUse = ""; nameClass = expandName(name, nsUse, null); nameClassWasAttribute = true; } else new NameClassChildState(this, this).set(); } void endForeignChild(ParsedElementAnnotation ea) { if (nameClassWasAttribute || childPatterns!=null || nameClass == null) super.endForeignChild(ea); else nameClass = nameClassBuilder.annotateAfter(nameClass, ea); } void end() throws SAXException { if (childPatterns == null) endChild(schemaBuilder.makeText(startLocation, null)); super.end(); } ParsedPattern buildPattern(List<ParsedPattern> patterns, Location loc, Annotations anno) throws SAXException { return schemaBuilder.makeAttribute(nameClass, super.buildPattern(patterns, loc, null), loc, anno); } State createChildState(String localName) throws SAXException { State tem = super.createChildState(localName); if (tem != null && childPatterns!=null) error("attribute_multi_pattern"); return tem; } } abstract class SinglePatternContainerState extends PatternContainerState { State createChildState(String localName) throws SAXException { if (childPatterns==null) return super.createChildState(localName); error("too_many_children"); return null; } } class GrammarSectionState extends State { GrammarSection section; GrammarSectionState() { } GrammarSectionState(GrammarSection section) { this.section = section; } State create() { return new GrammarSectionState(null); } State createChildState(String localName) throws SAXException { if (localName.equals("define")) return new DefineState(section); if (localName.equals("start")) return new StartState(section); if (localName.equals("include")) { Include include = section.makeInclude(); if (include != null) return new IncludeState(include); } if (localName.equals("div")) return new DivState(section.makeDiv()); error("expected_define", localName); // XXX better errors return null; } void end() throws SAXException { if (comments != null) { section.topLevelComment(comments); comments = null; } } void endForeignChild(ParsedElementAnnotation ea) { section.topLevelAnnotation(ea); } } class DivState extends GrammarSectionState { final Div div; DivState(Div div) { super(div); this.div = div; } void end() throws SAXException { super.end(); div.endDiv(startLocation, annotations); } } class IncludeState extends GrammarSectionState { String href; final Include include; IncludeState(Include include) { super(include); this.include = include; } void setOtherAttribute(String name, String value) throws SAXException { if (name.equals("href")) { href = value; checkUri(href); } else super.setOtherAttribute(name, value); } void endAttributes() throws SAXException { if (href == null) error("missing_href_attribute"); else href = resolve(href); } void end() throws SAXException { super.end(); if (href != null) { try { include.endInclude(parseable, href, getNs(), startLocation, annotations); } catch (IllegalSchemaException e) { } } } } class MergeGrammarState extends GrammarSectionState { final IncludedGrammar grammar; MergeGrammarState(IncludedGrammar grammar) { super(grammar); this.grammar = grammar; } void end() throws SAXException { super.end(); parent.endChild(grammar.endIncludedGrammar(startLocation, annotations)); } } class GrammarState extends GrammarSectionState { Grammar grammar; void setParent(State parent) { super.setParent(parent); grammar = schemaBuilder.makeGrammar(scope); section = grammar; scope = grammar; } State create() { return new GrammarState(); } void end() throws SAXException { super.end(); parent.endChild(grammar.endGrammar(startLocation, annotations)); } } class RefState extends EmptyContentState { String name; State create() { return new RefState(); } void endAttributes() throws SAXException { if (name == null) error("missing_name_attribute"); } void setName(String name) throws SAXException { this.name = checkNCName(name); } ParsedPattern makePattern() throws SAXException { if (name == null) return schemaBuilder.makeErrorPattern(); if(scope==null) { error("ref_outside_grammar",name); return schemaBuilder.makeErrorPattern(); } else return scope.makeRef(name, startLocation, annotations); } } class ParentRefState extends RefState { State create() { return new ParentRefState(); } ParsedPattern makePattern() throws SAXException { if (name == null) return schemaBuilder.makeErrorPattern(); if(scope==null) { error("parent_ref_outside_grammar",name); return schemaBuilder.makeErrorPattern(); } else return scope.makeParentRef(name, startLocation, annotations); } } class ExternalRefState extends EmptyContentState { String href; ParsedPattern includedPattern; State create() { return new ExternalRefState(); } void setOtherAttribute(String name, String value) throws SAXException { if (name.equals("href")) { href = value; checkUri(href); } else super.setOtherAttribute(name, value); } void endAttributes() throws SAXException { if (href == null) error("missing_href_attribute"); else href = resolve(href); } ParsedPattern makePattern() { if (href != null) { try { return schemaBuilder.makeExternalRef(parseable, href, getNs(), scope, startLocation, annotations); } catch (IllegalSchemaException e) { } } return schemaBuilder.makeErrorPattern(); } } abstract class DefinitionState extends PatternContainerState { GrammarSection.Combine combine = null; final GrammarSection section; DefinitionState(GrammarSection section) { this.section = section; } void setOtherAttribute(String name, String value) throws SAXException { if (name.equals("combine")) { value = value.trim(); if (value.equals("choice")) combine = GrammarSection.COMBINE_CHOICE; else if (value.equals("interleave")) combine = GrammarSection.COMBINE_INTERLEAVE; else error("combine_attribute_bad_value", value); } else super.setOtherAttribute(name, value); } ParsedPattern buildPattern(List<ParsedPattern> patterns, Location loc, Annotations anno) throws SAXException { return super.buildPattern(patterns, loc, null); } } class DefineState extends DefinitionState { String name; DefineState(GrammarSection section) { super(section); } State create() { return new DefineState(null); } void setName(String name) throws SAXException { this.name = checkNCName(name); } void endAttributes() throws SAXException { if (name == null) error("missing_name_attribute"); } void sendPatternToParent(ParsedPattern p) { if (name != null) section.define(name, combine, p, startLocation, annotations); } } class StartState extends DefinitionState { StartState(GrammarSection section) { super(section); } State create() { return new StartState(null); } void sendPatternToParent(ParsedPattern p) { section.define(GrammarSection.START, combine, p, startLocation, annotations); } State createChildState(String localName) throws SAXException { State tem = super.createChildState(localName); if (tem != null && childPatterns!=null) error("start_multi_pattern"); return tem; } } abstract class NameClassContainerState extends State { State createChildState(String localName) throws SAXException { State state = (State)nameClassTable.get(localName); if (state == null) { error("expected_name_class", localName); return null; } return state.create(); } } class NameClassChildState extends NameClassContainerState { final State prevState; final NameClassRef nameClassRef; State create() { return null; } NameClassChildState(State prevState, NameClassRef nameClassRef) { this.prevState = prevState; this.nameClassRef = nameClassRef; setParent(prevState.parent); this.ns = prevState.ns; } void endChild(ParsedNameClass nameClass) { nameClassRef.setNameClass(nameClass); prevState.set(); } void endForeignChild(ParsedElementAnnotation ea) { prevState.endForeignChild(ea); } void end() throws SAXException { nameClassRef.setNameClass(nameClassBuilder.makeErrorNameClass()); error("missing_name_class"); prevState.set(); prevState.end(); } } abstract class NameClassBaseState extends State { abstract ParsedNameClass makeNameClass() throws SAXException; void end() throws SAXException { parent.endChild(makeNameClass()); } } class NameState extends NameClassBaseState { final StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); State createChildState(String localName) throws SAXException { error("expected_name", localName); return null; } State create() { return new NameState(); } public void characters(char[] ch, int start, int len) { buf.append(ch, start, len); } void checkForeignElement() throws SAXException { error("name_contains_foreign_element"); } ParsedNameClass makeNameClass() throws SAXException { mergeLeadingComments(); return expandName(buf.toString().trim(), getNs(), annotations); } } private static final int PATTERN_CONTEXT = 0; private static final int ANY_NAME_CONTEXT = 1; private static final int NS_NAME_CONTEXT = 2; private SAXParseable parseable; class AnyNameState extends NameClassBaseState { ParsedNameClass except = null; State create() { return new AnyNameState(); } State createChildState(String localName) throws SAXException { if (localName.equals("except")) { if (except != null) error("multiple_except"); return new NameClassChoiceState(getContext()); } error("expected_except", localName); return null; } int getContext() { return ANY_NAME_CONTEXT; } ParsedNameClass makeNameClass() { if (except == null) return makeNameClassNoExcept(); else return makeNameClassExcept(except); } ParsedNameClass makeNameClassNoExcept() { return nameClassBuilder.makeAnyName(startLocation, annotations); } ParsedNameClass makeNameClassExcept(ParsedNameClass except) { return nameClassBuilder.makeAnyName(except, startLocation, annotations); } void endChild(ParsedNameClass nameClass) { except = nameClass; } } class NsNameState extends AnyNameState { State create() { return new NsNameState(); } ParsedNameClass makeNameClassNoExcept() { return nameClassBuilder.makeNsName(getNs(), null, null); } ParsedNameClass makeNameClassExcept(ParsedNameClass except) { return nameClassBuilder.makeNsName(getNs(), except, null, null); } int getContext() { return NS_NAME_CONTEXT; } } class NameClassChoiceState extends NameClassContainerState { private ParsedNameClass[] nameClasses; private int nNameClasses; private int context; NameClassChoiceState() { this.context = PATTERN_CONTEXT; } NameClassChoiceState(int context) { this.context = context; } void setParent(State parent) { super.setParent(parent); if (parent instanceof NameClassChoiceState) this.context = ((NameClassChoiceState)parent).context; } State create() { return new NameClassChoiceState(); } State createChildState(String localName) throws SAXException { if (localName.equals("anyName")) { if (context >= ANY_NAME_CONTEXT) { error(context == ANY_NAME_CONTEXT ? "any_name_except_contains_any_name" : "ns_name_except_contains_any_name"); return null; } } else if (localName.equals("nsName")) { if (context == NS_NAME_CONTEXT) { error("ns_name_except_contains_ns_name"); return null; } } return super.createChildState(localName); } void endChild(ParsedNameClass nc) { if (nameClasses == null) nameClasses = new ParsedNameClass[INIT_CHILD_ALLOC]; else if (nNameClasses >= nameClasses.length) { ParsedNameClass[] newNameClasses = new ParsedNameClass[nameClasses.length * 2]; System.arraycopy(nameClasses, 0, newNameClasses, 0, nameClasses.length); nameClasses = newNameClasses; } nameClasses[nNameClasses++] = nc; } void endForeignChild(ParsedElementAnnotation ea) { if (nNameClasses == 0) super.endForeignChild(ea); else nameClasses[nNameClasses - 1] = nameClassBuilder.annotateAfter(nameClasses[nNameClasses - 1], ea); } void end() throws SAXException { if (nNameClasses == 0) { error("missing_name_class"); parent.endChild(nameClassBuilder.makeErrorNameClass()); return; } if (comments != null) { nameClasses[nNameClasses - 1] = nameClassBuilder.commentAfter(nameClasses[nNameClasses - 1], comments); comments = null; } parent.endChild(nameClassBuilder.makeChoice(Arrays.asList(nameClasses).subList(0,nNameClasses), startLocation, annotations)); } } private void initPatternTable() { patternTable = new Hashtable(); patternTable.put("zeroOrMore", new ZeroOrMoreState()); patternTable.put("oneOrMore", new OneOrMoreState()); patternTable.put("optional", new OptionalState()); patternTable.put("list", new ListState()); patternTable.put("choice", new ChoiceState()); patternTable.put("interleave", new InterleaveState()); patternTable.put("group", new GroupState()); patternTable.put("mixed", new MixedState()); patternTable.put("element", new ElementState()); patternTable.put("attribute", new AttributeState()); patternTable.put("empty", new EmptyState()); patternTable.put("text", new TextState()); patternTable.put("value", new ValueState()); patternTable.put("data", new DataState()); patternTable.put("notAllowed", new NotAllowedState()); patternTable.put("grammar", new GrammarState()); patternTable.put("ref", new RefState()); patternTable.put("parentRef", new ParentRefState()); patternTable.put("externalRef", new ExternalRefState()); } private void initNameClassTable() { nameClassTable = new Hashtable(); nameClassTable.put("name", new NameState()); nameClassTable.put("anyName", new AnyNameState()); nameClassTable.put("nsName", new NsNameState()); nameClassTable.put("choice", new NameClassChoiceState()); } public ParsedPattern getParsedPattern() throws IllegalSchemaException { if (hadError) throw new IllegalSchemaException(); return startPattern; } private void error(String key) throws SAXException { error(key, locator); } private void error(String key, String arg) throws SAXException { error(key, arg, locator); } void error(String key, String arg1, String arg2) throws SAXException { error(key, arg1, arg2, locator); } private void error(String key, Locator loc) throws SAXException { error(new SAXParseException(localizer.message(key), loc)); } private void error(String key, String arg, Locator loc) throws SAXException { error(new SAXParseException(localizer.message(key, arg), loc)); } private void error(String key, String arg1, String arg2, Locator loc) throws SAXException { error(new SAXParseException(localizer.message(key, arg1, arg2), loc)); } private void error(SAXParseException e) throws SAXException { hadError = true; if (eh != null) eh.error(e); } void warning(String key) throws SAXException { warning(key, locator); } private void warning(String key, String arg) throws SAXException { warning(key, arg, locator); } private void warning(String key, String arg1, String arg2) throws SAXException { warning(key, arg1, arg2, locator); } private void warning(String key, Locator loc) throws SAXException { warning(new SAXParseException(localizer.message(key), loc)); } private void warning(String key, String arg, Locator loc) throws SAXException { warning(new SAXParseException(localizer.message(key, arg), loc)); } private void warning(String key, String arg1, String arg2, Locator loc) throws SAXException { warning(new SAXParseException(localizer.message(key, arg1, arg2), loc)); } private void warning(SAXParseException e) throws SAXException { if (eh != null) eh.warning(e); } SchemaParser(SAXParseable parseable, XMLReader xr, ErrorHandler eh, SchemaBuilder schemaBuilder, IncludedGrammar grammar, Scope scope, String inheritedNs) throws SAXException { this.parseable = parseable; this.xr = xr; this.eh = eh; this.schemaBuilder = schemaBuilder; this.nameClassBuilder = schemaBuilder.getNameClassBuilder(); if (eh != null) xr.setErrorHandler(eh); xr.setDTDHandler(context); if (schemaBuilder.usesComments()) { try { xr.setProperty("http://xml.org/sax/properties/lexical-handler", new LexicalHandlerImpl()); } catch (SAXNotRecognizedException e) { warning("no_comment_support", xr.getClass().getName()); } catch (SAXNotSupportedException e) { warning("no_comment_support", xr.getClass().getName()); } } initPatternTable(); initNameClassTable(); new RootState(grammar, scope, inheritedNs).set(); } private Context getContext() { return context; } class LexicalHandlerImpl extends AbstractLexicalHandler { private boolean inDtd = false; public void startDTD(String s, String s1, String s2) throws SAXException { inDtd = true; } public void endDTD() throws SAXException { inDtd = false; } public void comment(char[] chars, int start, int length) throws SAXException { if (!inDtd) ((CommentHandler)xr.getContentHandler()).comment(new String(chars, start, length)); } } private ParsedNameClass expandName(String name, String ns, Annotations anno) throws SAXException { int ic = name.indexOf(':'); if (ic == -1) return nameClassBuilder.makeName(ns, checkNCName(name), null, null, anno); String prefix = checkNCName(name.substring(0, ic)); String localName = checkNCName(name.substring(ic + 1)); for (PrefixMapping tem = context.prefixMapping; tem != null; tem = tem.next) if (tem.prefix.equals(prefix)) return nameClassBuilder.makeName(tem.uri, localName, prefix, null, anno); error("undefined_prefix", prefix); return nameClassBuilder.makeName("", localName, null, null, anno); } private String findPrefix(String qName, String uri) { String prefix = null; if (qName == null || qName.equals("")) { for (PrefixMapping p = context.prefixMapping; p != null; p = p.next) if (p.uri.equals(uri)) { prefix = p.prefix; break; } } else { int off = qName.indexOf(':'); if (off > 0) prefix = qName.substring(0, off); } return prefix; } private String checkNCName(String str) throws SAXException { if (!Naming.isNcname(str)) error("invalid_ncname", str); return str; } private String resolve(String systemId) throws SAXException { if (Uri.hasFragmentId(systemId)) error("href_fragment_id"); systemId = Uri.escapeDisallowedChars(systemId); return Uri.resolve(xmlBaseHandler.getBaseUri(), systemId); } private Location makeLocation() { if (locator == null) return null; return schemaBuilder.makeLocation(locator.getSystemId(), locator.getLineNumber(), locator.getColumnNumber()); } private void checkUri(String s) throws SAXException { if (!Uri.isValid(s)) error("invalid_uri", s); } }