/* * Copyright (c) MuleSoft, Inc. All rights reserved. http://www.mulesoft.com * The software in this package is published under the terms of the CPAL v1.0 * license, a copy of which has been included with this distribution in the * LICENSE.txt file. */ package org.mule.tck.junit4.matcher; import org.mule.tck.probe.Timeout; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import org.hamcrest.BaseMatcher; import org.hamcrest.Description; import org.hamcrest.Factory; import org.hamcrest.Matcher; /** * Should the matcher be satisfied with delay? */ public class Eventually<T> extends BaseMatcher { private final Matcher<T> matcher; private TimeUnit timeUnit = TimeUnit.SECONDS; private int time = 10; private long interval = 1000; /** * Creates a matcher that retry the matcher until it is satisfied or until the timeout. * * @param matcher the matcher that will be executed until the timeout */ @Factory public static <T> Eventually<T> eventually(Matcher<T> matcher) { return new Eventually<T>(matcher); } private Eventually(Matcher<T> matcher) { this.matcher = matcher; } /** * Configures the time limit for waiting for the matcher condition before failing. */ public Eventually<T> atMostIn(int time, TimeUnit timeUnit) { this.time = time; this.timeUnit = timeUnit; return this; } /** * Configures the repetition interval for retrying the matcher condition. */ public Eventually<T> every(int time, TimeUnit timeUnit) { this.interval = timeUnit.toMillis(time); return this; } @Override public boolean matches(Object item) { Timeout timeout = new Timeout(timeUnit.toMillis(time)); while (!matcher.matches(item)) { if (timeout.hasTimedOut()) { return false; } try { Thread.sleep(interval); } catch (InterruptedException e) { new RuntimeException("Interrupted while waiting for condition", e); } } return true; } @Override public void describeTo(Description description) { description.appendText("after " + time + " " + timeUnit.toString() + " s").appendDescriptionOf(matcher); } }