import android.content.Context;
import android.content.DialogInterface;
import android.view.LayoutInflater;
import android.view.View;
import android.widget.Button;
import android.widget.EditText;
import android.widget.LinearLayout;
import android.widget.RelativeLayout;
import android.widget.TableRow.LayoutParams;
* Helper class used for dialogs
public class DialogHelper
* This function verify if the user entered value is in range for the specifing constant
* Show an alert dialog if it's not with indication to the user on how to fix it
* @param context The context the function was called
* @param constant The constant to look for min and max value
* @param cell The cell the user was typing in
public static void verifyOutOfBoundValue(Context context, Constant constant, final EditText cell)
double currentValue = Double.parseDouble(cell.getText().toString());
double minValue = Double.parseDouble(constant.getLow());
double maxValue = Double.parseDouble(constant.getHigh());
String message = "";
if (currentValue < minValue)
message = "Constant " + constant.getName() + " value is lower then the minimum allowed (" + currentValue + " < " + minValue + ")";
if (currentValue > maxValue)
message = "Constant " + constant.getName() + " value is higher then the maximum allowed (" + currentValue + " > " + maxValue + ")";
if (!message.equals(""))
AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(context);
.setTitle("Value is out of bound")
.setPositiveButton("OK", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener()
public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int id)
AlertDialog alert = builder.create();;
* This function build the custom std_* dialog that aren't defined in the ini
* @param dialogName The name of the dialog to build
* @return The dialog
public static MSDialog getStdDialog(String dialogName)
Megasquirt ecu = ApplicationSettings.INSTANCE.getEcuDefinition();
// We already build that dialog, just return it
if (ecu.getDialogByName(dialogName) != null)
return ecu.getDialogByName(dialogName);
// Accel Enrichment Wizard
if (dialogName.equals("std_accel"))
return buildStdAccel();
else if (dialogName.equals("std_injection"))
return buildStdInjection();
// Warmup Enrichment
else if (dialogName.equals("std_warmup"))
return buildStdWarmup();
// Real-time Display
else if (dialogName.equals("std_realtime"))
return buildStdRealtime();
// Constants
else if (dialogName.equals("std_constants"))
return buildStdConstants();
// MS3 Real-time Clock
else if (dialogName.equals("std_ms3Rtc"))
return buildStdRtc();
// Trigger wizard
else if (dialogName.equals("std_trigwiz"))
return buildStdTriggerWizard();
return null;
* This function return an instance of a custom dialog that cannot be covered by a simple MSDialog
* @param context The context the dialog will be used in
* @param dialogName The name of the dialog to build
* @return The custom dialog instance
public static Dialog getStdCustomDialog(Context context, String dialogName)
if (dialogName.equals("std_ms3SdConsole"))
SDCardConsole sdCardConsole = new SDCardConsole(context);
return sdCardConsole;
return null;
* Helper function that will build the std_accel dialog
* @return An instance of MSDialog with all fields in them
private static MSDialog buildStdAccel()
Megasquirt ecu = ApplicationSettings.INSTANCE.getEcuDefinition();
// MAP curve
CurveEditor curve = new CurveEditor("std_accel_mae_curve", "MAP Based AE");
curve.setyLabel("PW Adder");
curve.setxAxis(new double[] {0, 288, 57.6});
curve.setyAxis(new double[] {0, 14.4, 4.8});
String xConstant = "";
String yConstant = "";
// MS2, MS3
if (ecu.isConstantExists("maeRates"))
xConstant = "maeRates";
yConstant = "maeBins";
// MS1
xConstant = "maeRates4";
yConstant = "maeBins4";
curve.setXBins(ecu.getVector(xConstant), xConstant, 0, false);
curve.setYBins(ecu.getVector(yConstant), yConstant);
// TPS Curve
curve = new CurveEditor("std_accel_tae_curve", "TPS Based AE");
curve.setyLabel("PW Adder");
curve.setxAxis(new double[] {0, 1848, 369.6});
curve.setyAxis(new double[] {0, 12, 4});
// MS2, MS3
if (ecu.isConstantExists("taeBins"))
xConstant = "taeRates";
yConstant = "taeBins";
// MS1
xConstant = "taeRates4";
yConstant = "taeBins4";
curve.setXBins(ecu.getVector(xConstant), xConstant, 0, false);
curve.setYBins(ecu.getVector(yConstant), yConstant);
// std_accel dialog
MSDialog dialogAccel = new MSDialog("std_accel", "Accel Enrichment Wizard", "yAxis");
dialogAccel.addPanel(new DialogPanel("std_accel_north", ""));
//dialogAccel.addPanel(new DialogPanel("std_accel_seek_bar_panel", ""));
dialogAccel.addPanel(new DialogPanel("std_accel_south", ""));
// North panel with the two curves
MSDialog dialogNorth = new MSDialog("std_accel_north","","");
dialogNorth.addPanel(new DialogPanel("std_accel_mae_curve", "West"));
dialogNorth.addPanel(new DialogPanel("std_accel_tae_curve", "East"));
// South panel with the two columns with all the constants for TPS and MAP
MSDialog dialogSouth = new MSDialog("std_accel_south", "", "");
dialogSouth.addPanel(new DialogPanel("std_accel_map", "West"));
dialogSouth.addPanel(new DialogPanel("std_accel_tps", "East"));
// Seek bar section
MSDialog dialogCenterSeekBar = new MSDialog("std_accel_seek_bar_panel", "", "");
dialogCenterSeekBar.addField(new DialogField("std_accel_seek_bar", "null", false, false, ""));
// MAP section
MSDialog dialogMap = new MSDialog("std_accel_map","","null");
dialogMap.addField(new DialogField("MAPdot Threshold", "mapThresh", false, false, ""));
dialogMap.addField(new DialogField("Accel Time", "taeTime", false, false, ""));
// Not all MS version have support for taper time
if (ecu.getConstantByName("aeTaperTime") != null)
dialogMap.addField(new DialogField("Accel Taper Time", "aeTaperTime", false, false, ""));
// Not all MS version have support for end pulsewidth
if (ecu.getConstantByName("aeEndPW") != null)
dialogMap.addField(new DialogField("End Pulsewidth", "aeEndPW", false, false, ""));
// TPS section
MSDialog dialogSouthTps = new MSDialog("std_accel_tps","","null");
dialogSouthTps.addField(new DialogField("TPSdot Threshold", "tpsThresh", false, false, ""));
dialogSouthTps.addField(new DialogField("Decel Fuel Amount", "tdePct", false, false, ""));
dialogSouthTps.addField(new DialogField("Cold Accel Enrichment", "taeColdA", false, false, ""));
dialogSouthTps.addField(new DialogField("Cold Accel Multiplier", "taeColdM", false, false, ""));
return dialogAccel;
* @return
private static MSDialog buildStdInjection()
Megasquirt ecu = ApplicationSettings.INSTANCE.getEcuDefinition();
MSDialog dialog = new MSDialog("std_injection", "Calculate Required Fuel", "");
dialog.addField(new DialogField("std_required_fuel", "null", false, false, ""));
dialog.addField(new DialogField("Control Algorithm", "algorithm", false, false, ""));
// Custom constant for number of squirts per engine cycle since this should modify
// the divider constant but save the result as "divider = nCylinders / MSLogger_nSquirts"
Constant constant = new Constant(1,"MSLogger_nSquirts","bits","",0,"[0:4]","",1.000000,0.000000,0,0,0,new String[] {"1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8"});
dialog.addField(new DialogField("Squirts Per Engine Cycle", "MSLogger_nSquirts", false, false, ""));
dialog.addField(new DialogField("Injector Staging", "alternate", false, false, ""));
dialog.addField(new DialogField("Engine Stroke/Rotary", "twoStroke", false, false, ""));
dialog.addField(new DialogField("No. Cylinders/Rotors", "nCylinders", false, false, ""));
dialog.addField(new DialogField("Injector Port Type", "injType", false, false, ""));
dialog.addField(new DialogField("Number of Injectors", "nInjectors", false, false, ""));
dialog.addField(new DialogField("Engine Type", "engineType", false, false, ""));
return dialog;
* @return
private static MSDialog buildStdWarmup()
Megasquirt ecu = ApplicationSettings.INSTANCE.getEcuDefinition();
MSDialog dialog = new MSDialog("std_warmup", "", "");
CurveEditor curve = new CurveEditor("std_warmup_curve", "Warmup Wizard");
curve.setxLabel("Coolant Temp");
curve.setxAxis(new double[] {-60, 200, 20});
curve.setyAxis(new double[] {0, 240, 20});
String units = "�F";
int[] temp = { 103, 301, 500, 698, 896, 1094, 1292, 1508, 1706, 1797 };
String scale = "0.1";
String translate = "0";
if (ecu.isSet("CELCIUS"))
units = "�C";
scale = "0.05555";
translate = "-320";
Constant xConstant = new Constant(1, "MSLogger_temp", "array", "", 0, "[ 10]", units, scale, translate, 0, 0, 0);
curve.setXBins(temp, "MSLogger_temp", 0, false);
curve.setYBins(ecu.getVector("wueBins9"), "wueBins9");
dialog.addPanel(new DialogPanel("std_warmup_curve", ""));
return dialog;
* @return
private static MSDialog buildStdConstants()
Megasquirt ecu = ApplicationSettings.INSTANCE.getEcuDefinition();
MSDialog dialog = new MSDialog("std_constants", "", "");
MSDialog weastPanel = new MSDialog("std_constants_west", "", "");
weastPanel.addField(new DialogField("std_required_fuel", "null", false, false, ""));
weastPanel.addField(new DialogField("Injector Opening Time", "injOpen1", false, false, ""));
weastPanel.addField(new DialogField("Battery Voltage Correction", "battFac1", false, false, ""));
weastPanel.addField(new DialogField("PWM Current Limit", "injPwmP1", false, false, ""));
weastPanel.addField(new DialogField("PWM Time", "injPwmT1", false, false, ""));
weastPanel.addField(new DialogField("Fast Idle Threshold", "fastIdleT1", false, false, ""));
weastPanel.addField(new DialogField("Barometric Correction", "baroCorr1", false, false, ""));
MSDialog eastPanel = new MSDialog("std_constants_east", "", "");
eastPanel.addField(new DialogField("Control Algorithm", "", false, false, ""));
// Custom constant for number of squirts per engine cycle since this should modify
// the divider constant but save the result as "divider = nCylinders / MSLogger_nSquirts"
Constant constant = new Constant(1,"MSLogger_nSquirts","bits","",0,"[0:4]","",1.000000,0.000000,0,0,0,new String[] {"1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8"});
eastPanel.addField(new DialogField("Squirts Per Engine Cycle", "MSLogger_nSquirts", false, false, ""));
eastPanel.addField(new DialogField("Injector Staging", "alternate1", false, false, ""));
eastPanel.addField(new DialogField("Engine Stroke", "twoStroke1", false, false, ""));
eastPanel.addField(new DialogField("Number of Cylinders", "nCylinders1", false, false, ""));
eastPanel.addField(new DialogField("Number of Injectors", "nInjectors1", false, false, ""));
eastPanel.addField(new DialogField("MAP Type", "mapType1", false, false, ""));
eastPanel.addField(new DialogField("Engine Type", "engineType1", false, false, ""));
dialog.addPanel(new DialogPanel("std_constants_west", "West"));
dialog.addPanel(new DialogPanel("std_constants_east", "East"));
return dialog;
* @return
private static MSDialog buildStdRealtime()
Megasquirt ecu = ApplicationSettings.INSTANCE.getEcuDefinition();
MSDialog dialog = new MSDialog("std_realtime", "", "");
return dialog;
* @return
private static MSDialog buildStdRtc()
Megasquirt ecu = ApplicationSettings.INSTANCE.getEcuDefinition();
MSDialog dialog = new MSDialog("std_ms3Rtc", "MS3 Real-time Clock", "");
return dialog;
* @return
private static MSDialog buildStdTriggerWizard()
Megasquirt ecu = ApplicationSettings.INSTANCE.getEcuDefinition();
MSDialog dialog = new MSDialog("std_trigwiz", "Trigger Wizard", "");
// TODO: need numeric indicator added here
dialog.addField(new DialogField("Match above value with timing light reading.", "null", false, false, ""));
dialog.addField(new DialogField("Ignition Offset Angle", "triggerOffset", false, false, ""));
return dialog;
* Build a custom layout panel and return it
* @param panelName The panel of the panel to build
* @return The relative layout instance with the custom components inside
public static RelativeLayout getCustomPanel(Context context, String panelName)
if (panelName.equals("dataLogFieldSelector"))
LayoutInflater inflater = (LayoutInflater) context.getSystemService(Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE);
LinearLayout datalogFieldSelectorLayout = (LinearLayout) inflater.inflate(R.layout.sd_card_datalog_field_selector, null);
// Wrap into relative layout
RelativeLayout containerPanelLayout = new RelativeLayout(context);
RelativeLayout.LayoutParams tlp = new RelativeLayout.LayoutParams(LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT);
Button selectAll = (Button) datalogFieldSelectorLayout.findViewById(;
selectAll.setOnClickListener(new Button.OnClickListener()
public void onClick(View v)
Button deselectAll = (Button) datalogFieldSelectorLayout.findViewById(;
deselectAll.setOnClickListener(new Button.OnClickListener()
public void onClick(View v)
Button selectOne = (Button) datalogFieldSelectorLayout.findViewById(;
selectOne.setOnClickListener(new Button.OnClickListener()
public void onClick(View v)
Button deselectOne = (Button) datalogFieldSelectorLayout.findViewById(;
deselectOne.setOnClickListener(new Button.OnClickListener()
public void onClick(View v)
return containerPanelLayout;
return null;