/** * Tencent is pleased to support the open source community by making MSEC available. * * Copyright (C) 2016 THL A29 Limited, a Tencent company. All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the GNU General Public License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may * obtain a copy of the License at * * https://opensource.org/licenses/GPL-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the * License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, * either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions * and limitations under the License. */ package beans.service; import beans.dbaccess.OddSecondLevelServiceIPInfo; import beans.request.Alarm; import beans.response.AlarmResponse; import ngse.monitor.Monitor; import ngse.org.DBUtil; import ngse.org.JsonRPCHandler; import ngse.org.Tools; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import java.io.InputStream; import java.io.OutputStream; import java.net.InetSocketAddress; import java.net.Socket; import java.util.ArrayList; /** * Created by Administrator on 2016/4/27. */ public class AddAlarmSetting extends JsonRPCHandler { static private String monitor_server_ip = ""; static private int monitor_server_port = 3344; static public void initMonitorIPAndPort() throws Exception { DBUtil util = new DBUtil(); Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(MonitorBySvcOrIP.class); try { if (util.getConnection() == null) { Exception e = new Exception("connect db failed."); throw e ; } String sql =sql = "select ip,port from t_second_level_service_ipinfo where second_level_service_name='monitor' and " + "first_level_service_name='RESERVED' and status='enabled'"; ArrayList<OddSecondLevelServiceIPInfo> list = util.findMoreRefResult(sql, null, OddSecondLevelServiceIPInfo.class); if (list == null || list.size() < 1) { throw new Exception( "no db record exists."); } monitor_server_ip = list.get(0).getIp(); monitor_server_port = list.get(0).getPort().intValue()+1;//为什么加1,是个很长的故事,源于monitor的开发者将读写分离成两个端口 logger.info(String.format("monitor server:%s:%d", monitor_server_ip, monitor_server_port) ); } finally { util.releaseConn(); } } static public void addAlarmSetting(String svc, String attr, int type, int threshold ) throws Exception { Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(AddAlarmSetting.class); Socket sock = new Socket(); ArrayList<String> ret = new ArrayList<String>(); try { sock.setSoTimeout(2000); sock.connect(new InetSocketAddress(monitor_server_ip, monitor_server_port), 3000); OutputStream out = sock.getOutputStream(); //发送请求 //获取指定svc下的所有ip //组包 Monitor.ReqSetAlarmAttr.Builder b = Monitor.ReqSetAlarmAttr.newBuilder(); b.setServicename(svc); b.setAttrname(attr); switch (type) { case Monitor.AlarmType.ALARM_DIFF_PERCENT_VALUE: b.setDiffPercent(threshold); break; case Monitor.AlarmType.ALARM_MAX_VALUE: b.setMax(threshold); break; case Monitor.AlarmType.ALARM_DIFF_VALUE: b.setDiff(threshold); break; case Monitor.AlarmType.ALARM_MIN_VALUE: b.setMin(threshold); break; default: throw new Exception("invalid type:"+type); } Monitor.ReqSetAlarmAttr reqSetAlarmAttr = b.build(); Monitor.ReqMonitor.Builder bb = Monitor.ReqMonitor.newBuilder(); bb.setSetalarmattr(reqSetAlarmAttr); Monitor.ReqMonitor req = bb.build(); //发送长度信息 byte[] lenB = Tools.int2Bytes(req.getSerializedSize()+4); out.write(lenB); //发送实际的pb请求 req.writeTo(out); logger.info("send request to monitor."); //接收应答 InputStream in = sock.getInputStream(); byte[] buf = new byte[1024*1024]; int totalLen = 4; int totalReceived = 0; while (totalReceived < totalLen) { int len = in.read(buf, totalReceived, totalLen - totalReceived); if (len <= 0) { throw new Exception("monitor server应答无效."); } totalReceived += len; } totalLen = Tools.bytes2int(buf); logger.info("monitor server response length:"+totalLen); if (totalLen < 4 || totalLen > buf.length) { throw new Exception("monitor server应答无效."); } totalLen -= 4; totalReceived = 0; buf = new byte[totalLen]; while (totalReceived < totalLen) { int len = in.read(buf, totalReceived, totalLen - totalReceived); if (len <= 0) { throw new Exception("monitor server应答无效."); } totalReceived += len; } logger.info("received monitor server response successfully."); Monitor.RespMonitor monitor = Monitor.RespMonitor.parseFrom(buf); if (monitor.getResult() != 0) { logger.error("monitor server returns errcode:"+monitor.getResult()); throw new Exception("monitor server返回失败. result="+monitor.getResult()); } Monitor.RespSetAlarmAttr resp = monitor.getSetalarmattr(); } finally { if (sock != null && sock.isConnected()) { try { sock.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } } } } public AlarmResponse exec(Alarm request) { AlarmResponse response = new AlarmResponse(); Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(AddAlarmSetting.class); String svc = ""; String attr = ""; svc = request.getService_name(); attr = request.getAttr_name(); int type = request.getAlarm_type(); int threshold = request.getThreshold(); if (svc == null || svc.length() == 0 ) { response.setMessage("svc name should NOT be both empty!"); response.setStatus(100); return response; } try { initMonitorIPAndPort(); addAlarmSetting(svc, attr, type, threshold); response.setMessage("success"); response.setStatus(0); return response; } catch (Exception e) { response.setMessage(e.getMessage()); response.setStatus(100); return response; } } }