/** * This code was generated by * \ / _ _ _| _ _ * | (_)\/(_)(_|\/| |(/_ v1.0.0 * / / */ package com.twilio.rest.api.v2010.account; import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonCreator; import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIgnoreProperties; import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty; import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonParseException; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonMappingException; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.annotation.JsonDeserialize; import com.google.common.base.MoreObjects; import com.twilio.base.Resource; import com.twilio.converter.DateConverter; import com.twilio.converter.Promoter; import com.twilio.exception.ApiConnectionException; import com.twilio.exception.ApiException; import com.twilio.exception.RestException; import com.twilio.http.HttpMethod; import com.twilio.http.Request; import com.twilio.http.Response; import com.twilio.http.TwilioRestClient; import com.twilio.rest.Domains; import org.joda.time.DateTime; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.net.URI; import java.util.Currency; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Objects; @JsonIgnoreProperties(ignoreUnknown = true) public class Message extends Resource { private static final long serialVersionUID = 201754449447651L; public enum Status { QUEUED("queued"), SENDING("sending"), SENT("sent"), FAILED("failed"), DELIVERED("delivered"), UNDELIVERED("undelivered"), RECEIVING("receiving"), RECEIVED("received"); private final String value; private Status(final String value) { this.value = value; } public String toString() { return value; } /** * Generate a Status from a string. * @param value string value * @return generated Status */ @JsonCreator public static Status forValue(final String value) { return Promoter.enumFromString(value, Status.values()); } } public enum Direction { INBOUND("inbound"), OUTBOUND_API("outbound-api"), OUTBOUND_CALL("outbound-call"), OUTBOUND_REPLY("outbound-reply"); private final String value; private Direction(final String value) { this.value = value; } public String toString() { return value; } /** * Generate a Direction from a string. * @param value string value * @return generated Direction */ @JsonCreator public static Direction forValue(final String value) { return Promoter.enumFromString(value, Direction.values()); } } /** * Create a MessageCreator to execute create. * * @param pathAccountSid The account_sid * @param to The phone number to receive the message * @param from The phone number that initiated the message * @param body The body * @return MessageCreator capable of executing the create */ public static MessageCreator creator(final String pathAccountSid, final com.twilio.type.PhoneNumber to, final com.twilio.type.PhoneNumber from, final String body) { return new MessageCreator(pathAccountSid, to, from, body); } /** * Create a MessageCreator to execute create. * * @param to The phone number to receive the message * @param from The phone number that initiated the message * @param body The body * @return MessageCreator capable of executing the create */ public static MessageCreator creator(final com.twilio.type.PhoneNumber to, final com.twilio.type.PhoneNumber from, final String body) { return new MessageCreator(to, from, body); } /** * Create a MessageCreator to execute create. * * @param pathAccountSid The account_sid * @param to The phone number to receive the message * @param from The phone number that initiated the message * @param mediaUrl The media_url * @return MessageCreator capable of executing the create */ public static MessageCreator creator(final String pathAccountSid, final com.twilio.type.PhoneNumber to, final com.twilio.type.PhoneNumber from, final List<URI> mediaUrl) { return new MessageCreator(pathAccountSid, to, from, mediaUrl); } /** * Create a MessageCreator to execute create. * * @param to The phone number to receive the message * @param from The phone number that initiated the message * @param mediaUrl The media_url * @return MessageCreator capable of executing the create */ public static MessageCreator creator(final com.twilio.type.PhoneNumber to, final com.twilio.type.PhoneNumber from, final List<URI> mediaUrl) { return new MessageCreator(to, from, mediaUrl); } /** * Create a MessageCreator to execute create. * * @param pathAccountSid The account_sid * @param to The phone number to receive the message * @param messagingServiceSid The messaging_service_sid * @param body The body * @return MessageCreator capable of executing the create */ public static MessageCreator creator(final String pathAccountSid, final com.twilio.type.PhoneNumber to, final String messagingServiceSid, final String body) { return new MessageCreator(pathAccountSid, to, messagingServiceSid, body); } /** * Create a MessageCreator to execute create. * * @param to The phone number to receive the message * @param messagingServiceSid The messaging_service_sid * @param body The body * @return MessageCreator capable of executing the create */ public static MessageCreator creator(final com.twilio.type.PhoneNumber to, final String messagingServiceSid, final String body) { return new MessageCreator(to, messagingServiceSid, body); } /** * Create a MessageCreator to execute create. * * @param pathAccountSid The account_sid * @param to The phone number to receive the message * @param messagingServiceSid The messaging_service_sid * @param mediaUrl The media_url * @return MessageCreator capable of executing the create */ public static MessageCreator creator(final String pathAccountSid, final com.twilio.type.PhoneNumber to, final String messagingServiceSid, final List<URI> mediaUrl) { return new MessageCreator(pathAccountSid, to, messagingServiceSid, mediaUrl); } /** * Create a MessageCreator to execute create. * * @param to The phone number to receive the message * @param messagingServiceSid The messaging_service_sid * @param mediaUrl The media_url * @return MessageCreator capable of executing the create */ public static MessageCreator creator(final com.twilio.type.PhoneNumber to, final String messagingServiceSid, final List<URI> mediaUrl) { return new MessageCreator(to, messagingServiceSid, mediaUrl); } /** * Create a MessageDeleter to execute delete. * * @param pathAccountSid The account_sid * @param pathSid The message to delete * @return MessageDeleter capable of executing the delete */ public static MessageDeleter deleter(final String pathAccountSid, final String pathSid) { return new MessageDeleter(pathAccountSid, pathSid); } /** * Create a MessageDeleter to execute delete. * * @param pathSid The message to delete * @return MessageDeleter capable of executing the delete */ public static MessageDeleter deleter(final String pathSid) { return new MessageDeleter(pathSid); } /** * Create a MessageFetcher to execute fetch. * * @param pathAccountSid The account_sid * @param pathSid Fetch by unique message Sid * @return MessageFetcher capable of executing the fetch */ public static MessageFetcher fetcher(final String pathAccountSid, final String pathSid) { return new MessageFetcher(pathAccountSid, pathSid); } /** * Create a MessageFetcher to execute fetch. * * @param pathSid Fetch by unique message Sid * @return MessageFetcher capable of executing the fetch */ public static MessageFetcher fetcher(final String pathSid) { return new MessageFetcher(pathSid); } /** * Create a MessageReader to execute read. * * @param pathAccountSid The account_sid * @return MessageReader capable of executing the read */ public static MessageReader reader(final String pathAccountSid) { return new MessageReader(pathAccountSid); } /** * Create a MessageReader to execute read. * * @return MessageReader capable of executing the read */ public static MessageReader reader() { return new MessageReader(); } /** * Create a MessageUpdater to execute update. * * @param pathAccountSid The account_sid * @param pathSid The message to redact * @param body The body * @return MessageUpdater capable of executing the update */ public static MessageUpdater updater(final String pathAccountSid, final String pathSid, final String body) { return new MessageUpdater(pathAccountSid, pathSid, body); } /** * Create a MessageUpdater to execute update. * * @param pathSid The message to redact * @param body The body * @return MessageUpdater capable of executing the update */ public static MessageUpdater updater(final String pathSid, final String body) { return new MessageUpdater(pathSid, body); } /** * Converts a JSON String into a Message object using the provided ObjectMapper. * * @param json Raw JSON String * @param objectMapper Jackson ObjectMapper * @return Message object represented by the provided JSON */ public static Message fromJson(final String json, final ObjectMapper objectMapper) { // Convert all checked exceptions to Runtime try { return objectMapper.readValue(json, Message.class); } catch (final JsonMappingException | JsonParseException e) { throw new ApiException(e.getMessage(), e); } catch (final IOException e) { throw new ApiConnectionException(e.getMessage(), e); } } /** * Converts a JSON InputStream into a Message object using the provided * ObjectMapper. * * @param json Raw JSON InputStream * @param objectMapper Jackson ObjectMapper * @return Message object represented by the provided JSON */ public static Message fromJson(final InputStream json, final ObjectMapper objectMapper) { // Convert all checked exceptions to Runtime try { return objectMapper.readValue(json, Message.class); } catch (final JsonMappingException | JsonParseException e) { throw new ApiException(e.getMessage(), e); } catch (final IOException e) { throw new ApiConnectionException(e.getMessage(), e); } } private final String accountSid; private final String apiVersion; private final String body; private final DateTime dateCreated; private final DateTime dateUpdated; private final DateTime dateSent; private final Message.Direction direction; private final Integer errorCode; private final String errorMessage; private final com.twilio.type.PhoneNumber from; private final String messagingServiceSid; private final String numMedia; private final String numSegments; private final BigDecimal price; private final Currency priceUnit; private final String sid; private final Message.Status status; private final Map<String, String> subresourceUris; private final String to; private final String uri; @JsonCreator private Message(@JsonProperty("account_sid") final String accountSid, @JsonProperty("api_version") final String apiVersion, @JsonProperty("body") final String body, @JsonProperty("date_created") final String dateCreated, @JsonProperty("date_updated") final String dateUpdated, @JsonProperty("date_sent") final String dateSent, @JsonProperty("direction") final Message.Direction direction, @JsonProperty("error_code") final Integer errorCode, @JsonProperty("error_message") final String errorMessage, @JsonProperty("from") final com.twilio.type.PhoneNumber from, @JsonProperty("messaging_service_sid") final String messagingServiceSid, @JsonProperty("num_media") final String numMedia, @JsonProperty("num_segments") final String numSegments, @JsonProperty("price") final BigDecimal price, @JsonProperty("price_unit") @JsonDeserialize(using = com.twilio.converter.CurrencyDeserializer.class) final Currency priceUnit, @JsonProperty("sid") final String sid, @JsonProperty("status") final Message.Status status, @JsonProperty("subresource_uris") final Map<String, String> subresourceUris, @JsonProperty("to") final String to, @JsonProperty("uri") final String uri) { this.accountSid = accountSid; this.apiVersion = apiVersion; this.body = body; this.dateCreated = DateConverter.rfc2822DateTimeFromString(dateCreated); this.dateUpdated = DateConverter.rfc2822DateTimeFromString(dateUpdated); this.dateSent = DateConverter.rfc2822DateTimeFromString(dateSent); this.direction = direction; this.errorCode = errorCode; this.errorMessage = errorMessage; this.from = from; this.messagingServiceSid = messagingServiceSid; this.numMedia = numMedia; this.numSegments = numSegments; this.price = price; this.priceUnit = priceUnit; this.sid = sid; this.status = status; this.subresourceUris = subresourceUris; this.to = to; this.uri = uri; } /** * Returns The The unique sid that identifies this account. * * @return The unique sid that identifies this account */ public final String getAccountSid() { return this.accountSid; } /** * Returns The The version of the Twilio API used to process the message.. * * @return The version of the Twilio API used to process the message. */ public final String getApiVersion() { return this.apiVersion; } /** * Returns The The text body of the message. Up to 1600 characters long.. * * @return The text body of the message. Up to 1600 characters long. */ public final String getBody() { return this.body; } /** * Returns The The date this resource was created. * * @return The date this resource was created */ public final DateTime getDateCreated() { return this.dateCreated; } /** * Returns The The date this resource was last updated. * * @return The date this resource was last updated */ public final DateTime getDateUpdated() { return this.dateUpdated; } /** * Returns The The date the message was sent. * * @return The date the message was sent */ public final DateTime getDateSent() { return this.dateSent; } /** * Returns The The direction of the message. * * @return The direction of the message */ public final Message.Direction getDirection() { return this.direction; } /** * Returns The The error code associated with the message. * * @return The error code associated with the message */ public final Integer getErrorCode() { return this.errorCode; } /** * Returns The Human readable description of the ErrorCode. * * @return Human readable description of the ErrorCode */ public final String getErrorMessage() { return this.errorMessage; } /** * Returns The The phone number that initiated the message. * * @return The phone number that initiated the message */ public final com.twilio.type.PhoneNumber getFrom() { return this.from; } /** * Returns The The messaging_service_sid. * * @return The messaging_service_sid */ public final String getMessagingServiceSid() { return this.messagingServiceSid; } /** * Returns The Number of media files associated with the message. * * @return Number of media files associated with the message */ public final String getNumMedia() { return this.numMedia; } /** * Returns The Indicates number of messages used to delivery the body. * * @return Indicates number of messages used to delivery the body */ public final String getNumSegments() { return this.numSegments; } /** * Returns The The amount billed for the message. * * @return The amount billed for the message */ public final BigDecimal getPrice() { return this.price; } /** * Returns The The currency in which Price is measured. * * @return The currency in which Price is measured */ public final Currency getPriceUnit() { return this.priceUnit; } /** * Returns The A string that uniquely identifies this message. * * @return A string that uniquely identifies this message */ public final String getSid() { return this.sid; } /** * Returns The The status of this message. * * @return The status of this message */ public final Message.Status getStatus() { return this.status; } /** * Returns The The subresource_uris. * * @return The subresource_uris */ public final Map<String, String> getSubresourceUris() { return this.subresourceUris; } /** * Returns The The phone number that received the message. * * @return The phone number that received the message */ public final String getTo() { return this.to; } /** * Returns The The URI for this resource. * * @return The URI for this resource */ public final String getUri() { return this.uri; } @Override public boolean equals(final Object o) { if (this == o) { return true; } if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) { return false; } Message other = (Message) o; return Objects.equals(accountSid, other.accountSid) && Objects.equals(apiVersion, other.apiVersion) && Objects.equals(body, other.body) && Objects.equals(dateCreated, other.dateCreated) && Objects.equals(dateUpdated, other.dateUpdated) && Objects.equals(dateSent, other.dateSent) && Objects.equals(direction, other.direction) && Objects.equals(errorCode, other.errorCode) && Objects.equals(errorMessage, other.errorMessage) && Objects.equals(from, other.from) && Objects.equals(messagingServiceSid, other.messagingServiceSid) && Objects.equals(numMedia, other.numMedia) && Objects.equals(numSegments, other.numSegments) && Objects.equals(price, other.price) && Objects.equals(priceUnit, other.priceUnit) && Objects.equals(sid, other.sid) && Objects.equals(status, other.status) && Objects.equals(subresourceUris, other.subresourceUris) && Objects.equals(to, other.to) && Objects.equals(uri, other.uri); } @Override public int hashCode() { return Objects.hash(accountSid, apiVersion, body, dateCreated, dateUpdated, dateSent, direction, errorCode, errorMessage, from, messagingServiceSid, numMedia, numSegments, price, priceUnit, sid, status, subresourceUris, to, uri); } @Override public String toString() { return MoreObjects.toStringHelper(this) .add("accountSid", accountSid) .add("apiVersion", apiVersion) .add("body", body) .add("dateCreated", dateCreated) .add("dateUpdated", dateUpdated) .add("dateSent", dateSent) .add("direction", direction) .add("errorCode", errorCode) .add("errorMessage", errorMessage) .add("from", from) .add("messagingServiceSid", messagingServiceSid) .add("numMedia", numMedia) .add("numSegments", numSegments) .add("price", price) .add("priceUnit", priceUnit) .add("sid", sid) .add("status", status) .add("subresourceUris", subresourceUris) .add("to", to) .add("uri", uri) .toString(); } }