/* * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ /* * ClassifierTree.java * Copyright (C) 1999-2012 University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand * */ package weka.classifiers.trees.j48; import java.io.Serializable; import weka.core.Capabilities; import weka.core.CapabilitiesHandler; import weka.core.Drawable; import weka.core.Instance; import weka.core.Instances; import weka.core.RevisionHandler; import weka.core.RevisionUtils; import weka.core.Utils; /** * Class for handling a tree structure used for * classification. * * @author Eibe Frank (eibe@cs.waikato.ac.nz) * @version $Revision: 8034 $ */ public class ClassifierTree implements Drawable, Serializable, CapabilitiesHandler, RevisionHandler { /** for serialization */ static final long serialVersionUID = -8722249377542734193L; /** The model selection method. */ protected ModelSelection m_toSelectModel; /** Local model at node. */ protected ClassifierSplitModel m_localModel; /** References to sons. */ protected ClassifierTree [] m_sons; /** True if node is leaf. */ protected boolean m_isLeaf; /** True if node is empty. */ protected boolean m_isEmpty; /** The training instances. */ protected Instances m_train; /** The pruning instances. */ protected Distribution m_test; /** The id for the node. */ protected int m_id; /** * For getting a unique ID when outputting the tree (hashcode isn't * guaranteed unique) */ private static long PRINTED_NODES = 0; /** * Gets the next unique node ID. * * @return the next unique node ID. */ protected static long nextID() { return PRINTED_NODES ++; } /** * Resets the unique node ID counter (e.g. * between repeated separate print types) */ protected static void resetID() { PRINTED_NODES = 0; } /** * Constructor. */ public ClassifierTree(ModelSelection toSelectLocModel) { m_toSelectModel = toSelectLocModel; } /** * Returns default capabilities of the classifier tree. * * @return the capabilities of this classifier tree */ public Capabilities getCapabilities() { Capabilities result = new Capabilities(this); result.enableAll(); return result; } /** * Method for building a classifier tree. * * @param data the data to build the tree from * @throws Exception if something goes wrong */ public void buildClassifier(Instances data) throws Exception { // can classifier tree handle the data? getCapabilities().testWithFail(data); // remove instances with missing class data = new Instances(data); data.deleteWithMissingClass(); buildTree(data, false); } /** * Builds the tree structure. * * @param data the data for which the tree structure is to be * generated. * @param keepData is training data to be kept? * @throws Exception if something goes wrong */ public void buildTree(Instances data, boolean keepData) throws Exception { Instances [] localInstances; if (keepData) { m_train = data; } m_test = null; m_isLeaf = false; m_isEmpty = false; m_sons = null; m_localModel = m_toSelectModel.selectModel(data); if (m_localModel.numSubsets() > 1) { localInstances = m_localModel.split(data); data = null; m_sons = new ClassifierTree [m_localModel.numSubsets()]; for (int i = 0; i < m_sons.length; i++) { m_sons[i] = getNewTree(localInstances[i]); localInstances[i] = null; } }else{ m_isLeaf = true; if (Utils.eq(data.sumOfWeights(), 0)) m_isEmpty = true; data = null; } } /** * Builds the tree structure with hold out set * * @param train the data for which the tree structure is to be * generated. * @param test the test data for potential pruning * @param keepData is training Data to be kept? * @throws Exception if something goes wrong */ public void buildTree(Instances train, Instances test, boolean keepData) throws Exception { Instances [] localTrain, localTest; int i; if (keepData) { m_train = train; } m_isLeaf = false; m_isEmpty = false; m_sons = null; m_localModel = m_toSelectModel.selectModel(train, test); m_test = new Distribution(test, m_localModel); if (m_localModel.numSubsets() > 1) { localTrain = m_localModel.split(train); localTest = m_localModel.split(test); train = test = null; m_sons = new ClassifierTree [m_localModel.numSubsets()]; for (i=0;i<m_sons.length;i++) { m_sons[i] = getNewTree(localTrain[i], localTest[i]); localTrain[i] = null; localTest[i] = null; } }else{ m_isLeaf = true; if (Utils.eq(train.sumOfWeights(), 0)) m_isEmpty = true; train = test = null; } } /** * Classifies an instance. * * @param instance the instance to classify * @return the classification * @throws Exception if something goes wrong */ public double classifyInstance(Instance instance) throws Exception { double maxProb = -1; double currentProb; int maxIndex = 0; int j; for (j = 0; j < instance.numClasses(); j++) { currentProb = getProbs(j, instance, 1); if (Utils.gr(currentProb,maxProb)) { maxIndex = j; maxProb = currentProb; } } return (double)maxIndex; } /** * Cleanup in order to save memory. * * @param justHeaderInfo */ public final void cleanup(Instances justHeaderInfo) { m_train = justHeaderInfo; m_test = null; if (!m_isLeaf) for (int i = 0; i < m_sons.length; i++) m_sons[i].cleanup(justHeaderInfo); } /** * Returns class probabilities for a weighted instance. * * @param instance the instance to get the distribution for * @param useLaplace whether to use laplace or not * @return the distribution * @throws Exception if something goes wrong */ public final double [] distributionForInstance(Instance instance, boolean useLaplace) throws Exception { double [] doubles = new double[instance.numClasses()]; for (int i = 0; i < doubles.length; i++) { if (!useLaplace) { doubles[i] = getProbs(i, instance, 1); } else { doubles[i] = getProbsLaplace(i, instance, 1); } } return doubles; } /** * Assigns a uniqe id to every node in the tree. * * @param lastID the last ID that was assign * @return the new current ID */ public int assignIDs(int lastID) { int currLastID = lastID + 1; m_id = currLastID; if (m_sons != null) { for (int i = 0; i < m_sons.length; i++) { currLastID = m_sons[i].assignIDs(currLastID); } } return currLastID; } /** * Returns the type of graph this classifier * represents. * @return Drawable.TREE */ public int graphType() { return Drawable.TREE; } /** * Returns graph describing the tree. * * @throws Exception if something goes wrong * @return the tree as graph */ public String graph() throws Exception { StringBuffer text = new StringBuffer(); assignIDs(-1); text.append("digraph J48Tree {\n"); if (m_isLeaf) { text.append("N" + m_id + " [label=\"" + m_localModel.dumpLabel(0,m_train) + "\" " + "shape=box style=filled "); if (m_train != null && m_train.numInstances() > 0) { text.append("data =\n" + m_train + "\n"); text.append(",\n"); } text.append("]\n"); }else { text.append("N" + m_id + " [label=\"" + m_localModel.leftSide(m_train) + "\" "); if (m_train != null && m_train.numInstances() > 0) { text.append("data =\n" + m_train + "\n"); text.append(",\n"); } text.append("]\n"); graphTree(text); } return text.toString() +"}\n"; } /** * Returns tree in prefix order. * * @throws Exception if something goes wrong * @return the prefix order */ public String prefix() throws Exception { StringBuffer text; text = new StringBuffer(); if (m_isLeaf) { text.append("["+m_localModel.dumpLabel(0,m_train)+"]"); }else { prefixTree(text); } return text.toString(); } /** * Returns source code for the tree as an if-then statement. The * class is assigned to variable "p", and assumes the tested * instance is named "i". The results are returned as two stringbuffers: * a section of code for assignment of the class, and a section of * code containing support code (eg: other support methods). * * @param className the classname that this static classifier has * @return an array containing two stringbuffers, the first string containing * assignment code, and the second containing source for support code. * @throws Exception if something goes wrong */ public StringBuffer [] toSource(String className) throws Exception { StringBuffer [] result = new StringBuffer [2]; if (m_isLeaf) { result[0] = new StringBuffer(" p = " + m_localModel.distribution().maxClass(0) + ";\n"); result[1] = new StringBuffer(""); } else { StringBuffer text = new StringBuffer(); StringBuffer atEnd = new StringBuffer(); long printID = ClassifierTree.nextID(); text.append(" static double N") .append(Integer.toHexString(m_localModel.hashCode()) + printID) .append("(Object []i) {\n") .append(" double p = Double.NaN;\n"); text.append(" if (") .append(m_localModel.sourceExpression(-1, m_train)) .append(") {\n"); text.append(" p = ") .append(m_localModel.distribution().maxClass(0)) .append(";\n"); text.append(" } "); for (int i = 0; i < m_sons.length; i++) { text.append("else if (" + m_localModel.sourceExpression(i, m_train) + ") {\n"); if (m_sons[i].m_isLeaf) { text.append(" p = " + m_localModel.distribution().maxClass(i) + ";\n"); } else { StringBuffer [] sub = m_sons[i].toSource(className); text.append(sub[0]); atEnd.append(sub[1]); } text.append(" } "); if (i == m_sons.length - 1) { text.append('\n'); } } text.append(" return p;\n }\n"); result[0] = new StringBuffer(" p = " + className + ".N"); result[0].append(Integer.toHexString(m_localModel.hashCode()) + printID) .append("(i);\n"); result[1] = text.append(atEnd); } return result; } /** * Returns number of leaves in tree structure. * * @return the number of leaves */ public int numLeaves() { int num = 0; int i; if (m_isLeaf) return 1; else for (i=0;i<m_sons.length;i++) num = num+m_sons[i].numLeaves(); return num; } /** * Returns number of nodes in tree structure. * * @return the number of nodes */ public int numNodes() { int no = 1; int i; if (!m_isLeaf) for (i=0;i<m_sons.length;i++) no = no+m_sons[i].numNodes(); return no; } /** * Prints tree structure. * * @return the tree structure */ public String toString() { try { StringBuffer text = new StringBuffer(); if (m_isLeaf) { text.append(": "); text.append(m_localModel.dumpLabel(0,m_train)); }else dumpTree(0,text); text.append("\n\nNumber of Leaves : \t"+numLeaves()+"\n"); text.append("\nSize of the tree : \t"+numNodes()+"\n"); return text.toString(); } catch (Exception e) { return "Can't print classification tree."; } } /** * Returns a newly created tree. * * @param data the training data * @return the generated tree * @throws Exception if something goes wrong */ protected ClassifierTree getNewTree(Instances data) throws Exception { ClassifierTree newTree = new ClassifierTree(m_toSelectModel); newTree.buildTree(data, false); return newTree; } /** * Returns a newly created tree. * * @param train the training data * @param test the pruning data. * @return the generated tree * @throws Exception if something goes wrong */ protected ClassifierTree getNewTree(Instances train, Instances test) throws Exception { ClassifierTree newTree = new ClassifierTree(m_toSelectModel); newTree.buildTree(train, test, false); return newTree; } /** * Help method for printing tree structure. * * @param depth the current depth * @param text for outputting the structure * @throws Exception if something goes wrong */ private void dumpTree(int depth, StringBuffer text) throws Exception { int i,j; for (i=0;i<m_sons.length;i++) { text.append("\n");; for (j=0;j<depth;j++) text.append("| "); text.append(m_localModel.leftSide(m_train)); text.append(m_localModel.rightSide(i, m_train)); if (m_sons[i].m_isLeaf) { text.append(": "); text.append(m_localModel.dumpLabel(i,m_train)); }else m_sons[i].dumpTree(depth+1,text); } } /** * Help method for printing tree structure as a graph. * * @param text for outputting the tree * @throws Exception if something goes wrong */ private void graphTree(StringBuffer text) throws Exception { for (int i = 0; i < m_sons.length; i++) { text.append("N" + m_id + "->" + "N" + m_sons[i].m_id + " [label=\"" + m_localModel.rightSide(i,m_train).trim() + "\"]\n"); if (m_sons[i].m_isLeaf) { text.append("N" + m_sons[i].m_id + " [label=\""+m_localModel.dumpLabel(i,m_train)+"\" "+ "shape=box style=filled "); if (m_train != null && m_train.numInstances() > 0) { text.append("data =\n" + m_sons[i].m_train + "\n"); text.append(",\n"); } text.append("]\n"); } else { text.append("N" + m_sons[i].m_id + " [label=\""+m_sons[i].m_localModel.leftSide(m_train) + "\" "); if (m_train != null && m_train.numInstances() > 0) { text.append("data =\n" + m_sons[i].m_train + "\n"); text.append(",\n"); } text.append("]\n"); m_sons[i].graphTree(text); } } } /** * Prints the tree in prefix form * * @param text the buffer to output the prefix form to * @throws Exception if something goes wrong */ private void prefixTree(StringBuffer text) throws Exception { text.append("["); text.append(m_localModel.leftSide(m_train)+":"); for (int i = 0; i < m_sons.length; i++) { if (i > 0) { text.append(",\n"); } text.append(m_localModel.rightSide(i, m_train)); } for (int i = 0; i < m_sons.length; i++) { if (m_sons[i].m_isLeaf) { text.append("["); text.append(m_localModel.dumpLabel(i,m_train)); text.append("]"); } else { m_sons[i].prefixTree(text); } } text.append("]"); } /** * Help method for computing class probabilities of * a given instance. * * @param classIndex the class index * @param instance the instance to compute the probabilities for * @param weight the weight to use * @return the laplace probs * @throws Exception if something goes wrong */ private double getProbsLaplace(int classIndex, Instance instance, double weight) throws Exception { double prob = 0; if (m_isLeaf) { return weight * localModel().classProbLaplace(classIndex, instance, -1); } else { int treeIndex = localModel().whichSubset(instance); if (treeIndex == -1) { double[] weights = localModel().weights(instance); for (int i = 0; i < m_sons.length; i++) { if (!son(i).m_isEmpty) { prob += son(i).getProbsLaplace(classIndex, instance, weights[i] * weight); } } return prob; } else { if (son(treeIndex).m_isEmpty) { return weight * localModel().classProbLaplace(classIndex, instance, treeIndex); } else { return son(treeIndex).getProbsLaplace(classIndex, instance, weight); } } } } /** * Help method for computing class probabilities of * a given instance. * * @param classIndex the class index * @param instance the instance to compute the probabilities for * @param weight the weight to use * @return the probs * @throws Exception if something goes wrong */ private double getProbs(int classIndex, Instance instance, double weight) throws Exception { double prob = 0; if (m_isLeaf) { return weight * localModel().classProb(classIndex, instance, -1); } else { int treeIndex = localModel().whichSubset(instance); if (treeIndex == -1) { double[] weights = localModel().weights(instance); for (int i = 0; i < m_sons.length; i++) { if (!son(i).m_isEmpty) { prob += son(i).getProbs(classIndex, instance, weights[i] * weight); } } return prob; } else { if (son(treeIndex).m_isEmpty) { return weight * localModel().classProb(classIndex, instance, treeIndex); } else { return son(treeIndex).getProbs(classIndex, instance, weight); } } } } /** * Method just exists to make program easier to read. */ private ClassifierSplitModel localModel() { return (ClassifierSplitModel)m_localModel; } /** * Method just exists to make program easier to read. */ private ClassifierTree son(int index) { return (ClassifierTree)m_sons[index]; } /** * Returns the revision string. * * @return the revision */ public String getRevision() { return RevisionUtils.extract("$Revision: 8034 $"); } }