package; import java.util.ArrayList; import; import com.orm.SugarRecord; import com.orm.dsl.Ignore; public class MoodleCourse extends SugarRecord<MoodleCourse> { // since id is a reserved field in SugarRecord @SerializedName("id") int courseid; @SerializedName("shortname") String shortname; @SerializedName("categoryid") int categoryid; @SerializedName("categorysortorder") int categorysortorder; @SerializedName("fullname") String fullname; @SerializedName("idnumber") String idnumber; @SerializedName("summary") String summary; @SerializedName("summaryformat") int summaryformat; @SerializedName("format") String format; @SerializedName("showgrades") int showgrades; @SerializedName("newsitems") int newsitems; @SerializedName("startdate") int startdate; @SerializedName("numsections") int numsections; @SerializedName("maxbytes") int maxbytes; @SerializedName("showreports") int showreports; @SerializedName("visible") int visible; @SerializedName("hiddensections") int hiddensections; @SerializedName("groupmode") int groupmode; @SerializedName("groupmodeforce") int groupmodeforce; @SerializedName("defaultgroupingid") int defaultgroupingid; @SerializedName("timecreated") int timecreated; @SerializedName("timemodified") int timemodified; @SerializedName("enablecompletion") int enablecompletion; @SerializedName("completionnotify") int completionnotify; @SerializedName("lang") String lang; @SerializedName("forcetheme") String forcetheme; @Ignore @SerializedName("courseformatoptions") ArrayList<MoodleCourseFormatOption> courseformatoptions; // Errors. Not to be stored in sql db. @Ignore @SerializedName("exception") String exception; @Ignore @SerializedName("errorcode") String errorcode; @Ignore @SerializedName("message") String message; @Ignore @SerializedName("debuginfo") String debuginfo; // Relational fields long siteid; Boolean isUserCourse = false; Boolean isFavCourse = false; public MoodleCourse() { } /** * siteid is unique for a moodle address + user combination * * @param siteid * siteid of the Moodle account to which this course belongs to. */ public MoodleCourse(long siteid) { this.siteid = siteid; } public int getCourseid() { return courseid; } public String getShortname() { return shortname; } public int getCategoryid() { return categoryid; } /** * sort order into the category * * @return */ public int getCategorysortorder() { return categorysortorder; } public String getFullname() { return fullname; } public String getIdnumber() { return idnumber; } public String getSummary() { return summary; } /** * summary format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN) * * @return */ public int getSummaryformat() { return summaryformat; } /** * course format: weeks, topics, social, site,.. * * @return */ public String getFormat() { return format; } /** * 1 if grades are shown, otherwise 0 * * @return */ public int getShowgrades() { return showgrades; } /** * number of recent items appearing on the course page * * @return */ public int getNewsitems() { return newsitems; } /** * timestamp when the course start * * @return */ public int getStartdate() { return startdate; } /** * (deprecated, use courseformatoptions) number of weeks/topics * * @return */ public int getNumsections() { return numsections; } /** * largest size of file that can be uploaded into the course * * @return */ public int getMaxbytes() { return maxbytes; } /** * are activity report shown (yes = 1, no =0) * * @return */ public int getShowreports() { return showreports; } /** * 1: available to student, 0:not available * * @return */ public int getVisible() { return visible; } /** * (deprecated, use courseformatoptions) How the hidden sections in the * course are displayed to students * * @return */ public int getHiddensections() { return hiddensections; } /** * no group, separate, visible * * @return */ public int getGroupmode() { return groupmode; } /** * 1: yes, 0: no * * @return */ public int getGroupmodeforce() { return groupmodeforce; } /** * default grouping id * * @return */ public int getDefaultgroupingid() { return defaultgroupingid; } /** * timestamp when the course have been created * * @return */ public int getTimecreated() { return timecreated; } /** * timestamp when the course have been modified * * @return */ public int getTimemodified() { return timemodified; } /** * Enabled, control via completion and activity settings. Disbaled, not * shown in activity settings. * * @return */ public int getEnablecompletion() { return enablecompletion; } /** * 1: yes 0: no * * @return */ public int getCompletionnotify() { return completionnotify; } /** * forced course language * * @return */ public String getLang() { return lang; } /** * name of the force theme * * @return */ public String getForcetheme() { return forcetheme; } /** * additional options for particular course format * * @return */ public ArrayList<MoodleCourseFormatOption> getCourseformatoptions() { return courseformatoptions; } /** * Exception occurred while retrieving * * @return */ public String getException() { return exception; } /** * Errorcode of error occurred while retrieving * * @return */ public String getErrorcode() { return errorcode; } /** * Message of error occurred while retrieving * * @return */ public String getMessage() { return message; } /** * Debug info on the error occurred * * @return */ public String getDebuginfo() { return debuginfo; } /** * Get if this course is enrolled by current user * * @return */ public Boolean getIsUserCourse() { return isUserCourse; } /** * Set if this course is enrolled by current user * * @return */ public void setIsUserCourse(Boolean isUserCourse) { this.isUserCourse = isUserCourse; } /** * Get favourite status course in the app * * @return */ public Boolean getIsFavCourse() { return isFavCourse; } /** * Set favourite status course in the app * * @return */ public void setIsFavCourse(Boolean isFavCourse) { this.isFavCourse = isFavCourse; } /** * Get the siteid of this course * * @return */ public long getSiteid() { return siteid; } /** * set the site id of this course * * @param siteid */ public void setSiteid(long siteid) { this.siteid = siteid; } }