package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.Set; import java.util.jar.JarEntry; import java.util.jar.JarFile; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import com.lizard.fastdb.util.ClassLoaderUtils; /** * Classpath环境下资源解析器 <br> * <ul> * <li>支持解析文件名通配符匹配</li> * <li>支持匹配jar包中的所有文件</li> * </ul> * * @author SHEN.GANG */ public class ClasspathResourceResolver implements ResourceResolver { private static final Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(ClasspathResourceResolver.class); /** * 获取匹配的多个资源 * * @param location * @return * @throws IOException */ public Set<URL> getResources(String location) { if ( null == location ) { return null; } location = location.trim().replace(File.separator, "/"); Set<URL> resources = null; try { // 通配符匹配 if ( ResourceUtils.isPattern(location) ) { resources = findAllPathMatchingResources(location); } else { resources = findAllClasspathResources(location); } } catch (IOException e) { logger.error("Resource Resolver parse the ["+ location +"] failed!", e); } return resources; } /** * 获取所有通配符匹配的文件资源(包括jar包中的) * * @param locationPattern * 含有通配符的文件路径 * @return 匹配的资源 * @throws IOException */ protected Set<URL> findAllPathMatchingResources(String locationPattern) throws IOException { // 获取协议 String protocol = ResourceUtils.getProtocol(locationPattern); // 去除过滤协议后的资源路径 String real_path = ResourceUtils.clearProtocol(locationPattern); // 顶级目录:config/*.xml --> rootDirPath = config/ String rootDirPath = ResourceUtils.getRootDir(real_path); // 匹配文件名: config/*.xml --> subPattern = *.xml String subPattern = real_path.substring(rootDirPath.length()); // 通过 rootDirPath 获取所有目录资源 //Resource[] rootDirResources = getResources( protocol + rootDirPath ); // 由于rootDirPath不可能也不允许含有通配符,所以直接findAllClasspathResources Set<URL> rootDirResources = findAllClasspathResources( protocol + rootDirPath ); // 所有Jar包root资源 Set<URL> allJarRootResources = null; // 如果 rootDirPath == "" ,则只会加载当前classpath下的资源,不会加载jar包 // 这里需要对 rootDirPath == "" 在处理jar时进行特殊处理:加载所有jar资源 if( "".equals(rootDirPath) && (ResourceUtils.isJarProtocol(protocol) || protocol.length() == 0 ) ) { // 获取当前环境下的所有jar包资源 // allJarRootResources = getResources(ResourceUtils.ALL_JAR_PATTERN); // 由于 ResourceUtils.ALL_JAR_PATTERN 是完整资源路径,所以直接 ResourceUtils.ALL_JAR_PATTERN allJarRootResources = findAllClasspathResources(ResourceUtils.JAR_URL_PREFIX + ResourceUtils.ALL_JAR_PATTERN); } Set<URL> result = new LinkedHashSet<URL>(); // 在获取的所有资源中查找匹配的文件资源 if( null != rootDirResources && rootDirResources.size() > 0 ) { for ( URL rootDirURL : rootDirResources ) { // 如果是jar包资源,则在jar包资源中匹配 if ( ResourceUtils.isJarURL(rootDirURL) ) { result.addAll(doFindPathMatchingJarResources(rootDirURL, subPattern)); } // 在文件系统中匹配 else { result.addAll(doFindPathMatchingFileResources(rootDirURL, subPattern)); } } } // 如果查找了所有jar资源 if( null != allJarRootResources && allJarRootResources.size() > 0 ) { for ( URL rootJarURL : allJarRootResources ) { result.addAll(doFindPathMatchingJarResources(rootJarURL, subPattern)); } } if ( logger.isDebugEnabled() ) { logger.debug("Resolved location pattern [" + locationPattern + "] resources: "+ result.size()); } return result; } /** * 根据资源完整路径(不含通配符),获取classpath下所有相应资源(包括jar包) * * @param location 资源完整路径(不含通配符),其可能含有classpath:, jar:协议或没有 * @return 匹配的资源 * @throws IOException */ protected Set<URL> findAllClasspathResources(String location) throws IOException { String protocol = ResourceUtils.getProtocol(location); String path = ResourceUtils.clearProtocol(location); if ( path.startsWith("/") ) { path = path.substring(1); } Set<URL> result = new LinkedHashSet<URL>(16); Enumeration<URL> resourceUrls = ClassLoaderUtils.getClassLoader(ClasspathResourceResolver.class).getResources(path); URL url = null; // 无协议,加载全部资源 if( "".equals(protocol) ) { while (resourceUrls.hasMoreElements()) { url = resourceUrls.nextElement(); result.add(url); } } // 只加载jar包资源 else if( ResourceUtils.isJarProtocol(protocol) ) { while (resourceUrls.hasMoreElements()) { url = resourceUrls.nextElement(); if( ResourceUtils.isJarURL(url) ) { result.add(url); } } } // 只加载classpath资源 else if( ResourceUtils.isClasspathProtocol(protocol) ) { while (resourceUrls.hasMoreElements()) { url = resourceUrls.nextElement(); if( ResourceUtils.isFileURL(url) ) { result.add(url); } } } return result; } /** * 在jar包资源中查找匹配的资源 * * @param rootDirResource * 待查找的jar目录资源 * @param subPattern * 匹配模式 * @return 匹配的资源 * @throws IOException */ protected Set<URL> doFindPathMatchingJarResources(URL rootJarDirURL, String subPattern) throws IOException { JarFile jarFile; String jarFileUrl; String rootEntryPath; boolean newJarFile = false; String jar_path = rootJarDirURL.getPath(); // 如果一个JAR URL资源指向了 META-INF/MANIFEST.MF 说明是为了获取所有的JAR包资源而是用的特殊方式; // 需要将这个 JAR URL 重置为 去除 META-INF/MANIFEST.MF 后的新 URL if( jar_path.endsWith(ResourceUtils.ALL_JAR_PATTERN) ) { jar_path = jar_path.substring(0, jar_path.lastIndexOf(ResourceUtils.ALL_JAR_PATTERN)); rootJarDirURL = new URL( ResourceUtils.JAR_URL_PREFIX + jar_path ); } URLConnection con = rootJarDirURL.openConnection(); if ( con instanceof JarURLConnection ) { // Should usually be the case for traditional JAR files. JarURLConnection jarCon = (JarURLConnection) con; jarCon.setUseCaches(false); jarFile = jarCon.getJarFile(); jarFileUrl = jarCon.getJarFileURL().toExternalForm(); JarEntry jarEntry = jarCon.getJarEntry(); rootEntryPath = (jarEntry != null ? jarEntry.getName() : ""); } else { // No JarURLConnection -> need to resort to URL file parsing. // We'll assume URLs of the format "jar:path!/entry", with the protocol // being arbitrary as long as following the entry format. // We'll also handle paths with and without leading "file:" prefix. String urlFile = rootJarDirURL.getFile(); int separatorIndex = urlFile.indexOf(ResourceUtils.JAR_URL_SEPARATOR); if (separatorIndex != -1) { jarFileUrl = urlFile.substring(0, separatorIndex); rootEntryPath = urlFile.substring(separatorIndex + ResourceUtils.JAR_URL_SEPARATOR.length()); jarFile = getJarFile(jarFileUrl); } else { jarFile = new JarFile(urlFile); jarFileUrl = urlFile; rootEntryPath = ""; } newJarFile = true; } try { if ( logger.isDebugEnabled() ) { logger.debug("Looking for matching resources in jar file [" + jarFileUrl + "]"); } if ( !"".equals(rootEntryPath) && !rootEntryPath.endsWith("/") ) { // Root entry path must end with slash to allow for proper matching. rootEntryPath = rootEntryPath + "/"; } // 处理匹配正则 String _subpattern = ResourceUtils.dealPattern(subPattern); Set<URL> result = new LinkedHashSet<URL>(8); // 遍历jarEntry 匹配文件资源 for ( Enumeration<JarEntry> entries = jarFile.entries(); entries.hasMoreElements(); ) { JarEntry entry = entries.nextElement(); if( entry.isDirectory() ) { continue; } String entryPath = entry.getName(); if ( entryPath.startsWith(rootEntryPath) ) { String relativePath = entryPath.substring(rootEntryPath.length()); // 如果文件匹配 if ( relativePath.matches(_subpattern) ) { result.add(toJarURL(rootJarDirURL, relativePath)); } } } return result; } finally { // Close jar file, but only if freshly obtained - not from // JarURLConnection, which might cache the file reference. if ( newJarFile ) { jarFile.close(); } } } /** * 在系统中查找匹配的资源 * * @param rootDirResource * 待查找的jar目录资源 * @param subPattern * 匹配模式 * @return 匹配的资源 */ protected Set<URL> doFindPathMatchingFileResources(URL rootDirURL, String subPattern) { File rootDir; try { rootDir = ResourceUtils.getFile(rootDirURL); if ( !rootDir.exists() ) { if ( logger.isDebugEnabled() ) { logger.debug("Skipping [" + rootDir.getAbsolutePath() + "] because it does not exist"); } return Collections.emptySet(); } if ( !rootDir.isDirectory() ) { if ( logger.isWarnEnabled() ) { logger.warn("Skipping [" + rootDir.getAbsolutePath() + "] because it does not denote a directory"); } return Collections.emptySet(); } if ( !rootDir.canRead() ) { if ( logger.isWarnEnabled() ) { logger.warn("Cannot search for matching files underneath directory [" + rootDir.getAbsolutePath() + "] because the application is not allowed to read the directory"); } return Collections.emptySet(); } Set<URL> results = new LinkedHashSet<URL>(8); doRetrieveMatchingFiles(rootDir, subPattern, results); return results; } catch (IOException ex) { if ( logger.isWarnEnabled() ) { logger.warn("Cannot search for matching files underneath " + rootDirURL + " because it does not correspond to a directory in the file system", ex); } return Collections.emptySet(); } } /** * 递归遍历文件系统目录,匹配文件 * * @param dir 目录 * @param subPattern 匹配模式 * @param results 返回匹配命中的文件 * @throws MalformedURLException */ protected void doRetrieveMatchingFiles(File dir, String subPattern, Set<URL> results) throws MalformedURLException { if ( logger.isDebugEnabled() ) { logger.debug("Searching directory [" + dir.getAbsolutePath() + "] for files matching pattern ["+ subPattern + "]"); } File[] dirContents = dir.listFiles(); if ( dirContents == null || dirContents.length == 0 ) { return; } // 是否需要递归子目录 boolean isCascade = subPattern.startsWith(ResourceUtils.ALL_FILE_PATTERN); String _subPattern = ResourceUtils.dealPattern( subPattern ); // 遍历目录匹配文件 for ( File _file : dirContents ) { // 是否需要级联递归子目录 if ( isCascade && _file.isDirectory()) { if ( !_file.canRead() ) { if ( logger.isDebugEnabled() ) { logger.debug("Skipping subdirectory [" + dir.getAbsolutePath()+ "] because the application is not allowed to read the directory"); } } else { doRetrieveMatchingFiles( _file, subPattern, results); } } if ( _file.isFile() && _file.getName().matches(_subPattern) ) { results.add(_file.toURI().toURL()); } } } /** * 对一个jar URL进行特殊处理:对使用ResourceUtils.ALL_JAR_PATTERN特殊获取的所有jar URL 修改为jar root URL. * <br> * 例如:使用ResourceUtils.ALL_JAR_PATTERN查找所有jar中的a.xml,返回的URL是:..jar!/META-INF/a.xml, * 需要处理为:..jar!/a.xml。 * * @param jarRootUrl * @param filename * @return * @throws MalformedURLException */ protected URL toJarURL( URL jarRootUrl, String filename ) throws MalformedURLException { if( jarRootUrl.getPath().endsWith(ResourceUtils.ALL_JAR_PATTERN) ) { String jarPath = jarRootUrl.getPath(); jarPath = jarPath.substring(0, jarPath.lastIndexOf(ResourceUtils.ALL_JAR_PATTERN)); jarPath = ResourceUtils.JAR_URL_PREFIX + jarPath; return new URL( jarPath + filename ); } else { return new URL( jarRootUrl, filename ); } } /** * 根据jar文件路径,获取jar文件对象 * * @param jarFilePath * jar文件路径 * @return JarFile * @throws IOException */ private JarFile getJarFile(String jarFileUrl) throws IOException { if ( jarFileUrl.startsWith(ResourceUtils.FILE_URL_PREFIX) ) { try { return new JarFile(ResourceUtils.toURI(jarFileUrl).getSchemeSpecificPart()); } catch (URISyntaxException ex) { // Fallback for URLs that are not valid URIs (should hardly ever happen). return new JarFile(jarFileUrl.substring(ResourceUtils.FILE_URL_PREFIX.length())); } } else { return new JarFile(jarFileUrl); } } }