package; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.function.Consumer; import java.util.function.Supplier; import; import; import; import; import org.codefx.libfx.nesting.Nesting; import; import; /** * Contains the internal code of nested properties. * <p> * This class exists to prevent having the same code in all property implementations for the different types. Instead * they all delegate their calls to this class. That made it necessary to jump through some hoops and the design is not * very elegant. * * @param <T> * the type of the value wrapped by the property */ final class NestedPropertyInternals<T> { private final Nesting<? extends Property<T>> nesting; private final NestedProperty<T> outerProperty; private final Consumer<? super T> setValueDirectly; private final InnerObservableMissingBehavior<? extends T> missingBehavior; private final BooleanProperty innerObservablePresent; /** * Creates a new internals. * * @param outerProperty * the property whose internals are managed here * @param nesting * the nesting on which the outer nested property is based * @param missingBehavior * the behavior for the case that the inner observable is missing * @param setValueDirectly * called to immediately set the value on the outer property; must set the default value if called with * null on a property which wraps a primitive type */ public NestedPropertyInternals( NestedProperty<T> outerProperty, Nesting<? extends Property<T>> nesting, InnerObservableMissingBehavior<? extends T> missingBehavior, Consumer<? super T> setValueDirectly) { assert nesting != null : "The argument 'nesting' must not be null."; assert outerProperty != null : "The argument 'outerProperty' must not be null."; assert setValueDirectly != null : "The argument 'setValueDirectly' must not be null."; assert missingBehavior != null : "The argument 'missingBehavior' must not be null."; assert missingBehavior.whenGoesMissing() != WhenInnerObservableGoesMissing.SET_VALUE_FROM_SUPPLIER || missingBehavior.valueForMissing().isPresent() // : "When 'missingBehavior' requests 'SET_VALUE_FROM_SUPPLIER', a supplier must be present."; this.nesting = nesting; this.outerProperty = outerProperty; this.setValueDirectly = setValueDirectly; this.innerObservablePresent = new SimpleBooleanProperty(outerProperty, "innerObservablePresent"); this.missingBehavior = missingBehavior; } /** * Initializes the binding of the nested property to the nesting's inner observable. */ public void initializeBinding() { bindToInnerObservable(nesting.innerObservableProperty().getValue()); nesting.innerObservableProperty().addListener( (obs, oldInnerObservable, newInnerObservable) -> moveBindingToNewInnerObservable(oldInnerObservable, newInnerObservable)); } // #begin BIND TO INNER OBSERVABLE private void moveBindingToNewInnerObservable( Optional<? extends Property<T>> oldInnerObservable, Optional<? extends Property<T>> newInnerObservable) { unbindFromInnerObservable(oldInnerObservable); bindToInnerObservable(newInnerObservable); } private void unbindFromInnerObservable(Optional<? extends Property<T>> innerObservable) { innerObservable.ifPresent(outerProperty::unbindBidirectional); } private void bindToInnerObservable(Optional<? extends Property<T>> innerObservable) { innerObservablePresent.set(innerObservable.isPresent()); if (!innerObservable.isPresent()) handleMissingInnerObservable(); innerObservable.ifPresent(outerProperty::bindBidirectional); } private void handleMissingInnerObservable() { WhenInnerObservableGoesMissing whenGoesMissing = missingBehavior.whenGoesMissing(); switch (whenGoesMissing) { case KEEP_VALUE: return; case SET_DEFAULT_VALUE: setDefaultValueIgnoringMissingInnerObservable(); return; case SET_VALUE_FROM_SUPPLIER: Supplier<? extends T> supplierForMissingValue = missingBehavior.valueForMissing().get(); setIgnoringMissingInnerObservable(supplierForMissingValue.get()); return; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown procedere for missing inner observable: " + whenGoesMissing); } } // #end BIND TO INNER OBSERVABLE // #begin SET VALUE private void set(T newValue, boolean checkMissingInnerObservable) { if (checkMissingInnerObservable) maybeThrowExceptionForMissingObservable(); setValueDirectly.accept(newValue); } private void maybeThrowExceptionForMissingObservable() { boolean innerObservableMissing = !innerObservablePresent.get(); boolean throwExceptionConfigured = missingBehavior.onUpdate() == WhenInnerObservableMissingOnUpdate.THROW_EXCEPTION; if (innerObservableMissing && throwExceptionConfigured) throw new IllegalStateException("The inner observable is missing so no value can be set."); } /** * Sets the specified value on the nested property specified during construction. * <p> * If the inner observable is missing, the behavior specified during construction is executed. * * @param newValue * the new value to set */ public void setCheckingMissingInnerObservable(T newValue) { set(newValue, true); } private void setIgnoringMissingInnerObservable(T newValue) { set(newValue, false); } private void setDefaultValueIgnoringMissingInnerObservable() { set(null, false); } // #end SET VALUE /** * @return whether the nesting's inner observable is present as a property */ public final ReadOnlyBooleanProperty innerObservablePresentProperty() { return innerObservablePresent; } }