/** * File ./src/main/java/de/lemo/dms/processing/questions/QFrequentPathsViger.java * Lemo-Data-Management-Server for learning analytics. * Copyright (C) 2015 * Leonard Kappe, Andreas Pursian, Sebastian Schwarzrock, Boris Wenzlaff * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. **/ /** * File ./main/java/de/lemo/dms/processing/questions/QFrequentPathsViger.java * Date 2013-01-24 * Project Lemo Learning Analytics */ package de.lemo.dms.processing.questions; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import javax.ws.rs.FormParam; import javax.ws.rs.POST; import javax.ws.rs.Path; import org.hibernate.Criteria; import org.hibernate.Session; import org.hibernate.criterion.Restrictions; import ca.pfv.spmf.sequentialpatterns.AlgoFournierViger08; import ca.pfv.spmf.sequentialpatterns.SequenceDatabase; import ca.pfv.spmf.sequentialpatterns.Sequences; import com.google.common.collect.Lists; import com.google.common.collect.Maps; import de.lemo.dms.core.Clock; import de.lemo.dms.core.config.ServerConfiguration; import de.lemo.dms.db.IDBHandler; import de.lemo.dms.db.mapping.abstractions.ILog; import de.lemo.dms.processing.MetaParam; import de.lemo.dms.processing.Question; import de.lemo.dms.processing.StudentHelper; import de.lemo.dms.processing.resulttype.ResultListUserPathGraph; import de.lemo.dms.processing.resulttype.UserPathLink; import de.lemo.dms.processing.resulttype.UserPathNode; import de.lemo.dms.processing.resulttype.UserPathObject; /** * Read ther path data from the database and using the Bide algorithm to generates the frequent paths * without interruptions * * @author Sebastian Schwarzrock */ @Path("frequentPathsViger") public class QFrequentPathsViger extends Question { private Map<String, ILog> idToLogM = new HashMap<String, ILog>(); private Map<String, List<Long>> requests = new HashMap<String, List<Long>>(); private Map<String, Integer> idToInternalId = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); private Map<Integer, String> internalIdToId = new HashMap<Integer, String>(); @POST public ResultListUserPathGraph compute( @FormParam(MetaParam.COURSE_IDS) final List<Long> courses, @FormParam(MetaParam.USER_IDS) final List<Long> users, @FormParam(MetaParam.TYPES) final List<String> types, @FormParam(MetaParam.MIN_LENGTH) final Long minLength, @FormParam(MetaParam.MAX_LENGTH) final Long maxLength, @FormParam(MetaParam.MIN_SUP) final Double minSup, @FormParam(MetaParam.SESSION_WISE) final boolean sessionWise, @FormParam(MetaParam.START_TIME) final Long startTime, @FormParam(MetaParam.END_TIME) final Long endTime, @FormParam(MetaParam.GENDER) final List<Long> gender, @FormParam(MetaParam.LEARNING_OBJ_IDS) final List<Long> learningObjects) { validateTimestamps(startTime, endTime); final ArrayList<UserPathNode> nodes = Lists.newArrayList(); final ArrayList<UserPathLink> links = Lists.newArrayList(); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { if ((courses != null) && (courses.size() > 0)) { StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); buffer.append("Parameter list: Courses: " + courses.get(0)); for (int i = 1; i < courses.size(); i++) { buffer.append(", " + courses.get(i)); } logger.debug(buffer.toString()); } if ((users != null) && (users.size() > 0)) { StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); buffer.append("Parameter list: Users: " + users.get(0)); for (int i = 1; i < users.size(); i++) { buffer.append(", " + users.get(i)); } logger.debug(buffer.toString()); } if ((types != null) && (types.size() > 0)) { StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); buffer.append("Parameter list: Types: : " + types.get(0)); for (int i = 1; i < types.size(); i++) { buffer.append(", " + types.get(i)); } logger.debug(buffer.toString()); } if ((minLength != null) && (maxLength != null) && (minLength < maxLength)) { logger.debug("Parameter list: Minimum path length: : " + minLength); logger.debug("Parameter list: Maximum path length: : " + maxLength); } logger.debug("Parameter list: Minimum Support: : " + minSup); logger.debug("Parameter list: Session Wise: : " + sessionWise); logger.debug("Parameter list: Start time: : " + startTime); logger.debug("Parameter list: End time: : " + endTime); } final IDBHandler dbHandler = ServerConfiguration.getInstance().getMiningDbHandler(); final Session session = dbHandler.getMiningSession(); try { final SequenceDatabase sequenceDatabase = new SequenceDatabase(); sequenceDatabase.loadLinkedList(generateLinkedList(courses, users, types, minLength, maxLength, startTime, endTime, session, gender, learningObjects)); final AlgoFournierViger08 algo = new AlgoFournierViger08(minSup, 0L, 1L, 0L, 1000L, null, true, false); // execute the algorithm final Clock c = new Clock(); final Sequences res = algo.runAlgorithm(sequenceDatabase); logger.debug("Time for Hirate-calculation: " + c.get()); final LinkedHashMap<String, UserPathObject> pathObjects = Maps.newLinkedHashMap(); Long pathId = 0L; for (int i = res.getLevelCount()-1; i >= 0 ; i--) { for (int j = 0; j < res.getLevel(i).size(); j++) { String predecessor = null; final Long absSup = Long.valueOf(res.getLevel(i).get(j).getAbsoluteSupport()); pathId++; logger.debug("New " + i + "-Sequence. Support : " + res.getLevel(i).get(j).getAbsoluteSupport()); for (int k = 0; k < res.getLevel(i).get(j).size(); k++) { Integer id =res.getLevel(i).get(j).get(k).getItems().get(0).getId().intValue(); final String obId = this.internalIdToId.get(id); final ILog ilo = this.idToLogM.get(obId); final String type = ilo.getClass().getSimpleName(); final String posId = String.valueOf(pathObjects.size()); if (predecessor != null) { pathObjects.put( posId, new UserPathObject(posId, ilo.getLearning().getTitle(), absSup, type, 0d, ilo.getPrefix(), pathId, Long.valueOf(this.requests.get(obId).size()), Long .valueOf(new HashSet<Long>(this.requests.get(obId)) .size()))); // Increment or create predecessor edge pathObjects.get(predecessor).addEdgeOrIncrement(posId); } else { pathObjects.put( posId, new UserPathObject(posId, ilo.getLearning().getTitle(), absSup, type, 0d, ilo.getPrefix(), pathId, Long .valueOf(this.requests.get(obId).size()), Long .valueOf(new HashSet<Long>(this.requests.get(obId)) .size()))); } predecessor = posId; } } } logger.debug("\n"); for (final UserPathObject pathEntry : pathObjects.values()) { final UserPathObject path = pathEntry; path.setWeight(path.getWeight()); path.setPathId(pathEntry.getPathId()); nodes.add(new UserPathNode(path, true)); final String sourcePos = path.getId(); for (final Entry<String, Integer> linkEntry : pathEntry.getEdges().entrySet()) { final UserPathLink link = new UserPathLink(); link.setSource(sourcePos); link.setPathId(path.getPathId()); link.setTarget(linkEntry.getKey()); link.setValue(String.valueOf(linkEntry.getValue())); links.add(link); } } } catch (final Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage()); } finally { this.requests.clear(); this.idToLogM.clear(); this.internalIdToId.clear(); this.idToInternalId.clear(); } session.close(); return new ResultListUserPathGraph(nodes, links); } /** * Generates the necessary list of input-strings, containing the sequences (user paths) for the BIDE+ algorithm * * @param courses * Course-Ids * @param users * User-Ids * @param starttime * Start time * @param endtime * End time * @return The path to the generated file */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private LinkedList<String> generateLinkedList(final List<Long> courses, List<Long> users, final List<String> types, final Long minLength, final Long maxLength, final Long starttime, final Long endtime, Session session, List<Long> gender, List<Long> learningObjects) { final LinkedList<String> result = new LinkedList<String>(); final boolean hasBorders = (minLength != null) && (maxLength != null) && (maxLength > 0) && (minLength < maxLength); final boolean hasTypes = (types != null) && (types.size() > 0); Criteria criteria; if(users == null || users.size() == 0) { users = new ArrayList<Long>(StudentHelper.getCourseStudentsAliasKeys(courses, gender).values()); } else { Map<Long, Long> userMap = StudentHelper.getCourseStudentsAliasKeys(courses, gender); List<Long> tmp = new ArrayList<Long>(); for(int i = 0; i < users.size(); i++) { tmp.add(userMap.get(users.get(i))); } users = tmp; } criteria = session.createCriteria(ILog.class, "log"); if (courses.size() > 0) { criteria.add(Restrictions.in("log.course.id", courses)); } if (users.size() > 0) { criteria.add(Restrictions.in("log.user.id", users)); } if(!learningObjects.isEmpty()) { criteria.add(Restrictions.in("log.learning.id", learningObjects)); } criteria.add(Restrictions.between("log.timestamp", starttime, endtime)); final ArrayList<ILog> list = (ArrayList<ILog>) criteria.list(); logger.debug("Read " + list.size() + " logs."); int max = 0; final HashMap<Long, ArrayList<ILog>> logMap = new HashMap<Long, ArrayList<ILog>>(); for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { if ((list.get(i).getUser() != null) && (list.get(i).getLearningId() != null)) { // If there isn't a user history for this user-id create a new one if (logMap.get(list.get(i).getUser().getId()) == null) { // User histories are saved in an ArrayList of ILogMining-objects final ArrayList<ILog> a = new ArrayList<ILog>(); // Add current ILogMining-object to user-history a.add(list.get(i)); // Add user history to the user history map logMap.put(list.get(i).getUser().getId(), a); } else { // Add current ILogMining-object to user-history logMap.get(list.get(i).getUser().getId()).add(list.get(i)); // Sort the user's history (by time stamp) Collections.sort(logMap.get(list.get(i).getUser().getId())); } } } // Just changing the container for the user histories final ArrayList<ArrayList<ILog>> uhis = new ArrayList<ArrayList<ILog>>(); int id = 1; for (final ArrayList<ILog> uLog : logMap.values()) { final ArrayList<ILog> tmp = new ArrayList<ILog>(); boolean containsType = false; for (final ILog iLog : uLog) { if (this.idToInternalId.get(iLog.getPrefix() + " " + iLog.getLearningId()) == null) { this.internalIdToId.put(id, iLog.getPrefix() + " " + iLog.getLearningId()); this.idToInternalId.put(iLog.getPrefix() + " " + iLog.getLearningId(), id); id++; } if (hasTypes) { if (types.contains(iLog.getLearning().getLOType())) { { containsType = true; tmp.add(iLog); } } } if (!hasTypes) { tmp.add(iLog); } } if ((!hasBorders || ((tmp.size() >= minLength) && (tmp.size() <= maxLength))) && (!hasTypes || containsType)) { uhis.add(tmp); if (tmp.size() > max) { max = tmp.size(); } } } // This part is only for statistics - group histories of similar length together and display there // respective lengths final Integer[] lengths = new Integer[(max / 10) + 1]; for (int i = 0; i < lengths.length; i++) { lengths[i] = 0; } for (int i = 0; i < uhis.size(); i++) { lengths[uhis.get(i).size() / 10]++; } for (int i = 0; i < lengths.length; i++) { if (lengths[i] != 0) { logger.debug("Paths of length " + i + "0 - " + (i + 1) + "0: " + lengths[i]); } } logger.debug("Generated " + uhis.size() + " user histories. Max length @ " + max); int z = 0; // Convert all user histories or "paths" into the format, that is requested by the BIDE-algorithm-class for (final ArrayList<ILog> l : uhis) { String line = ""; for (int i = 0; i < l.size(); i++) { if (this.idToLogM.get(l.get(i).getPrefix() + " " + l.get(i).getLearningId()) == null) { this.idToLogM.put(l.get(i).getPrefix() + " " + l.get(i).getLearningId(), l.get(i)); } // Update request numbers if (this.requests.get(l.get(i).getPrefix() + " " + l.get(i).getLearningId()) == null) { final ArrayList<Long> us = new ArrayList<Long>(); us.add(l.get(i).getUser().getId()); this.requests.put(l.get(i).getPrefix() + " " + l.get(i).getLearningId(), us); } else { this.requests.get(l.get(i).getPrefix() + " " + l.get(i).getLearningId()).add( l.get(i).getUser().getId()); } // The id of the object gets the prefix, indicating it's class. This is important for distinction // between objects of different ILogMining-classes but same ids line += "<" + i + "> " + this.idToInternalId.get(l.get(i).getPrefix() + " " + l.get(i).getLearningId()) + " -1 "; } line += "-2"; result.add(line); z++; } logger.debug("Wrote " + z + " logs."); return result; } }