package leapv2; import com.leapmotion.leap.Arm; import com.leapmotion.leap.Bone; import com.leapmotion.leap.Controller; import com.leapmotion.leap.Finger; import com.leapmotion.leap.FingerList; import com.leapmotion.leap.Frame; import com.leapmotion.leap.Hand; import com.leapmotion.leap.Listener; import com.leapmotion.leap.Screen; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import; import; import; /** * * @author Jose Pereda - June 2014 - @JPeredaDnr */ public class LeapListener extends Listener { private final BooleanProperty doneList= new SimpleBooleanProperty(false); // Since we'll be listening to changes only in doneList, we don't need // bones collection to be observable too private final List<Bone> bones=new ArrayList<>(); private final List<Arm> arms=new ArrayList<>(); private final List<Pair> joints=new ArrayList<>(); @Override public void onFrame(Controller controller) { Frame frame = controller.frame(); doneList.set(false); bones.clear(); arms.clear(); joints.clear(); if (!frame.hands().isEmpty()) { Screen screen = controller.locatedScreens().get(0); if (screen != null && screen.isValid()){ for(Finger finger : frame.fingers()){ if(finger.isValid()){ for(Bone.Type b : Bone.Type.values()) { if((!finger.type().equals(Finger.Type.TYPE_RING) && !finger.type().equals(Finger.Type.TYPE_MIDDLE)) || !b.equals(Bone.Type.TYPE_METACARPAL)){ bones.add(finger.bone(b)); } } } } for(Hand h: frame.hands()){ if(h.isValid()){ // arm arms.add(h.arm()); FingerList fingers = h.fingers(); Finger index=null, middle=null, ring=null, pinky=null; for(Finger f: fingers){ if(f.isFinger() && f.isValid()){ switch(f.type()){ case TYPE_INDEX: index=f; break; case TYPE_MIDDLE: middle=f; break; case TYPE_RING: ring=f; break; case TYPE_PINKY: pinky=f; break; } } } // joints if(index!=null && middle!=null){ Pair p=new Pair(index.bone(Bone.Type.TYPE_METACARPAL).nextJoint(), middle.bone(Bone.Type.TYPE_METACARPAL).nextJoint()); joints.add(p); } if(middle!=null && ring!=null){ Pair p=new Pair(middle.bone(Bone.Type.TYPE_METACARPAL).nextJoint(), ring.bone(Bone.Type.TYPE_METACARPAL).nextJoint()); joints.add(p); } if(ring!=null && pinky!=null){ Pair p=new Pair(ring.bone(Bone.Type.TYPE_METACARPAL).nextJoint(), pinky.bone(Bone.Type.TYPE_METACARPAL).nextJoint()); joints.add(p); } if(index!=null && pinky!=null){ Pair p=new Pair(index.bone(Bone.Type.TYPE_METACARPAL).prevJoint(), pinky.bone(Bone.Type.TYPE_METACARPAL).prevJoint()); joints.add(p); } } } } } doneList.set(!bones.isEmpty() || !arms.isEmpty()); } public List<Bone> getBones(){ // Returns a fresh copy of the bones collection // to avoid concurrent exceptions iterating this list return; } public List<Arm> getArms(){ // Returns a fresh copy of the arms collection // to avoid concurrent exceptions iterating this list return; } public List<Pair> getJoints(){ // Returns a fresh copy of the joints collection // to avoid concurrent exceptions iterating this list return; } public BooleanProperty doneListProperty() { return doneList; } }