package; import com.jgoodies.forms.layout.CellConstraints; import com.jgoodies.forms.layout.FormLayout; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Dimension; import java.awt.Toolkit; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import java.util.Arrays; import javax.swing.JButton; import javax.swing.JComboBox; import javax.swing.JDialog; import javax.swing.JLabel; import javax.swing.JPanel; import javax.swing.JTextField; import; import; import; import; /** * This class extends the JDialog and offers editing of the "Value" type from * the domain model. * * @author Matthias Brück */ public class EditValueDialog extends JDialog implements ActionListener { private JButton buttonSave, buttonCancel; private JComboBox<String> comboboxValueTypes; private JTextField textfieldValue, textfieldMin, textfieldMax; private JPanel singlePanel, rangePanel; private JLabel labelType, labelValue, labelMin, lableMax, labelError; private int activeType = 0; private final CellConstraints cc; private final AddProcedureDialog.EditValueDialogListener editValueDialogListener; public EditValueDialog(Value value, AddProcedureDialog.EditValueDialogListener editValueDialogListener) { //LAYOUT this.editValueDialogListener = editValueDialogListener; cc = new CellConstraints(); FormLayout mainLayout = new FormLayout("5px, pref, 5px, pref, 5px, pref:grow, 5px", "5px, pref, 5px, pref, 5px, pref, 5px, pref, 5px"); FormLayout rangeLayout = new FormLayout("5px, pref, 5px, pref:grow, 5px", "5px, pref, 5px, pref, 5px"); FormLayout singleLayout = new FormLayout("5px, pref, 5px, pref:grow, 5px", "5px, pref, 5px"); this.setLayout(mainLayout); //COMPONENTS initComponents(); //ADD COMPONENTS TO SINGLE PANEL singlePanel.setLayout(singleLayout); singlePanel.add(labelValue, cc.xy(2, 2)); singlePanel.add(textfieldValue, cc.xy(4, 2)); //ADD COMPONENTS TO RANGE PANEL rangePanel.setLayout(rangeLayout); rangePanel.add(labelMin, cc.xy(2, 2)); rangePanel.add(textfieldMin, cc.xy(4, 2)); rangePanel.add(lableMax, cc.xy(2, 4)); rangePanel.add(textfieldMax, cc.xy(4, 4)); //ADD COMPONENTS TO DIALOG addComponentsToDialog(value); //ADD COMPONENTS TO LISTENER buttonCancel.addActionListener(this); buttonSave.addActionListener(this); comboboxValueTypes.addActionListener(this); //DIALOG OPTIONS this.setModal(true); this.setSize(300, 350); this.setAlwaysOnTop(true); Toolkit toolkit = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); Dimension screenSize = toolkit.getScreenSize(); int x = (screenSize.width - this.getWidth()) / 2; int y = (screenSize.height - this.getHeight()) / 2; this.setLocation(x, y); } /** * Initializes the components. */ private void initComponents() { textfieldValue = new JTextField(); textfieldMin = new JTextField(); textfieldMax = new JTextField(); singlePanel = new JPanel(); rangePanel = new JPanel(); labelType = new JLabel(LIMOResourceBundle.getString("TYPE")); labelValue = new JLabel(LIMOResourceBundle.getString("VALUE")); labelMin = new JLabel(LIMOResourceBundle.getString("MIN")); lableMax = new JLabel(LIMOResourceBundle.getString("MAX")); labelError = new JLabel(); labelError.setForeground(Color.RED); buttonCancel = new JButton(LIMOResourceBundle.getString("CANCEL")); buttonSave = new JButton(LIMOResourceBundle.getString("SAVE")); comboboxValueTypes = new JComboBox<>(new String[]{LIMOResourceBundle.getString("SINGLE"), LIMOResourceBundle.getString("RANGE")}); } /** * Adds the components to the dialog. * * @param value The value that has to be used. */ private void addComponentsToDialog(Value value) { this.add(labelType, cc.xy(2, 2)); this.add(comboboxValueTypes, cc.xyw(4, 2, 3)); if (value != null) { if (value instanceof SingleValue) { this.add(singlePanel, cc.xyw(2, 4, 5)); comboboxValueTypes.setSelectedIndex(0); textfieldValue.setText(value.getValue() + ""); activeType = 0; } else { this.add(rangePanel, cc.xyw(2, 4, 5)); comboboxValueTypes.setSelectedIndex(1); textfieldMin.setText(value.getMin() + ""); textfieldMax.setText(value.getMax() + ""); activeType = 1; } } else { this.add(singlePanel, cc.xyw(2, 4, 5)); comboboxValueTypes.setSelectedIndex(0); activeType = 0; } this.add(buttonSave, cc.xy(2, 6)); this.add(buttonCancel, cc.xy(4, 6)); this.add(labelError, cc.xyw(2, 8, 5)); } @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if (e.getSource().equals(comboboxValueTypes)) { actionCombobox(); } if (e.getSource().equals(buttonCancel)) { this.dispose(); } if (e.getSource().equals(buttonSave)) { actionSave(); } } /** * The action that has to happen when the ActionListener registrated an * action in the Combobox. It sets the field to either a Single or Range * Value. It uses the Min value as value when switching from range to single * and the value as Min when switching from single to range value. */ private void actionCombobox() { if (activeType != comboboxValueTypes.getSelectedIndex()) { double activeValue = 0; if (activeType == 0) { try { activeValue = Double.parseDouble(textfieldValue.getText()); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { System.out.println(Arrays.toString(ex.getStackTrace())); } this.remove(singlePanel); this.add(rangePanel, cc.xyw(2, 4, 5)); textfieldMin.setText(activeValue + ""); } else { try { activeValue = Double.parseDouble(textfieldMin.getText()); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { System.out.println(Arrays.toString(ex.getStackTrace())); } this.remove(rangePanel); this.add(singlePanel, cc.xyw(2, 4, 5)); textfieldValue.setText(activeValue + ""); } labelError.setText(""); activeType = comboboxValueTypes.getSelectedIndex(); this.revalidate(); this.repaint(); } } /** * The action that happens when the save-button was pressed. Tries to parse * the textfields to Double values. If it works it gets saved in the given * DialogListener. Sets the error label otherwise. */ private void actionSave() { if (activeType == 0) { try { SingleValue changedValue = new SingleValue(Double.parseDouble(textfieldValue.getText())); if (changedValue.getValue() < 0f) { labelError.setText(LIMOResourceBundle.getString("NOT_POSITIVE")); return; } editValueDialogListener.newValue(changedValue); this.dispose(); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { labelError.setText(LIMOResourceBundle.getString("NOT_A_NUMBER")); } } else { try { double min = Double.parseDouble(textfieldMin.getText()); double max = Double.parseDouble(textfieldMax.getText()); if (max > min) { if (min < 0f) { labelError.setText(LIMOResourceBundle.getString("NOT_POSITIVE")); return; } RangeValue changedValue = new RangeValue(min, max); editValueDialogListener.newValue(changedValue); this.dispose(); } else { labelError.setText(LIMOResourceBundle.getString("MAX_BIGGER_MIN")); } } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { labelError.setText(LIMOResourceBundle.getString("NOT_A_NUMBER")); } } } }