package com.kaltura.client.tests; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Properties; import junit.framework.TestCase; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import com.kaltura.client.KalturaApiException; import com.kaltura.client.KalturaClient; import com.kaltura.client.KalturaConfiguration; import com.kaltura.client.enums.KalturaEntryStatus; import com.kaltura.client.enums.KalturaEntryType; import com.kaltura.client.enums.KalturaMediaType; import com.kaltura.client.enums.KalturaSessionType; import; import; import com.kaltura.client.types.KalturaMediaEntry; public class KalturaTestBase extends TestCase { private Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(KalturaTestBase.class); public static final String KEY_PARTNER_ID = "kaltura.partnerid"; public static final String KEY_SECRET = "kaltura.secret"; public static final String KEY_ADMIN_SECRET = "kaltura.adminsecret"; public static final String KEY_ENDPOINT = "kaltura.endpoint"; public static final String DEFAULT_ENDPOINT = ""; public static final String DEFAULT_TEST_URL = ""; public static final String DEFAULT_UPLOAD_FILE = "video/DemoVideo.flv"; public KalturaConfiguration kalturaConfig = new KalturaConfiguration(); protected KalturaClient client; // keeps track of test vids we upload so they can be cleaned up at the end protected List<String> testIds = new ArrayList<String>(); protected boolean doCleanup = true; /** * Reads the file from the test/resources directory into a map OR fails * SAMPLE: kaltura.partnerid=0 kaltura.secret=sssssssss kaltura.adminsecret=aaaaaaaaa kaltura.endpoint= * * @return the map of configuration settings */ private Map<String, String> loadConfig() { Map<String, String> m = new HashMap<String, String>(); try { InputStream is = KalturaTestBase.class.getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(""); if (is == null) { throw(new Error("Please create a file in test/resources with your "+KEY_PARTNER_ID+", "+KEY_SECRET+", "+KEY_ADMIN_SECRET+", "+KEY_ENDPOINT)); } Properties props = new Properties(); props.load(is); for (Entry<Object, Object> entry : props.entrySet()) { m.put((String)entry.getKey(), (String)entry.getValue()); } } catch (IOException e) { // Fail! e.printStackTrace(); } return m; } @Override protected void setUp() throws Exception { Map<String, String> config = loadConfig(); if (config == null || config.isEmpty()) { throw(new Error("Please create a file with your "+KEY_PARTNER_ID+", "+KEY_SECRET+", "+KEY_ADMIN_SECRET+", "+KEY_ENDPOINT)); } if (StringUtils.isBlank(config.get(KEY_PARTNER_ID))) { throw(new Error("Please fill in the file with your "+KEY_PARTNER_ID)); } if (StringUtils.isBlank(config.get(KEY_SECRET))) { throw(new Error("Please fill in the file with your "+KEY_SECRET)); } if (StringUtils.isBlank(config.get(KEY_ADMIN_SECRET))) { throw(new Error("Please fill in the file with your "+KEY_ADMIN_SECRET)); } if (StringUtils.isBlank(config.get(KEY_ENDPOINT))) { config.put(KEY_ENDPOINT, DEFAULT_ENDPOINT); } this.kalturaConfig.setPartnerId( Integer.valueOf(config.get(KEY_PARTNER_ID)) ); this.kalturaConfig.setSecret(config.get(KEY_SECRET)); this.kalturaConfig.setAdminSecret(config.get(KEY_ADMIN_SECRET)); this.kalturaConfig.setEndpoint(config.get(KEY_ENDPOINT)); this.client = new KalturaClient(this.kalturaConfig); } /** * @return the sessionId if connected or NULL if failed */ protected String startUserSession() { String sessionId = null; try { KalturaSessionService sessionService = this.client.getSessionService(); assertNotNull(sessionService); sessionId = sessionService.start( this.kalturaConfig.getSecret(), "admin", KalturaSessionType.USER, this.kalturaConfig.getPartnerId(), 86400, "" ); logger.debug("Session id:" + sessionId); this.client.setSessionId(sessionId); } catch (Exception kae) { logger.error("Caught exception during setup", kae); } return sessionId; } /** * @return the sessionId if connected or NULL if failed */ protected String startAdminSession() { String sessionId = null; try { KalturaSessionService sessionService = this.client.getSessionService(); assertNotNull(sessionService); sessionId = sessionService.start( this.kalturaConfig.getAdminSecret(), "admin", KalturaSessionType.ADMIN, this.kalturaConfig.getPartnerId(), 86400, "" ); logger.debug("Session id:" + sessionId); this.client.setSessionId(sessionId); } catch (Exception kae) { logger.error("Caught exception during setup", kae); } return sessionId; } protected KalturaMediaEntry addClip(String name) { KalturaMediaEntry entry = new KalturaMediaEntry(); = name; entry.type = KalturaEntryType.MEDIA_CLIP; entry.mediaType = KalturaMediaType.VIDEO; KalturaMediaEntry addedEntry = null; try { KalturaMediaService mediaService = this.client.getMediaService(); addedEntry = mediaService.addFromUrl(entry, DEFAULT_TEST_URL); } catch (KalturaApiException kae) { logger.error("Caught exception during add from url", kae); } if (addedEntry != null) { this.testIds.add(; } return addedEntry; } protected KalturaMediaEntry getProcessedClip(String id) throws Exception { return getProcessedClip(id, false); } protected KalturaMediaEntry getProcessedClip(String id, Boolean checkReady) throws Exception { int maxTries = 30; int sleepInterval = 300000; int counter = 0; KalturaMediaEntry retrievedEntry = null; try { KalturaMediaService mediaService = this.client.getMediaService(); retrievedEntry = mediaService.get(id); while (checkReady && retrievedEntry.status != KalturaEntryStatus.READY) { counter++; if (counter >= maxTries) { throw new Exception("Max retries (" + maxTries + ") when retrieving entry:" + id); } else {"On try: " + counter + ", clip not ready. waiting "+(sleepInterval/60000)+" minutes..."); try { Thread.sleep(sleepInterval); } catch (InterruptedException ie) { } } retrievedEntry = mediaService.get(id); } //wend } catch (KalturaApiException kae) { logger.error("Problem retrieving entry: " + kae.getLocalizedMessage()); } return retrievedEntry; } @Override protected void tearDown() { if (!doCleanup) return;"Cleaning up test entries after test"); KalturaMediaService mediaService = this.client.getMediaService(); for (String id : this.testIds) {"Deleting " + id); try { getProcessedClip(id); mediaService.delete(id); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Couldn't delete " + id, e); } } //next id } }