package org.apache.jxtadoop.hdfs.p2p; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.List; import java.util.ListIterator; import; import net.jxta.discovery.DiscoveryEvent; import net.jxta.discovery.DiscoveryListener; import net.jxta.discovery.DiscoveryService; import net.jxta.document.Advertisement; import net.jxta.exception.PeerGroupException; import net.jxta.impl.protocol.PeerAdv; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.jxtadoop.hdfs.protocol.FSConstants; import; import net.jxta.peer.PeerID; import net.jxta.platform.NetworkManager; import net.jxta.protocol.DiscoveryResponseMsg; import net.jxta.protocol.PeerAdvertisement; import net.jxta.protocol.PipeAdvertisement; import net.jxta.socket.JxtaServerSocket; import net.jxta.socket.JxtaSocket; import net.jxta.socket.JxtaSocketAddress; /** * This class extends the peer one to specifiy the datanode peer.<br> * This kind of peer both communicates with namenode to collect instructions about what as to be performed<br> * and with other datanodes to request specific tasks such as block replication.<br> * <p> * The same setupNetworking() and start() methods are overriden.<br> * The discoveryEvent() method is also implemented to process global datanode peer discovery results.<br> * * @author Franck Besnard <> * @version 1.0 * @since November, 2011 * */ @SuppressWarnings({"unused"}) public class DatanodePeer extends Peer implements DiscoveryListener { public static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(DatanodePeer.class); /** * Holds the list of RPC pipe advertisement. * <br> There should only one as for now, only a 1-namenode configuration is supported. */ List<PipeAdvertisement> rpcpipeadvs; /* * Thread used to monitor peers */ Thread monitor; PeerMonitor pm; /** * Constructor with the peer name unique ID. This is important for the peer ID and key generation. * It also initialize the RPC advertisement and namenode lists. * @param s The peer unique name */ public DatanodePeer(String s) { super(s); rpcpipeadvs = new ArrayList<PipeAdvertisement>(); namenodepeers = new ArrayList<PeerAdvertisement>(); } /** * This method set up the jxta peer network configuration. * <br> The peer is configured as an Edge. The connexion to the centrale namenode rendez-vous is also set-up and intialized. * @throws LoginException Thrown upon user login error * @throws IOException Thrown upon failure to connect to the namenode * @throws CertificateException Thrown if the peer cannot unlock the keystore * @throws PeerGroupException Thrown if the peer cannot join the default net peergroup */ @Override public void setupNetworking() throws LoginException, IOException,, PeerGroupException { //nm = new NetworkManager(NetworkManager.ConfigMode.EDGE, UserGroupInformation.login(pc).getUserName()+"Datanode Peer",p2pdir.toURI()); Boolean isRelay = new Boolean(pc.get("hadoop.p2p.datanode.relay")); Boolean useMulticast = new Boolean(pc.get("hadoop.p2p.use.multicast")); if (isRelay) {"Starting the DataNode in RELAY mode"); nm = new NetworkManager(NetworkManager.ConfigMode.RELAY, UserGroupInformation.login(pc).getUserName()+"Datanode Peer",p2pdir.toURI()); } else {"Starting the DataNode in EDGE mode"); nm = new NetworkManager(NetworkManager.ConfigMode.EDGE, UserGroupInformation.login(pc).getUserName()+"Datanode Peer",p2pdir.toURI()); } nm.setConfigPersistent(false); nc = nm.getConfigurator(); //if (!nc.exists()) { nc.setTcpPort(Integer.parseInt(pc.get("hadoop.p2p.datanode.port", P2PConstants.RPCDATANODEPORT))); nc.setTcpEnabled(true); nc.setTcpIncoming(true); nc.setTcpOutgoing(true); nc.setHttpEnabled(false); nc.setHttp2Enabled(false); nc.setTcpStartPort(-1); nc.setTcpEndPort(-1); //nc.setUseMulticast(Boolean.getBoolean(pc.get("hadoop.p2p.use.multicast"))); if (isRelay) { nc.setUseMulticast(false); } else { if(!useMulticast) { nc.setUseMulticast(false); } else { nc.setUseMulticast(true); } } if(nc.getMulticastStatus())"Multicast is enabled"); nc.setPeerID(pid); //nc.setName(P2PConstants.RPCNAMENODETAG+" - "+nc.getName()); nc.setName(P2PConstants.RPCDATANODETAG+" - "+nc.getName()); nc.setKeyStoreLocation(KeyStoreFile.toURI()); nc.setPassword(p2ppass); //; /*} else { nc.setKeyStoreLocation(KeyStoreFile.toURI()); nc.setPassword(p2ppass); nc.load(); }*/ nc.clearRendezvousSeeds(); nc.addSeedRendezvous(URI.create(pc.get("hadoop.p2p.rpc.rdv"))); //nc.setUseOnlyRendezvousSeeds(true); if (isRelay) { nc.setUseOnlyRendezvousSeeds(true); } else { if(!useMulticast) { nc.setUseOnlyRendezvousSeeds(true); } else { nc.setUseOnlyRendezvousSeeds(false); } } nc.clearRelaySeeds(); nc.addSeedRelay(URI.create(pc.get("hadoop.p2p.rpc.relay"))); //nc.setUseOnlyRelaySeeds(true); if (isRelay) { nc.setUseOnlyRelaySeeds(true); } else { if(!useMulticast) { nc.setUseOnlyRelaySeeds(true); } else { nc.setUseOnlyRelaySeeds(false); } } npg = nm.startNetwork(); npg.getRendezVousService().setAutoStart(false); while(!nm.isStarted()) { try { Thread.sleep(1000); } catch (InterruptedException e) {} } nm.waitForRendezvousConnection(20000); ds = npg.getDiscoveryService(); } /** * Start-up the datanode peer. * <br>Triggers a remote discovery for DN and NN + Multicast Disco. Then it assigns a default Jxta socker adrress to the pipes in the peer group. * <br>Finally it kicks off the peer monitor thread. */ @Override public void start() { try { ds.getRemoteAdvertisements(null, DiscoveryService.PEER, "Name", "*Namenode Peer*", 1,this); ds.getRemoteAdvertisements(null, DiscoveryService.PEER, "Name", "*Datanode Peer*", 1,this); } catch(Exception e) { LOG.error(e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); } jssad = new JxtaSocketAddress(npg,rpcPipeAdv,npg.getPeerAdvertisement()); infojssad = new JxtaSocketAddress(npg,infoPipeAdv,npg.getPeerAdvertisement()); pm = PeerMonitor(this); monitor = new Thread(pm,"Peer Monitor Thread"); monitor.start(); } /** * Manages the pipe, namenode and peer advertisement discovery events. */ public void discoveryEvent(DiscoveryEvent event) { DiscoveryResponseMsg response = event.getResponse(); if (response.getDiscoveryType() == DiscoveryService.ADV) { Enumeration<Advertisement> en = response.getAdvertisements(); Advertisement adv; if(en!=null) { while (en.hasMoreElements()) { adv = (PipeAdvertisement) en.nextElement(); if (adv.getAdvType().equals(PipeAdvertisement.getAdvertisementType())) { PipeAdvertisement padv = (PipeAdvertisement)adv; if ( padv.getName().equals(P2PConstants.RPCPIPENAME)) { LOG.debug("Found the RPC pipe; Pipe id : "+padv.getPipeID().toString()); rpcpipeadvs.add(padv); } } } } if(rpcpipeadvs.size()==1) { jsad = new JxtaSocketAddress(npg, rpcpipeadvs.get(0),namenodepeers.get(0)); } else { jsad = null; } } else if (response.getDiscoveryType() == DiscoveryService.PEER) { Enumeration<Advertisement> en = response.getAdvertisements(); PeerAdv adv; while (en.hasMoreElements()) { adv = (PeerAdv) en.nextElement(); if (adv instanceof PeerAdv) { if ((adv.getName()).contains("Namenode Peer")) { ListIterator<PeerAdvertisement> lipa = namenodepeers.listIterator(); List<PeerID> lpid = new ArrayList<PeerID>(); while(lipa.hasNext()) { lpid.add(; } if(!lpid.contains(adv.getPeerID())) { LOG.debug("Found a namenode at "+adv.getPeerID()); if(!namenodepeers.contains(adv)) namenodepeers.add(adv); ds.getRemoteAdvertisements(adv.getPeerID().toString(), DiscoveryService.ADV, PipeAdvertisement.NameTag, P2PConstants.RPCPIPENAME, 1,this); } } else if((adv.getName()).contains("Datanode Peer") && adv.getPeerID() != pid) { synchronized(datanodepeers) { if (!datanodepeers.containsKey(adv.getPeerID())) { datanodepeers.put(adv.getPeerID(),adv); } } } } } } if(namenodepeers.size() > 1) LOG.fatal("*** FATAL *** There are more than 2 namenodes in the default RPC peergroup. That MUST NOT happen for now"); } /** * Return the jxta socket connected to the namenode rpc server * @return The NN RPC server jxta socket * @throws IOException */ public JxtaSocket getRpcSocket() throws IOException { JxtaSocket js = null; if(jsad == null) throw new IOException("No namenode address found; Aborting"); int soTimeout = Integer.parseInt(pc.get("hadoop.p2p.rpc.timeout")); try { js = new JxtaSocket(jsad,soTimeout,true); js.setTcpNoDelay(true); } catch (SocketTimeoutException ste) {} return js; } /** * Return the jxta socket address of the namenode rpc server * @return The NN RPC server jxta socket address * @throws IOException */ public JxtaSocketAddress getRpcSocketAddress() throws IOException { return jsad; } /** * Return the jxta socket address of the datanode rpc server corresponding to the peer advertisement. * @param peeradv The peer advertisement where to set-up the RPC connection * @return The Jxta socket address of the remote datanode RPC Server */ public JxtaSocketAddress getDNRpcSocketAddress(PeerAdvertisement peeradv) { return new JxtaSocketAddress(npg, rpcpipeadvs.get(0),peeradv); } public JxtaSocketAddress getInfoSocketAddress(String pid) throws IOException { return getInfoSocketAddress(Peer.getPeerID(pid)); } public JxtaSocketAddress getInfoSocketAddress(PeerID pid) throws IOException { PeerAdv.Instantiator pai = new PeerAdv.Instantiator(); PeerAdvertisement peerAdv = (PeerAdvertisement) pai.newInstance(); peerAdv.setPeerID(pid); peerAdv.setPeerGroupID(npg.getPeerGroupID()); return new JxtaSocketAddress(npg, infoPipeAdv, peerAdv); } public JxtaSocket getInfoSocket(String pid) throws IOException,SocketTimeoutException { return getInfoSocket(Peer.getPeerID(pid)); } public JxtaSocket getInfoSocket(PeerID pid) throws IOException, SocketTimeoutException { JxtaSocket js = null; int soTimeout = Integer.parseInt(pc.get("hadoop.p2p.rpc.timeout")); js = new JxtaSocket(npg,pid,this.getInfoSocketAddress(pid).getPipeAdv(),soTimeout,true); js.setNetPeerGroup(npg); js.setTcpNoDelay(true); //js.setSendBufferSize(P2PConstants.JXTA_SOCKET_SENDBUFFER_SIZE); //js.setReceiveBufferSize(P2PConstants.JXTA_SOCKET_RECVBUFFER_SIZE); return js; } }