package io.searchbox.core; import; import; import; import; import io.searchbox.client.JestResult; import io.searchbox.cloning.CloneUtils; import; import; import java.util.*; /** * @author cihat keser */ public class SearchResult extends JestResult { public static final String EXPLANATION_KEY = "_explanation"; public static final String HIGHLIGHT_KEY = "highlight"; public static final String SORT_KEY = "sort"; public static final String[] PATH_TO_TOTAL = "hits/total".split("/"); public static final String[] PATH_TO_MAX_SCORE = "hits/max_score".split("/"); public SearchResult(SearchResult searchResult) { super(searchResult); } public SearchResult(Gson gson) { super(gson); } @Override @Deprecated public <T> T getSourceAsObject(Class<T> clazz) { return super.getSourceAsObject(clazz); } @Override @Deprecated public <T> List<T> getSourceAsObjectList(Class<T> type) { return super.getSourceAsObjectList(type); } public <T> Hit<T, Void> getFirstHit(Class<T> sourceType) { return getFirstHit(sourceType, Void.class); } public <T, K> Hit<T, K> getFirstHit(Class<T> sourceType, Class<K> explanationType) { Hit<T, K> hit = null; List<Hit<T, K>> hits = getHits(sourceType, explanationType, true); if (!hits.isEmpty()) { hit = hits.get(0); } return hit; } public <T> List<Hit<T, Void>> getHits(Class<T> sourceType) { return getHits(sourceType, Void.class); } public <T, K> List<Hit<T, K>> getHits(Class<T> sourceType, Class<K> explanationType) { return getHits(sourceType, explanationType, false); } protected <T, K> List<Hit<T, K>> getHits(Class<T> sourceType, Class<K> explanationType, boolean returnSingle) { List<Hit<T, K>> sourceList = new ArrayList<Hit<T, K>>(); if (jsonObject != null) { String[] keys = getKeys(); if (keys != null) { // keys would never be null in a standard search scenario (i.e.: unless search class is overwritten) String sourceKey = keys[keys.length - 1]; JsonElement obj = jsonObject.get(keys[0]); for (int i = 1; i < keys.length - 1; i++) { obj = ((JsonObject) obj).get(keys[i]); } if (obj.isJsonObject()) { sourceList.add(extractHit(sourceType, explanationType, obj, sourceKey)); } else if (obj.isJsonArray()) { for (JsonElement hitElement : obj.getAsJsonArray()) { sourceList.add(extractHit(sourceType, explanationType, hitElement, sourceKey)); if (returnSingle) break; } } } } return sourceList; } protected <T, K> Hit<T, K> extractHit(Class<T> sourceType, Class<K> explanationType, JsonElement hitElement, String sourceKey) { Hit<T, K> hit = null; if (hitElement.isJsonObject()) { JsonObject hitObject = hitElement.getAsJsonObject(); JsonObject source = hitObject.getAsJsonObject(sourceKey); if (source != null) { String index = hitObject.get("_index").getAsString(); String type = hitObject.get("_type").getAsString(); String id = hitObject.get("_id").getAsString(); Double score = null; if (hitObject.has("_score") && !hitObject.get("_score").isJsonNull()) { score = hitObject.get("_score").getAsDouble(); } JsonElement explanation = hitObject.get(EXPLANATION_KEY); Map<String, List<String>> highlight = extractHighlight(hitObject.getAsJsonObject(HIGHLIGHT_KEY)); List<String> sort = extractSort(hitObject.getAsJsonArray(SORT_KEY)); JsonObject clonedSource = null; for (MetaField metaField : META_FIELDS) { JsonElement metaElement = hitObject.get(metaField.esFieldName); if (metaElement != null) { if (clonedSource == null) { clonedSource = (JsonObject) CloneUtils.deepClone(source); } clonedSource.add(metaField.internalFieldName, metaElement); } } if (clonedSource != null) { source = clonedSource; } hit = new Hit<T, K>( sourceType, source, explanationType, explanation, highlight, sort, index, type, id, score ); } } return hit; } protected List<String> extractSort(JsonArray sort) { if (sort == null) { return null; } List<String> retval = new ArrayList<String>(sort.size()); for (JsonElement sortValue : sort) { retval.add(sortValue.isJsonNull() ? "" : sortValue.getAsString()); } return retval; } protected Map<String, List<String>> extractHighlight(JsonObject highlight) { Map<String, List<String>> retval = null; if (highlight != null) { Set<Map.Entry<String, JsonElement>> highlightSet = highlight.entrySet(); retval = new HashMap<String, List<String>>(highlightSet.size()); for (Map.Entry<String, JsonElement> entry : highlightSet) { List<String> fragments = new ArrayList<String>(); for (JsonElement element : entry.getValue().getAsJsonArray()) { fragments.add(element.getAsString()); } retval.put(entry.getKey(), fragments); } } return retval; } public Integer getTotal() { Integer total = null; JsonElement obj = getPath(PATH_TO_TOTAL); if (obj != null) total = obj.getAsInt(); return total; } public Float getMaxScore() { Float maxScore = null; JsonElement obj = getPath(PATH_TO_MAX_SCORE); if (obj != null) maxScore = obj.getAsFloat(); return maxScore; } protected JsonElement getPath(String[] path) { JsonElement retval = null; if (jsonObject != null) { JsonElement obj = jsonObject; for (String component : path) { if (obj == null) break; obj = ((JsonObject) obj).get(component); } retval = obj; } return retval; } public MetricAggregation getAggregations() { final String rootAggrgationName = "aggs"; if (jsonObject == null) return new RootAggregation(rootAggrgationName, new JsonObject()); if (jsonObject.has("aggregations")) return new RootAggregation(rootAggrgationName, jsonObject.getAsJsonObject("aggregations")); if (jsonObject.has("aggs")) return new RootAggregation(rootAggrgationName, jsonObject.getAsJsonObject("aggs")); return new RootAggregation(rootAggrgationName, new JsonObject()); } /** * Immutable class representing a search hit. * * @param <T> type of source * @param <K> type of explanation * @author cihat keser */ public class Hit<T, K> { public final T source; public final K explanation; public final Map<String, List<String>> highlight; public final List<String> sort; public final String index; public final String type; public final String id; public final Double score; public Hit(Class<T> sourceType, JsonElement source) { this(sourceType, source, null, null); } public Hit(Class<T> sourceType, JsonElement source, Class<K> explanationType, JsonElement explanation) { this(sourceType, source, explanationType, explanation, null, null); } public Hit(Class<T> sourceType, JsonElement source, Class<K> explanationType, JsonElement explanation, Map<String, List<String>> highlight, List<String> sort) { this(sourceType, source, explanationType, explanation, highlight, sort, null, null, null, null); } public Hit(Class<T> sourceType, JsonElement source, Class<K> explanationType, JsonElement explanation, Map<String, List<String>> highlight, List<String> sort, String index, String type, String id, Double score) { if (source == null) { this.source = null; } else { this.source = createSourceObject(source, sourceType); } if (explanation == null) { this.explanation = null; } else { this.explanation = createSourceObject(explanation, explanationType); } this.highlight = highlight; this.sort = sort; this.index = index; this.type = type; = id; this.score = score; } public Hit(T source) { this(source, null, null, null); } public Hit(T source, K explanation) { this(source, explanation, null, null); } public Hit(T source, K explanation, Map<String, List<String>> highlight, List<String> sort) { this(source, explanation, highlight, sort, null, null, null, null); } public Hit(T source, K explanation, Map<String, List<String>> highlight, List<String> sort, String index, String type, String id, Double score) { this.source = source; this.explanation = explanation; this.highlight = highlight; this.sort = sort; this.index = index; this.type = type; = id; this.score = score; } @Override public int hashCode() { return Objects.hash( source, explanation, highlight, sort, index, type, id); } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (obj == null) { return false; } if (obj == this) { return true; } if (obj.getClass() != getClass()) { return false; } Hit rhs = (Hit) obj; return Objects.equals(source, rhs.source) && Objects.equals(explanation, rhs.explanation) && Objects.equals(highlight, rhs.highlight) && Objects.equals(sort, rhs.sort) && Objects.equals(index, rhs.index) && Objects.equals(type, rhs.type) && Objects.equals(id,; } } }