package me.arin.examples; import me.arin.jacass.BaseModel; import me.arin.jacass.Executor; import me.arin.jacass.JacassException; import java.util.Map; /** * User: Arin Sarkissian * Date: Mar 22, 2010 * Time: 4:44:38 PM */ public class BasicExample { public static void main(String[] args) throws JacassException { // initialze the cassandra connection info Executor.add("Keyspace1", "localhost", 9160); // create and save a new user User u = new User("Arin Sarkissian", "", 31);; // load up the user we created into a new object, change their email and persist the change User u2 = (User) new User().load(u.getKey(), true); u2.setEmail("");; // OK - create a new, distinct user in cassandra User u3 = new User("Username 2", "", 666);; // now do a multiget on the 2 distinct users and spit out their info Map<String, BaseModel> userMap = new User().load(new String[]{u3.getKey(), u.getKey()}); System.out.println("load multiple objects:"); for (String key : userMap.keySet()) { User user = (User) userMap.get(key); System.out.println("User key: " + key); System.out.println("\temail: " + user.getEmail()); System.out.println("\tusername: " + user.getUsername()); } // See all available items in database Map<String, BaseModel> userMap2 = new User().load(new String[]{u3.getKey(), u.getKey()}); System.out.println("load all:"); for (String key : userMap2.keySet()) { User user = (User) userMap2.get(key); System.out.println("User key: " + key); System.out.println("\temail: " + user.getEmail()); System.out.println("\tusername: " + user.getUsername()); } } }