/** * Get more info at : www.jrebirth.org . * Copyright JRebirth.org © 2011-2013 * Contact : sebastien.bordes@jrebirth.org * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.jrebirth.af.core.ui.handler; import java.lang.annotation.Annotation; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.util.Arrays; import javafx.event.Event; import javafx.event.EventHandler; import javafx.event.EventType; import org.jrebirth.af.api.exception.CoreException; import org.jrebirth.af.api.log.JRLogger; import org.jrebirth.af.api.ui.annotation.type.Action; import org.jrebirth.af.api.ui.annotation.type.EnumEventType; import org.jrebirth.af.api.ui.annotation.type.Key; import org.jrebirth.af.core.log.JRLoggerFactory; import org.jrebirth.af.core.resource.provided.JRebirthParameters; import org.jrebirth.af.core.ui.UIMessages; import org.jrebirth.af.core.util.ClassUtility; /** * The interface <strong>AnnotationEventHandler</strong>. * * @author Sébastien Bordes * * @param <E> the event type to handle */ public class AnnotationEventHandler<E extends Event> extends AbstractNamedEventHandler<E> implements EventHandler<E>, UIMessages { /** The class logger. */ private static final JRLogger LOGGER = JRLoggerFactory.getLogger(AnnotationEventHandler.class); /** The OnXxxxx annotation that define which handler to manage. */ private final Annotation annotation; /** The object used to handle the triggered event. */ private final Object callbackObject; /** * Default Constructor. * * @param callbackObject the object that will handle the event by reflection * @param annotation the annotation that configure the event handling * * @throws CoreException if handler is not correctly initialized */ public AnnotationEventHandler(final Object callbackObject, final Annotation annotation) throws CoreException { super(AnnotationEventHandler.class.getSimpleName() + "-" + annotation.annotationType().getName()); this.callbackObject = callbackObject; this.annotation = annotation; if (JRebirthParameters.DEVELOPER_MODE.get()) { checkCallbackMethods(); } } /** * For each annotation event type, check if the callback method exists. * * @throws CoreException an exception if the current class doesn't have the right handling method */ private void checkCallbackMethods() throws CoreException { for (final EnumEventType eet : getAnnotationValue()) { final String methodName = buildHandlingMethodName(eet); final Class<?> eventClass = getAnnotationApiEventClass(); try { this.callbackObject.getClass().getDeclaredMethod(methodName, eventClass); } catch (NoSuchMethodException | SecurityException e) { throw new CoreException(NO_EVENT_CALLBACK.getText(this.callbackObject.getClass().getName(), methodName, eventClass.getName()), e); } } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void handle(final Event event) { final String methodName = buildHandlingMethodName(convertEventToEnum(event.getEventType())); if (!methodName.isEmpty()) { callMethod(methodName, event); } } /** * Build the handling method name used to manage this event. * * @param annotationType the custom annotation event type used to define the kind of event to manage * * @return the method name to trigger into the callback object */ private String buildHandlingMethodName(final EnumEventType annotationType) { final StringBuilder methodName = new StringBuilder(); if (Arrays.asList(getAnnotationValue()).contains(annotationType)) { // Lower case the first letter of the annotation name methodName.append(this.annotation.annotationType().getSimpleName().substring(0, 1).toLowerCase()); // Don't change the case for all other letters methodName.append(this.annotation.annotationType().getSimpleName().substring(1)); // Append if necessary the sub type if not equals to any methodName.append(Key.Any.name().equals(annotationType.toString()) || Action.Action.name().equals(annotationType.toString()) ? "" : annotationType.name()); // Add suffix if handling method is named final String uniqueName = getAnnotationName(); if (uniqueName.length() > 0) { methodName.append(uniqueName); } } return methodName.toString(); } /** * Return the name of the annotation to define the unique callback method name. * * @return the annotation name attribute */ private String getAnnotationName() { return ClassUtility.getAnnotationAttribute(this.annotation, "name").toString(); } /** * Return the value of the annotation used to define type of handler to manage. * * @return the annotation value attribute */ private EnumEventType[] getAnnotationValue() { return (EnumEventType[]) ClassUtility.getAnnotationAttribute(this.annotation, "value"); } /** * Return the api event class used by the annotation. * * @return the annotation apiEventClass attribute */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private Class<Event> getAnnotationApiEventClass() { return (Class<Event>) ClassUtility.getAnnotationAttribute(this.annotation, "apiEventClass"); } /** * Convert a JavaFX event type into an annotation event type. * * @param eventType the JavaFX event type * * @return the Annotation event type or null if not found */ private EnumEventType convertEventToEnum(final EventType<? extends Event> eventType) { EnumEventType convertedType = null; if (getAnnotationValue() != null && getAnnotationValue().length > 0) { // Retrieve all annotation event types final EnumEventType[] aTypes = getAnnotationValue()[0].getClass().getEnumConstants(); // Parse all annotation event types for (int i = 0; i < aTypes.length && convertedType == null; i++) { // Find the corresponding annotation event type if its javaFX event type matches if (aTypes[i].eventType() == eventType) { convertedType = aTypes[i]; } } } return convertedType; } /** * Call the method into the callback object. * * @param methodName the method name to call * @param event the event to trigger */ private void callMethod(final String methodName, final Event event) { final Class<?> ctrlClass = this.callbackObject.getClass(); try { final Method method = ctrlClass.getDeclaredMethod(methodName, event.getClass()); ClassUtility.callMethod(method, this.callbackObject, event); } catch (NoSuchMethodException | SecurityException | IllegalArgumentException | CoreException e) { LOGGER.log(EVENT_HANDLING_IMPOSSIBLE, e); } } }