package com.paessler.prtg.util;
import java.sql.Timestamp;
import java.text.DateFormat;
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.GregorianCalendar;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import java.util.TimeZone;
import com.paessler.prtg.jmx.Logger;
* A library of static Date utility functions
* @author JR Andreassen
* @version 0.1
public abstract class DateUtility
// ------------------------------------------------------------
/** Constant: Default Date/Time formating String with No Time Zone */
public static final String DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT_STR_NTZ = "yyyy-MM-dd";
public static final String DEFAULT_TIME_FORMAT_STR_NTZ = "HH:mm:ss";
public static final String DEFAULT_DATETIME_FORMAT_STR_NTZ = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss";
/** Follows the W3C DTF format, minus the tz designation at the end, which our webservers barf on */
public static final String DATETIME_FORMAT_STR_HTTP_NTZ = "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss"; //String formatString = "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssXXX"; the XXX would give the proper time zone designation
/** Constant: Short Date formating String with No Time Zone */
public static final String DATE_FORMAT_YYYMMDD = "yyyyMMdd";
public static final String DATE_FORMAT_MDY_STR = "MM/dd/yyyy";
/** Constant: XML Date/Time formating String with No Time Zone */
public static final String XML_DATE_FORMAT_NTZ = "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss";
/** Constant: Default Date/Time formating String with Time Zone */
public static final String DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT_WMS = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.S";
/** Constant: Default Date/Time formating String with Time Zone */
public static final String DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT_WTZ = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss z";
/** Constant: Default Date/Time formating String with Millis and Time Zone */
public static final String DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT_WMSTZ = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.S Z";
public static final String UTIL_DATE_TO_STRING_SIMPLEDATEFORMAT = "EEE MMM dd HH:mm:ss zzz yyyy";
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Get Date formatter
* @return default DateFormat(DateUtility.DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT_NTZ)
public static final DateFormat getDefaultDateFormatter()
{ return new SimpleDateFormat(DEFAULT_DATETIME_FORMAT_STR_NTZ); }
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
/** an append value for time */
public static final String TIMESTAMP_TIME_APPENDSTR = " 00:00:00.000000000";
/** Constant: UTC time(String representation of long) of Jan 1, 0001 */
public static final String STR_UTC_DAY_0001_01_01_00_00 = "-62135748000000";
/** Constant: UTC time(long) of Jan 1, 0001 */
public static final long UTC_DAY_0001_01_01_00_00 = Long.parseLong(STR_UTC_DAY_0001_01_01_00_00);
/** Constant: UTC time(long) of Jan 1, 0001 */
public static final Timestamp TS_DAY_0001_01_01_00_00 = new Timestamp(Long.parseLong(STR_UTC_DAY_0001_01_01_00_00));
/** Constant: TimeZone String GMT */
public static final String TZ_GMT_STR = "GMT-0:00";
/** Constant: TimeZone String Central */
public static final String TZ_CST_STR = "GMT-6:00";
/** Constant: TimeZone String Mounain */
public static final String TZ_MST_STR = "GMT-7:00";
/** Constant: TimeZone GMT */
public static final TimeZone TZ_GMT = java.util.TimeZone.getTimeZone(TZ_GMT_STR);
/** Constant: TimeZone Local for host */
public static final TimeZone TZ_LOCAL = java.util.TimeZone.getDefault();
/** Constant: TimeZone CST */
public static final TimeZone TZ_CST = java.util.TimeZone.getTimeZone(TZ_CST_STR);
/** Constant: TimeZone MST */
public static final TimeZone TZ_MST = java.util.TimeZone.getTimeZone(TZ_MST_STR);
public static int DATEPART_YEAR = Calendar.YEAR;
public static int DATEPART_MONTH = Calendar.MONTH;
public static int DATEPART_DAY = Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR;
public static int DATEPART_HOUR = Calendar.HOUR;
public static int DATEPART_MINUTE = Calendar.MINUTE;
public static int DATEPART_SECOND = Calendar.SECOND;
public static int DATEPART_MILLI = Calendar.MILLISECOND;
// **************************************************************
public static final int MILLISECONDS_PER_DAY = 86400000;
public static final int SECONDS_PER_DAY = 86400;
public static final int MILLISECONDS_PER_HOUR = 3600000;
public static final int MILLISECONDS_PER_MINUTE = 60000;
public static final int MILLISECONDS_PER_SECOND = 1000;
* Constant: Julian Day of UTC 0, Jan 1, 1970.
* For Julian Day calc with Time Structs..
public static final int UTC_JULIAN_DAY = 2440588;
* offset from the juilan day to Jan 1, 2000
public static final int JULIAN_OFFSET_Y2K = 2451545;
public static java.util.Date DATE_MILLIS_01011900;
public static java.util.Date DATE_MILLIS_06062079;
//public static java.util.Date DATE_MILLIS_01011753 = null;
//public static java.util.Date DATE_MILLIS_12319999 = null;
DATE_MILLIS_01011900 = stringToDate("1900-01-01 00:00:00.0");
DATE_MILLIS_06062079 = stringToDate("2079-06-06 23:59:00.0");
//DATE_MILLIS_01011753 = stringToDate("1753-01-01 00:00:00.0");
//DATE_MILLIS_12319999 = stringToDate("9999-12-31 00:00:00.0");
catch(java.text.ParseException pe)
System.err.println("Unexpected ParseException!!! pe ->" + pe);
// -------------------------------------------------------
* Get current Julian day in the current timezone
* @return long Julian Day number
public static int getCurrentJulian()
return getJulian(getCurrentCalendar());
// -------------------------------------------------------
* Get current Julian day in the current timezone
* @return long Julian Day number
public static int getCurrentJulianOffsetY2K()
return getJulianOffsetY2K(getCurrentCalendar());
// -------------------------------------------------------
* Get current Julian day for the calendar given
* @param cal Calendar to use
* @return long Julian Day number
public static int getJulian(Calendar cal)
long millis = getMillisOffsetToTZ(cal);
int daysSinceEpoch = (int) ((double)millis / (double)MILLISECONDS_PER_DAY);
return UTC_JULIAN_DAY + daysSinceEpoch;
// -------------------------------------------------------
* Return time represented by the given calendar as UTC offset (ie GMT)
* this is the same as converting the calndar to GMT timezone and getting
* the milliseconds from it
public static long getMillisOffsetToTZ(Calendar cal)
long tmp = cal.get(Calendar.ZONE_OFFSET) + cal.get(Calendar.DST_OFFSET);
return (cal.getTimeInMillis() + tmp);
// -------------------------------------------------------
* Get current Julian day for the calendar given, offset by the value given.
* the offset will be subtracted from the julian, so should generally be a postive number
* @param cal Calendar to use
* @return
public static int getJulianOffset(Calendar cal, int offset)
int julian = getJulian(cal);
return julian - offset;
// -------------------------------------------------------
* Get current Julian day for the calendar given, offset by the value given.
* the offset will be subtracted from the julian, so should generally be a postive number
* @param cal Calendar to use
* @return
public static int getJulianOffsetY2K(Calendar cal)
return getJulianOffset(cal, JULIAN_OFFSET_Y2K);
* convert a utc time passed in to the local time NOTE: manually manipulating the milliseconds to effect different timezones has problems
* try converting 2010-11-07 03:00 UTC to local via this method will be off an hour
/*public static long convertUTCtoLocal(long utcTime)
long tmp = defCalendar.get(Calendar.ZONE_OFFSET) + defCalendar.get(Calendar.DST_OFFSET);
return utcTime + tmp;
* convert the local time passed in to a utc time NOTE: manually manipulating the milliseconds to effect different timezones has problems
* try converting 2010-11-07 00:00 to UTC via this method will be off an hour
/*public static long convertLocalToUTC(long localTime)
long tmp = defCalendar.get(Calendar.ZONE_OFFSET) + defCalendar.get(Calendar.DST_OFFSET);
return localTime - tmp;
// -------------------------------------------------------
* Return current local time as Timestamp
public static java.sql.Timestamp getCurrentTimeStamp()
return new java.sql.Timestamp(getCurrentMillis());
// -------------------------------------------------------
* Return current local time as Time
public static java.sql.Time getCurrentTime(long millis)
return new java.sql.Time(millis);
// -------------------------------------------------------
* Return current local time as Time
public static java.sql.Time getCurrentTime()
return new java.sql.Time(getCurrentMillis());
// -------------------------------------------------------
* Return current local time as Date
public static java.util.Date getCurrentDate()
return new java.util.Date();
* Returns the number of milliseconds since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 GMT
* of the current time
public static long getCurrentMillis()
return getCurrentDate().getTime();
// -------------------------------------------------------
* Return current local time as Calendar
public static Calendar getCurrentCalendar()
return GregorianCalendar.getInstance();
// -------------------------------------------------------
* returns the current date-time as a string in the format yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss:m.
* this one was created for compatibility with class TimeDateField as a setable value
public static String getDateTimeYearFirst()
return getCurrentTimeStamp().toString();
// -------------------------------------------------------
* returns current local timestamp as a string
public static String getCurrentTSString()
return getCurrentTimeStamp().toString();
// -------------------------------------------------------
* returns date with the current UTC date
public static java.util.Date getCurrentUTCDate()
return convertLocalDateToUTC(new java.util.Date());
// -------------------------------------------------------
* returns date with the current UTC date
public static java.util.Date convertLocalDateToUTC(java.util.Date localDate)
SimpleDateFormat dateFormatGmt = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
String formattedDateString = dateFormatGmt.format(localDate);
SimpleDateFormat dateFormatLocal = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
java.util.Date utcDate = null;
utcDate = dateFormatLocal.parse(formattedDateString);
} catch (ParseException ex)
Logger.log("ex->" + ex);
return utcDate;
// -------------------------------------------------------
* returns timestamp with the current UTC date
public static java.sql.Timestamp getCurrentUTCTimestamp()
java.util.Date date = getCurrentUTCDate();
return new java.sql.Timestamp(date.getTime());
// -------------------------------------------------------
* adds a date part to the date, equivalent to Calendar.add()
* @see java.text.Calendar
public static java.util.Date addDatePart(java.util.Date d, int field, int amount )
Calendar defCalendar = new GregorianCalendar();
defCalendar.add(field, amount);
d = defCalendar.getTime();
return d;
// -------------------------------------------------------
* Parses a date string acording to the format format.
* @see java.text.SimpleDateFormat
public static java.util.Date parseDate(String dateStr, String format)
{ java.util.Date retVal = null;
if (dateStr != null)
SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(format);
retVal = sdf.parse(dateStr);
//System.out.println("DateUtility.parseDate(" + dateStr + ", " +format + ") Date="+retVal);
catch(ParseException pe)
Logger.log("DateUtility.parseDate(" + dateStr + ") ParseException =>"+pe);
catch(IllegalArgumentException iae)
Logger.log("DateUtility.parseDate(" + dateStr + ") IllegalArgumentException =>"+iae);
catch(Exception e)
Logger.log("DateUtility.parseDate(" + dateStr + ") Other Exception =>"+e);
} // if (dateStr != null)
return retVal;
// -------------------------------------------------------
* Parses a date string acording to the format format.
* @see java.text.SimpleDateFormat
public static String formatDate(java.util.Date date, DateFormat dateformat)
{ String retVal = null;
retVal = dateformat.format(date);
// catch(IllegalArgumentException iae)
catch(Exception iae)
Logger.log( "DateUtility.formatDate("+date+", " + dateformat.toString() + ") Other Exception =>"+iae);
return retVal;
// -------------------------------------------------------
* Parses a date string acording to the format format.
* @see java.text.SimpleDateFormat
public static String formatDate(java.util.Date date, String format)
{ return formatDate(date, new SimpleDateFormat(format)); }
// -------------------------------------------------------
* Converts a string in the format fromFormat to the format toFormat.
* Supported formats must include mm, dd, and yyyy parts
* Time information(from the 10th char on) will be returned as it was in the dateString.
* For example, this method will allow you to convert the date 12/31/2000 to 2000-12-31
* with the call: convertFormat("12/31/2000", "mm/dd/yyyy", "yyyy-mm-dd");
public static String convertFomat(String dateString, String fromFormat, String toFormat)
if( dateString == null || fromFormat == null || toFormat == null)
return null;
int yyStart = StringUtility.STRING_INVALID_POSSITION;
int monthStart = fromFormat.indexOf("mm");
int dayStart = fromFormat.indexOf("dd");
int yyyyStart = fromFormat.indexOf("yyyy");
if(yyyyStart == StringUtility.STRING_INVALID_POSSITION)
{ yyStart = fromFormat.indexOf("yy");}
String dayPart = null, monthPart = null, yearPart = null, timePart=null;
if (monthStart != StringUtility.STRING_INVALID_POSSITION)
{ monthPart = dateString.substring(monthStart, monthStart+2);}
if (yyyyStart != StringUtility.STRING_INVALID_POSSITION)
{ yearPart = dateString.substring(yyyyStart, yyyyStart+4);}
if (yyStart != StringUtility.STRING_INVALID_POSSITION)
{ yearPart = dateString.substring(yyStart , yyStart +2);}
if (dayStart != StringUtility.STRING_INVALID_POSSITION)
{ dayPart = dateString.substring(dayStart, dayStart+2); }
if (dateString.length() >10)
{ timePart = dateString.substring(10);}
String returnString = null;
if (monthPart != null)
{ returnString = StringUtility.searchReplace(toFormat, "mm", monthPart); }
if (dayPart != null)
{ returnString = StringUtility.searchReplace(returnString, "dd", dayPart);}
if (yearPart != null)
{ if(yyyyStart != StringUtility.STRING_INVALID_POSSITION)
{ returnString = StringUtility.searchReplace(returnString, "yyyy", yearPart);}
if(yyStart != StringUtility.STRING_INVALID_POSSITION)
{ returnString = StringUtility.searchReplace(returnString, "yy", yearPart);}
if (timePart != null)
{ returnString += timePart;}
return returnString;
// -------------------------------------------------------
* returns the requested Date part
* @param part Date part to return
* @return int
* @see Java.util.Calendar
public static int getDatePart(int part)
GregorianCalendar gc = new GregorianCalendar();
return gc.get(part);
// -------------------------------------------------------
* returns the requested Date part
* @param part Date part to return
* @return int
* @see Java.util.Calendar
public static int getDatePart(int part, java.util.Date date)
GregorianCalendar gc = new GregorianCalendar();
return gc.get(part);
// -------------------------------------------------------
* returns the requested Date part as a string. Optionally pre-pad the part with '0'
* @param cal Calendar to use
* @param part Date part to return
* @param minLength Minimum length of the returned string
* @return int
* @see Java.util.Calendar
public static String getDatePartString(Calendar cal, int part, int minLength)
String retVal = Integer.toString(cal.get(part));
if(retVal != null)
retVal = retVal.trim();
if(retVal.length() < minLength)
{ retVal = StringUtility.padString(retVal, '0', minLength, true);}
return retVal;
* @see getTimeString
public static String getCurrentTimeString(boolean twentyFourHour)
return getTimeString(new GregorianCalendar(), twentyFourHour);
* extacts the time part of the calendar given, returns is as a sting.
* ex) if the time is 1:53pm, you would get eother 01:53pm or 13:53
* depending on the option for twentyFourHour
public static String getTimeString(Calendar cal, boolean twentyFourHour)
if( cal == null )
return null;
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
int hour = cal.get(Calendar.HOUR);
boolean pm = (cal.get(Calendar.AM_PM) == Calendar.PM);
if( twentyFourHour == true && pm == true )
hour += 12;
if( hour < 10 )
int min = cal.get(Calendar.MINUTE);
if( min < 10 )
if( !twentyFourHour )
if( pm )
return sb.toString();
// -------------------------------------------------------
* returns the current date-time as a string in the format: mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss:m
public static String getDateTimeString()
return getDateTimeString( new GregorianCalendar());
* returns the date as a string in the format: mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss:m
public static String getDateTimeString(Calendar gc)
if( gc == null )
return null;
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
int month = gc.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1;//cal months are idexed at 0
sb.append(' ');
String timePart = getTimeString(gc, true);
return sb.toString();
// ---------------------------------------------------
* Get the number of days for a month
private static int getLastDayofMonth(int month)
{ int retVal = -1;
//for some reason, the Calendar.MONTH numberings start at 0 in
// JRE 1.3, this method accounts for that
switch (month)
case Calendar.JANUARY:
case Calendar.MARCH:
case Calendar.MAY:
case Calendar.JULY:
case Calendar.AUGUST:
case Calendar.OCTOBER:
case Calendar.DECEMBER:
retVal = 31;
case Calendar.APRIL:
case Calendar.JUNE:
case Calendar.SEPTEMBER:
case Calendar.NOVEMBER:
retVal = 30;
case Calendar.FEBRUARY:
retVal = 28;
return retVal;
// -------------------------------------------------------
* attempt to convert the object passed in to a Date
* will use stringToDate if it can't be done directly
* returns null if there is an error in the conversion
* @see stringToDate
public static java.util.Date convertToUtilDate(Object toConvert)
if ( toConvert == null )
return null;
if( toConvert instanceof java.util.Date )
return (java.util.Date) toConvert;
if( toConvert instanceof Number )
long val = ((Number)toConvert).longValue();
return new java.util.Date(val);
java.util.Date retVal = stringToDate(toConvert.toString());
return retVal;
catch(java.text.ParseException pe)
System.err.println("Error converting date ->" + toConvert + " , object class->" + toConvert.getClass().getName());
return null;
public static java.util.Date convertToUtilDate_nothrow(Object toConvert)
catch(ParseException pe)
return null;
public static java.util.Date stringToDate(String date)
throws java.text.ParseException
return stringToDate(date, null);
// -------------------------------------------------------
* Takes a data string in an expected format and returns a Date.
* The expected formats are:
* MMddyyyy' , 'MM/dd/yyyy , 'yyyy-MM-dd'
* Time data of the format HH:mm{:ss{SS}}{AM/PM} can also be included
* as per SimpleDateFormat#parseObject with leniency false
* @see SimpleDateFormat
* @throws java.text.ParseException
public static java.util.Date stringToDate(String date, TimeZone tz)
throws java.text.ParseException
if( date == null )
return null;
date = date.trim();
date = date.toUpperCase();
//check for "dow mon dd hh:mm:ss zzz yyyy" = format used on java.util.Date.toString()
if( date.length() == 28 )
if( date.startsWith("SUN") || date.startsWith("MON") || date.startsWith("TUE") || date.startsWith("WED") || date.startsWith("THU") || date.startsWith("FRI") || date.startsWith("SAT") )
SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("EEE MMM dd hh:mm:ss zzz yyyy");
if( tz != null )
sdf.setLenient(true); //lenient will do things like convert Feb 31 to Mar 3
return (java.util.Date) sdf.parseObject(date);
//in some cases were have timezone info tacked on.. ex XML Timestamp values like:2011-09-20T18:10:53-05:00
//cut off the -05:00 in this cases..
if(date.length() > 19 )
char char19 = date.charAt(19);
//could be milliseconds values.. as well..
if( char19 != ':' && char19 != '.' )
date = date.substring(0, 19);
java.util.Date retVal = null;
StringBuilder format = new StringBuilder();
int slashIndex = date.lastIndexOf('/');
int dashIndex = date.lastIndexOf('-');
int timeIndex = date.indexOf(':');
int amPMIndex = date.lastIndexOf("AM");
if( amPMIndex < 0 )
amPMIndex = date.lastIndexOf("PM");
int tzGMTIndex = date.lastIndexOf("GMT");
//for XML dates, well get 2008-01-01T00:00:00, removing the T allows it to parse normally
if( date.indexOf("T") == 10 )
byte[] bytes = date.getBytes();
bytes[10] = ' ';
date = new String(bytes);
if( dashIndex > -1 )
else if (slashIndex > -1)
if( date.length() == 8 )
else if( date.length() >= 8 )
//2 general cases here, we probably have either MMddyyyy like: 02152006 or yyyyMMdd like 20050101
//we can probably determine it by checking where the 1st 2 digits where either the year or month
//would be.. if they are > 12, we know it's the year
int tmpInt = Integer.parseInt(date.substring(0,2));
int tmpInt2 = Integer.parseInt(date.substring(4,6));
//Logger.log("tmpInt->" + tmpInt + ", tmpInt2->" + tmpInt2 );
if( tmpInt > 12 )
else if ( tmpInt2 > 12 )
else //in this case, we have a year less than 1200, this case is less likely
{ //we can check the second 2 digits of the years then, so, look at the month fields
int tmpInt3 = Integer.parseInt(date.substring(2,4));
int tmpInt4 = Integer.parseInt(date.substring(6,8));
if( tmpInt3 > 12 )
else if( tmpInt4 > 12 )
else //cant figure it out, just use MMddyyyy
Logger.log("Cannot determine date format for date->" + date);
Logger.log("tmpInt->" + tmpInt + ", tmpInt2->" + tmpInt2 + ", tmpInt3->" + tmpInt3 + ", tmpInt4->" + tmpInt4);
catch(NumberFormatException nfe)
Logger.log("caught NumberFormatException->" + nfe);
if( timeIndex > -1 )
format.append(" HH:mm");
int secondsSep = date.indexOf(':', timeIndex+1);
if( secondsSep > -1 )
int millisSep = date.indexOf(':', secondsSep+1);
if( millisSep > -1 )
//if we nanos, cut them off... SDF doesnt support
int nanosSep = date.indexOf('.', secondsSep+1);
if( nanosSep > -1 )
date = date.substring(0, nanosSep);
if( amPMIndex > -1 )
format.append(" a");
if( tzGMTIndex > -1 )
format.append(" z");
//System.out.println("format->" + format);
//System.out.println("date->" + date);
SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(format.toString());
if( tz != null )
sdf.setLenient(true); //lenient will do things like convert Feb 31 to Mar 3
retVal = (java.util.Date) sdf.parseObject(date);
return retVal;
* attempts to convert the object passed in to a java.sql.Timestamp,
public static java.sql.Timestamp convertToTimestamp(Object value)
java.sql.Timestamp retVal = null;
if( value == null )
return retVal;
if ( value instanceof java.sql.Timestamp)
retVal = (java.sql.Timestamp) value;
else if( value instanceof java.util.Date)
long millis = ((java.util.Date)value).getTime();
retVal = new java.sql.Timestamp(millis);
String strVal = value.toString();
java.util.Date date = stringToDate(strVal);
retVal = new java.sql.Timestamp(date.getTime());
catch(ParseException pe)
Logger.log("caught parseexception trying to convert to timestamp value->" + value + ", pe->" + pe);
return null;
} // try
//catch(NumberFormatException e) ?? dont think anything here would throw a numberformatexception..
// Logger.log("caught NumberFormatException->" + e);
return retVal;
* attempts to convert the object passed in to a java.sql.Time
public static java.sql.Time convertToTime(Object value)
return convertToTime(value, true);
* attempts to convert the object passed in to a java.sql.Time,
* @param allowRollover - if false, values will not be allowed to roll over,
* ex) 11:60:00 can be rolled over to 12:00:00
* @throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException if there in an error in
* the conversion
public static java.sql.Time convertToTime(Object value, boolean allowRollover)
if( value == null )
return null;
java.sql.Time retVal = null;
if ( value instanceof java.sql.Time)
retVal = (java.sql.Time) value;
if ( value instanceof Number )
long val = ((Number)value).longValue();
retVal = new java.sql.Time(val);
String strVal = value.toString();
if ( !strVal.equals("") )
//check if we need to prepend a zero
if ( strVal.charAt(1) == ':' )
strVal = '0' + strVal;
//check if we need to add on the millis
if( strVal.length() < 8 )
strVal += ":00";
if ( allowRollover == false )
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(strVal, ":");
if ( st.hasMoreElements() && Integer.parseInt((String) st.nextElement()) > 23 )
throw new java.lang.IllegalArgumentException("Hour is invalid.");
if ( st.hasMoreElements() && Integer.parseInt((String) st.nextElement()) > 59 )
throw new java.lang.IllegalArgumentException("Minutes are invalid.");
if( st.hasMoreElements() && Integer.parseInt((String) st.nextElement()) > 59 )
throw new java.lang.IllegalArgumentException("Seconds are invalid.");
retVal = java.sql.Time.valueOf(strVal);
return retVal;
* reformats from a date of the form 2002-01-01 12:33.00.0
* to 01/01/2002 12:33
* if the suppressTime parameter is true, the time will be
* omitted.
public static String formatDateString(String s, boolean suppressTime)
if( s == null )
return null;
//check if string is already formatted by the mask,
//or if its coming in unformatted from the DB
//this is intended to allow the user to set the value
//manully in the correct format
if( s.indexOf('-') == -1 )
return s;
StringBuffer retVal = new StringBuffer(32);
String year, month, date, hr, min;
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(s, "- :");
if( st.hasMoreTokens() && st.countTokens() > 2 )
year = st.nextToken();
month = st.nextToken();
date = st.nextToken();
if( suppressTime == false )
hr = st.nextToken();
min = st.nextToken();
retVal.append(" ").append(hr).append(":").append(min);
return s;
return retVal.toString();
* returns a new Date
* truncates the time information off of a date, resetting it to
* the default of 00:00:00.0 (midnight)
public static java.util.Date truncateTime(java.util.Date date)
if( date == null )
return null;
Calendar cal = new GregorianCalendar();
return truncateTime(cal).getTime();
* returns a new Calendar
* truncates the time information off of a date, resetting it to
* the default of 00:00:00.0 (midnight)
public static Calendar truncateTime(Calendar cal)
if( cal == null )
return null;
Calendar calendar = new GregorianCalendar();
//have to reset the time to AM, clearing the HOURoDAY doesnt do this
calendar.set(Calendar.AM_PM, Calendar.AM);
return calendar;
* returns a new Date
* truncates the seconds and milliseconds information off of a date, resetting them to 0
public static java.util.Date truncateSeconds(java.util.Date date)
if( date == null )
return null;
Calendar cal = new GregorianCalendar();
return truncateSeconds(cal).getTime();
* returns a new Calendar
* truncates the seconds and milliseconds information off of a date, resetting them to 0
public static Calendar truncateSeconds(Calendar cal)
if( cal == null )
return null;
Calendar calendar = new GregorianCalendar();
return calendar;
* given a date, will return the number of complete years
* passed since then. For future dates, the number will be
* negative or 0
public static int calculateAge(java.util.Date dob)
return calculateYearsDiff(dob, getCurrentDate(), true);
* returns the number of complete years passed between the two dates.
* if lessThanDate is greater than greaterThanDate, the result will be
* negative (or 0). Otherwise the result will be positive (or 0)
* @param ignoreTime - specifies whether to factor time into the caomparisspn or not.
* for example, to calc a persons age, the time is generally not used
public static int calculateYearsDiff(java.util.Date lessThanDate, java.util.Date greaterThanDate, boolean ignoreTime)
int monthsDiff = calculateMonthsDiff(lessThanDate, greaterThanDate, ignoreTime);
return (int) ((double)monthsDiff / (double)12);
* returns the number of complete months passed between the two dates.
* if lessThanDate is greater than greaterThanDate, the result will be
* negative (or 0). Otherwise the result will be positive (or 0)
* @param ignoreTime - specifies whether to factor time into the caomparisspn or not.
public static int calculateMonthsDiff(java.util.Date lessThanDate, java.util.Date greaterThanDate, boolean ignoreTime)
if( lessThanDate == null )
lessThanDate = new java.util.Date(0);
if( greaterThanDate == null )
greaterThanDate = new java.util.Date(0);
//have to ensure the dates are ordered for the actualAge calc to be correct
boolean flipFlopped = false;
if( lessThanDate.after(greaterThanDate) )
java.util.Date tempD = lessThanDate;
lessThanDate = greaterThanDate;
greaterThanDate = tempD;
flipFlopped = true;
if( ignoreTime )
lessThanDate = truncateTime(lessThanDate);
greaterThanDate = truncateTime(greaterThanDate);
Calendar oldCal = new GregorianCalendar();
Calendar newCal = new GregorianCalendar();
Calendar testDate = new GregorianCalendar();
int yearsDiff = newCal.get(Calendar.YEAR)- oldCal.get(Calendar.YEAR);
testDate.add(Calendar.MONTH, yearsDiff);
yearsDiff = (testDate.after(newCal)) ? yearsDiff - 1 : yearsDiff;
int months = newCal.get(Calendar.MONTH)- oldCal.get(Calendar.MONTH);
testDate.add(Calendar.MONTH, months);
months = (testDate.after(newCal)) ? months - 1 : months;
months += (12 * yearsDiff);
if( flipFlopped )
months = -months;
return months;
// ------------------------------------------------------------
* calculate the difference between the two dates in terms of the returnUnit.
* if greaterThanDate is grather than lessThanDate then the return will be positive,
* otherwise it will be negative or 0.
* @param ignoreTime - tells the conversion to ignore time information in the comparison,
* which is often desirable when comparing days, months, and years
* @param returnUnit - the unit to use for the comparison, should be one of the DATE_PART
* constants from this class.
public static long dateDiff(int returnUnit, java.util.Date lessThanDate, java.util.Date greaterThanDate, boolean ignoreTime)
if( lessThanDate == null )
lessThanDate = new java.util.Date(0);
if( greaterThanDate == null )
greaterThanDate = new java.util.Date(0);
if( ignoreTime )
lessThanDate = truncateTime(lessThanDate);
greaterThanDate = truncateTime(greaterThanDate);
//since months and years dont have an exact conversion factor from milliseconds
//ie leap years and variable length months, we have to calc them specially
if( returnUnit == DATEPART_YEAR )
return calculateYearsDiff(lessThanDate, greaterThanDate, false);
if( returnUnit == DATEPART_MONTH )
return calculateMonthsDiff(lessThanDate, greaterThanDate, false);
//otherwise, we should be able to convert directly from the millis
long millisApart = greaterThanDate.getTime() - lessThanDate.getTime();
return (long)msToPart(returnUnit, millisApart);
if( returnUnit == DATEPART_DAY )
return (long) ((double)millisApart / (double)MILLISECONDS_PER_DAY);
else if( returnUnit == DATEPART_HOUR )
return (long) ((double)millisApart / (double)MILLISECONDS_PER_HOUR);
else if( returnUnit == DATEPART_MINUTE )
return (long) ((double)millisApart / (double)MILLISECONDS_PER_MINUTE);
else if( returnUnit == DATEPART_SECOND )
return (long) ((double)millisApart / (double)MILLISECONDS_PER_SECOND);
return millisApart;
// ------------------------------------------------------------
* Convert Milliseconds to another unit
* @param returnUnit What to convert to
* @param ms Milliseconds
* @return long other unit or ms
public static double msToPart(int returnUnit, long ms)
double retVal = ms;
if( returnUnit == DATEPART_DAY )
{ retVal= (retVal / MILLISECONDS_PER_DAY);}
else if( returnUnit == DATEPART_HOUR )
{ retVal= (retVal / MILLISECONDS_PER_HOUR);}
else if( returnUnit == DATEPART_MINUTE )
{ retVal= (retVal / MILLISECONDS_PER_MINUTE);}
else if( returnUnit == DATEPART_SECOND )
{ retVal= (retVal / MILLISECONDS_PER_SECOND);}
return retVal;
* returns true iff the date given falls on a weekday
public static boolean isWeekday(java.util.Date aDate)
if( aDate == null )
throw new java.lang.NullPointerException();
Calendar cal = new java.util.GregorianCalendar();
int dayOweek = cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK);
if( dayOweek == Calendar.SATURDAY || dayOweek == Calendar.SUNDAY )
return false;
return true;
* convenience method to return the complete date as a string on the 24hr clock
public static String getCompleteDateString(long millis)
java.sql.Timestamp ts = new java.sql.Timestamp(millis);
return ts.toString();
* returns a new date which is set to the very last millisecond of the
* day of the date passed in. All passed values are in millis for maximum flexibility
public static long getEndOfDay(long millis)
Calendar cal = new GregorianCalendar();
cal = truncateTime(cal);
//Logger.log("cal1->" + getCompleteDateString(cal.getTime()) );
cal.add(Calendar.DATE, 1);
//Logger.log("cal2->" + getCompleteDateString(cal.getTime()) );
cal.add(Calendar.MILLISECOND, -1);
//Logger.log("cal3->" + getCompleteDateString(cal.getTime()) );
return cal.getTimeInMillis();
* returns a new date which is set to the very last millisecond of the
* minute of the date passed in. All passed values are in millis for maximum flexibility
public static long getEndOfMinute(long millis)
Calendar cal = new GregorianCalendar();
//clear any seconds or millis
cal.add(Calendar.MINUTE, 1);
cal.add(Calendar.MILLISECOND, -1);
return cal.getTimeInMillis();
public static String datePartToString(int part, int val)
String retVal = null;
if( part == Calendar.MONTH)
switch (val)
case Calendar.JANUARY:
retVal = "January";
case Calendar.FEBRUARY:
retVal = "February";
case Calendar.MARCH:
retVal = "March";
case Calendar.APRIL:
retVal = "April";
case Calendar.MAY:
retVal = "May";
case Calendar.JUNE:
retVal = "June";
case Calendar.JULY:
retVal = "July";
case Calendar.AUGUST:
retVal = "August";
case Calendar.SEPTEMBER:
retVal = "September";
case Calendar.OCTOBER:
retVal = "October";
case Calendar.NOVEMBER:
retVal = "November";
case Calendar.DECEMBER:
retVal = "December";
retVal = "ERROR";
else if( part == Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK )
switch (val)
case Calendar.MONDAY:
retVal = "Monday";
case Calendar.TUESDAY:
retVal = "Tuesday";
case Calendar.WEDNESDAY:
retVal = "Wednesday";
case Calendar.THURSDAY:
retVal = "Thrusday";
case Calendar.FRIDAY:
retVal = "Friday";
case Calendar.SATURDAY:
retVal = "Saturday";
case Calendar.SUNDAY:
retVal = "Sunday";
retVal = "ERROR";
retVal = Integer.toString(val);
//throw new FeatureNotImplementedException("this datepart not explicitely supported yet, part->" + part);
System.err.println("Warning, this datepart not explicitely supported yet, part->" + part +", returning tostring retVal->" + retVal);
return retVal;
* return the current year as an int
public static int getCurrentYear()
Calendar defCalendar = new GregorianCalendar();
return defCalendar.get(Calendar.YEAR);
* rounds the date passed in to the nearest 15 minute increment value
* NOTE: the seconds and milliseconds and truncated from the return value and not considered in the rounding process
public static java.util.Date roundToNearest15MinuteIncrement(java.util.Date date)
if( date == null )
return null;
Calendar calendar = new GregorianCalendar();
//clear the seconds and millis
int hours = calendar.get(Calendar.HOUR);
int minutes = calendar.get(Calendar.MINUTE);
if( minutes <= 7 )
minutes = 0;
else if( minutes <= 22 )
minutes = 15;
else if( minutes <= 37 )
minutes = 30;
else if( minutes <= 52 )
minutes = 45;
else //need to round up to next hour
minutes = 0;
calendar.set(Calendar.HOUR, hours);
calendar.set(Calendar.MINUTE, minutes);
return calendar.getTime();
* for the date given, return the timezone designation for the current locale for that date
* on a winXP machine, if the clock is set to adjust for DST, this will be a 3 digit code (ex CDT, CST, MST, etc)
* if the clock is not set to to adjust for DST, it will be a GMT offset, ex) GMT-06:00
public static String getTimeZoneShortName(java.util.Date aDate)
Calendar cal = new GregorianCalendar();
TimeZone tz = cal.getTimeZone();
boolean dst = tz.inDaylightTime(aDate);
return tz.getDisplayName(dst, TimeZone.SHORT);
* given a string for the TZ.. (CST, CDT, MST, etc..) returns the offset to UTC time
public static int getUTCOffsetForTimezone(String timezoneStr)
int utcOffset = 0;
if( "CST".equals(timezoneStr) )
utcOffset = -6;
else if( "CDT".equals(timezoneStr) )
utcOffset = -5;
else if( "MST".equals(timezoneStr) )
utcOffset = -7;
else if( "MDT".equals(timezoneStr) )
utcOffset = -6;
else if( "PST".equals(timezoneStr) )
utcOffset = -8;
else if( "PDT".equals(timezoneStr) )
utcOffset = -7;
else if( "EST".equals(timezoneStr) )
utcOffset = -5;
else if( "EDT".equals(timezoneStr) )
utcOffset = -4;
else if( "AKST".equals(timezoneStr) )
utcOffset = -9;
else if( "AKDT".equals(timezoneStr) )
utcOffset = -8;
else if( "HAST".equals(timezoneStr) )
utcOffset = -10;
else if( "HADT".equals(timezoneStr) )
utcOffset = -9;
else if( "GMT".equals(timezoneStr) )
utcOffset = 0;
else if( "UTC".equals(timezoneStr) )
utcOffset = 0;
//windows return "GMT-06:00" when the auto adjust for tx is turned off
int idx = timezoneStr.indexOf("-");
if( idx >=0 )
String tmp = timezoneStr.substring(idx, idx+3);
idx = Integer.parseInt(tmp);
catch( NumberFormatException nfe )
Logger.log("FAILED TO CONVERT TIMEZONE timezoneStr->" + timezoneStr);
Logger.log("nfe->" + nfe);
Logger.log("FAILED TO CONVERT TIMEZONE timezoneStr->" + timezoneStr);
return utcOffset;
* for the date given, calculate the UTC date based on the local timezone
public static java.util.Date calculateUTC(java.util.Date aDate)
return calculateUTC(aDate, TimeZone.getDefault());
* for the date given and a timezone given, calculate the UTC date
public static java.util.Date calculateUTC(java.util.Date aDate, String timezoneStr)
return calculateUTC(aDate, TimeZone.getTimeZone(timezoneStr));
* for the date given and a timezone given, calculate the UTC date
public static java.util.Date calculateUTC(java.util.Date aDate, TimeZone tz)
SimpleDateFormat dateFormatGmt = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
String formattedDateString = dateFormatGmt.format(aDate);
//System.err.println("formattedDateString->" + formattedDateString);
SimpleDateFormat dateFormatLocal = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
java.util.Date utcDate = null;
utcDate = dateFormatLocal.parse(formattedDateString);
} catch (ParseException ex)
Logger.log("ex->" + ex);
return utcDate;
* given a date representing a UTC value, return the date representing the local time
* NOTE: Date stores it's value internally in UTC already, so the date passed in
* would actually have an incorrect UTC value. For instance, if a string in UTC was used
* to create the date object useing DateFormat.parse(String s)
* Essentially we are converting it to the correct value
* with the function.
public static java.util.Date calculateLocalTime(java.util.Date utcDate)
SimpleDateFormat dateFormatLocal = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
String formattedDateString = dateFormatLocal.format(utcDate);
//System.err.println("formattedDateString->" + formattedDateString);
SimpleDateFormat dateFormatUTC = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
java.util.Date localDate = null;
localDate = dateFormatUTC.parse(formattedDateString);
} catch (ParseException ex)
Logger.log("ex->" + ex);
return localDate;
* returns a date that is equal to midnight on the first day of the week for the week the given date falls in
public static java.util.Date getFirstDateOfWeek(java.util.Date aDate)
Calendar defCalendar = new GregorianCalendar();
Calendar cal = truncateTime(defCalendar);
int dow = cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK);
int daysOffset = dow - Calendar.SUNDAY; //assumes the days of week constancts are consecutive (which they are)
if( daysOffset > 0 )
cal.add(Calendar.DATE, -daysOffset);
return cal.getTime();
* returns jan 1, midnight for the year of the given date
public static java.util.Date getFirstDateOfYear(java.util.Date aDate)
Calendar defCalendar = new GregorianCalendar();
Calendar cal = truncateTime(defCalendar);
int doyOffset = cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR) - 1; //first day of year is 1
if( doyOffset > 0 )
cal.add(Calendar.DATE, -doyOffset);
return cal.getTime();
* returns dec 31, 23:59 for the year of the given date
public static java.util.Date getLastDateOfYear(java.util.Date aDate)
Calendar defCalendar = new GregorianCalendar();
Calendar cal = truncateTime(defCalendar);
int nextYear = cal.get(Calendar.YEAR) + 1;
cal.clear(); //reset everything
cal.set(Calendar.YEAR, nextYear); //set the year, this should put us a midnight, jan1 of next year
cal.add(Calendar.MILLISECOND, -1); //back off a milli, which should be the last millisecond of the prior year
return cal.getTime();
* returns the first date of the month, with time set to 00:00, for the date given
public static java.util.Date getFirstDateOfMonth(java.util.Date aDate)
Calendar cal = new GregorianCalendar();
cal = truncateTime(cal);
cal.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 1);
return cal.getTime();
* returns the last date of the month, with time set to 23:59 for the date given
public static java.util.Date getLastDateOfMonth(java.util.Date aDate)
aDate = getFirstDateOfMonth(aDate);
Calendar cal = new GregorianCalendar();
int nextMonth = cal.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1;
cal.set(Calendar.MONTH, nextMonth);
cal.add(Calendar.MILLISECOND, -1); //back off a milli, which should be the last millisecond of the prior month
return cal.getTime();
* return the number of hours (fractional) between the startDate and endDate that fall between the hours specified by hourStart and hourEnd
public static double getHoursBetween(java.util.Date startDate, java.util.Date endDate, int hourStart, int hourEnd)
long minutesBetween = getMinutesBetween(startDate, endDate, hourStart, hourEnd);
return (double) minutesBetween / (double) 60;
* return the number of minutes between the startDate and endDate that fall between the hours specified by hourStart and hourEnd
public static long getMinutesBetween(java.util.Date startDate, java.util.Date endDate, int hourCountStart, int hourCountStop)
if( startDate.compareTo(endDate) > 0 )
//return a negative value?
//return 0-getMinutesBetween(endDate, startDate, hourCountStart, hourCountStop);
return 0;
if( hourCountStart > hourCountStop )
return getMinutesBetween(startDate, endDate, hourCountStart, 24) + getMinutesBetween(startDate, endDate, 0, hourCountStop);
if( hourCountStart == hourCountStop )
return 0;
long minutesIn = 0;
Calendar startCal = new GregorianCalendar();
Calendar endCal = new GregorianCalendar();
Calendar countStartCal = truncateTime(startCal);
countStartCal.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, hourCountStart);
int julianStart = getJulian(startCal);
int julianEnd = getJulian(endCal);
//figure out where to start counting from for this day
int startCountHour = Math.max(hourCountStart, startCal.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY));
//if there are minutes set for the first hour and it is within range.. add the minutes
//in and reset to the next whole hour
int startMinutes = startCal.get(Calendar.MINUTE);
if( startMinutes > 0 )
int startCalHour = startCal.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY);
if ( startCalHour >= hourCountStart && startCalHour < hourCountStop)
if( julianStart == julianEnd && startCalHour == endCal.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY) )
return endCal.get(Calendar.MINUTE) - startMinutes;
minutesIn += (60-startMinutes);
startCal = truncateTime(startCal);
startCal.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, startCalHour+1);
//since we reset the hour.. we want to start over since it could throw some invariants off
return minutesIn + getMinutesBetween(startCal.getTime(), endDate, hourCountStart, hourCountStop);
//if the end date is not the same date as today, set the end hour to the hourcountstop.. otherwise we want the min
//of that or the ending time
int stopCountHour = hourCountStop;
if( julianStart == julianEnd )
stopCountHour = Math.min(hourCountStop, endCal.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY));
if( startCountHour >= hourCountStart && startCountHour < hourCountStop && startCountHour < stopCountHour)
minutesIn += (stopCountHour - startCountHour) * 60;
//if we span more than one day, increment to the next day and call recursively
if( getJulian(startCal) != getJulian(endCal) )
int doy = startCal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR);
Calendar newStartCal = truncateTime(startCal);
newStartCal.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR, doy+1);
return minutesIn + getMinutesBetween(newStartCal.getTime(), endDate, hourCountStart, hourCountStop);
//if there are still minutes left that are within range.. add them in
int stopHour = endCal.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY);
if( stopHour >= hourCountStart && stopHour < hourCountStop )
minutesIn += endCal.get(Calendar.MINUTE);
//int startHour = startCal.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY);
//int endHour = startCal.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY);
return minutesIn;
/*public static void testMinutesBetween() throws ParseException
java.util.Date d1 = DateUtility.stringToDate("2009-12-18 12:00:00.0");
java.util.Date d2 = DateUtility.stringToDate("2009-12-18 12:15:00.0");
System.err.println("getHoursBetween 0 ->" + getHoursBetween(d1, d2, 0, 12));
d1 = DateUtility.stringToDate("2009-12-18 12:15:00.0");
d2 = DateUtility.stringToDate("2009-12-18 13:45:00.0");
System.err.println("getHoursBetween 0 ->" + getHoursBetween(d1, d2, 0, 12));
d1 = DateUtility.stringToDate("2009-12-18 23:30:00.0");
d2 = DateUtility.stringToDate("2009-12-19 00:45:00.0");
System.err.println("getHoursBetween .75->" + getHoursBetween(d1, d2, 0, 12));
d1 = DateUtility.stringToDate("2009-12-18 12:45:00.0");
d2 = DateUtility.stringToDate("2009-12-19 14:15:00.0");
System.err.println("getHoursBetween 12->" + getHoursBetween(d1, d2, 0, 12));
d1 = DateUtility.stringToDate("2009-12-18 09:45:00.0");
d2 = DateUtility.stringToDate("2009-12-19 14:15:00.0");
System.err.println("getHoursBetween 14.25->" + getHoursBetween(d1, d2, 0, 12));
d1 = DateUtility.stringToDate("2009-12-18 09:00:00.0");
d2 = DateUtility.stringToDate("2009-12-18 14:00:00.0");
System.err.println("getHoursBetween 5->" + getHoursBetween(d1, d2, 6, 18));
d1 = DateUtility.stringToDate("2009-12-18 04:30:00.0");
d2 = DateUtility.stringToDate("2009-12-18 14:00:00.0");
System.err.println("getHoursBetween 8->" + getHoursBetween(d1, d2, 6, 18));
d1 = DateUtility.stringToDate("2009-12-18 15:30:00.0");
d2 = DateUtility.stringToDate("2009-12-18 19:30:00.0");
System.err.println("getHoursBetween 2.5->" + getHoursBetween(d1, d2, 6, 18));
d1 = DateUtility.stringToDate("2009-12-18 18:00:00.0");
d2 = DateUtility.stringToDate("2009-12-18 19:30:00.0");
System.err.println("getHoursBetween 0->" + getHoursBetween(d1, d2, 6, 18));
d1 = DateUtility.stringToDate("2009-12-18 00:00:00.0");
d2 = DateUtility.stringToDate("2009-12-21 00:00:00.0");
System.err.println("getHoursBetween 36->" + getHoursBetween(d1, d2, 6, 18));
d1 = DateUtility.stringToDate("2009-12-18 00:00:00.0");
d2 = DateUtility.stringToDate("2009-12-21 23:59:00.0");
System.err.println("getHoursBetween 48->" + getHoursBetween(d1, d2, 6, 18));
d1 = DateUtility.stringToDate("2009-12-21 04:00:00.0");
d2 = DateUtility.stringToDate("2009-12-21 10:00:00.0");
System.err.println("getHoursBetween 0->" + getHoursBetween(d1, d2, 12, 0));
d1 = DateUtility.stringToDate("2009-12-21 23:00:00.0");
d2 = DateUtility.stringToDate("2009-12-22 00:15:00.0");
System.err.println("getHoursBetween .25->" + getHoursBetween(d1, d2, 0, 12));
d1 = DateUtility.stringToDate("2009-12-18 07:15:00.0");
d2 = DateUtility.stringToDate("2009-12-18 07:30:00.0");
System.err.println("getHoursBetween .25 ->" + getHoursBetween(d1, d2, 0, 12));
d1 = DateUtility.stringToDate("2009-12-18 07:15:00.0");
d2 = DateUtility.stringToDate("2009-12-18 08:30:00.0");
System.err.println("getHoursBetween 1.25 ->" + getHoursBetween(d1, d2, 0, 12));
d1 = DateUtility.stringToDate("2009-12-18 07:15:00.0");
d2 = DateUtility.stringToDate("2009-12-18 08:30:00.0");
System.err.println("getHoursBetween .75 ->" + getHoursBetween(d1, d2, 0, 8));
d1 = DateUtility.stringToDate("2009-12-18 07:15:00.0");
d2 = DateUtility.stringToDate("2009-12-18 07:30:00.0");
System.err.println("getHoursBetween 0 ->" + getHoursBetween(d1, d2, 7, 7));
* convenience to return a date string formatted like yyyyMMdd using SimpleDateFormat class
public static String getFormattedDateStringYYYYMMDD(java.util.Date aDate)
if( aDate == null )
return null;
String formatString = "yyyyMMdd";
SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(formatString);
//sdf.setLenient(true); //lenient will do things like convert Feb 31 to Mar 3
String retVal = sdf.format(aDate);
return retVal;
* convenience to return data formated like: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm
public static String getFormattedDateStringYearFirst(java.util.Date aDate, boolean includeTime)
if( aDate == null )
return null;
String formatString = "yyyy-MM-dd";
if( includeTime )
formatString += " HH:mm";
SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(formatString);
//sdf.setLenient(true); //lenient will do things like convert Feb 31 to Mar 3
String retVal = sdf.format(aDate);
return retVal;
* returns true iff the two dates represent the same day
public static boolean isSameDay(java.util.Date d1, java.util.Date d2)
Calendar c1 = new GregorianCalendar();
Calendar c2 = new GregorianCalendar();
if( c1.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR) == c2.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR) && c1.get(Calendar.YEAR) == c2.get(Calendar.YEAR) )
return true;
return false;
* from a given date, return the next midnight.
public static java.util.Date getNextMidnight(java.util.Date date)
java.util.Date retVal = DateUtility.truncateTime(date);
//if( retVal.equals(date) )
// return retVal;
retVal = DateUtility.addDatePart(retVal, Calendar.DATE, 1);
return retVal;
* serializes a date to string format
public static String serializeDate(java.util.Date d)
if( d == null )
return null;
return new SimpleDateFormat(UTIL_DATE_TO_STRING_SIMPLEDATEFORMAT).format(d);
* deserializes a string produced with serializeDate
public static java.util.Date deSerializeDateString(String s)
if( s == null )
return null;
return new SimpleDateFormat(UTIL_DATE_TO_STRING_SIMPLEDATEFORMAT).parse(s);
} catch (ParseException ex)
Logger.log("Unexpected exception with date format: s-> " + s + "< + ex->" + ex);
return null;
public static String getDateDisplayString(java.util.Date d, boolean includeTime)
String dateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd";
if( includeTime )
dateFormat += " HH:mm";
SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(dateFormat);
return sdf.format(d);
* tests whether the date is between the start and end dates (inclusive)
* @param dateToCheck
* @param beginDate
* @param endDate
* @param ignoreTime tells it to truncate the times on all the dates prior to comparison
public static boolean isDateBetween(java.util.Date dateToCheck, java.util.Date beginDate, java.util.Date endDate, boolean ignoreTime)
if( ignoreTime )
dateToCheck = truncateTime(dateToCheck);
beginDate = truncateTime(beginDate);
endDate = truncateTime(endDate);
if( dateToCheck.before(beginDate) )
return false;
if( dateToCheck.after(endDate) )
return false;
return true;
* takes a date and returns it formatted for use in an HTTP query, which should be of the format
public static String getFormattedDateStringHTTP(java.util.Date d)
//String formatString = "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSXXX";
//String formatString = "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssXXX";
//DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat(formatString);
String s = new SimpleDateFormat(DATETIME_FORMAT_STR_HTTP_NTZ).format(d);
//System.err.println("s->" + s);
return s;
* returns a string in the form HH:mm
public static String getTimeString24Hour(Date d)
if( d == null )
return null;
/*Calendar c = new GregorianCalendar();
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
int hour = c.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY);
int minute = c.get(Calendar.MINUTE);
if( hour < 10 )
if( minute < 10 )
return sb.toString();
String s = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm").format(d);
return s;
public static void main(String[] args)
throws java.text.ParseException
System.err.println("ooo->" + DateUtility.convertToTimestamp("19790224"));
//dow mon dd hh:mm:ss zzz yyyy
//String dateStr = new java.util.Date().toString();
//System.err.println("ooo->" + convertToUtilDate(dateStr));
getTimeString24Hour(new Date());
System.err.println("ooo->" + getFirstDateOfMonth(new java.util.Date()));
System.err.println("ooo->" + getLastDateOfMonth(new java.util.Date()));
getFormattedDateStringHTTP(new java.util.Date());
/*java.util.Date date1 = DateUtility.stringToDate("2011-11-07 18:00");
java.util.Date date2 = DateUtility.stringToDate("2011-11-08 02:00");
long minutesBetween = test(date1, date2, 6, 18);
System.err.println("minutesBetween->" + minutesBetween);*/
/*java.util.Date date2 = DateUtility.stringToDate("2011-09-20T18:23:33-05:00");
Object o = calculateUTC(new java.util.Date(), "CDT");
System.err.println("o->" + o);
Logger.log("getCurrentUTCDate->" + getCurrentUTCDate());
Logger.log("calculateLocalTime->" + calculateLocalTime(getCurrentUTCDate()));
java.util.Date date = DateUtility.stringToDate("2010-11-07 00:00:00.0");
date = calculateUTC(date, "CDT");
//date = calculateLocalTime(date);
System.err.println("date->" + date);
date = DateUtility.stringToDate("2010-11-07 23:00:00.0");
Calendar cal = new GregorianCalendar();
System.err.println("getJulian(cal);->" + getJulian(cal));
date = DateUtility.stringToDate("2010-11-08 02:00:00.0");
System.err.println("getJulian(cal);->" + getJulian(cal));
public static void xmain(String[] args)
throws java.text.ParseException
Calendar cal = new GregorianCalendar();
java.util.Date date = DateUtility.stringToDate("2010-04-23 23:00:00.0");
//java.util.Date date = DateUtility.stringToDate("2000-01-01 01:00:00.0");
/*System.err.println("ooo->" + cal.get(Calendar.ZONE_OFFSET) / MILLISECONDS_PER_HOUR);
System.err.println("ooo->" + cal.get(Calendar.DST_OFFSET) / MILLISECONDS_PER_HOUR);
//System.err.println("ooo->" + cal.get(Calendar.get);
date = DateUtility.stringToDate("2010-01-01 01:00:00.0");
System.err.println("julian for " + date + " " +getJulianOffsetY2K(cal));
date = DateUtility.stringToDate("2000-01-01 12:00:00.0");
System.err.println("julian for " + date + " " +getJulianOffsetY2K(cal));
date = DateUtility.stringToDate("2000-01-01 23:00:00.0");
System.err.println("julian for " + date + " " +getJulianOffsetY2K(cal));*/
cal = new GregorianCalendar();
//cal.set(Calendar.ZONE_OFFSET, Calendar.ZONE_OFFSET);
//cal.set(Calendar.DST_OFFSET, Calendar.DST_OFFSET);
//long currentMillisOffset = System.currentTimeMillis() + Calendar.ZONE_OFFSET + Calendar.DST_OFFSET;
long currentMillisOffset = System.currentTimeMillis();
System.err.println("ooo->" + new java.util.Date(currentMillisOffset));
currentMillisOffset = System.currentTimeMillis() - cal.get(Calendar.ZONE_OFFSET) - cal.get(Calendar.DST_OFFSET);
System.err.println("ooo->" + new java.util.Date(currentMillisOffset));
System.err.println("ooo->" + cal.getTime());
cal = new GregorianCalendar();
System.err.println("offset->" + cal.get(Calendar.ZONE_OFFSET));
System.err.println("ooo->" + cal.getTime());
date = DateUtility.stringToDate("2000-02-01 23:00:00.0");
System.err.println("ooo->" + cal.get(Calendar.DATE));
System.err.println("ooo->" + cal.getTime());
} // class