package jhazm; import com.infomancers.collections.yield.Yielder; import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.TaggedWord; import jhazm.tokenizer.SentenceTokenizer; import jhazm.tokenizer.WordTokenizer; import org.maltparser.concurrent.ConcurrentMaltParserModel; import org.maltparser.concurrent.ConcurrentMaltParserService; import org.maltparser.concurrent.graph.ConcurrentDependencyGraph; import org.maltparser.core.exception.MaltChainedException; import; import; import; import java.util.List; /** * * @author Mojtaba Khallash */ public class DependencyParser { public static DependencyParser instance; public POSTagger tagger; private SentenceTokenizer sentenceTokenizer; private WordTokenizer wordTokenizer; private Normalizer normalizer; private Lemmatizer lemmatizer; private String modelFile; private ConcurrentMaltParserModel model; public DependencyParser() { this(null, null, "resources/models/langModel.mco"); } public DependencyParser(POSTagger tagger, Lemmatizer lemmatizer, String modelFile) { this.tagger = tagger; this.lemmatizer = lemmatizer; this.modelFile = modelFile; } public static DependencyParser i() { if (instance != null) return instance; instance = new DependencyParser(); return instance; } public SentenceTokenizer getSentenceTokenizer() { if (sentenceTokenizer == null) sentenceTokenizer = new SentenceTokenizer(); return sentenceTokenizer; } public void setSentenceTokenizer(SentenceTokenizer value) { this.sentenceTokenizer = value; } public WordTokenizer getWordTokenizer() throws IOException { if (wordTokenizer == null) wordTokenizer = new WordTokenizer(); return wordTokenizer; } public void setWordTokenizer(WordTokenizer value) { this.wordTokenizer = value; } public Normalizer getNormalizer() { return normalizer; } public void setNormalizer(Normalizer normalizer) { this.normalizer = normalizer; } public Lemmatizer getLemmatizer() { return lemmatizer; } public void setLemmatizer(Lemmatizer lemmatizer) { this.lemmatizer = lemmatizer; } public POSTagger getTagger() throws IOException { if (tagger == null) tagger = new POSTagger(); return tagger; } public void setTagger(POSTagger value) { this.tagger = value; } private ConcurrentMaltParserModel getModel() throws IOException, MaltChainedException { if (model == null) { URL maltModelURL = new File(this.modelFile).toURI().toURL(); this.model = ConcurrentMaltParserService.initializeParserModel(maltModelURL); } return model; } // Gets list of raw text public Iterable<ConcurrentDependencyGraph> rawParse(String text) throws IOException { if (this.normalizer != null) text =; return rawParses(getSentenceTokenizer().tokenize(text)); } // Gets list of raw sentences public Iterable<ConcurrentDependencyGraph> rawParses(List<String> sentences) throws IOException { return new YieldParsedSentence(sentences); } public ConcurrentDependencyGraph rawParse(List<TaggedWord> sentence) throws IOException, MaltChainedException { String[] conll = new String[sentence.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < sentence.size(); i++) { TaggedWord taggedWord = sentence.get(i); String word = taggedWord.word(); String Lemma = "_"; if (this.lemmatizer != null) Lemma = this.lemmatizer.lemmatize(word); String pos = taggedWord.tag(); conll[i] = String.format("%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s", i + 1, word, Lemma, pos, pos, "_"); } return parse(conll); } public ConcurrentDependencyGraph parse(String[] conllSentence) throws IOException, MaltChainedException { return this.getModel().parse(conllSentence); } class YieldParsedSentence extends Yielder<ConcurrentDependencyGraph> { private final List<String> sentences; private int index; public YieldParsedSentence(List<String> sentences) { this.sentences = sentences; index = -1; } @Override protected void yieldNextCore() { try { index++; if (index < sentences.size()) { String sentence = sentences.get(index); List<String> words = getWordTokenizer().tokenize(sentence); yieldReturn(rawParse(getTagger().batchTag(words))); } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } } }