package org.jctools.channels.proxy; import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.instanceOf; import static org.junit.Assert.assertThat; import org.jctools.channels.WaitStrategy; import org.jctools.channels.mpsc.MpscOffHeapFixedSizeRingBuffer; import org.jctools.channels.proxy.DemoIFace.CustomType; import org.jctools.channels.spsc.SpscOffHeapFixedSizeRingBuffer; import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.Rule; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.rules.ExpectedException; public class ProxyCreationTest { private static final class ThrowExceptionOnFullQueue implements WaitStrategy { private static final String MESSAGE = "queue is full"; @Override public int idle(int idleCounter) { throw new RuntimeException(MESSAGE); } } @Rule public ExpectedException expectedException = ExpectedException.none(); @Test public void testGeneratedProxyInstance() { ProxyChannel<DemoIFace> proxyChannel = ProxyChannelFactory.createSpscProxy(10, DemoIFace.class, (idleCounter) -> 0); DemoIFace proxy = proxyChannel.proxy(); /* * Not sure what the proper behaviour is here but I can see from the * types it should at least be a DemoIFace */ assertThat(proxyChannel.proxyInstance(proxy), instanceOf(DemoIFace.class)); } @Test public void givenGeneratedProxyUsingSpscReferenceChannel_whenCallMethods_expectAllCallsAreProxied() throws Exception { util_givenGeneratedProxyUsingReferenceChannel_whenCallMethods_expectAllCallsAreProxied(SpscOffHeapFixedSizeRingBuffer.class); } @Test public void givenGeneratedProxyUsingMpscReferenceChannel_whenCallMethods_expectAllCallsAreProxied() throws Exception { util_givenGeneratedProxyUsingReferenceChannel_whenCallMethods_expectAllCallsAreProxied(MpscOffHeapFixedSizeRingBuffer.class); } private static void util_givenGeneratedProxyUsingReferenceChannel_whenCallMethods_expectAllCallsAreProxied( Class<? extends ProxyChannelRingBuffer> backend) { ProxyChannel<DemoIFace> proxyChannel = ProxyChannelFactory.createProxy(10, DemoIFace.class, (idleCounter) -> 0, backend); DemoIFace proxy = proxyChannel.proxy(); CustomType obj1 = new CustomType(); CustomType obj2 = new CustomType(); CustomType[] objArray = new CustomType[] { obj2, obj1 }; proxy.call1(1, 2); proxy.call2(1, 2L, false); proxy.call3(); proxy.call4(obj1, obj2); proxy.call5(obj1, 1, obj2); proxy.call6(6, objArray, obj1, obj2); DemoIFace implAssertions = new DemoIFace() { @Override public void call1(int x, int y) { Assert.assertEquals(1, x); Assert.assertEquals(2, y); } @Override public void call2(float x, double y, boolean z) { Assert.assertEquals(1, x, 0.000000001); Assert.assertEquals(2, y, 0.000000001); Assert.assertEquals(false, z); } @Override public void call3() { throw new RuntimeException(); } @Override public void call4(Object x, CustomType y) { Assert.assertSame(obj1, x); Assert.assertSame(obj2, y); } @Override public void call5(CustomType x, int y, CustomType z) { Assert.assertSame(obj1, x); Assert.assertEquals(1, y); Assert.assertSame(obj2, z); } @Override public void call6(int x, CustomType[] y, CustomType... z) { Assert.assertEquals(6, x); Assert.assertSame(objArray, y); Assert.assertArrayEquals(new Object[] { obj1, obj2 }, z); } }; proxyChannel.process(implAssertions, 1); proxyChannel.process(implAssertions, 1); try { proxyChannel.process(implAssertions, 1);; } catch (RuntimeException e) { // Happy } proxyChannel.process(implAssertions, 1); proxyChannel.process(implAssertions, 1); proxyChannel.process(implAssertions, 1); } @Test public void givenGeneratedProxy_andQueueIsFull_whenCallAgain_expectRuntimeException() throws Exception { ProxyChannel<DemoIFace> proxyChannel = ProxyChannelFactory.createSpscProxy(10, DemoIFace.class, new ThrowExceptionOnFullQueue()); // capacity of 10 results in 16 slots in the queue util_givenProxyChannel_andQueueIsFull_whenCallAgain_expectRuntimeException(16, proxyChannel); } @Test public void givenDemoProxy_andQueueIsFull_whenCallAgain_expectRuntimeException() throws Exception { ProxyChannel<DemoIFace> proxyChannel = new DemoProxyResult(10, new ThrowExceptionOnFullQueue()); // capacity of 10 results in 16 slots in the queue util_givenProxyChannel_andQueueIsFull_whenCallAgain_expectRuntimeException(16, proxyChannel); } private void util_givenProxyChannel_andQueueIsFull_whenCallAgain_expectRuntimeException( int capacity, ProxyChannel<DemoIFace> proxyChannel) { DemoIFace proxy = proxyChannel.proxy(); for (int i = 0; i < capacity; i++) { proxy.call3(); } // Then expectedException.expect(RuntimeException.class); expectedException.expectMessage(ThrowExceptionOnFullQueue.MESSAGE); // When proxy.call3(); } @Test public void givenDemoProxyUsingSpscReferenceChannel_whenCallMethods_expectAllCallsAreProxied() throws Exception { ProxyChannel<DemoIFace> proxyChannel = new DemoProxyResult(10, (idleCounter) -> 0); DemoIFace proxy = proxyChannel.proxy(); CustomType obj1 = new CustomType(); CustomType obj2 = new CustomType(); CustomType[] objArray = new CustomType[] { obj2, obj1 }; proxy.call1(1, 2); proxy.call2(1, 2L, false); proxy.call3(); proxy.call4(obj1, obj2); proxy.call5(obj1, 1, obj2); proxy.call6(6, objArray, obj1, obj2); DemoIFace implAssertions = new DemoIFace() { @Override public void call1(int x, int y) { Assert.assertEquals(1, x); Assert.assertEquals(2, y); } @Override public void call2(float x, double y, boolean z) { Assert.assertEquals(1, x, 0.000000001); Assert.assertEquals(2, y, 0.000000001); Assert.assertEquals(false, z); } @Override public void call3() { throw new RuntimeException(); } @Override public void call4(Object x, CustomType y) { Assert.assertSame(obj1, x); Assert.assertSame(obj2, y); } @Override public void call5(CustomType x, int y, CustomType z) { Assert.assertSame(obj1, x); Assert.assertEquals(1, y); Assert.assertSame(obj2, z); } @Override public void call6(int x, CustomType[] y, CustomType... z) { Assert.assertEquals(6, x); Assert.assertSame(objArray, y); Assert.assertArrayEquals(new Object[] { obj1, obj2 }, z); } }; proxyChannel.process(implAssertions, 1); proxyChannel.process(implAssertions, 1); try { proxyChannel.process(implAssertions, 1);; } catch (RuntimeException e) { // Happy } proxyChannel.process(implAssertions, 1); proxyChannel.process(implAssertions, 1); proxyChannel.process(implAssertions, 1); } }